Chapter 270 A Sea of ​​Fire

The two locked their mobile phones in the cabinet, so no wonder they couldn't contact them.

Yu Jiahang boldly guessed, "Could it be that my sister-in-law and the others knew that you were here and didn't want to see you, so they left?"

Yu Jinwen and Quan Yeqian said in unison: "Fart!"

Yu Jiahang: "..."

Yu Jinwen held Nan Song's mobile phone in his left hand, and carried her clothes bag and bag in his right hand. His handsome face was dark, his face was gloomy, and his brows were furrowed.

The same is true for Quan Yeqian.

Even if they really don't want to see them, they can't just throw down their phones and leave without changing their clothes.

Although these two children have bad tempers, they are not willful people.

You can't do such a ridiculous thing.

Yu Jinwen and Quan Yeqian watched the surveillance closely, looking for any trace of Nan Song and Luo You. They finally appeared on the surveillance, talking and laughing in the corridor.

Both men were wearing cartoon pajamas.

Nan Song was wearing white little yellow duck pajamas, and Luo You was wearing pink Winnie the Pooh pajamas. They looked like two students who were inexperienced in the world.

Normally, they would definitely appreciate this cute and childish outfit, but at this moment, the two grown men had long since lost any thought.

The direction they were walking in was exactly the direction to the open-air hot spring pool.

At this time, a young lady came up and said, "Can't you find a girlfriend?"

Yu Jinwen and Quan Yeqian ignored it.

The young lady added: "I have seen them."

Yu Jinwen and Quan Yeqian both raised their heads, "Have you seen them? Where are they?"

The young lady was shocked by them, "It's right in the hot spring pool. They went to the private ginseng soup. I also went to buy pajamas with them. They didn't buy expensive ones, but chose two sets of cheap ones. I At that time, I was still wondering if I could make ginseng soup but couldn’t afford pajamas?”

The focus of girls is always so novel.

Quan Yeqian listened impatiently, "Then what? Where did they go?!"

Yu Jinwen pulled him, knowing that there was no need to rush at this time.

He tried his best to stabilize his mood and comfort the frightened young lady.

"Don't worry, think about it and speak slowly."

The young lady calmed down and said, "Then I saw them going to the outdoor hot spring pool, but I heard they were going to the sauna. I wonder if they went the wrong way?"

That's all she knew. She felt that these two handsome guys were handsome, but they were too scary to flirt with, so she ran away as soon as she finished speaking.

Yu Jinwen and Quan Yeqian were so distraught that they had almost rummaged through the open-air hot spring pool. How could they fix it if they couldn't find anyone?
At this time, a couple came over to check out and complained: "The environment in your outdoor hot spring pool is too bad. There were people fighting next to it. It was so noisy that we came out before we could fully enjoy our bath."

Yu Jiahang happened to be at the front desk and smiled gently: "I'm sorry, is there anyone fighting? Maybe there is a little quarrel between the lovers. This is normal..."

"It's normal. It's not a couple quarreling, it's a group fight."

The woman in the couple said angrily: "And it sounded like a group of men beating two women. I said, you guys are too messy. How can people come here in the future?"

A group of men beating two women?

Yu Jinwen and Quan Yeqian raised their heads at the same time and looked over there.

They looked at each other: Something happened!

Nan Song and Luo You were taken into the car, blindfolded, and they didn't know where they were.

Along the way, Nan Song was lying when he said he wasn't nervous.

It was like going back to the time when I was kidnapped when I was 14 years old.

Is history going to repeat itself?

But the group that kidnapped her when she was 14 years old had been almost wiped out by her father and eldest brother, and those who survived had been expelled from the country long ago. Is there still someone who could slip through the net?Who is that guy with the beard?Looking at it, it is strange, but it also feels familiar.

Zhuo Xuan, why did she get involved with these people?

All kinds of questions linger in my mind.

Luo You spoke lazily, "Let me tell you, brothers, we were just going to take a bath in a hot spring. We were just passers-by and accidentally bumped into your boss's palace. We really didn't mean to do it. Why bother with such a big fight?" "

"To shut up!"

A younger brother said angrily: "Are you allowed to speak? If you say one more thing, your tongues will be cut out!"

"Okay, if you don't say it, don't say it."

Luo You bent over and fell towards Nan Song, "Ouch, my waist hurts so much..."

A small stick was stuffed into Nan Song's hand.

Nan Song's thoughts moved, but his face remained calm, "Does your back hurt? Come closer to me."

"Sit down! Did I ask you to move? Are you looking for death?"

The younger brother roared and pulled Luo You back, cursing on his lips.

Luo You was swaying like a tumbler, shouting that it hurt. Suddenly, Nan Song used a rope to strangle the driver in front of him. Almost at the same time, Luo You also bumped into the little brother!

The car swerved sharply, leaving a white line on the road.

In a black car in front, Zhuo Xuan suddenly raised her head from between the man's legs, with water still on her lips. Looking at the movement behind her, she shouted urgently: "Master Qiao, it's bad, something happened behind you! "

The bearded man leaned on the back of the chair calmly, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"It doesn't matter, let her do it."

He raised his hand and clasped Zhuo Xuan's head, pushed her down again, and continued.

Nan Song took off his blindfold and drove the car swaying left and right on the small road. He tried to stop, but found that the brake was broken.

The engine had been tampered with, and there was a beeping sound coming from the car.

"Youyou, no, there was an explosion in the car!"

When Luo You heard this, his eyebrows furrowed. He heard the beeping sound getting more and more urgent. He didn't care about anything anymore. He just took the heads of the men in black and twisted their necks. He only heard a few crunching sounds. , and immediately the car door was kicked open, and a loud voice shouted, "Jump!"

Nan Song and Luo You jumped out of the car at the same time and rolled on the ground.

The soles of my feet trembled, but I couldn't care about anything——


The two people worked hard and ran hard on the road, only to hear a "bang" behind them.

A wave of heat hit, and Nan Song and Luo You were so shocked that they rushed forward and threw themselves into the sand and gravel.

I couldn't get up for a long time.

The car behind him had completely burned into a sea of ​​flames.

Nan Song pushed himself up with difficulty, turned his head and looked at the scene in front of him, his ears buzzed, and his brain "boomed".

The memory seems to return to three years ago.

Her parents were killed in a sea of ​​​​fire after a car accident.

Not even a complete wreckage was left.

Suddenly there was no sound in her ears, as if someone was calling her, as if someone was hugging her, calling her name constantly, and Nan Song only felt that her eyes were blank, and then turned into darkness...

She passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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