Chapter 216 Warning!warn!Galen whispers!
To this question, Lu Chen just replied with two words: "Arrest people."

Hearing this, Ah Shui opened his mouth slightly, a little confused: "But, there is no field of view here."

"Just count the time."

Lu Chen looked calm, looking at the screen and counting down silently.

The corner of Ah Shui's mouth twitched slightly, could it still be like this?
If he was really caught, just thinking about it would make him feel silent for his opponent. He would catch him twice in a row!
Even if it were him, his mentality would probably explode!

At this time, the RNG team's voice was on.

Xiang Guo coughed lightly and said, "I'll be back in the bottom lane later."

"It's okay, it's okay, we can still fight," Xiao Ming said soothingly: "The heads are all Qinggang Ying's. We only need to target him in the later stage."

"I know," Uzi took a deep breath and forced himself to hold back his emotions: "Let's be more stable on the way down. We can't give this Qinggang Shadow another chance."

As he spoke, he controlled the resurrected policewoman and rushed towards the bottom road.

At this time, Xiao Ming's Braum was still dutifully blocking the line in front of a tower, preventing the line of troops from entering the tower.

The director knew very well and locked the camera on the policewoman.

As the policewoman moved forward step by step, it also meant that she was getting closer to Qinggang Ying's position.

The entire audience, including the commentator, was silent at this time, watching this scene.


Just when the policewoman walked out of the second tower and came to a place separated by a wall from the toad pit.

A prosthetic eye was suddenly inserted through the partition wall!

When he saw this eye for the first time, Uzi didn't react.

Then, his pupils suddenly narrowed!
"Green Steel Shadow!"


An elegant figure, accompanied by a hook, has been attached to the wall!

I don’t know how this scene would look to others, but in Uzi’s eyes, it was definitely a scene as frightening as a horror movie!

I just subconsciously moved a bit.

The green steel shadow had already flew over and kicked the policewoman straight in the face!
"I really caught it!" The doll's exclamation sounded over the venue: "It didn't flash on either side, how can it be killed!"

EAQAA, a set of output fell directly on the Uzi policewoman!

It was the familiar strong attack and vulnerability again, and the fourth-level policewoman's health bar was knocked down by nearly half in an instant!

At this moment, Uzi could not wait to replace his newly minted pickaxe with cloth-armored shoes!
next second.

Uzi reflexively pressed the E skill.

Lu Chen seemed to know exactly how he was going to operate. He didn't rush to chase him at all. Instead, he used the acceleration given by Q to avoid the rope net with a [-]-degree movement, and at the same time pressed W forward.

Tactical sweep!

Hit on the outer circle!

The 80.00% deceleration directly brought the policewoman to a crawl!
"Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife."

Comes with exclusive lines.

on the screen.

Qinggangying stepped up to catch up, triggered the second stage of Q, and kicked out!
The policewoman's health bar suddenly became disabled!
Then he was chased three times, and he simply fell in front of the second tower.

From the beginning to the end, Qinggangying was shot back by the policewoman, and then hit by the second tower.

"IG ChenYu killed RNG uzi!"

"Rampage! (Rampage!)"

As the policewoman's body fell to the ground, Lu Chen calmly turned around and walked into the wild area, hiding his merit and fame.

This wave happened too fast.

Not to mention Xiaohu and Xiang Guo in the middle and jungle, even Xiao Ming from the next tower was over before he could arrive in time!
On the RNG player bench.

Uzi looked at the screen without saying a word, his face gradually turning red, as if he had thousands of words he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to start.Next to him, Xiao Ming glanced at him and said, "My, my, my, I should have gone back to the city to be with you."

"." The corner of Uzi's mouth twitched: "That's not the problem."

The last wave of Bronn was stuck in the line, which was the most correct way to stop loss. Xiao Ming is really not to blame.

Besides, if Bron had not blocked the line, would others still squat like this?
However, letting a Qinggang Shadow enter the jungle like this is obviously a big problem!

So Uzi could only hold back one more sentence in the end: "Build more vision in the jungle and don't give it another chance."

Next to them, Xiaohu and others nodded without speaking.

On the commentary stage.

When the system's kill prompt appears.

"He actually caught him to death!" The doll tilted his head back slightly, his expression a little distorted: "How on earth did he calculate the time for the policewoman to arrive?!"

"Well" Miller smacked his lips and said, "In short, Bronka's line is meaningless in this case. The policewoman has basically collapsed!"

Xiao Ming in the bottom lane had half of his antenna jammed, just to make up for the losses caused by being caught in the last wave.

The result was not good, the policewoman died again midway before reaching the line.
In this way, the bottom lane can basically declare that this game does not exist.

Not just commentary.

The barrage is boiling at this moment!
"Damn it! Galen whispered, critical hit and defense broken!"

"Gitui, 7-chan didn't catch Uzi like this back then, right? What a shame!"

"God C: Even if I am no longer in the AD position, I can still defeat you!"

"Laughing to death, look at the Uzi lens in the lower right corner, Hong Wen~"

"Warning! Warning!"

"Jiang Zi military training?"

"Oops, if Uzi was caught like this, wouldn't it give God C more confidence in the jungle?"

"Hiss, it's true, RNG, you have to stay on guard!"

Forget about the audience and the commentary.

Even on the IG side, Rookie and others looked shocked.

"No," Rookie cut the screen and said, "Cauldron, did you catch all of this?"

Ah Shui was silent for a while, and then sighed: "Brother Shen, you are so cruel."

I'm in the bottom lane, and before I even get into lane, the other side has automatically collapsed!
This feeling is so exciting!

If you could play like this with all the handles, who wouldn't want to?Playing a professional game is easier than playing against a human machine!

But when he thought of the treatment from the other side, Ah Shui shuddered again. If he thought about it from his perspective, he might also collapse.

Qinggangying has a record of 4-0.

The female police record is 0-3!

What the hell, three of the four heads were captured by Uzi!

This third time, the policewoman’s head is worthless!
"Isn't this normal?" Lu Chen Youyou said: "If you are playing in the wild, you must seize the right path."

Letme on the road, play with a big tree, and get pressed under the tower by The Shy.

The wandering ones in the middle can be caught, but after all, they have a chance to dodge, so it's hard to catch them to death.

Therefore, it must be easy to catch the bottom lane.

It's crispy and close to the line. It's a favorite for every jungler.

All in all, after this wave of capture, RNG basically declared that the situation collapsed.

For a team that plays with four guarantees and one, if AD collapses, it basically means the entire team collapses!
"In this case, it will be difficult for RNG to play here," Watanago analyzed while holding his chin: "The core AD has lost its development. It will be difficult to support the team's output with just Ryze."

"Yes," Miller nodded: "Colonel KI also gave a real-time winning rate analysis curve. Obviously, it is more optimistic about IG!"

(End of this chapter)

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