Chapter 656 Daughter
Shen Wei's little daughter was begged for by his wife Pu in a Taoist temple.

There are rumors outside that the Shen family has a secret recipe for giving birth to a child, and this secret recipe indeed exists.

Pu's first two children used the secret recipe, and they gave birth to two sons as expected; but the last two children did not use the secret recipe, and they gave birth to two more sons.

The couple is looking forward to the left and the right, both looking forward to having a daughter in their next child.

When she was pregnant with her fifth child, Mrs. Pu immediately went to the Taoist temple to seek a daughter.
After staying for less than half a month, the night before leaving the Taoist temple, Mr. Pu dreamed of a fairy grass. When he came back, he told him that the baby would definitely be a girl.

She was pregnant in ten months and it turned out to be a girl.

But this daughter was different from other children as soon as she was born.

She was very well-behaved, sleeping when she was full and eating when she woke up, without causing any trouble. At that time, when Shen Wei came back from the Yamen, the first thing he did was to hug his daughter.

When he is three years old, he is still good.

When Mr. Pu went out to have a meal, she followed her closely. Other children at the table couldn't sit still and wanted to go out to play, but she didn't.

She always sits quietly.

When others asked her a question, she answered; no one answered her, so she kept her ears open and listened to what the adults were saying.

After Mrs. Pu came back, she always showed off to him that her daughter was so obedient that many ladies and grandmothers envied her.

He listened and felt proud.

I am not only proud of my little daughter's quiet obedience, but also of her intelligence.

Ever since he learned how to read with his husband, this child would go to his study whenever he had nothing to do. He would stay there all day long, reading all those obscure medical books.

If the maid can't find the lady, she can just go to his yard and ask, and she's guaranteed to find her.

Shen Wei didn't take it seriously at first, thinking how long a child's mind could last. When she got bored, she would naturally play other novelties.

Unexpectedly, she stayed here for several years.

Always wait for him to go out and sneak into the study, then close the door and leave before he comes back.

Mrs. Pu was busy with the affairs of the house and kept her feet on the ground. It was better for her daughter to stay in the study than to cause trouble outside, so she let her go.

He taught his four sons medical skills, and this girl also liked to come up and listen. If he was not allowed to listen, she would open her mouth and cry.

Shen Wei had no choice but to add a small table and a pair of pen, ink, paper and inkstone in the study.

After the class was over, her four sons ran away, but she still refused to leave.

He would ask questions in the east and west, and he would not give up until he understood what he had just taught him.

When she was five years old, her daughter became obsessed with herbal medicine again. She would run to Bai Mansion all day long, following Bai Zhenshan just like her mother, never leaving.

Bai Zhenshan was in charge of all the medicinal herb sales of the Shen family. When he had no time to coax his boss's daughter, he gave her to his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sun.

Mrs. Sun didn't dare to neglect, she would give whatever the hostess wanted.

When her daughter wanted to see the herbs, Mrs. Sun asked someone to bring the herbs and place them one by one in front of her daughter for her to see.

The daughter said she wanted to try it, but Mrs. Sun didn't stop her and just let her go.

One afternoon half a year later, while he was busy working in the Tai Hospital, a boy from the Bai family came to him and said that the young lady had been poisoned and had passed out.

He was so frightened that he dropped everything in his hands and ran away.

When they arrived at Bai's house, their daughter had already woken up, with a pale face.

The first thing she said when she saw him was: Dad, goldenrod is poisonous. Take less to relieve pain and cough. It can be used externally to anesthetize. The amount must not be too much and it must be washed thoroughly.

Shen Wei was shocked at that time. How old is this child? How could he know this?
That's not all. When I asked, I found out that this girl already knew more than 600 common herbal medicines. The medicinal properties and efficacy of each herbal medicine were well known.

At night, he and Bai Zhenshan drank.

Zhenshan said: "Miss, I'm afraid she is gifted. If I train her well, our family might be able to produce a miracle doctor."

Shen Wei sighed after hearing this.

What's the use of a miracle doctor? She's not just a girl.The girl should be well-behaved and smart, and be the little cotton-padded jacket of her father and mother. In the future, she should listen to her parents and find a husband of the right family.

"Master, let her learn."

Zhenshan advised again: "Even if you get married in the future and have some medical skills, your husband's family will be able to look up to you."

Shen Wei thought this was reasonable and went back to discuss it with Pu.

Mrs. Pu was happy when she heard this, saying that this was how she used to be. She also forgot to eat after seeing the medical books, and pestered her father and brother all day long to teach her medical skills.

Shen Wei thought that his wife relied on this medical skill to marry into the Shen family and establish a foothold in the Shen family, and his heart suddenly relaxed.

From then on, Shen Wei began to teach his daughter seriously.

Shen Wei was shocked again by this teaching.

This child's medical skills are infinitely better than those of her four brothers.

She only has to read all the medical books three times, and if you ask her which page contains what, she can recite it backwards and forwards.

By memorizing every acupuncture point in a person's body three times, she can mark it accurately.

His daughter studied with him at night and stayed with Bai Zhenshan during the day.

After the poisoning, Zhenshan directly asked his daughter to open the warehouse door, allowing her daughter to see and taste as much as she could, and also carefully taught her to identify the good and bad of the same herbal medicine.

Shen Wei didn't know what other people's girls smell like;
He only knew that this little girl of his had only one smell all year round: the smell of herbs.

When learning acupuncture, girls’ hands are weak and their acupuncture strength is obviously not strong enough.

This girl begged Bai Zhenshan to find a carpenter for her and teach her how to carve wood and carve it with one knife after another. She practiced all the skills of her hands.

This practice lasted five years.

Five years later, this child used needles quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly. He found it enjoyable just to watch her use needles.

Look at the four sons again...

If you compare goods, you will be thrown away; if you compare people with others, you will die.

Shen Wei felt unhappy in every possible way. Bai Zhenshan had indeed predicted that the Shen family would have a miracle doctor in the future.

But why is she a girl?

How wonderful it would be if it were a boy!

As soon as the haircut is over, a matchmaker comes to the house.

The only daughter of the Shen family, who also knew some medical skills, was watched closely by many aristocratic families. In those two years, the doorstep of the family was evened down three inches by the matchmaker.

Shen Wei and Pu Shi were simply spoiled for choice.

But my daughter didn’t agree with this or that.

When asked more carefully, she didn't want to get married at all.

How can the girl's family not marry?
My parents can afford to support me, but outsiders want to gossip, and besides, my brother and sister-in-law won’t agree!

So, he and Pu took turns to enlighten him, and his brother and sister-in-law also came forward to persuade him.

This child has been silent for the past three days, allowing you to talk nonsense and dry your mouth.

On the fourth day, he left a piece of paper and ran away with Bai Zhenshan.

The paper said that she would not marry in this life, but only wanted to learn medical skills and become a doctor in the future.

But from ancient times to the present, how can a woman show up to be a doctor?

Only then did Shen Wei regret it.

He and the Pu family had let her do what they wanted since childhood, but this actually harmed her.

(End of this chapter)

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