Chapter 723 Signs
Four Nine Cities.

Feng Changxiu, commander of the Jin Yiwei, stood outside the imperial study, waiting for the emperor's summons.

In the imperial study, Qin Qi, the chief eunuch of the ceremonial department, handed over a list of names.

"Your Majesty, this is the list of all those in the Three Thousand Battalion who participated in the rebellion. Take a look."

"No need."

The old emperor's eyes were like frost, "You just need to tell me, whose orders are the two leaders taking?"

Qin Qi squeezed the sweat from his palms and said, "I've already recruited him. He said he's the King of Han."

"Is there any evidence?"

"Your Majesty, the evidence is as solid as a mountain."

The corners of the old emperor's mouth twitched slightly, then he softly uttered one word: "Kill!"


"Where is Bu Liu now?"

"General Bu will set out overnight with his army. We will arrive at Jinling Mansion in seven or eight days at most."

"Send someone to deliver a secret order from me."

The old emperor's lips curled up: "Leave no one behind."

Qin Qi's heart skipped a beat: "Yes."

"Go and call Feng Changxiu."

A moment later, Feng Changxiu stood in the imperial study room with his head bowed. He didn't close his eyes for two whole days and two nights, and his eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes.

"Back to Your Majesty, the 160 seven secret guards of the Han Palace have been wiped out."

160 seven people?
What does this beast want to do?
The old emperor's face was gloomy and terrifying.

Feng Changxiu presented the dozen pages of paper in his hand to the emperor, "Your Majesty, take a look."

The old emperor read each page very carefully. After finishing the last page, he slapped the paper heavily with his big palm.

Jin Yiwei has hundreds of ways to pry open a person's mouth.

Those dozen pages recorded in detail how King Zhao Yanjin of Han planned to murder the prince and grandson, and launched an army to rebel.

The old emperor saw it, could he not be angry?

"Have you found out where the missing master came from?" he asked.

"Back to Your Majesty, I found some clues."

Feng Changxiu: "This man's original name was Dong Chengfeng, but he later changed his name to Dong Xiao. In the 29th year of Yuanfeng, he served as the county magistrate of Liangzhou Prefecture. In the 31st year of Yuanfeng, he resigned and disappeared.

Six years ago, the King of Han met him on a hunting trip. The two chatted happily and became close friends. They have been by the King of Han's side all these years. "

When his voice fell, the old emperor's eyebrows slowly wrinkled.

Feng Changxiu glanced at the emperor's face.

"In addition to these, I also found two secret things. The first one is a letter of recommendation for Dong Chengfeng to take office in Liangzhou. It comes from..."

He paused, took a breath and said, " was created by the deposed prince Zhao Lin."

Emperor Yonghe suddenly raised his eyelids, and two fierce and sharp lights shot out of his eyes.

"There is another secret. Someone once saw him traveling with a female doctor named Shen."

"Surname Shen?"

Emperor Yonghe's hand on the dragon table slowly clenched into a fist.

Feng Changxiu saw it from the corner of his eye and could only bite the bullet and said: "I checked again and found out that the female doctor named Shen was from that year... that year..."


The emperor's fist was knocked down in response.

Feng Changxiu was so frightened that he quickly fell to his knees and did not dare to say another word.


Five city soldiers and horses.

Xie Zhifei, with a weathered face, took out the porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out a black pill, put it into his mouth, raised his head, and swallowed it dry.

Bu Liu led his troops to Jinling Mansion.

Jinling was the fiefdom of the King of Han, and the emperor's move was to raid the King of Han's lair.

This was the only thing that comforted him in the past two days. Everything else was hanging in his throat.

Just at this moment, Zhu Qing walked in, "Sir, news just came from the Pei family."

"Say it."

"Miss Li is rescued."

"Oh, Bodhisattva bless you."

Xie Zhifei reached out and touched his chest, with a look of resurrection on his face.Of all the things, this troublemaker worried him the most. If something really happened, Yan Sanhe would have no way to explain it.

"Master, I saved him, but there are some side effects."


"If you hurt your uterus, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to have children in the future."

"What a hard way?"

"Mr. Pei said there is only a [-]% chance."

Xie Zhifei's fingers holding the corner of the table were blue and white.

At first, he had a weird personality and couldn't get married no matter how hard he looked. Now that he's better, it's even harder to get married.

"It's good to save her life. If there are no heirs, let's talk about it later." If that didn't work, he would support her for the rest of his life.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Qing's expression changed and he whispered: "Master, someone is coming."

It was Han Yong who came.

When Xie Zhifei saw it was him, his heart sank.

The relationship between Han Yong and him has always been at the bottom of the water. If they suddenly find the military commander, it will definitely be bad.

Han Yong entered the room without saying any nonsense.

"His Majesty has just issued an order that the Hanwang Master Dong Xiao is wanted throughout the city; the list of all those who left the city before the city was closed is already at the Bei Division, and they will be reviewed one by one; also, the Shen family is surrounded."

Xie Zhifei's eyes bulged and he reacted almost immediately. He placed his hand on Han Yong and pressed it hard several times.

"How can I thank you?"

"Thank you, just take it easy for me."

After all, he turned and left.

Many things did not need to be explained clearly. When the third master asked him to find out the whereabouts of Tang Jianxi, his intuition was not good.

As soon as Han Yong left, Xie Zhifei's eyelids twitched.

It is reasonable to want Dong Xiao;

Those who were judged out of the city were also within their expectations;
They have made arrangements for this in advance, so there shouldn't be any mistakes.

"But why is the Shen family surrounded, Zhu Qing?"

When the Third Master asked this, Zhu Qing immediately became alert: "Could it be related to Shen Duruo?"

Is it relevant?
Why is it relevant?

Xie Zhifei sat in the Taishi chair, his mind spinning like a hot wheel. Before he could think of anything, he heard someone calling him louder and louder.

"Third Master, Third Master, Third Master!"

It's Zhu Yuanmo.

Xie Zhifei's intuition was not good. Brother Zhu had always been calm, but calling him out like this was unprecedented.

While thinking about it, Zhu Yuanmo ran over with sweat on his face. When he saw Xie Zhifei, he didn't say anything, took his hand and walked out.

"Brother Zhu, what are you..."

"Come with me!"

Zhu Yuanmo ran so hard that his throat was on fire, "I can't explain a sentence or two, but you can tell at a glance."

What's the matter that you can't explain clearly in a sentence or two?
Xie Zhifei turned to Zhu Qing and glanced at him: "Follow me quickly!"
The three of them ran all the way to the city tower. Zhu Yuanmo pointed in the direction of the palace and said, "Third Master, look quickly," and then he collapsed on the ground.

At this time, it was approaching evening and the sky was getting dark.

In the dim sky, a black thing hovered.

Because it was far away, Xie Zhifei was a little unsure: "What is that?"

Zhu Qing had excellent eyesight and exclaimed: "Master, it's a crow."


Hovering over Miyagi?

Xie Zhifei turned to look at Zhu Yuanmo who was breathing heavily on the ground, and after a while he found his voice:

"Brother Zhu, this..."

"This scene only appeared a cup of tea ago."

Zhu Yuanmo's voice trembled, "Miss Yan said that crows are innocent souls."

The innocent soul flew over the palace?
Xie Zhifei asked fearfully: "What does this... mean?"

Zhu Yuanmo got up with his hands on the ground and lowered his voice to the lowest level, "Does Third Master still remember that fallen star?"


Xie Zhifei's heart suddenly beat like a pounding and his hands and feet were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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