Spoilers for The Red Mansion, Daiyu’s mentality is broken

Chapter 513: Like a Scholar and a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households

What the two generals didn't know was that the whereabouts of their army was actually clearly visible to the Southern Barbarians.

Today, Daxia's understanding of the Southern Barbarians is still stuck in the inherent impression of decades ago.

What they don't know is that in the past twenty years, Nanman has undergone amazing changes.

Twenty years ago, Meng Lu, the leader of the southern barbarian tribe, was born.

He led the barbarian tribes and quickly conquered all eighty-one tribes of the Southern Barbarians.

Then, the resources of the eighty-one tribes were integrated.

Moreover, Meng Lu, the Barbarian King, was a hero in troubled times. He yearned for Daxia culture very much. Not only was he studying Daxia culture, but he also sent some clever southern barbarians to sneak into Daxia territory.

While collecting information on the customs and customs of various places in Daxia, he also sent people to conduct transactions with Daxia people.

After ten years of development, Nanman is no longer what it used to be.

Now Nanman has an excellent opportunity.

A mysterious figure from Daxia found them and wanted to cooperate with Nanman.

It was agreed that the Nanman, Jin, Da Yueshi and others would cause riots in various parts of Daxia, and they would eventually divide Daxia among the four parties.

But they have to be the first to launch an attack on Daxia.

The Barbarian King Menglu knew that this mysterious man from Daxia was probably using the Southern Barbarians as a spearman.

However, people are counting on tigers, and tigers are counting on people.

Why wasn't the Barbarian King Menglu plotting against Daxia?

It is easy to invite the gods but difficult to send them away. As long as they invade Daxia, there is no way they can go back.

Why can the Daxia people occupy this large area of ​​fertile land in the Central Plains, and these beautiful and beautiful mountains and rivers, but we, the Southern Barbarians, cannot?

This time I, the Southern Barbarians, set out to conquer Daxia, and I will at least occupy the three states of Daxia.

And once Daxia is really besieged and the country is in chaos, then their southern barbarians will definitely take the opportunity to occupy all the mountains and rivers south of Daxia.

At that time, their southern barbarians will be able to establish a new country with all the territory south of the Yangtze River.

This time the Nanman attacked the coast of the West Sea, which was their first step.

A total of 100,000 soldiers and horses from the two armies of Daxia came to support. What they didn't know was that the movements of these two supporting armies were all clearly known by the Barbarian King Menglu.

There are eighty-one tribes of various sizes in the Southern Barbarians, each with its own strengths.

Such as the Wolf Army of the Wild Wolf Tribe, the Elephant Army of the Elephant Tribe, etc.

There is also a tribe of the Southern Barbarians, the Eagle and Falcon Tribe. This tribe specializes in training birds of prey.

These raptors can clearly see the movements of Daxia's army in the sky.

And these falcons have undergone rigorous training and can transmit information back through some movements and even chirping sounds.

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles.

At present, the Man King is well aware of the two Daxia armies that have come to support them.

And these two Daxia armies knew very little about the Southern Barbarian army, not to mention knowing nothing about it.

In this case, the outcome is almost certain.

Jingzhou also had two Daxia supporting armies from Yuzhou, but they were ultimately defeated by the Nanman barbarian army.

In the end, the two supporting armies cleaned up the remnants, each remaining with 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers and horses. Relying on the strength of the city wall, they struggled to resist the barbarian attack.

Fortunately, the barbarian king Meng Lu had a grand plan and he was not in a hurry to advance.

Currently, he is trying to digest the territory he occupies.

He began to appoint officials to manage the territories he occupied and restore normal production and living order in these areas.

Not all the officials he appointed were barbarians, but some Daxia people who were bribed by them were also selected.

As long as they can completely control these territories, then their military supplies and other supplies from the Southern Barbarians will no longer need to be mobilized from the Southern Barbarians, but can be collected locally.

Next, they can consolidate their territory, advance slowly, and encroach on Daxia step by step.

Moreover, the Barbarian King was not prepared to attack too hard.

If he were to advance like a champ all the way, it would inevitably lead to a counterattack by Daxia with the strength of the whole country.

If this is the case, they are really making a wedding dress with others, and they will only help the conspirators within the Jin Kingdom, Da Yueshi and Da Xia.

Now they are slowly planning for it, waiting for the Jin Kingdom, Da Yueshi and the conspirators within Daxia to take action together, and then they can jointly carve up the country of Daxia.

It was precisely for this reason that the three Daxia defenders were allowed to barely hold on to the city.

The general soldiers from Yuzhou and Jingzhou who came to support were completely defeated by the Nanman this time.

They quickly reported their defeat and asked the court for support.

In order to shirk responsibility, they turned the barbarians into an invincible legion of beasts in their memorials.

The southern barbarian soldiers were all green-faced and fanged, eight feet tall, with big arms and round waists, immense strength, invulnerable to weapons and weapons, and fearless of death.

Moreover, the Southern Barbarians also had wolf, elephant, falcon, buffalo, and other animal legions.

All in all, in short, it is not that they are too useless, it is because the Southern Barbarian Army is too strong.

Their failure was not a fault of war!

Soon, their memorial was transmitted to the capital at a speed of eight hundred miles.

When the imperial court received the report from Southwest, everyone in the court was in an uproar.

The defeat in Southwest China shocked the government and the opposition!

The Jin Kingdom and Da Yuezhi alone brought huge pressure to Daxia.

Unexpectedly, the situation in the southwest has also begun to deteriorate.

Emperor Chongkang did not dare to neglect, and immediately summoned his ministers to discuss state affairs.

Emperor Chongkang couldn't help but ask: "My dear friends, the Southern Barbarians are coming fiercely, and the 200,000 reinforcements from Jingzhou and Yuzhou have been defeated. How should I, Daxia, deal with it now? All my dear friends, please discuss this."

After Emperor Chongkang finished speaking, all the civil and military officials in the Jinluan Palace were silent, and no one answered for a long time.

Emperor Chongkang frowned and asked, "Why, no one in the civil and military dynasties of Great Xia has an idea?"

After a while, Mei Hanlin stepped out and said, "Your Majesty, I believe that the Southern Barbarians are too powerful to be defeated, so we should negotiate peace with them."

Fan Zhongyu, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, came out and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to reconsider. Now that the Kingdom of Jin and the Dayue clan have stationed troops on the border, we, the Great Xia, must never go to war with the southern barbarians again."

"Once the situation in the southwest is dragged into a quagmire and becomes a stalemate, then the Jin Kingdom and the Da Yuezhi will definitely take advantage of the situation and move in. Then our Daxia will be in danger!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal!"

Emperor Chongkang frowned and asked, "Why do you all think that we want to negotiate peace with the Nanman?"

At this time, Zhao Heng came out and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that peace must not be negotiated! We must fight. Not only must we fight, we must also fight beautifully."

"The Jin Kingdom and the Dayue clan stationed troops on the border, and the Southern Barbarians directly invaded our southwest Daxia. The three countries cooperated with each other tacitly, and there must be a connection."

"These three countries are all jackals. Jackals hunt their prey. They surround it from all sides. As long as the prey shows any sign of weakness, they will swarm up and tear the prey into pieces."

"Even if I, Daxia, want to negotiate peace with the Southern Barbarians, we must defeat them before we can negotiate peace. If we don't hurt them and negotiate for peace directly, it will definitely encourage their greed."

Mei Hanlin couldn't help but sneered: "Master Zhao, as a minister, you should share the worries of the king, plan the overall situation, and not act on your own initiative."

"You said you can't negotiate for peace, you have to fight, and you want to beat the Southern Barbarians to the point of pain and fear. I dare to ask the boss, where do these troops come from?"

"Is it not possible to continue to mobilize troops from other states? However, water far away cannot quench the thirst of the people nearby. It will take several months to wait for the troops to be mobilized." "And how to mobilize this food and grass? Don't you know, sir, before the troops and horses are ready? Move, food and grass go first, this battle is about logistical supplies!"

Zhao Heng chuckled and said: "How can I know nothing about military affairs when Tian is a cabinet scholar? In my opinion, this troop mobilization cannot be mobilized from other states."

"We should mobilize 100,000 troops from the capital, go straight to the southwest, and then control Yuzhou, Jingzhou and the southwest troops and horses, and work together to defeat the thieves. We should be able to defeat the southern barbarian army in one fell swoop!"

After Zhao Heng finished speaking, Mei Hanlin's expression changed drastically, and he said sternly: "Master Zhao, don't you know that the duty of the capital camp is to defend the capital."

"Once the Beijing camp is mobilized to attack the southwest, the defense of the Beijing camp will be empty, and His Majesty will be put in danger. I wonder what Mr. Zhao's intentions are?"

"Your Majesty, please hunt down Zhao Heng!"

"Please kill Zhao Heng!"

"Please kill Zhao Heng!"

After Mei Hanlin, a group of ministers asked Zhao Heng to be killed.

Emperor Chongkang shouted: "Okay, Zhao Aiqing is just discussing the matter. What's the crime?"

"What's more, Zhao Aiqing promised to mobilize 100,000 Beijing troops. There are still 60,000 to 70,000 Beijing troops left to defend the capital."

"I remember that when the Jin army besieged the capital last year, the capital camp only had 60,000 to 70,000 troops."

"At that time, the capital city was not broken. Now even if 100,000 capital troops are mobilized, the same number of troops are still left. Could it be that the capital city has been lost?"

After Emperor Chongkang said this, many ministers shut up and stopped impeaching Zhao Heng.

Next, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty once again started a fierce debate on Zhan Shihe.

Those who advocate war are mostly reformists, while those who advocate peace are mostly conservatives.

But the conservatives will have the absolute upper hand.

Even Emperor Chongkang was hesitant for a moment.

Emperor Chongkang understood that these were the harms caused by changes.

As early as the beginning of the revolution, Emperor Chongkang had thought that today would happen.

And this decision was related to the country, the country, and the country, and Emperor Chongkang had a hard time making a choice.

In the end, it could not be determined, and Emperor Chongkang announced his withdrawal from the court and would discuss it later.

After retiring from the court, Emperor Chongkang went to Ningshou Palace.

When the Supreme Emperor took control of the court, Emperor Chongkang felt resentful and secretly resented the Supreme Emperor's delay in handing over power.

However, after the Supreme Emperor gradually began to hand over power, Emperor Chongkang really encountered difficulties, but lacked self-confidence, so he went to Ningshou Palace to seek the Supreme Emperor's advice.

At this time, the Supreme Emperor was already very old, his hands and face were covered with age spots, his eyeballs were cloudy, and he was in low spirits. He was afraid that his time was running out.

After the Supreme Emperor listened quietly to Emperor Chongkang's words, he couldn't help but ask weakly: "Your Majesty, what do you think in your heart?"

Emperor Chongkang sighed: "Father, my heart is inclined to fight. What Zhao Heng said is right. These three countries are all jackals. Jackals hunt their prey, which means they are surrounded on all sides. As long as the prey shows a hint of weakness, they will Swarm up and tear the prey into pieces.”

"If we don't fight, they will definitely think that I, Daxia, are weak, and they will definitely attack in groups. Only then will I, Daxia, really be in danger."

"Punch away with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches. But if we really want to fight, once the battle situation becomes anxious, Daxia will really be in danger."

There are benefits to fighting, but there are considerations to not fighting.

No matter what choice he makes, there are dangers involved, and this is where Emperor Chongkang is troubled.

After hearing what Emperor Chongkang said, the Supreme Emperor grinned and said: "Your Majesty, I am getting old, and I am afraid that my time is running out. Sooner or later, this country will be in your hands."

"When you decided to change, you didn't hesitate to risk the throne. Why are you shrinking now?"

"If you decide to do something, do it without worrying too much. Didn't you train a new army?"

"If an eagle does not fly, it will never truly grow. Why not let it go and give it a try?"

After hearing what the Supreme Emperor said, Emperor Chongkang frowned.

After a long time, he finally became firm.

He smiled and said: "Father, I know what to do. I will retire. After the matter is settled, I will come back to pay my respects to my father."

The Supreme Emperor grinned and said: "Go, go, I'm watching!"

After leaving Ningshou Palace and returning to the study, Emperor Chongkang called Zhao Heng and other important officials to discuss the battle plan.

Yes, after coming out from the Supreme Emperor, Emperor Chongkang had made up his mind to fight.

But since they were determined to fight, all arrangements were made very quickly.

It was not the first time that Daxia had experienced war for more than a hundred years since its founding. These important ministers all had rich experience.

In the end they decided to adopt Zhao Heng's decision.

It means to mobilize 100,000 soldiers from the capital camp to go to the southwest, control the Jingzhou, Yuzhou and southwest armies, and attack the invading southern barbarian army.

After some discussion, they finally decided to make Niu Jizong the commander-in-chief and the general to conquer the south, with Jia Huan as the vanguard, leading an army of 110,000 to the southwest to attack the southern barbarians.

Part of its military rations were provided by the Ministry of Household Affairs.

At various places along the way, provisions for the march of the army must be prepared.

After arriving in the southwest, the army's rations were provided by Jingzhou, Yuzhou, and the three southwest states.

No matter where the supply of military rations was insufficient or the opportunity to fight was delayed, severe punishments were imposed, and officials were dismissed and their homes were confiscated and their families destroyed.

After everything was discussed, Emperor Chongkang immediately ordered the cabinet to issue an edict.

Soon, Niu Jizong and Jia Huan received the order one after another.

After receiving the order, Jia Huan was speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, he was appointed as a pioneer officer and was about to go to the southwest battlefield.

However, he didn't want to go to the battlefield to fight.

The sword has no eyes, and if you are not careful, you may die at any time.

He was enjoying his life and didn't want to go to the battlefield to fight.

The deputy general, Zhou Tong, and the 10,000 soldiers of the Red Flame Army couldn't help but get excited when they heard that they were going to the battlefield.

Needless to say, Zhou Tong was proficient in bow and horse, and had strong martial arts skills. He was eager to fight on the battlefield, win military glory, and make achievements.

He even wanted to stand out on the battlefield, completely suppress Jia Huan, and seize the opportunity to seize power.

And for the 10,000 new recruits of the Red Flame Army, they are all eager to go to the battlefield and gain military glory.

Jia Huan ignored these excited guys and started planning carefully.

Although the emperor issued a decree, the army was not about to set out immediately.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, food and grass go first.

Just raising food and grass can take ten days and a half months at the fastest, and three months or two months at the slowest time.

There must be at least half a month of preparation period.

And since we have to go to the battlefield, we must make complete preparations in advance.

The main target is the Southern Barbarian beast army. (End of chapter)

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