Chapter 614

The four of them sat back down, and Zhu Qing also took the opportunity to put on new paper.

Xie Zhifei saw that Taiwei had almost rested, so he asked again: "What changes have happened to Zhu Xuanjiu after returning from Fu's house?"

Taiwei lowered his head and wrote: "Organize."

Xie Zhifei: "He compiled everything he heard from the crazy woman?"

Taiwei nodded.

Xie Zhifei: "Have you seen the things he organized?"

Taiwei nodded.

Xie Zhifei: "What is it?"

Taiwei wrote: "Harming people."

Sure enough, they are all evil magic that is harmful to people.

Xie Zhifei: "I didn't find this thing in his study."

Taiwei wrote: "March, burning."

Xie Zhifei: "After studying it for three months, he burned it?"

Taiwei nodded.

Xie Zhifei looked at Zhu Yuanmo and said, "Now the truth has been revealed."

Zhu Yuanmo was about to say "yes" when he heard Yan Sanhe say in a low voice: "Only when we find out that crazy woman can we really find out the truth. How old is that crazy woman?"

"Too small."

Xie Zhifei hurriedly asked: "How old is that crazy woman?"

Taiwei thought for a moment, "Thirty or forty."

Zhu Yuanmo's expression changed slightly.

Thirty or forty?
That's about the same age as my grandfather.

Is it possible that the Zhu family and the Xing family really have something to do with each other?
At this time, Xie Zhifei asked again: "Later, have you seen that crazy woman again?"

Taiwei shook his head.

Xie Zhifei: "How did Zhu Xuanjiu target his wife Mao?"

Taiwei lowered his head and wrote: "Unlock the signature."

Xie Zhifei: "When Mao asked a monk to interpret the signature at Jietai Temple?"

Nod too slightly.

That day, the fourth master didn't let them follow him. He and Tianshi waited outside the hall, and happened to hear the monk help his wife interpret the signature.

At this time, both he and Tianshi had learned a little bit about it, and their ears immediately pricked up when they heard this fate.

When the fourth master came out of the palace, Tianshi told him his wife's birth date.

The fourth master immediately asked Tianshi to find out where his wife was from.

"What happened next, what did Zhu Xuanjiu do?" Xie Zhifei asked.

Taiwei bit her pen and wrote: "Research."

Xie Zhifei: "Studying your wife's fate?"

Nod too slightly.

Xie Zhifei: "Then the third master broke his arm when he fell off the horse. Is it you who did it?"

Taiwei's face showed some shame.

That's what he and Tianshi did.

The method is very simple. Find a little beggar who is begging for food, give him a piece of silver, and when the horse gallops by, throw a broken shoe over to it. The horse is guaranteed to be frightened.


Xie Zhifei took a slow breath and said, "The chance encounter with my wife at the Luoyang Lantern Festival was also arranged by you and Tianshi in advance?"

Nod too slightly.

Not only was the chance encounter arranged by them, but the mouse lamp was also manipulated in advance.

The skeleton of the mouse lantern is soaked in water, and the water is sprinkled with a charm made of the wife's birth date. As long as the wife passes by, she will be attracted by the lamp.

He just needs to stay on the edge and wait.

The rabbit waited and couldn't escape.

Not to mention that the Fourth Master's appearance is one of a kind. If he takes a step back, even if his wife doesn't like his appearance, there is still a love charm waiting for her.

After Mr. Pei finished reading the last word, everyone's eyes fell on Yan Sanhe, and the admiration in his eyes almost came out.


Not a single thing was wrong.Yan Sanhe was not happy at all, and whispered: "Ask him, who else has he harmed?"

Just as Xie Zhifei was about to turn around to send a message, Taiwei had already lowered his head to write.

Obviously, he heard what Yan Sanhe said.

"old lady!"

Little Mr. Pei read out three words, and the tea cup in Zhu Yuanmo's hand shattered at the sound.

Ignoring the water stains on his body, he rushed straight to Tai Wei and asked in a trembling voice: "He also killed the old lady?"

Taiwei didn't seem to hear what he was saying, but instead wrote two words: corpse stone.

Zhu Yuanmo's horrified eyes almost popped out.

As soon as Mr. Pei saw his look, he knew that the matter was serious and asked hurriedly: "Brother Zhu, what is a corpse stone? Tell me quickly."

"The stones beside the century-old grave are stained with the dead air of the corpse day after day, year after year."

Little Mr. Pei had goosebumps all over his body: "Of course, what happens next?"

"Putting such stones next to a seriously ill old man will hasten his death."

At this point, Zhu Yuanmo's expression suddenly turned cold, and he suddenly squatted down and looked directly into Tai Wei's eyes.

"But I, but I..."

Taiwei looked at his horrified expression, nodded proudly, and shouted "Ahhhhh".

Zhu Yuanmo fell to the ground and almost fainted.

There are few little boys in the world who don't like to play with pebbles.

So is he.

I find strange-shaped pebbles from everywhere and put them in my pocket like treasures. Sometimes I give them to this or that.

He remembered that he gave the old lady a pile of pebbles. The old lady was reluctant to throw them away, so she asked a servant to put them into the flower bed in the courtyard.

And that pile of pebbles was given to him by Tianshi and Taiwei to play with.

The old lady's life was short to begin with, and she was very old. Once she was exposed to the breath of the dead... it was no wonder that there was no sign before she passed away, and none of her sons died.

"Ah ah ah..."

Zhu Yuanmo beat his fists on the ground and screamed worse than a mute.

It was just hysterical.

Aunt Fu passed away early, and the old lady was Zhu Yuanmo's biological grandmother. Although she didn't treat him as close as her own grandson, she always had plenty of delicious food and fun things for him.

How could Zhu Yuanmo have imagined that he would become an accomplice.

Yan Sanhe couldn't stand listening, "Ming Ting, help him get up."

Little Mr. Pei went to help him, but he couldn't help him.

Xie Erli hurriedly came over to help. The two of them held him on the left and right before helping him into a chair.

"He touches the old lady, but is he afraid that the wind blowing on her pillow will cause her to have long nights and dreams?"

Taiwei looked at Yan Sanhe and nodded vigorously.

The two sons were dead one after the other. The old lady had some doubts in her heart, but the fourth master was too well-behaved and obedient. The old lady suffered from the lack of evidence and could not do anything to him.

So, the old lady spoke ill of the fourth master in front of the old lady.

When the Fourth Master found out, he had murderous thoughts.

"One more life."

Li Buyan, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Taiwei and sneered.

"You and Tianshi helped him do so many bad things. In the end, one of them was disabled and the other died. This is God's retribution."

These words hit the nail on the head.

Taiwei's chest rose and fell, and finally he dropped his head weakly.

Yes, it's all retribution.

"Once the old master died, he became the head of the family. Although you became his heroes, you are also his worry."

Yan Sanhe didn't need Xie Zhifei to send another message, but asked directly.

"Since ancient times, few heroes have died well. Tianshi should have been killed by himself. Selling the charms privately is just a cover, because only the dead will not reveal secrets."

Taiwei looked at her blankly.

Can she guess so accurately?
No one came to remind Tianshi and him at that time?
"Too small."

Yan Sanhe called him slowly, "Tell us about you and Tianshi."

(End of this chapter)

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