Ming Flirting!Secret temptation!He insists on kissing the top actor

Chapter 125 Are you willing to make your sister sad?

Chapter 125 Are you willing to make your sister sad?
Shi Chuyu felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this. He lowered his voice and asked Shi Youwei: "Mom, can we steal my sister away?"

Steal away and live where no one knows them.

This will keep you away from that man.

Mom won't be sad.

Neither can my sister.

When they are happy, he is happy.

Shi Weiwei was surprised at his son's thoughts, "Zai Zai, would you be sad if you left your mother?"

"Yes." Shi Chuyu nodded.

"Huanhuan will be sad if she leaves her father." Shi Weiyi reasoned with him softly, "Are you willing to make your sister sad?"


"What should I do?" This was the first time when Shi Chu encountered a problem that he couldn't solve when he was young.

Not as easy to solve as function problems.

It is not as easy to install as a smart robot.

Shi Weiwei knew that his son just couldn't let go of his sister, "Zai Zai, not everything in this world has the best of both worlds. For example, we can't go back to the sea. Do you understand this truth?"

When I first met, I seemed to understand but not understand.

Why not have the best of both worlds?

He just thought about it and fell asleep at some point.

Shi Weiwei held his two children in his arms, his eyes empty, and he had no sleep all night.


To the crew, the sudden downpour did not interrupt the original shooting plan. Instead, it gave Director Fu new inspiration and added a rain scene temporarily. .

Jian Junyi was calling the nanny: "Huanhuan's cell phone can't be reached. Has she eaten on time?"

The nanny's voice was a little hesitant, but she quickly responded: "Eat, the lady ate half a bowl of extra rice tonight, and she has gone to bed now."

Jian Junyi was relieved, "I'm afraid I won't be able to go back tonight. If she wakes up and comes to me, please explain it to me. Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard or hard, it should be. Don't worry, sir."

The nanny who hung up the phone breathed a sigh of relief.

She was having dinner at her home.

Her husband was also by her side. Hearing the voice on the phone, he hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth and asked, "Is it Mr. Jian?"

The nanny nodded and sighed, "Don't you think it's not good for me to promise the young lady to lie to Mr. Jian? What if the young lady didn't go over to accompany the young lady? It would be very dangerous for the young lady to be alone at home, and there are thunder and lightning now, so I always feel a little worried. Worry."

The man advised her: "You are just worrying about it. I just saw it on Weibo. Miss Shi has already gone with her children. Maybe everyone will be put to sleep by now. Besides, Miss Shi has not promised you that if anything happens, Did something unexpected happen and I called you right away?"

The nanny quickly opened Weibo and searched for it. After seeing the hot search of #Shionly.com with her cub to visit her daughter late at night, her heart finally dropped.


The next day, the heavy rain gradually stopped at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Yesterday's night scene shooting didn't go very smoothly. The fight scenes between the male and female partners were always not up to standard, and the emotions were not in place. As a result, Jian Junyi accompanied them to NG many times, and it didn't end until 7 o'clock.

"Brother Jian, I'm sorry. If it weren't for us, you wouldn't have spent the whole night here." Song Yuan, who plays the third male lead, came over to apologize with a guilty look on his face.

Jian Junyi's expression was indifferent, with a habitual sense of distance, but even though he was in a hurry to go home, he still stopped and patiently told Song Yuan some of his shortcomings during the shooting process.

"Sometimes you don't have to give up everything to a woman. It's all about the heart, understand your own role seriously, and don't be easily swayed by others."

Song Yuan's performance last night was remarkable. The main reason was that the actor who played the third female lead frequently couldn't find his form and repeatedly failed. In the end, Song Yuan was also affected and couldn't find the feeling for a long time.Song Yuan knew that Jian Junyi said this for his own good. He scratched his hair and said with a silly smile: "I know, thank you, Brother Jian."

"Well, you're good, come on."

After Jian Junyi encouraged him, he hurried to the dressing room to remove his makeup, and then left with Qin Shen.

Qin Shen was driving the car, while Jian Junyi sat in the back to catch up on his sleep.

Almost as soon as the car stopped at the gate of the community, he opened his eyes as if he had calculated the time.

"Isn't there a nanny at home with Huanhuan? Why are you so impatient?" Qin Shen asked.

Jian Junyi didn't know why he was so eager to return home, as if someone at home was waiting for him.

"There are no scenes for me these two days, so please push my other announcements as well. I'll be with Huanhuan. She seems to be in a bad mood."

Qin Shen nodded, "Okay, I understand. By the way, I made an appointment with Professor Gu to have dinner at Zuixianju tomorrow night. Will I help you take Huanhuan to you, or what?"

Jian Junyi thought for a while, "I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Okay." Qin Shen sighed, "You said that if you didn't break up with Weiyi, you could at least let her help take care of the child. Huanhuan likes her very much and gets along very well with her child. This is also a good idea. What a rare fate."

Jian Junyi fell silent.

Regarding this topic, he always felt a sense of embarrassment that he couldn't explain it even if he opened his mouth countless times.

Qin Shen drove away, and Jian Junyi put on a mask and hat and returned home.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw unfamiliar shoes at the entrance.

One large and one small, family size.

Definitely not something a nanny would wear.

His heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously looked in the direction of the bedroom. He hurried over without even changing his shoes.

There was no one in the master bedroom or the guest room. Finally, he quietly walked to Jian Qinghuan's bedroom, carefully opened the door a crack, and what he saw was a scene of a big man and two little ones sleeping together.

The two younger ones were on both sides, and the woman in the middle hugged them tightly.

She didn't know whether it was because this position was extremely uncomfortable or because she had a nightmare, but her brows were furrowed even in her sleep, as if she was very uneasy.

Subconsciously, Jian Junyi wanted to go over and smooth the gap between her eyebrows in person.

But the next second, a strong feeling of rejection arose in my heart.

Just when he was hesitating whether to go in, Shi Chuyu suddenly woke up.

The same pair of deep eyes looked over, and it seemed like it only took an instant from the initial brief confusion to the tit-for-tat confrontation.



Shi Chuyu made a gesture of silence, and then glanced at Shi Weiwei and Jian Qinghuan who were still sleeping.

He tiptoed off the bed, turned around and covered his mother and sister with quilts, then walked out of the bedroom and closed the bedroom door again, blocking Jian Junyi's sight.

In the living room, Jian Junyi and Shi Chuyu were sitting opposite each other.

"You bullied my mother."

Shi Chuyu was the first to speak, "My mother hates scumbags the most, but for Huanhuan's sake, I can ignore you for the time being, but you have to stay away from my mother and don't provoke her again, otherwise, I want you to look good.”

Jian Junyi was warned by a child for the first time.

A four-year-old child is protecting his mother in his own way.

(End of this chapter)

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