Special photography review: Top ten underworld scenes at the beginning

Chapter 137 The Perfect Conclusion, Acquiring 5 Items!

Chapter 137 The Perfect Conclusion, Acquiring Five Items!
Chapter 137:
in the video.

Mie looked at someone who had walked in front of him, and almost instinctively raised the briefcase crossbow in his hand to shoot.

Available in the next second.

To Mie's surprise, someone actually raised his hand and grabbed the crossbow, using brute strength to force Mie's hands down a lot.

After a few seconds of stalemate.

Someone immediately raised his right hand and punched Mie's breastplate hard.

A dull sound echoed.

Under this force, Mie's body staggered back a few steps, and finally managed to stabilize his body.

Without any hesitation.

Mie could also feel that someone was coming towards him, so he immediately raised the crossbow in his hand and cut it down like a blade!

The wind howled.

Facing such a fierce attack.

Some people just raised their right arm, and the armor attached to it resisted the opponent's attack, sparks bursting out endlessly.

next moment.

Someone stooped forward, clenched his left fist tightly, and suddenly swung out with terrifying malicious power!
At this moment, it seemed as if the entire world was covered in darkness, with only the bursting sparks and someone's scarlet compound eyes becoming the only light.

no doubt.

When faced with someone's attack, Mie had no chance to defend and staggered back a few steps again.


After tightening the crossbow in the briefcase in his hand.

Miedao drank and rushed towards someone again, directly passing it to the driver on someone's abdomen. If it was destroyed, everything would be over!
When the time comes, I will definitely be able to kill someone!

But just when the briefcase crossbow was about to hit Yak's driver.

Someone stretched out his right hand to hold it tightly, and slowly raised it. Although Mie also burst out with all his strength to regain control of the crossbow, how could his power be better than that of someone now?
Not even three seconds.

Mie had already lost control of the briefcase crossbow, and someone pressed it down and slashed through Mie's shoulder armor!
Under such a heavy blow.

He half-knelt on the ground in pain, letting out a shrill wail, unable to get up again for a long time.

The power that person possesses at this moment is really too strong, far beyond his expectation.


Some people are stepping on the road cast by malicious intentions, walking towards destruction step by step, with no intention of stopping at all.

"Destroy!!" Xun shouted, quickly stood up and rushed towards someone quickly!

Although he also knew that Mie was at fault and should not have killed Izzy, they were partners and could not ignore death.

【Malicious! 】

Someone raised his hand and lightly touched the button, and extremely strong malicious energy lingered in his arm.

With someone's open palm.

The terrifying power of malice suddenly erupted, impacting Xun Xun, Fuwa Jian and Renwea behind him indiscriminately.

A painful low cry sounded.

Wisps of scarlet arcs danced on their armor.

But soon.

Bupojian still stood up unsteadily, raised the shooting sublimator in his hand and pulled the trigger directly towards the person in front!
Now it doesn’t matter whether the transformer is a human being or not, he must be stopped!

The piercing gunshots echoed.

Some people didn't even turn around. They raised their hands seemingly casually and directly caught the fired bullets in their palms, then threw them aside casually.

Ignoring the advice behind him.Someone raised his hand and started pressing the driver one after another. Every time he pressed it, a scarlet energy vortex converged in front of the driver!

【fear!anger!Hate!despair! 】

【Perfect Conclusion! Learning Five! (Perfect conclusion! Five items learned!)]

next moment.

The terrifying malicious power burst out crazily, and even turned into the word 'evil' and other words surging on someone's body one after another.

All kinds of words condensed into a pair of red malicious wings behind someone!

In the midst of his shrill and crazy screams.

The power of malice that had reached its extreme level shrank back into his body in an instant.

And then suddenly exploded! !

The power of terror surged around with someone in the center.

Among the billowing flames, white smoke rose.

Both the ground and the surrounding buildings exploded into pieces, with lines as dense as spider webs appearing.

Everyone in the field was forced to cancel the transformation state under the impact of this time, and rolled on the ground in embarrassment.

No one is his opponent.

He is the only one!

After doing all this.

Someone slowly raised his drooped head, looked sideways at Mie not far away, then took steps and walked slowly towards him.

Destruction is his real goal!

Levi's world.

Inside the happy bathhouse.

Igarashi Kazuki, who had just finished cleaning the bathhouse, sat on the sofa, looking at the video in front of him, and whispered: "The power of malice? Isn't that similar to me borrowing the power of a devil to transform?"

But judging from the video, the opponent's strength is much greater than mine.

"The devil should be made of malice, right? Where is the gap?"

Although he had no intention of actually becoming a Kamen Rider, Igarashi lifted his chin and began to think about this issue seriously.

next moment.

Weiss, who was hiding in Igarashi Ikki's body, suddenly levitated out, crossed his arms, and said extremely seriously: "Of course I am more powerful, I am a devil!"

Listen to the voice coming from the ear.

Igarashi's face clearly showed some impatience, "Weiss, if you do this again, I will never use the seal, and you can't even think of it!"

What he didn't notice, though.

All his words were heard by the sophomore in the corner, and a strange look appeared on his face.

The seal and drive clearly belong to him!
Diga World.

Dagu looked at the video and couldn't help but frowned slightly, "I borrowed such a huge amount of malice to transform. Although the power is indeed very powerful and it is understandable, it can really be called fake." Face Knight?"

in his impression.

Shouldn't Kamen Rider use his power to protect the world?

Why are they fighting each other like this?

And the same goes for the middle-aged man named Tan Zhengzong from before. He clearly possessed such terrifying power, but he pointed the finger at his own kind?
at this point.

It was really difficult for Dagu to understand, "Fortunately, in our world, I am the only Ultraman who exists. Otherwise, similar problems might have arisen."

(End of this chapter)

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