Chapter 698
"How can you be sure?"

Pei Xiao bit his lower lip, feeling that he had to sing the opposite tune.

"Just rely on the song "High Mountains and Flowing Waters"?

"Based on what Third Master said, you have long suspected that there is an expert behind the King of Han."

Yan Sanhe looked at Xie Zhifei: "What was the King of Han like in the past?"

Xie Zhifei crossed his arms and thought for a while: "Being brave and good at fighting is good, but not that resourceful. I heard from Huairen that the prince could easily compete with him in the past."

"That is to say..."

Yan Sanhe: "In the past, the King of Han's strength and ambition did not match well. Only later did he have a layout and plan. This should be the credit of the masters behind him."

Xie Zhifei nodded: "That's right."

Yan Sanhe: "In other words, it was Dong Chengfeng who fueled his ambition and ability to seize the throne?"

Xie Zhifei: "Yes!"

Yan Sanhe: "So what is the King of Han like today?"

Xie Zhifei thought about his narrow escape that time and gritted his teeth and said:

"He is arrogant, domineering and cruel, like a dog, biting anyone who gets in his way, no matter what."

"Who made him become like this? A prince who wants to seize the throne shouldn't be like the former King Zhao, who acted low-key, remained calm, and saw the opportunity to strike a fatal blow?"

Yan Sanhe's eyes fell on Pei Xiao.

"The emperor's preference is on the one hand. Is there another possibility that it is because of Dong Chengfeng's guidance and instigation day after day?"

Pei Xiao pinched the sweat on his palms and nodded blankly.

"If this reason is not enough to make people sure, there is another thing that we might as well think about in depth."

Yan Sanhe: "Why did the King of Han suddenly fall out of favor overnight?"

These words immediately stopped both Xie Zhifei and Mr. Pei.

The King of Han fell out of favor inexplicably. No matter who he was, he could not figure out the real reason.

Huairen and he both found it inconceivable that His Majesty had favored him for so many years, but how could he abandon him at any time, and abandon him so completely.

You are not allowed to enter the capital without being summoned - this basically breaks the relationship between father and son.

"If I guess correctly, Dong Chengfeng played a big role in this."

Yan Sanhe pursed his lips slightly and kept his voice to a minimum.

"The reason why Dong Chengfeng wanted to make the King of Han fall out of favor, judging from the current situation, his real purpose should be to encourage the King of Han to rebel and seize the palace."


All the pores on everyone's body were opened, and cold sweat poured out from their foreheads, palms, and backs.

The King of Han had always dreamed of sitting in that position, but now that he had fallen out of favor, how could he be willing to do so?

Once His Majesty dies and the Crown Prince takes over, this man's good days will come to an end.

He has always been used to being on top, and will never let himself experience the end of falling from the clouds to the bottom.

At this time, as long as someone dared to stir the fire and blow the wind, the King of Han would definitely take action for the sake of his obsession and the future of his children and grandchildren.

"Look at..."

Yan Sanhe whispered: "The current situation of the King of Han is very similar to the situation of the former prince at that time."

More than just a resemblance, they are exactly the same!
The same embarrassment from all sides!

"This is Dong Chengfeng's revenge for the former prince."

Yan Sanhe sneered: "He wants to make the whole thing happen again!"

It was past midnight, and the night in the other courtyard became very quiet, so quiet that everyone could hear the heartbeat in their chests.

One after another, rapid and heavy.


At this moment, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Huang Qi stuck her head in and said, "Miss Yan, the second master of the Zhu family is here."

Before Yan Sanhe spoke, Zhu Yuanmo's expression changed slightly, "Where is the person?"

"Big brother!"

Zhu Yuanzhao walked into the study and whispered: "Half an hour ago, a star fell in the northwest."

"What?" Zhu Yuanmo's expression changed drastically.

The northwest position, the hexagram stem, represents heaven.

That would mean...

Visible to the naked eye, Zhu Yuanmo's face was not only pale, but also had an expression that was almost frightened, as if he had seen something very scary.

"Brother Zhu?"


Xie Zhifei reached out and pushed him: "Brother Zhu, what's wrong with you?"

Zhu Yuanmo's teeth chattered uncontrollably. After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "There is a strange phenomenon in the sky."

Pei Xiao said disapprovingly: "Isn't it just a star that fell?"

Zhu Yuanmo did not look at Pei Xiao, but stared blankly at Xie Zhifei's pupils.

"This celestial phenomenon indicates that within three months, an important figure in the Tian family will die."

It happened so suddenly that Xie Zhifei's mind went blank and his ears were buzzing.

On the front foot, it has just been deduced that the King of Han, under the instigation of Dong Xiao, may force the palace to rebel;

On the back foot, the celestial signs foretell the death of a big shot;
Doesn't this mean to tell them that the King of Han really wants to force the palace to rebel and kill his father to take the throne?
Xie Zhifei murmured: "Yan Sanhe, you predicted everything, he, he really wants to rebel!"

"Who wants to rebel?"

Zhu Yuanmo's gaze was directed towards Zhu Yuanzhao like knives, and Zhu Yuanzhao was so frightened that he quickly covered his mouth.

"Then, then...what should we do now?"

Pei Xiao suddenly became nervous, "No, I have to report it to His Majesty immediately..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Sanhe grabbed his clothes: "If I inform His Majesty now, what will Dong Xiao do?"


Yes, what should Dong Xiao do?
When a person falls into His Majesty's hands, he cannot be seen at all. In the end, there is only one way to die. How to solve this inner demon?
"Then... then let them rebel?"

Pei Xiao's teeth chattered up and down, and his legs were as soft as cotton, "No, what if they really kill His Majesty, then, then, then..."

Yan Sanhe let go and said with a serious look on his face: "If you want to break the inner demons and save the Zhu family, you can't tell anyone about the strange vision for the time being."

Can't tell?
Pei Xiao raised his eyes and looked at Xie Zhifei behind Yan Sanhe. He felt like he had fallen into an ice hole and was trembling with cold.

"Thank you fifty, please say something."

say what?
Xie Zhifei clenched his hands tightly into fists and didn't say a word for a long time.

Zhu Yuanzhao on the side was so smart. He had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure. He said uneasily:
"Brother, is the person who wants to rebel the King of Han?"

Zhu Yuanmo's face was ashen at this moment, "Dong Xiao belongs to the former crown prince. He wants to encourage the King of Han to rebel and avenge the former crown prince."

My goodness!

Zhu Yuanzhao felt his heart beating like a pounding. He staggered to the chair and fell down, his face changing rapidly from blue to white.

"Stay still and let me think about it."

Yan Sanhe took a deep breath, sat back in the Grand Master's chair, and stared at the bluestone bricks in front of him, motionless.

But how can it be stable?

Zhu Yuanmo's lips were trembling, "Miss Yan, this involves a change of dynasty. It's so big that it's already reaching the sky."

Yan Sanhe had no expression on his face and asked coldly: "So?"


Zhu Yuanmo choked.

"Dong Xiao is the most crucial person to solve the inner demon. The problem we are facing now is..."

Yan Sanhe took a deep breath and said, "Protect Dong Xiao and resolve the rebellion of the King of Han without disturbing anyone."

"Miss Yan, some things can be resolved, and some things cannot be resolved."

Zhu Yuanmo's eyes straightened, "The celestial phenomena have revealed it, so that person will definitely die."

And this statement?

This time, even Yan Sanhe was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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