After the divorce, the ex-wife kept losing her vest

Chapter 405 He is the light source in her dark world

Chapter 405 He is the light source in her dark world
Gu Heng looked at the screen that was torn into pieces.

My... mobile phone... okay.

The important thing now is not the mobile phone, but their Mr. Nan.

In those photos, Nan Song was locked in an iron cage, with injuries all over his body, dirty clothes, iron chains tied to his wrists and ankles, and a collar around his neck.

Not to mention Gu Heng had never seen Nan Song like this, not even Jiang Fan, who had grown up with her since childhood, had never seen her before.

But Jiang Fan soon knew that this should be a photo taken when Nan Song was kidnapped when he was 14 years old.

He knew that Nan Song had been kidnapped and was injured when she was rescued. No one knew what she had gone through. After that, she saw a psychiatrist for four years.

Only then did he return to his normal state.

Nan Song sat on the chair, motionless, her fists clenched tightly, and her nails dug deeply into her flesh. Her eyes were stained with blood red, and her eyes were mottled with hatred, wanting to burst out of the sky.

Jiang Fan and Gu Heng looked at her state with worried faces and did not dare to speak for a while.

The cell phone rang, breaking the silence at the moment.

It was a call from Bai Luyu.

Nan Song's chest rose and fell a few times, her eyes fixed on the phone. After it rang for a while, she reached out to pick it up.

Gu Heng looked at the hand she was using to answer the phone. The palm was covered with bloody marks from her fingernails. It was bright red and made his heart skip a beat.

As soon as the call was connected, Bai Luyu said urgently on the other end of the phone, "Xiao Liu, the photos taken when you were kidnapped were maliciously posted online, and I am deleting them now!"

While talking to Nan Song on the phone, he clicked on the keyboard.

But now Nan Song's popularity is different from before. These photos of the top lady were exposed all of a sudden, and they quickly became hot searches. Even if they were forced to take them down, it didn't work.

Moreover, the workload of the project was so huge that almost the entire Internet was retweeting this set of photos, and Weibo, forums, post bars, and Moments all exploded.

The official accounts of Nan and Yu were also flooded with messages from netizens.

The phones were all off the hook.

Bai Luyu was so angry that he yelled, "Fuck! Who did this horse riding? Let me catch him and kill him!"

The situation is more serious and difficult than they imagined.

Nan Song's photos were not only posted online, but also appeared on the front pages of major newspapers, and the original newspapers were changed during transportation.

So on this day, Nan Song's photos were printed in the urban newspapers in Nancheng and Beicheng and scattered throughout the city.

The entrance of Nan Group was crowded with reporters and onlookers, who all wanted to see Nan Song and find out what was going on.

The Internet is in a state of uproar.

"Why would Miss Nan Da take such a photo? Isn't she a fan of letter circles?"

"It must be, dear lady, if she didn't take the photo voluntarily, who would have forced it through unspoken rules?"

"I was really shocked! No wonder she played the role of the younger sister so well in "Two Life Flowers". She acted in her true colors as the co-writer. Is this copying reality onto the big screen?"

"Rich people really know how to play. All I can say is... I can't understand the happiness of rich people."

There are different opinions, and the whole network is celebrating.

The Nan Group's official Weibo soon issued a statement, stating that the police had been called and all the photos online would be deleted one by one. If anyone maliciously forwarded or publicized the photos, they would be treated as an accomplice of the criminal.

Yu quickly forwarded this statement, resolutely safeguarding Mr. Nan’s privacy and reputation.In the CEO's office, Nan Song kicked everyone out and turned off their mobile phones.

She sat on the bay window, holding a thin cigarette between her fingertips, looking out the window, smoking in silence, one puff after another.

She had long since sealed that past in her memory. Even if she was forced to recall it sometimes, she only dared to recall a little bit and pretended that she could face it calmly.

But not all hurts experienced can be completely calm.

She had to admit that the experience she had when she was 14 years old was still a shadow in her heart, a place she dared not touch easily.

Sometimes she thought that if Yu Jinwen hadn't saved her, her life might have stopped at the age of 14.

After being taken home by his parents, his physical injuries gradually healed, but his mental injuries never healed.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she would see the cramped cage, the terrifying face, the sharp needle...the chains binding her hands and feet, and the collar strangling her neck.

The feeling of being raised like an animal, having your dignity trampled on, and being stepped on is so terrible!

Back then, her mother, Ms. Luo Yin, escaped from the hands of the devil because she couldn't bear this kind of life.

Unless Sean dies, they will never get rid of this feeling of fear!
From the age of 14 to the past four years, she has been seeing a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist advised her to cover the darkness with bright light and let her actively search for the bright light in that black memory.

So she found Yu Jinwen.

The man who carried her out of the devil's cave, wearing a military uniform and as beautiful as the sun, was the light in her dark world.

So she was like a flower absorbing sunshine and rain, desperately thinking about his kindness, and fell in love with him without hesitation. That love gradually became her obsession to get rid of the shadow in her heart.

But now, Yu Jinwen is dead, he has disappeared from this world, and she has fallen into darkness again.

She really doesn't want to wait blindly anymore. She wants to find the source of the darkness and fight Sean's doggy style to the end!
Even if the fish dies and the net is broken, even if we die together, we won’t hesitate!

Nan Song took a long drag on his cigarette, put it out, picked up his windbreaker, and was about to walk out of the office.

"Mr. Nan, it's a call from Mr. Yan."

Gu Heng's cell phone was broken by Nan Song, and Nan Song's cell phone was turned off again. Yan Yuan had no choice but to call Lu Heng.

Nan Song looked coldly and answered the phone, "Hello, Brother Yan."

"I'm going to pick you up now. The company is not safe. Your elder brother called me and asked me to take you back to the rose garden first." Yan Yuan said on the other end of the phone.

When Nan Song heard "brother," he frowned, "Where has Luo Junheng gone? Brother Yan, tell me."

Yan Yuan's hand holding the steering wheel paused, and he began to call him by his first name.

He said: "I will tell you again after we meet."

After hanging up the phone, Nan Song was still in a bad mood. He returned the phone to Lu Heng and walked towards the elevator.

Two personal bodyguards followed her into the elevator.

Both the main entrance and the back door were blocked, so they could only take the direct elevator passage. Nan Song and Yan Yuan made an appointment to meet in the underground parking lot on the first floor.

After entering the elevator, the bodyguards stood in front of Nan Song and pressed the elevator button on the negative floor.

Nan Song turned on the turned off mobile phone, thinking about how to find out the whereabouts of his eldest brother from Yan Yuan.

The elevator dinged and reached the first floor. As soon as the door was opened from both sides, two men in black came face to face. They held spray in their hands and aimed it at the bodyguard's eyes.

"Ah -" The two bodyguards covered their stinging eyes, while the two men in black held sharp blades and stabbed Nan Song!
(End of this chapter)

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