Chapter 629
Li Buyan walked into the side room, picked up a towel, soaked it in water, and washed his face carefully.

After washing my face, I twisted a towel again and cleaned my neck and wrists.

After washing, she sat in front of the dressing table, untied her hair, picked up the comb, and slowly combed her hair in front of the mirror.

The girl in the bronze mirror has a plain face, her eyebrows are a little thick, her nose is not straight enough, and her lips are too thin. Only her eyes are astonishingly bright, and there is a rebelliousness hidden in them.

"Want me to comb your hair?"

Li Buyan turned around.

Yan Sanhe stepped forward, took the comb in her hand, and gently combed it down.

"The first time I saw you, you looked disheveled and dressed in white. At that time, I was thinking, this little girl is so good-looking, and I don't know who will be cheaper in the future."

"Did you hear what Zhu Qing said?"


Li Buyan gently closed his eyes and said from the bottom of his heart: "Yan Sanhe, I actually had him in my heart."

"I know."

Yan Sanhe stopped combing.

"After you got together with me, we never separated except for the time when my grandfather died. You abandoned me for him."

"I was thinking that it would not be easy for him to be alone in the south, and it would not be easy for him to have that status."

Li Buyan seemed to be telling Yan Sanhe, but also seemed to be telling himself.

"I have to go and help him, even if it means washing his clothes or cooking for him."

A rebellious girl is willing to bend her high neck into a soft, downward arc when she meets someone she can't look away from.

"When I got to the south, I found that there was no shortage of people to wash and cook."

Li Buyan murmured: "He just lacks someone who can talk to and amuse him. He spends most of his time dealing with official duties. Occasionally when he gets tired, he will put down what he is doing and look at me."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep, but her heart was transparent.

When did he look towards her, and how many times during the night, she was counting in her mind.

"I cooked him a meal and he ate it all. The next day the attendant asked me to cook for him again. I refused. He listened outside and said nothing."

Li Buyan sighed deeply.

"Yan Sanhe, as long as he opens his mouth, I will not refuse. If a person wants or doesn't want anything, he hides it in his heart. That's how deep his heart is."

"Every woman in the world hopes that a man's heart won't be too deep, just enough to hold her."

Yan Sanhe smiled and said, "It goes without saying that this is too difficult for someone like him."

"Yeah, it's too difficult."

Li Buyan shook his head, "Unfortunately, I am not so willing to wrong myself."

I resigned myself to standing next to him, watching his busy work, and then when he was free, he would take a look at himself again.

"Sanhe, you know, that box of mooncakes sent all the way, actually gave me the courage to dream."

Li Buyan chuckled: "I imagined that I was different, unique, and even played a very important role in his heart."

After a moment of silence, she said: "Actually not."

He had not come to see her once since he came back from the south;

The only time I came to another hospital was because of other things, so I took a look at her.

Feelings are actually the same as egg fried rice, they won't taste good if they are cold.

If it is heated again, it will already taste bad.

Yan Sanhe tied up the last strand of hair, hugged her chest and looked left and right for a long time. She smiled and said:
"My house is really beautiful. I don't know which one will be cheaper in the future."

"Anyone can be cheap, but he can't do it anymore."

Li Buyan stood up, let out a long breath, and said to Yan Sanhe:

"I'll prepare glutinous rice balls and some side dishes and heat some wine. I've been tempted for the first time, but I've given up. I have to drink to relieve my worries, otherwise it won't look serious."

Yan Sanhe: "I lent one of my shoulders to Zhu Weixi, and I have another shoulder that happens to be free and I can lend it to you."

Li Buyan replied domineeringly: "Both shoulders are mine."


Zhao Yishi turned around when he heard footsteps.

The girl stood in front of the threshold with a smile, "The moonlight is just right, how about I accompany His Highness for a walk?"

Zhao Yishi was stunned.

In my memory, it seemed that this person was either sleeping or laughing.The way she smiles is different from other women.

Other women's mouth corners are slightly raised, but when this person smiles, the ends of his eyes are raised and his mouth is widened, revealing a row of small white teeth.

Unspeakable sunshine.

Zhao Yishi instantly understood why he had to make this trip, because except for the person in front of him, no other woman would smile openly at him.

He stepped forward and said gently: "I wish you could do it."

"How about going to the back garden? There are some wintersweet trees in bloom."

"It's up to you to decide."

The two of them walked out of the yard while talking.

In the yard, Xie Zhifei and Pei Xiao stood side by side, watching them leave.

Xie Zhifei touched his nose and whispered: "Huairen's intention is obvious. He wants to take her as his concubine."

Pei Xiao didn't know what it felt like. Call it sour, it was a bit sour; call it sad, it was really a bit sad.

Sorry for the shit stirrer.

How could she be a concubine for such a bold and wanton person?

But Huairen's concubine is not an ordinary concubine. When Huairen takes that position in the future, she will be the empress of the palace. If she can give birth to a boy and a half girl...

"I think so..."

Pei Xiao hesitated for a long time, but finally told the truth, "...The shit-taker won't agree."

Xie Zhifei: "Why?"

Pei Xiao imitated Yan Sanhe's tone and said lightly: "Intuition."

Xie Zhifei turned to look at him.

"Look at what?"

Pei Xiao was angry: "Only your Yan Sanhe has intuition, but I can't have it?"

"can have."

Xie Zhifei burst out word by word: "And it's very accurate."


The wintersweet is blooming, and the faint fragrance floats.

The two walked around the back garden. Zhao Yishi stood in front of Li Buyan and looked down at her.

Li Buyan raised his head, and then looked at him without blinking or hiding, "His Highness looks a little tired."

Zhao Yishi didn't speak, but paused for a while before speaking softly.

"That day, I stood alone outside the building, looking at the water of the West Lake. What I was thinking about was not the country, the country, the country, the country, but the country. I was thinking about you."

He finally said what was in his heart.

"I was wondering how a woman could have the audacity to stare directly at me during a house raid."

Li Buyan smiled: "Because you are good-looking."

Zhao Yishi: "At that glance, I remembered you."

"My pleasure." Li Buyan smiled again.

"Would you like to come with me? Stay with me."

Zhao Yishi's voice was low and gentle, "Except for that position, I can give you everything else."

Li Buyan was silent for a while, then asked: "If I say, I want that position, will Your Highness be willing to give it to me?"

Zhao Yishi's expression suddenly changed.

"Not only should that position be given to me, but His Highness's people and His Highness's heart can only belong to me."

Li Buyan suppressed a smile and said seriously: "If this is the case, I am willing."

Zhao Yishi felt a little annoyed and his breathing suddenly became rapid, "Li Buyan, you..."

"You are just a despicable maid, and you still dare to ask for my people and my heart. You are simply ignorant and wishful thinking."

Li Buyan let out a white breath in the night.

"But Your Highness, people are divided into high and low, but they don't have a heart."

(End of this chapter)

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