Spoilers for The Red Mansion, Daiyu’s mentality is broken

Chapter 518: Chaos into a pot of porridge

Zhou Tong couldn't help but ask a question that he found most incredible.

"General, how did you drive away the wolves of the Southern Barbarian Wolf Army? If their wolves hadn't escaped, we would have suffered a big loss today."

The wolf army of the Southern Barbarians, as long as they cooperate properly, are simply the nemesis of cavalry.

It is also extremely lethal to infantry.

If those wolves are not driven away today, the outcome of the final battle will be unpredictable.

Hearing this question, Jia Huan couldn't help but smile and said: "Did you see the whistles blown by the two thousand-man troops? It was these whistles that drove away the wolves of the Southern Barbarians."

Zhou Tong asked in surprise: "How can a whistle drive away wolves?"

Ordinary whistles really can't drive away wolves.

But Jia Huan knew that there was a special whistle that could emit a special wave band.

This kind of sound cannot be heard by humans and has no impact on humans at all.

But the sound produced by this whistle is the most annoying sound for dogs.

When dogs hear this harsh sound, they can't help but run away.

The wolf belongs to the canine family.

When Jia Huan was in the capital, after learning that there were wolf troops in the Southern Barbarians, he asked the Mohist disciples to make a batch of these whistles.

With this whistle, you can easily drive away the wolves.

Next, Jia Huan gave Zhou Tong a rough explanation, which amazed Zhou Tong again.

Jia Huan glanced at Zhou Tong and asked: "How do you think the Nanman Army will react after suffering such a big loss? If you were the coach, how would you respond?"

After hearing the question raised by Jia Huan, Zhou Tong couldn't help but think deeply.

After a while, Fang Shi said: "The Southern Barbarian Army suffered a big loss this time. I guess they will definitely come back with revenge. Next, they should besiege the city and choose to attack it."

"As the commander-in-chief, I will definitely defend to the death. As long as I patiently hold off the Southern Barbarian army for half a month, I can wait until the imperial army moves south. At that time, with the cooperation of the imperial army, I will be able to defeat the Southern barbarian army in one fell swoop."

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Tong felt that this was the most appropriate response.

The barbarian army is not good at siege warfare. As long as they defend tightly, they will be able to block the barbarian army from the city.

Unexpectedly, after Jia Huan heard his answer, he couldn't help but sneered: "If the barbarian army surrounds but fails to attack, and then continues to send a barbarian army north, how should you respond?"

Zhou Tong was silent for a while and said: "Stick to the city and remain unchanged in response to all changes."

Jia Huan sneered and said, "That means letting the barbarian army burn, kill, and loot our people in Daxia?"

Zhou Tong said with an ugly face: "The enemy's army is strong, what can we do?"

Jia Huan shook his head and said: "You are naturally very capable, but you are too stuck in the rules and don't know how to adapt."

"Tonight, I will send soldiers out to attack the camp."

"There is a saying in the art of war: if you are ten, you are to surround it, if you are five, you are to attack it, and if you are twice as many, you are dividing it. If the Southern Barbarians want to surround the city and not let us out, they will need at least one hundred thousand soldiers and horses."

"And it will take some time for him to mobilize his troops. At least tonight, they are determined not to form an encirclement."

"In that case, why can't we attack the camp at night?"

Zhou Tong shook his head and said: "We have too few troops. Once we are entangled, we will be in danger. We should not take this risk."

Jia Huan smiled and said: "Actually, we don't need to take much risk. You see, if the barbarian army mobilizes troops and chooses to besiege us, they will probably mobilize these garrison troops."

"And they will probably be stationed here tonight. Come and see, which places are most suitable for our night attack?"

After hearing Jia Huan's words, Zhou Tong fell into deep thought again.

After a long while, Zhou Tong stretched out his finger and pointed at two locations.

At this time, Zhou Tong was still thinking about Jia Huan's intentions.

He didn't think Jia Huan was simply looking for two weak spots in the Nanman army to launch a night attack.

Because even if the sneak attack is successful, they won't gain much.

He felt that Jia Huan must have a bigger plot.

Zhou Tong vaguely guessed a few things, but it was difficult to figure them all out for a while.

Jia Huan said again: "Think about it again, if the Nanman knew that we would attack at night, how do you think they would respond?"

Zhou Tong said blankly: "The night attack is all about surprise. How could the Nanman know about it? If the news is deliberately leaked to the Nanman, they will definitely take precautions..."

At this point, Zhou Tong had an idea and suddenly thought of something. He hurriedly said: "General, do you mean to use the Southern Barbarians' falcons to deliberately pass on the news that we are going to attack at night?"

Zhou Tong continued: "If this is the case, the Nanman side will definitely prepare an ambush in advance. Their best ambush locations should be in these two places."

"And we can use this trick to directly attack their ambush and catch them off guard!"

Hearing Zhou Tong's words, Jia Huan couldn't help but shake his head and said: "Since they set up an ambush, they must be vigilant. How can we catch them off guard?"

"If we target them, why not hide our whereabouts beforehand so that they don't know about our night attack and just carry out the night attack?"

After hearing this, Zhou Tong also looked confused. He couldn't help but ask: "What is the general's plan?"

Jia Huan smiled slightly and said: "It's very simple. You say, we separate two teams and pretend to attack at night. Then we lure both parties here. What will be the result?"


After listening to Jia Huan's words, Zhou Tong couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.


It’s so cruel!

Zhou Tong was completely shocked by Jia Huan's bold idea.

However, Zhou Tong rolled his eyes and couldn't help but get into trouble.

He whispered: "General, maybe we can go further. We might as well do this..."

After hearing this, Jia Huan couldn't help but fell into deep thought. After a moment, he said: "This plan also allows us to move here while it is dark, and then do this..."


Let's say that the Barbarian King Menglu was completely wiped out when he got their army of 10,000 people. The 4,000 wolf troops who set up an ambush suffered more than 1,000 casualties.

Moreover, most of the four thousand wolves have disappeared so far, and it is unknown where they have gone.

The Barbarian King Meng Lu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He was obviously the one who set up a trap to ambush Xia Jun, but he was led by Xia Jun's lead.

What frightened Meng Lu even more was the combat effectiveness of today's Xia army, which was too exaggerated.

They wiped out a team of 10,000 people and suffered no casualties.

If such an invincible master is not eliminated as soon as possible, he will become a serious trouble in the future!

Thinking of this, Meng Lu decisively issued an order and began to mobilize various armies to begin the siege of the city.

After the siege is completed, he will continue to send a team of ten thousand people northward.

When the time comes, he wants to see what decision Daxia's team will make.

If he dares to leave the city again, he will definitely annihilate them all outside the city.

Under the order of the Barbarian King, the Southern Barbarians began to mobilize their armies and prepared to besiege the Wasteland City where the Red Flame Army was located.

An hour later, suddenly a barbarian general from the Falcon tribe came to report the news. "Your Majesty, the Xia army in Wasteland City is quietly sending two armies out of the city and lurking outside the city. How about sending people to eliminate them."

Upon hearing the news, the Barbarian King frowned and couldn't help but ask: "Where are they lurking?"

The barbarian general of the Falcon Division immediately pointed out on the map the location where the Xia army was lurking.

Seeing these two locations, the Man King couldn't help but show a thoughtful look on his face.

"These Xia troops are very courageous. Judging from the two locations where they are lurking, they are clearly preparing to attack our southern barbarian camp at night."

"And the two locations they chose are the weak points of our defense. I have to say that this Xia Army general has a rather vicious vision."

"If we hadn't known it beforehand, we might have been caught off guard by them and suffered heavy losses!"

The barbarian general of the Falcon tribe immediately said: "Your Majesty, do you want to send a large army over and kill them all?"

The Barbarian King shook his head and said: "They are lurking in high places. As long as we send out our army, they will definitely be noticed. And they are very close to Wasteland City and can retreat to the city at any time."

"But since we already know in advance that they are going to attack at night, why not take advantage of it?"

"We can set up ambushes in these four places. When they attack our two places at night, the ambush troops in these four places can quickly rush out, surround them, and kill them without leaving a trace."

After hearing this, the barbarian general of the Falcon Tribe was immediately shocked. He hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you are so cunning, despicable and shameless! Your Majesty's clever plan is comparable to Zhuge Liang's lighting!"

The Barbarian King said with a dark face: "If you don't know how to praise others, just shut your mouth. Don't praise me forcefully!"

"I am clearly strategizing and winning thousands of miles away! How come I have become cunning, cunning, despicable and shameless in your mouth? And that person is called Zhuge Kongming, not Zhuge Lighting the Lamp!"

The barbarian general of the Falcon Tribe chuckled and said, "Yes, yes, Your Majesty, I will definitely study more in the future. I will order them down right now to set up an ambush."

The Barbarian King couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

Next, the Southern Barbarian tribes continued to mobilize their troops and generals, setting up a dragnet and waiting for the Xia army to enter the net.

As the sky grew dark, the north gate of Wasteland City quietly opened, and five thousand Red Flame Army soldiers quietly left the city under the leadership of Zhou Tong.

These five thousand Red Flame Army were actually the main force of the night attack.

The main reason why they left the city at this time was to avoid the Southern Barbarians' eyes and ears. After all, falcons could not be seen at night.

The troops and horses that left the city during the day were just the scout camp of the Red Flame Army, just to cause the Nanman to misjudge.

After Zhou Tong led five thousand cavalry out of the city, he quietly turned west, bypassed the city wall of Wasteland City, and then headed southwest.

This cavalry was the one who really went for a night attack, but the targets of the night attack were not the two targets that Nanman knew about, but there were other choices.

The horses' feet were wrapped in straw, so they made no sound even at night.

They advanced quietly, and half an hour later, they arrived at their destination. In front of them was a barbarian army's garrison.

Here is stationed a beast army of the Southern Barbarians - the Elephant Army.

However, they did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, they began to dismount and rest, waiting quietly.

Let's talk about the scouts in the southeast, who quickly took action at night and began to march towards their destination.

The Nanman knew that they were going to attack at night, they knew that the Nanman knew that they were going to attack at night, but the Nanman didn't know that they knew that the Nanman knew that they were going to attack at night.

The behavior of these scouts is to dance on the edge of a knife.

They quietly approached the barracks, broke through the fence of the Nanman camp, and after a series of rocket attacks, they turned around and ran away.

The Nanman soldiers had long known that the Xia army would come to attack the camp, so they were well prepared.

They had already set up an ambush, and when Xia Jun rushed in, they would give Xia Jun a hard blow.

Unexpectedly, Xia Jun seemed to sense something was wrong, and instead of rushing in, he fired a round of rockets, turned around and ran away.

Just want to run away after pretending to be cool? How can there be such a good thing in this world?

The barbarian troops in the military tent quickly pursued him.

As soon as there was a movement here, the two barbarian troops who had been ambushing for a long time rushed towards this side impatiently.

Let's talk about the barbarian army who chased them out of the military tent. In the process of chasing them, they encountered many roadblocks on the road.

I don't know how these Xia troops still had the energy to set up these roadblocks while fleeing in a hurry.

These roadblocks delayed them for some time.

And those Xia Jun ran faster than rabbits, and they quickly disappeared without a trace.

They hurried after him.

A quarter of an hour later, they finally narrowly caught up with those Xia troops.

There were also sounds of pursuit from both sides, and it was obvious that they were surrounded by ambushes from two places.

They have surrounded these Xia Legions, and this time they can hardly fly out of the encirclement even if they use their wings.


But at this moment, Xia Jun in front suddenly fired a round of crossbow arrows.

The barbarian army that was chasing after them was not paying attention for a moment, and they were instantly killed and injured.

These barbarian soldiers couldn't help being furious. They hurriedly took out their bows and arrows to fight back, while shouting for the killer to come up.

Soon, their three southern barbarian armies launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against the Xia army.

And their three southern barbarian armies discovered that these Xia troops were very tenacious, and even under their siege, they did not fall behind.

And these barbarian soldiers always feel like something is wrong.

Indistinctly, I always feel that the military uniforms of these Xia troops are somewhat similar to theirs.

However, due to the imbalanced nutrition of people in this era, they do not consume enough vitamin A, causing them to basically suffer from night blindness.

Therefore, it is impossible to see clearly in the first place, and it is only temporarily dazzled.


As for Zhou Tong, he started to get excited when he heard the sound of fighting coming from the southeast battlefield.

Next, Zhou Tong led the Red Flame Army to launch a surprise attack on the Nanman Elephant Army.

There were more than 10,000 people on the Xiang Army's side, but they were truly killed by surprise.

They only thought that the Xia army would attack their other two military camps, but they never expected that the Xia army would attack here.

Therefore, many Nanman soldiers were killed in their sleep.

There were also many southern barbarian soldiers who ran out naked in panic and became the souls killed by the arrows of the Red Flame Army.

The Red Flame Army killed people and set fires at the same time. Soon, a raging fire broke out in the camp of the Southern Barbarian Elephant Army.

The elephant army was quickly defeated. Some of them were confused and rushed into the fire and were burned alive.

Those who run slowly become the souls of the Red Flame Army's arrows.

There were also many barbarian soldiers who fled into the vast night without a trace.

Zhou Tong did not kill them all. He attacked the Nanman Elephant Army for another purpose.

Next, Zhou Tong led the Red Flame Army and quickly arrived at the habitat of hundreds of elephants of the Elephant Army.

It’s hard to understand how the Southern Barbarians managed to train so many elephants. (End of chapter)

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