There are dozens of bookcases that Fu Niannian has accumulated over the years, and it would take him several months to read them all.

After reading the second bookcase, Fu Niannian and Lu Wu looked at each other, and the two quickly realized that they alone couldn't do it.

Just finding someone to read these books together is still a problem. Although people from the Special Administration Bureau have been exposed to this aspect for a long time, they may not be able to understand the contents of the books. The text in some books is not the current simplified Chinese characters.

"Call Mingchen and Meng Yao." Lu Wu said suddenly.

Fu Niannian raised her head and glanced at him, frowning slightly: "That's not enough. Besides, they definitely can't be here for a long time. There are many things in the underworld."

"We can watch it for as long as we can. Get the people from the Special Administration Bureau and let them read what they can understand first, and put aside what they can't understand. We'll take care of it."

Fu Niannian nodded: "That's all we can do."

After the words fell, Fu Niannian suddenly thought of Song Han, "We can let Song Han come. The white fox on Zhaoyao Mountain should be able to understand, and there is also Taoist Ziqing."

"It is difficult to find Taoist Ziqing, but her little apprentice has a life-saving talisman of mine on him, so I can contact him."

After discussing the candidates, Fu Niannian and Lu Wu went back to the house and contacted Zhou Ning and Mingchen.

Mingchen and Meng Yao agreed to come, but they certainly couldn't stay longer, but Mingchen said he could move part of Hades.

Fu Niannian thought this was a good idea, so she didn't need Mingchen and Meng Yao to come, so she immediately used the Five Ghosts to Luck Money and sent a dozen bookcases to the underworld.

Not to mention that Mingchen laughed angrily when he saw those dozen bookcases. Fu Niannian called Song Han, but that damn weasel didn't agree to come at all.

"Song Han, are you a friend?" Lu Wu was sending a message to Lu Zhuoyue on the other side, asking him if he could find someone who was proficient in ancient writing but could be trusted. Hearing Fu Niannian's words, he raised his head and looked at her.

Song Han's voice on the other end of the phone came through the phone receiver clearly, "Of course we are friends, but you also know that I don't want to leave the store. How about you send me some books by express delivery?"

Fu Niannian also knew that the dead weasel was very stubborn. Since the man who worshiped him died, he was unwilling to leave the antique shop even a step.

So when she heard him talk about sending express delivery, she really thought about the feasibility.

In fact, it's not impossible, and you don't need express delivery. Just use the five ghosts to bring money, but the journey is relatively long and you need to call a few more ghosts.

"Then it's settled, I'll ask someone to send it to you tonight." Fu Niannian said to Song Han on the other end of the phone.

Song Han was stunned for a moment, then thought of Fu Niannian's behavior, and asked hesitantly: "Sending it tonight? You won't ask ghosts to knock on my door, right?"

Fu Niannian: "..." That's what I originally wanted to do.

Song Han felt the strange silence and hummed, "I knew it was like this."

After a while, Song Han said again: "Forget it, I'm not afraid of ghosts anyway, just ask them to send it away."

Fu Niannian hummed and hung up the phone first.

Lu Wu sat on the sofa and smiled silently.

Fu Niannian continued to contact others. Zhou Ning said that after checking the files of the Special Administration Bureau, including him and Zhao Yunen, there were only six people who had a deep understanding of Taoism.

Fu Niannian read these books, not only to understand classical Chinese, but also to have a clear understanding of Taoist allusions and origins, otherwise he would not be able to understand the meaning.

Fu Niannian and Zhou Ning arranged for these six people to come to Zhaoyao Mountain as soon as possible.

Finally, Fu Niannian contacted Taoist Ziqing's young apprentice. The young apprentice was a little confused after receiving the letter from Fei Fu, thinking that something big had happened.

It happened that Taoist Ziqing was in the next room, so the young apprentice immediately went to find Taoist Ziqing with the talisman.Taoist Ziqing was shocked when he heard that the talisman flew in by himself. He could do it before when his master was around, but after his master was gone, no one had the talent to learn it anymore.

But soon, he thought of Fu Niannian.

If it's that person, it's not impossible.

Taoist Ziqing opened the talisman paper and quickly saw the words on it. When he saw the talisman at the end, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Taoist Ziqing carefully put away the talisman, immediately asked his apprentice to pack up, and rushed to Zhaoyao Mountain.

After Taoist Qing Dynasty arrived near Zhaoyao Mountain, the talisman he had put away flew out and took the initiative to guide them.

Taoist Ziqing led his two disciples to follow Fu. On the way up the mountain, he also told the two disciples, "Remember, after going up the mountain, you must stay safe and don't look around. Do you understand?"

The two apprentices behaved as expected.

Taoist Ziqing brought his young apprentice in. Zhao Yunen and Zhou Ning had already arrived, and there were a few people brought by Lu Zhuo Zhuo in the living room.

Although they are not Taoists, they have in-depth research on ancient characters and Taoism.

The bookcases in the cave have been moved to the living room, and they are placed in rows. At first glance, they look a bit spectacular.

Fu Niannian noticed Taoist Ziqing entering the door, held the book in his hand, and greeted him with a smile, "Taoist Ziqing, come and sit down."

Taoist Priest Ziqing greeted with a smile, "Miss Fu."

Fu Niannian waited for him to sit down before explaining the situation to him.

Taoist Ziqing was immediately shocked. Although his talent was average, he had been following his master since he was a child and knew a lot about some ancient gods.

The big demon's atavism is a big deal.

"I will search hard, and my two apprentices can also help. Although their talents are average, they have solid basic skills, study seriously, and have a clear understanding of Taoist allusions and legends."

Fu Niannian smiled and glanced at the two young apprentices, "That's great. When this matter is over, I will give you two more life-saving charms."

"If you and your apprentice encounter any problems in the future, you can come to me for help."

Taoist Ziqing's eyes lit up, this person's promise was not good.

They made money this time, so he immediately agreed, "Miss Xie Fu" and called the two apprentices, "Why don't you thank Miss Fu?"

"Thank you, Miss Fu." The two young apprentices were well-behaved and even saluted Fu Niannian.

Fu Niannian waved her hand, indicating that they could start.

What she just said to everyone present is that when you ask someone for help, you naturally have to give something back. This is a way to settle the cause and effect, and it is a good thing for both parties.

For the next week, they didn't leave the house, and finally found more than a dozen books about returning to ancestors and ancient gods from the dozens of bookcases.

Fu Niannian put the ancient books together and sent a message to Song Han and Ming Chen.

Song Han was not so fast, but Mingchen directly sent her three ancient books, plus three ancient books that were not in her original bookcase.

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