After the divorce, the ex-wife kept losing her vest

Chapter 289 The little puppy is here

Chapter 289 The little puppy is here

Seeing the shocked look on Yu Fengjiao's face, Nan Song didn't know why.

"Auntie, what's the matter with you?"

Yu Fengjiao came back to her senses, "Oh, it's nothing. I just suddenly felt that I was too tolerant to A Jin when he was young, and I should be stricter with him."

"Look at you, how ingenious you are, you can do anything, unlike A Jin, who can do nothing but make people angry."

When it comes to her son, Yu Fengjiao is like a stepmother, with a look of disgust on her face.

It seems that all parents in the world cannot help but dislike their children. Nan Song thought of what Ms. Luo Yin often said -

"Oh, you are so stupid. With your father and I having such high IQs, how could we give birth to a daughter as stupid as you? I really want to stuff you back into my belly and give birth to another one!"

At that time, she was not happy to hear this and retorted: "If you can, just give birth. I want to see if you can give birth to an elf as smart, beautiful and cute as me."

Ms. Luo Yin was so angry that she wanted to twist her mouth, but Mr. Nan Ningsong stopped her.

Her father held her in his arms and saved her from fire and water.

"No more children. One precious daughter is enough. I will not allow anyone to take away the love that belongs to my daughter."

Luo Yin said disdainfully: "You still think you don't pamper her enough. If you continue to pamper her, she will go to heaven!"

"Go to heaven, I'll fly a plane to pick her up."

Nan Ningsong raised Nan Song high, "Little Songsong, daddy just wants to spoil you!"

Those happy and warm times were just ordinary at the time, but now they have become a past that can never be returned.

I feel a little sad.

Yu Fengjiao changed the subject again: "Who did you learn your embroidery from?"

Nan Song told the truth, "My mother has a housekeeper who has been with her for many years. She is like a sister to my mother, similar to the relationship between you and Aunt Wei.

She grew up in a family of craftsmen, and her ancestors were also engaged in Suzhou embroidery, and she was very good at embroidery.

When I was a child, I was too bored at home, was skinny, often wore shabby clothes, and was afraid of being scolded by my mother, so I often ran to the housekeeper for help. She could always help me hide the truth.

Seeing that I was interested, he taught me embroidery in his spare time. I am a quick learner, and I also like this kind of work that involves slow work and careful work, so I gradually mastered it. "

Yu Fengjiao couldn't help but laugh as she listened to her talk, looking so skinny and confident.

"That friend of mine is very interested in your embroidery skills and would like to get to know you. If there is a chance, I will introduce you to him."

Nan Song agreed, "Okay."

After chatting for a long time, Yu Fengjiao was afraid of wasting Nan Song's time, so although she still had more to say, she didn't ask her to talk any more.

Nan Song left with the bodyguard.

Aunt Wei waited for Yu Fengjiao for a long time but didn't see her return, so she went out to look for her. When she saw her turning a wheelchair alone to move to the ward, she hurried to meet her.

"Xiao Song is gone?"

Yu Fengjiao said "hmm".

Aunt Wei asked secretly, "How was the chat?"

"pretty good."

pretty good?
Aunt Wei couldn't help but feel happy, "So, Xiao Song agreed to renew his relationship with Brother Jin and continue their relationship?"

Yu Fengjiao frowned, confused, "What and what? We didn't talk about this."

"Didn't we talk about this?"

It was Aunt Wei's turn to be surprised, "Then you and her have been chatting for a long time. What did you talk about?"

"a lot."

Yu Fengjiao felt that the conversation was very enjoyable and said to Aunt Wei happily: "Xiao Song also said that her mother Luo Yin mentioned me before her death and praised me. Do you believe it? Oh my, it makes me excited just thinking about it."

Aunt Wei had a dark look on her face, "Miss, you are the eldest daughter of the Yu family after all, can you be successful?" "Please, Luo Yin, praise me. So what about the eldest daughter of the Yu family, I have struggled for most of my life and still can't catch up. Luo Yin is half as accomplished."

Yu Fengjiao said with emotion: "Look at the son and daughter she raised, and then look at the son I raised. The gap is not as big as usual. In this area, I lose."

Aunt Wei was helpless, "Don't just think about yourself. Can you think about our Brother Jin? You can help to set things up."

"What is the matchmaking? If he doesn't live up to his expectations, will it be useful to just rely on me to match him up?"

Yu Fengjiao said: "I have also looked away. Emotional matters are entirely dependent on fate. Forcibly matching someone up will easily lead to God's punishment. Anyway, if Xiao Song cannot become my daughter-in-law, I will accept her as my daughter-in-law."

"You have made arrangements for yourself clearly, so you don't care about your son?" Aunt Wei was so angry that she didn't even use the honorific title.

Yu Fengjiao shook her head, "No matter what, he will bear the trouble he caused himself. If I have a daughter, what else do I need from my son?"

"...Yes, you are really a mother." Aunt Wei complained helplessly.

No matter where Nan Song goes now, he is followed by a group of bodyguards.

Even though they were not wearing black clothes, but wearing casual clothes, with a row of handsome guys over 180 years old following behind them, they were still very cool and ostentatious.

It's just that such a huge group of people is not as good as one person.

As soon as he left the hospital entrance, Nan Song saw a tall figure in the crowd. He was wearing a red and white sportswear. He was nearly two meters tall and stood out from the crowd.

In the setting sun, he stood sideways, carrying a black shoulder bag, playing with his mobile phone with his head lowered, his profile stretched long.

Such a tall, thin and handsome young man would look like an arsonist if he were casually thrown into the crowd.

A torch was lit in the hearts of a group of little girls.

There were already many people taking secret photos nearby. The young man noticed it and raised his eyebrows, making a forbidden move. The girls ran away apologetically and shyly.

Nan Song's lips curled up and she wanted to smile. Being a front in front of the hospital was tantamount to seeking wealth and murder.

She walked straight over, reached out and patted the young man on the shoulder.

The young man turned back and looked at her, his cold brows and eyes immediately stretched into a soft smile, "Sister."

Si Zhe didn't seem surprised to meet her here.

Nan Song still said, "It's a coincidence, little guy, that we met here."

"Not too coincidental."

Si Zhe's deer eyes sparkled, "I came here especially to see you."

Nan Song was stunned.


Si Zhe immediately smiled and said, "You're kidding. I came to Beicheng for training, and one of my teammates injured his leg. I sent him over. I happened to see you in the corridor, so I'm waiting for you here."

"I wish I had said no earlier, why are you kidding me?"

Nan Song raised his hand, and Si Zhe naturally lowered his head and let her flick his forehead.

She pretended to have a straight face and scolded him, "Don't be too big or too small in the future."

Si Zhe responded with a sweet smile, "I know."

"How is your teammate's injury? Have you found a doctor?"

"It's a little sprained. It's okay. I've found a doctor."

"That's fine."

Nan Song looked at his face and frowned, "It's been a while since we last met, and I've lost weight again. Do you have anything going on tonight? Can I treat you to a meal?"


Si Zhe's eyes were clear, showing the vigor of a big boy, "I gave out the competition bonus, and I will treat my sister to this meal today."

(End of this chapter)

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