Chapter 883 Don't Hate
The old lady Yang stretched out her hand towards Yan Sanhe.

Yan Sanhe sat beside the bed, stretched out his hand to hold it, and said softly: "Have you taken the medicine today?"

"It's too bitter, I don't want to drink it."

Yang's lips moved as if she had a lot to say and didn't know how to say it.

After a while, she suddenly sighed and said in a low voice: "Child, I know you hate me."

"I do not hate you."

Yan Sanhe clapped her hand: "Don't think too much, I just don't kiss you."

Yang raised her lips and smiled a little, "I dreamed about him yesterday, and he said he still reserved his seat next to the bed for me."

"You should feel more relieved now."

Yan Sanhe: "As long as he forgives anyone, I will not hate him."

Yang's face showed some heavy regret, "But I hate myself."


"I shouldn't have let him take the exam and become a high official."

Yang looked at Yan Sanhe with a pair of cloudy eyes, "If he doesn't become a high official, he can live another 20 years, and he will live longer than me."

But there is no turning back.

There's no going back, ever.

Mother and son have been together for decades, and Ms. Yang knew very well that before her son died, he took out the letter Yan Xing gave him because of the words in it that Yan Xing warned him:

Being in a temple is like walking on a tightrope; being in power is like walking on thin ice, so be careful!

She was a housewife. She only knew that being a commoner would lead to being bullied, but she didn't know that being an official also meant walking a tightrope, stepping on thin ice, and being careful at every turn.

I knew this...

How could I have known this earlier? Tears slowly flowed from Yang's eyes.

It's all life!
Yan Sanhe actually wanted to tell Yang that even if he became a prince, let alone an official, he would not be able to live a long life.

But she didn't say anything, only said softly: "Old lady, this is not your fault, it is the fault of this world, and this world is not good."

There was a little light in Yang's eyes, "Really?"

Yan Sanhe looked at her with a smile.



Yang is dead.

After seeing Yan Sanhe, she ate less than half a bowl of rice porridge, talked to her grandson for a while, complained that she was sleepy, and fell asleep.

After this sleep, he never woke up again.

Zhu Yuanmo arranged a date. The day of the funeral after seven days was an unlucky day, but the day after three days was an auspicious day. The uncle Xie Erli made an immediate decision - the funeral was suspended for three days and the funeral was held three days later.

Yan Sanhe still came to express his condolences quietly, and left quietly. He didn't say a word to Xie Zhifei before leaving. The two just looked at each other silently in the mourning hall.

Are you OK?
I live.

Are you OK?
I'm alive too.

Sometimes love is so heavy that a person can't eat or sleep for it, or even die for it;

Love is sometimes very light, especially when facing life, separation and death, so light that there is no time to pay attention to it.

As for Yan Sanhe and Xie Zhifei, there is no need to pay attention.

After going through ups and downs, they understand the same thing in their hearts: as long as they are alive, they will not be separated.

Yan Sanhe came out of Xie's house and did not return to the other courtyard.

In fact, these days, she spends very little time in the other courtyard. Most of the time, she runs to the western suburbs.

Han Xu found nothing on the other end.

When Yan Xi was with Yan Ruxian, he never left the palace. When he was with Zhao Yishi, he rarely ran out. There were only a few people who knew him.

Therefore, she decided to start investigating from the place where Yan Xi died.

The farmer where Yan Xi was shot dead with an arrow took Xie Zhifei's sealing money, and for fear of getting into trouble, he packed up the valuable household members and ran away, leaving three empty houses.

These days, she brought paper and pen, looked at the farmer's house from front to back, inside and out, and then drew it bit by bit on the paper.

"Sanhe, it will be July and a half in three days."

Besides the incense, Li Buyan was also thinking about one thing.

"This is your first birthday. We have to have a good time. Invite Han Xu and little Master Pei. I don't think the third master can come. He is observing his filial piety. I will cook the food myself. What do you think? Sample?"

Yan Sanhe said absently: "That day is also the third master's birthday."

"Don't always think about him, think about yourself." Li Buyan looked dissatisfied.

"After this birthday, you will be eighteen. In my mother's dynasty, this was a big deal. How about becoming an adult?"

"Your mother's dynasty only came of age?"

"is not that right?"

Li Buyan smiled and said: "The following are all children."


I'm still a kid?

Yan Sanhe smiled: "You can do whatever you want, I will obey you, but whatever I ask you to do, you have to obey me."

Li Buyan was very happy: "Deal!"


Li Buyan never imagined that Yan Sanhe would ask her to kneel where Yan Xi had knelt - pretending to be dead.

Yan Sanhe took a look, lowered his head and wrote a few strokes on the paper.

As the sun set and the last stroke of painting was finished, Yan Sanhe helped Li Buyan get up.

Li Buyan knelt until his legs were numb, and limped to the Eight Immortals table. When he lowered his head, he saw that there was no picture of her. It was clearly Yan Xi kneeling on the ground.

"The painting is of him, why do you want me to kneel?"

"Because of the angle."

Yan Sanhe stood where she knelt, squatting down and looking out from inside.

"Don't say anything, come and see, from which direction this arrow is shot, so that one arrow..."

Li Buyan waited for a while, but when Yan Sanhe didn't say anything, he raised his head and was so frightened that he lost his mind.

Seeing Yan Sanhe's body slowly falling down, she was so frightened that she rushed over and helped him.

"what happened to you?"

Yan Sanhe's face was indescribably pale, and his voice was even more hollow.

"Just now my eyes suddenly went dark, and I seemed to have lost consciousness."

"That's because you stay up late every day, don't sleep well, and don't eat well."

Li Buyan got angry, picked up Yan Sanhe and walked out.

"Hey, my painting."

"I'm almost exhausted, and I still miss your paintings."

Li Buyan said in a very angry tone.

“The war horses are ready, and Bu Liu has ridden them to fight in the north;

The grievances of the Zheng family were dispersed, and the walls began to be rebuilt;

Xie Daozhi also admitted it himself that he did these dirty things for the sake of Jiangshan Sheji. Why are you investigating? "

She copied the drawing paper on the table and said, "Go home and take good care of yourself."

Jiangshan Sheji?

Yan Sanhe's eyelids suddenly twitched.

Like a beam of light passing through thick clouds and shining directly into Yan Sanhe's chaotic mind, a sonorous and powerful voice came from his mind, asking over and over again:
Whose country is this?

Whose country is this?

Whose country is this?

Whose country is this?

Cold sweat instantly flowed from Yan Sanhe's forehead and soaked into his temples.

She remembered.

"Stop talking, do you remember that when we first entered Sijiu City, someone shot an arrow at you?"

Yan Sanhe thought the question was loud, but little did he know that she only moved her lips a few times and no sound came out at all.

she does not know--

At this moment, Xie Zhifei, who was keeping vigil in the Xie family, also saw his eyes darken and fell down.

She doesn't even know——

Thousands of miles away, on the top of Wutai Mountain's East Platform, Master Zenyue was meditating in a cave. Suddenly he opened his eyes, moved his fingers quickly a few times, his eyebrows were slumped, and he sighed:
"In a flash, it has been ten years."

(End of this chapter)

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