LOL: I am a steady person, and I am full of attributes at the beginning

Chapter 241 The villain’s script!Do a magic trick

Chapter 241 The villain’s script!Do a magic trick~
The melodious BGM resounded throughout the venue.

The big screen on the main stage lights up.

Under the towering Eiffel Tower.

Pray and Gorilla, the two elder brothers of Xuan Ming, crossed their arms and looked directly at the camera.

"This will be the LCK's third consecutive MSI championship, and we have such confidence."

"IG is an old rival. We didn't perform well in last year's S game, but this year, in the BO5 of this final, we will win everything back!"

In the background, KZ's crushing performance in the LCK is constantly passing by.

The lens turns.

The BGM tone starts to get deeper.

A strange atmosphere appeared, just like the rendering of the villain in a movie.

on the screen.

Lu Chen was dressed in white, with his hands in his pockets, standing under the dazzling sunshine with Rookie.

"Over the years, the LCK has indeed dominated the league's events, but after I show up, all of this will become history."

"Many people say that we are demon kings and villains. I did not agree with it before, but now, we are the villains! All the scripts that the brave must win will be scattered after this BO5!"

In the background, on last year’s S7, pictures of IG wearing one and three emerged one by one!

Turn the lens again.

The entire IG team stood high up. Although they were wearing white clothes, there was a dark and terrifying special effect behind them.

The entire KZ team stood low, dressed in black uniforms, like the protagonists, with golden special effects behind them.

It looks like a brave man is about to defeat the Demon King!


The BGM suddenly pauses during the climax!

The picture gradually darkens.

The audience's enthusiastic and crazy cheers resounded at the scene again!
The camera switches to the official live broadcast room of LPL.

"Welcome back! The live broadcast for you now is the 2018 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship Finals!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Miller!"

"I'm a doll!"

The two commentators have been waiting for a long time, and there is still a trace of excitement on their faces that has not faded.

"Wow, this year's promotional video is very interesting," Wawa smiled cheerfully: "I didn't expect that IG actually got the villain script."

Put it in previous years.

Isn’t this all the scripts used by LCK in LPL’s promotional videos?

This year, it seems the roles are reversed!

"But I have to say," Miller added with a smile: "In this way, I feel very happy. I understand the mood of the LCK commentators every year~"

"KZ are also old friends. Their performance last year didn't seem to be satisfactory. I don't know how they will be this year?"

"Come on, both players are ready!" Miller said, "Let's watch it together!"

The camera in the live broadcast room began to stretch, and the BP interface appeared.

IG blue side, KZ red side.

As soon as they came up, IG even banned Zoe, Rock Bird and Jace.

KZ banned Qinggangying, Jianji and Xia.

"It can be seen that KZ has done a lot of preparations this time," Wawa said, "The bans are quite targeted."

The top three picks on both sides have also been finalized.

On IG's side, Kai'Sa, Luo and Enchantress are locked.

KZ chose policewoman, Bronn and knife girl!
"This sword girl, KZ wants to swing in the middle and top," Miller analyzed: "But IG got Sapphire's Luo and Rookie's Enchantress, plus Kai'Sa, so it doesn't suffer at all."

The second round of BP.

IG bans Ornn and Troll.

KZ bans Blind Sin and Gnar.

Wait until KZ picks the wild boar girl in the fourth hand.

On the IG player table.

Mafa looked at the small book in his hand and hesitated: "Let's go on the road and get the big bug?"

The knife girl on the opposite side wavered, not sure what the last move was.If you rush to pick an aggressive hero, you may suffer a loss. Big Bug is a one-size-fits-all option.

Anyway, The Shy is not only a strong warrior, but also a good tank.

But obviously, The Shy doesn't really want to choose a bastard hero like Big Bug.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, and clicked the mouse on the vampire's avatar: "Is it better to be young or not?"

Mafa seemed a little confused.

On the side, Lu Chen said calmly: "I can reverse squat."

Hearing this, Mafa nodded: "Okay."

Again, the main thing is to believe!
The outside world often doesn’t understand IG’s BP, but this is actually the root cause!

So Ah Shui directly locked the vampire down.

"Well, Lu Chen, what do you want to play?" Mafa closed the notebook and asked directly.

"They are all very strong online," Lu Chen glanced at the hero pool: "Then I'll play a weaker one. How about him?"

As he spoke, Lu Chen pointed at a hero's portrait.

"Are you sure?" Mafa's expression froze, but he still nodded. If you believe it anyway, then you will believe it to the end!
next second.

Along with the exclusive hero lines, an unfriendly avatar was locked down on the fifth floor of IG!

"How about a magic trick~?"

Demon Clown - Sacco!

The moment this hero appeared, the whole place was silent!
LPL official live broadcast room.

The expressions of Miller and Doll also became a little confused.

"Little, clown?"

"Hiss" Miller took a slight breath: "It seems that I haven't seen this hero in the professional arena for a long time."

The doll licked his lips: "To be honest, after the changes to the E skill, the appearance rate of this version of the clown is indeed not high."

Following the plan, the Joker's E skill was changed to a physical damage characteristic.

The appearance rate of this hero is far lower than before.

And few people know that the hero Joker is almost the one who has been weakened the most in the entire League of Legends!
The Sword Girl that everyone is shouting about has only been weakened 11 times so far, while the Joker has been weakened as many as 38 times!
And, it will continue to be cut in the future!

There is no way, even if this hero has been nerfed until now, his winning rate is still higher than that of Dao Mei.
In other words, how many players who dare to take this hero don't have unique skills?

"I can only say that I believe in Chen Yu," Wawa shrugged: "The title of Hero Sea is not for nothing. Anyway, as long as the heroes he brings out, their proficiency will definitely be the same!"

Just as he finished speaking.

Later, Lu Chen’s RANK record was shown on the big screen, Demon Clown - Shaco, number of games used: 1
"Ahem," Miller coughed lightly and changed the subject: "In short, let's continue to look at the BP of both parties."

last hand.

It's KZ's turn to select people on the fifth floor.

Obviously, KZ was also confused by IG's BP.

But I still continued the previous BP idea and selected a wandering top laner on the fifth floor!
In terms of counters, Wanderer should be the one who has the most restraint against vampires among all the heroes!
It just so happens that it can also form complementary damage with their sword girl in the middle.

So far, the lineup of both sides has been formed.

Blue side IG VS red side KZ!

Top laner: Vampire VS Ryze!

Jungler: Clown VS Pig Girl!

Mid laner: Enchantress VS Sword Girl!
AD: Kai'Sa VS Policewoman!

Assist: Luo VS Bronn!

Enter the loading interface on both sides.

The coach also left the player room after completing his final instructions.

center stage.

After half a year, MAFA shook hands with Coach Jin again.

This time, the identities of both parties have obviously undergone earth-shaking changes.

Mafa looked calm and confident.

Coach Jin's face was expressionless, and he cursed countless times in his heart, "Xiba, you are such a lucky kid!" '

(End of this chapter)

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