Chapter 637 Two Tigers
"Miss Yan, I have only met him three times, and the total number of words I have spoken to him cannot exceed ten."

Tang Jianxi: "But these three short interviews tell me that this man is not a bad person, and he cannot do anything to curse his biological father to death with witchcraft."

"Because he is a disciple trained by your husband throughout his life."

"Yes! If he could have been more ruthless, he would never have reached this point."

Tang Jianxi: "Chu Yanting once talked about him to me. He said that people are just like their names. The word given by the teacher is that he is a person who can tolerate others and be tolerant. He deserves the word benevolence."


Yan Sanhe: "What do you think of the witchcraft case?"

"I couldn't see through it before. I just felt that many things were covered with a veil and a layer of fog. Year after year, the veil was blown away by the wind and the fog was blown away by the sun..."

Tang Jianxi sneered.

"Even if you didn't tell me about Zhu Xuanjiu, and if I didn't write those manuscripts of Yan Zhi, I would still be able to understand something. It's nothing more than eight words, which should be combined internally and externally to force him to rebel."

Cooperate inside and outside to force him to rebel - exactly the same as Mr. Pei's analysis.

But the manuscript?
"Tang Jianxi."

Yan Sanhe suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked, "Where is Chu Yanting's manuscript? Can I take a look?"

Tang Jianxi got up from the ground, walked to the pile of books, bent down to untie the rope, and carefully pulled out a few pieces of paper from the pages of a book.

"Stop, go get the lamp closer."

Li Buyan took off the oil lamp on the wall and placed it next to Yan Sanhe.

Yan Sanhe took the paper and did not rush to read it. Instead, he looked up at Tang Jianxi, "You keep these things, you are not afraid that one day..."


"Why do you still keep it?"

"It's the same reason as Miss Yan who insists on solving this inner demon."

You know you can't do it, but you have to do it.

Looking at Tang Jianxi's firm gaze, an indescribable emotion slowly surged into Yan Sanhe's heart, so that she was quiet for a while before looking down at the oil lamp -

Yuanfeng 31 years;
July [-];

As soon as I got up today, my right eyelid started to twitch, my left eye twitched for money, and my right eye twitched for misfortunes. Thinking about my dream at night, I went to the Buddhist temple to burn three pillars of incense.

The dream is about Linbi.

After she committed suicide, she never entered my dream. This was the first time.

In the dream, she was wearing a sky-green skirt, with beautiful eyebrows, a hairpin on her right hand and a smile, just like how she looked nine years ago.

But I am old.

There is also a small Buddhist hall in the partition between Rong and the study.

He said that with his status, it would be fatal to reveal his true feelings to anyone, and only speaking to the Bodhisattva was the safest.

I built this Buddhist hall just to imitate him. I would come here to sit when I was upset.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is enshrined in the Buddhist hall. The Bodhisattva has angry eyes. The Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows. People say that the Bodhisattva can see all the suffering in the world.

In this case, she should also be able to see mine and Rong Yu's.

After my husband left, I went into Zhan Shifu to assist Rong Yu.

I talk little and don’t smile much.

Rong Yu talked even less than I did, and it was hard to keep a smile on his face. He would often call me over late at night. The monarch and his minister would drink a bottle of wine, both of them were speechless, and they would slowly drink it all and then disperse.

This is a taciturn Rong Yu that only I can see. In front of outsiders, he is still His Majesty's beloved prince and a high-spirited prince.

It is inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people.

He is still as polite and courteous as before, but his actions are more murderous and ruthless. It is said that everyone in the Prince's Palace is afraid of him except the Crown Princess.

After the incident in Chunwei, he began to investigate the details of several imperial brothers and their ambitions.Your Majesty has many children, many of whom are ambitious.

Ordinary people have to fight for their family property. The great position in the world and the overwhelming power can be tempting to everyone.

This is a difficult thing to tolerate. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are too many people watching, both those on the surface and those under the surface, all staring at that piece of fat.

The second difficulty with Yong Yu is His Majesty's iron fist and suspicion.

Rule the country with an iron fist and rule people with suspicion.

His Majesty's iron fist has made everyone in the princes, generals, civil and military officials feel in danger, fearing that if they say a wrong word, they will lose their heads.

And if "suspiciousness" is used to deal with a biological son, whether it is a monarch or a minister, or a father and a son, it will only go further and further away.

Now His Majesty is getting older. As a person gets older, his ears become softer. He will listen to everyone, but he will not listen to Rong Yu.

Rong Yu said that his Majesty was suffering from a cold that day and he was serving the decoction in front of his bed. His Majesty was reluctant to open his mouth until he tasted it himself. His Majesty didn't open his mouth. He didn't believe me!

I told him: It’s not that he doesn’t believe you, he doesn’t believe anyone.

I told him again: Your Highness, it would be better if you just tolerate it for a few more days.

Yes, just bear with it for a while longer. According to the information from the Taiyuan Hospital, only old ginseng that is more than a hundred years old is useful to him.

Old ginseng is effective in hanging the dying person.

He's not going to live long.

The word "tolerance" has a knife on its head. Tolerance and tolerance have been very painful these years. Because of kneeling for a long time, my knees hurt when it is cloudy and rainy.

Rong Yu once said to me: His biggest mistake was that he was born too early.

The father's health and longevity, the son's wings are growing. When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

If I were born a few years later, it wouldn't be so difficult.

I smiled and comforted him. If you want to wear his crown, you will have to bear his weight. If you are born a few years later, it will not be your turn to be the prince.

Rong Yu was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said: "No one has ever asked me if I would like to be the prince."

Halfway through the three scented incense sticks, one of them suddenly went out.

My heart was pounding and I felt something bad. At this moment, Liang Qian, the attendant, rushed in and said that the Imperial Army had surrounded the Prince's Mansion.

I was so frightened that I quickly put on my official robe and went to Zhan Shifu to inquire about the news.

When they arrived at Zhan Shi's Mansion, half of his colleagues had already arrived, and they were all worried about why the imperial army surrounded the Prince's Mansion.

Zhan Shifu is full of princelings. If something happens to the prince, no one can escape his involvement.

In order to survive, everyone used their housekeeping skills and asked people to find out what happened in the Prince's Mansion.

In the evening, news finally came out, saying that a witchcraft doll had been dug out from the prince's palace. In addition to the emperor's birthday and birth date, there were also seven steel needles inserted into it.

After listening to this, I felt that it was just like that.

Cursing the emperor is tantamount to treason.

Someone wants to put the prince to death.

What's even more coincidental is that His Majesty has been in poor health these past few days and has not been in court for two days. This shows that someone has planned everything secretly.

No one in Zhan Shifu believed that the prince could be so stupid.

Zuo Zhan served as Han Ming's minister of rites, and Han Ming was the prince's attendant. He grew up with the prince, and their relationship was extraordinary.

Han Ming was the first to regain his composure.

He ordered everyone to contact various people and submit a letter tomorrow to appeal for the prince's injustice. He himself went to Queen Xiaoxian's natal home to seek help.

No one dares to slack off. When life and death are at stake, one will be prosperous and one will suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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