Chapter 940 Terrifying

Zhao Yishi shook violently.

He felt that the father in front of him was strange.

Where is the strangeness?
those eyes.

His father's eyes had always been chaotic and lifeless, but at this moment, his eyes were not only clear, but also sharp, as if he was just a self-righteous, smart child in his eyes.

"The prince just said that my position as prince must be preserved by you, the emperor's grandson."

Zhao Yanluo: "You are wrong again. It was me, the lame, fat, timid and useless prince, who made you sit in the position of the emperor's grandson and keep this position."

"how is this possible?"

Zhao Yishi was shocked and frightened, and his voice broke.

"The past experience of the deposed prince is that the prince only saw the side of him that was not ruthless enough, so he warned himself to be ruthless. Has the prince ever looked deeper to see the other side of the deposed prince who fell out of favor with Emperor Yuan Feng?"

Zhao Yanluo smiled coldly.

“A person is good-looking, well-educated, has a good temperament, is courteous and courteous to others, is impartial in his dealings, and there is nothing wrong with him.

But in this case, wouldn’t it make others look bad?
The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.

The emperor is also a human being, and he also has seven emotions and six desires, jealousy and hatred. "

Zhao Yanluo glanced lightly at Zhao Yishi's face.

"The deposed prince's face is so beautiful, and his bearing is so outstanding. As soon as he stood in the hall like a tree standing in the wind, everyone's eyes were attracted to him.

Emperor Yuan Feng sat on the dragon chair and watched this scene every day. Wouldn't he feel jealous?
The prince is familiar with history books, so you might as well think about it carefully. Throughout the ages, how many outstanding people have ended up well?

Not many.

Because the human heart is like this, human nature is like this, and you don’t want others to be better than yourself.

Prince, the desires of the mouth and stomach are the easiest to satisfy in this world.

I am in the emperor's house, flying in the sky and swimming in the water, what delicious food can't I eat?Why do I keep myself so fat?
Because the late emperor was in his prime, but I have grown up day by day and become more mature.

It is a good thing for a father to be strong and his son to be strong among ordinary people, but it is a taboo in the heavenly family.

The late emperor's behavior was very similar to that of Emperor Feng of the Yuan Dynasty. They were both great heroes who fought decisively. What do heroes fear?
Afraid of being late!
Therefore, I, the prince, must be fat, cowardly, and inactive. Even if I am laughed at, it is better than being praised.

Prince, this move is called Zangzhuo.

It is precisely because of my ignorance that the late emperor saw that the Zhao family's empire could not be left in the hands of a waste like me, so he got you as the emperor's grandson. "

The former grandson of the emperor, now the prince is feeling chilly even in his bones, but his soul seems to be on fire.

Is that right?

Is it really?

If this is the case, then the man in front of him must have hidden his hidden agenda so deeply that even the late emperor was deceived.

"There is a crown prince and a grandson of the crown prince in Duanmu Palace. Both father and son hold high positions, and their words and deeds are of great importance."

Zhao Yanluo said calmly:
"You use your wisdom to reflect my clumsiness, and I use my clumsiness to support your wisdom.

Both ends of the scale maintain balance with cleverness and clumsiness.

As soon as the late emperor saw me, he felt disgusted and felt that it would be better for him to be the emperor's grandson;

When I see the emperor's grandson again, I feel that it is really pitiful that my grandson has such a father. In turn, he will treat you better and teach you more attentively.

So, Prince, what you said is contrary to your words. It was not you who saved me, but I who made you successful! "

Zhao Yishi felt dizzy and his vision went black.

Did his father make him successful?

It was his father who made him successful!
After a while, he gritted his teeth and asked: "Since we, father and son, have achieved such a good balance, why has the late Emperor always had the thought of abandoning you for so many years?"

"Because in the heart of the late emperor, there is also a scale. On one end of this scale sit you and me, and on the other end sits the King of Han." Zhao Yanluo: "Have you ever observed carefully, the prince, when our end is tilted up, the late emperor His hand will push us down; when the King of Han raises his head, the late Emperor's hand will push him down again.

Don't let one family dominate and sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Prince, this is another kind of balance.

Under this balance, the late emperor could gain two benefits.

One is that his empire is more stable and no one dares to share his power. He will kill anyone who shares his power.

On the other hand, he can clearly judge who is a princeling in the court, who is a Han king's party, and who is keeping to himself. "

The late old censor Lu Shi suddenly flashed in Zhao Yishi's mind.

This man did not rely on both sides, but instead allowed the late emperor to reuse him.

"The late emperor kept giving up my thoughts and put me in danger time and time again. From another perspective, he was also tempering me, the King of Han, and you."

Zhao Yanluo: "The Zhao family wants to last for generations. Incompetent wastes cannot become successors. Only those who have been tempered many times are qualified to stand at the top."

Zhao Yishi looked at the emperor in front of him and felt waves of fear for no reason.

He hid in the dark, quietly observing everyone and every face around him, calculating every detail of people's hearts and human nature.

Not only did he involve the late emperor in his scheme, he also didn't let his biological son go.

How ridiculous.

I actually... actually thought that he was a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death and had nothing to do.

"As for why I let her go?"

Zhao Yanluo was silent for a long time, then raised his crutch and poked Zhao Yishi's heart.

"Wherever a person is in his position, he should do his job. The prince's place should be about the country, the country, and government affairs, not an insignificant woman who can't make a splash."

Zhao Yishi was poked and staggered back half a step.

He instantly understood that it was not that his father didn't want to kill her, but that he didn't even bother to kill her.

"One more thing, don't kill everyone when you do things, but have a bit of womanly kindness and leave a way for others to survive."

Zhao Yanluo slammed the crutch on the ground and covered it with his other hand.

"Leaving a way for others to survive may also be a way for yourself and your descendants."

No one had said these words to him.

His husband and his imperial grandfather taught him to be ruthless and ruthless, and no one could trust him.

My brothers can't believe it, the people next to me can't believe it, and everyone in the world can't believe it. Even my own father and mother must be on guard.

Zhao Yishi's eyes were filled with soreness, and he said sadly: "Why didn't father tell me these things earlier?"

Zhao Yanluo looked at him for a long time, "Have you ever listened to even half of my words?"

In that instant, Zhao Yishi's expression was indescribable.

My mother told him since she was a child——

Son, you must not imitate your father. Look at how timid your father can be. He only knows how to eat and eat all day long!

Son, you have to listen to your mother obediently. Your mother and your uncles will fight to the death to put you in that position. You should stay away from your good-for-nothing father.

At first, he felt sorry for his father.

The more he heard such words, the more he gradually began to dislike them.

Yes, he had never taken a serious look at the man in front of him, let alone listened carefully to what he said and tasted the deep meaning in his words.

Every time the crutch struck, he thought that the lame man was jealous of his favor with the late emperor, his appearance, and his sound legs.

But he never thought that he was teaching his son.

(End of this chapter)

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