Chapter 715 The Liang Family
The Crown Princess's surname is Liang and her given name is Sun Yi.

The ancestors of the Liang family once conquered the world together with Taizu. After becoming famous, they voluntarily handed over their military power and found a casual position in the Ministry of War. They cleverly avoided Taizu's murder of heroes.

Liang Sunyi was the eldest daughter, with a heroic appearance, a calm temperament, and a bit of decisiveness from a family of military generals.

Empress Xiaoren was in charge of this marriage.

It is said that in the few years after their wedding, Liang and the prince did not get along very well.

Later, after receiving some advice from Empress Xiaoren, she restrained her sharpness and changed from strong to soft, and then she gradually gained the prince's trust.

Later, the prince handed over the entire affairs inside and outside the prince's palace to Liang. Mrs. Liang lived up to expectations and took care of everything in an orderly manner.

During the years when Queen Xiaoren was ill, Liang's clothes were untied and she personally attended to her illness. The prince began to value her more and more.

In this way, the couple supported each other and got to where they are now step by step.

"Yan Sanhe, do you know why Mrs. Liang invited me to play the piano on her birthday?" Dong Chengfeng asked.

Yan Sanhe shook his head.

There are things you, this girl, don’t know!

Dong Chengfeng's face showed a hint of pride: "She used me to calm the grievances of the women in the prince's backyard."

Zhao Rongyu often stayed alone in the study. Over time, the women began to complain.

At this time, a young man with outstanding appearance suddenly appeared in the Prince's Mansion. The man was summoned by the Prince in the middle of the night...

How imaginative!

They didn't dare to complain to the prince, so they came to the princess to complain.

The princess simply took advantage of her birthday to call Dong Chengfeng over and let everyone see her.

It is not surprising that among the Chinese royal family, there are male favorites.

When the concubines saw Dong Chengfeng's appearance and heard him playing the piano, they thought he was the prince's new plaything.

In addition, the Crown Princess took the opportunity to announce the three-year agreement...

"The three-year agreement made them understand that this toy can't stir up any trouble, so their complaints against the prince were transferred to you."

Yan Sanhe looked at Dong Chengfeng with great sympathy and said with a smile: "Liang used you to stop all the women's mouths."

"Yan Sanhe, you come to judge."

Dong Chengfeng's face looked a little aggrieved.

"Liang is able to do such a thing. Is he behind the scenes? Is he a real old fox?"


Unfortunately, he didn't understand it at the time. When he was walking outside the yard afterwards, he found that his servants were looking at him with strange eyes and pointing.

Only then did he realize that he had acted as a shield.

Yan Sanhe: "The Crown Princess knows the inside story, which also reflects from another aspect, the Crown Prince trusts and relies on the Crown Princess."

Dong Chengfeng nodded, "Every look he casts at Madam Liang, Madam Liang understands; Madam Liang can hear the deep meaning of every word he says;

Even if it was a short cough, Liang could immediately tell why the prince made such a cough at that moment. "

Yan Sanhe was thoughtful after hearing this.

If a woman wants to understand a man like that, she must figure out his every word, every move, and put countless efforts into this man.

In addition to hard work, it also takes time.

Only after years of getting along and slowly getting used to each other can we have such a tacit understanding.

"Yan Sanhe, I have only admired two women in my life, and one is the Crown Princess Liang."

Dong Chengfeng's eyes suddenly became long and long.

Half a month after his birthday, Mrs. Liang walked into his courtyard for the first time.

After retreating from everyone, she confessed to him: "Chengfeng, I set up a plot against you." These words shocked Dong Chengfeng and left him speechless.

First she called him Chengfeng.

During the few months he spent in the Prince's Mansion, he had more or less understood the rules of the royal family. In Yan Sanhe's words, he should be beaten to death for his initial attitude towards the Prince.

The rules of the royal family are strict. What people do, what they say, and what they say are all rules and proportions.

Although he, Dong Chengfeng, was a violinist, in the final analysis he was just a commoner. Not to mention playing the piano for the prince, he couldn't even step through the door of the prince's mansion.

"Chengfeng" can only be called by people who are close to it.

When Liang called him this, she regarded him as one of her own.

"I plotted against you" - there was both Liang's admission and a hint of apology.

One sentence, eight words, with so many profound meanings in it, how could Dong Chengfeng not be surprised? It was so appropriate.

"Your Highness, it has become more and more difficult to fall asleep in the past few years. The imperial doctor has repeatedly warned you to be close to women and take good care of yourself. I have no choice but to use you as a shield. This is a little selfish on my part..."

"Yan Sanhe, she spoke in a leisurely and eloquent manner. She talked about a lot of the prince's difficulties and the difficulties of the prince. She also said that she could hear her thoughts from my piano..."

Dong Chengfeng laughed harder than Huang Lian.

"It's like an old friend who has been with you for many years is chatting with you intimately. He is not at all condescending as a princess should be. Who do you think can handle this move? The method is too clever."

It is indeed clever, especially for someone like Dong Chengfeng.

What does a luthier need?
Respect and understand him.

Crown Princess Liang gave these two things without hesitation.

"In addition to her clever methods, there should also be sincerity in her words, right?" Yan Sanhe asked.

Dong Chengfeng nodded, "Not one, but two. She even took out the prince's share."

Anything with the word "sincerity" in it is bound to be unfavorable.

He looked at Mr. Liang's retreating back, thinking that it was just a misunderstanding, just a ploy?
"It's really all-round!"

After Yan Sanhe sighed sincerely, he added, "I think you will be willing to play the piano for the prince from now on."

Dong Chengfeng stroked his forehead and laughed at himself: "Not only did I do it willingly, I even gave up sex and became a monk."

What does it look like for a person who "warmed the prince's bed" to return to his own courtyard and hug him from left to right?Isn't this a cuckold for the prince?

It happened that he was no longer interested in those two people, so he simply took this opportunity to let the Crown Princess take them away.

After being so pure for a month, one day he was dressing in front of a bronze mirror and suddenly found that his eyes in the mirror were clear and radiant.

He thought carefully for a long time, and suddenly realized that the old fox did not approach women in order to keep his ears and eyes sharp.

That night, I played two songs for the old fox, but he still didn't fall asleep.

This is unprecedented.

Is it possible that playing the piano to hypnotize the old fox is no longer useful?
At this moment, the old fox raised his eyelids and said calmly: "The sound of the piano today is different from before."

"What's the difference?"

"A little more spiritual energy, a little less turbid energy."

The old fox closed his eyes and took a long breath, "Let's play another song. I can fall asleep after getting used to it."

Dong Chengfeng thought to himself, just talk nonsense.

How can a person who falls asleep as soon as he listens to the piano still hear spiritual energy and turbid energy from his music?
However, halfway through the third song, the old fox fell asleep as expected.

"Yan Sanhe, please help me think about it, does this old fox understand Qin?"

Dong Chengfeng looked directly into Yan Sanhe's eyes and suddenly asked this question.

(End of this chapter)

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