LOL: I am a steady person, and I am full of attributes at the beginning

Chapter 109 The contrast is strong!Perfect ending!

Chapter 109 The contrast is strong!Perfect ending!
On the bench.

The five IG people slowly took off their headphones and listened to the crazy noise coming from the outside world. Their faces were slightly dazed, and their brains seemed to go blank.

I don't know who it was, but murmured: "We won?"

Not knowing who it was, he replied in an uncertain tone: "It seems... yes?"

Although it has already reached its final destination.

But when this moment came for real, everyone still felt a dream-like sense of unreality.

Three months seems like a lifetime ago.


When IG just completed the reorganization of its new lineup, there were four pure newcomers who had never played in the S game.

Who would have thought that they could really make it to the World Championships and be unrivaled, sweeping everything until now reaching the semi-finals?
"We won! We really won! We can go to Shanghai!"

After fully reacting, Prince Ning and others jumped up from their seats and hugged each other excitedly!
Especially Rookie, her eyes were filled with tears at this time!
Lu Chen was so strangled by Prince Ning that he had difficulty breathing, which showed how excited this man was now.

Finally, Lu Chen reminded: "That's almost enough. We'll celebrate when we get back and we'll have to shake hands."

At this time, the other four people came to their senses and followed them out of the player room.

As soon as he went out, the overwhelming sound of terror suddenly became clear!

Although these cries of ghosts and howls are mixed together, it is impossible to understand.

But everyone on IG still became a little excited.

At this moment, they are the real protagonists!
Until he walked into the Samsung player room.

The extremely quiet and dreary atmosphere filled with despair was like walking into another world. Only then did everyone on IG completely calm down.


Head An was sitting in his seat, staring at the ceiling in trance, his mouth slightly open, as if he had lost his soul.

Crown Brother sat slumped, while Cuvee looked at a loss and didn't even know where to put his hands.

corejj's face was pale and his head was drooped, like an ostrich burying its head in the soil.

As for Emperor Chi.

Perhaps it was because the mental shock was so great that it caused physical discomfort.

He was already clutching his chest and making retching movements from time to time.
When the five members of IG walked in, they were all a little uncomfortable seeing this scene. They froze on the ground and looked at each other, not knowing whether they should go up and shake hands.

In the end, it was only with the referee's reminder that the players from both sides successfully completed the handshake session.

Until they walked out of the player room, everyone at IG still had mixed emotions.

This is esports.

Winner and loser, winner takes all!

If they don’t want to become like Samsung, then they have to keep winning!

Until he holds the trophy that symbolizes the highest glory of the league's e-sports!

IG Lounge.

Before Lu Chen and others reached the door, they found that the door was already open.

When they got closer, the people inside suddenly jumped out quickly and rushed towards Lu Chen in the front with a bear hug.

Su Xiaoluo!
At this time, his expression seemed to be a little crazy, and he kept shouting: "Win! Hahaha! Three to zero, three to zero! We sealed three stars zero! Hahaha!"

From behind, Mafa, Ah Shui, Kid and others all followed.

"We're in the semi-finals! We can go to Shanghai!"

"Awesome! You played so well today, brothers!"

"Celebration banquet! The celebration banquet must be arranged immediately! I must order some sturgeons tonight!"

Ah Shui, in particular, shouted: "Fuck! C!"

For a time, the corridor became lively because of them.

However, the venue staff who passed by did not find it strange. On the contrary, they all looked at this scene with smiles on their faces.

I can’t blame them for being excited.

As the first LPL team to advance to the semi-finals in three years.What an honor is this?

And this honor is something that the IG team has never had since its establishment!
The five of them, Lu and Chen, were forcibly carried back to the lounge as if they were being held in high esteem by the stars!
Needless to say there was another carnival inside.

After a while.

On the big screen in the stadium, the MVP of today's BO5 was finally announced.

No surprise - ChenYu!

A photo of Lu Chen dressed in white with makeup was posted on the right side of the big screen.

The left side shows his performance in these three games today.

Glory Executioner Draven: 9-0!

Night Hunter Vayne: 6-0!

Explorer Ezreal: 8-0!

Three games, no death, KDA is simply scary!
On the data chart, his output in every game is unparalleled, crushing every opponent!

"This MVP, I can only say that I deserve it."

On the commentary stage, I remember smiling and saying: "I believe everyone can see the performance of player Chen Yu today."

"Yes," Guan Zeyuan nodded and said with some emotion: "I have to say that a large part of the reason why Samsung lost in the BO5 today was because the bottom lane was completely suppressed."

The traditional LCK-style AD like Ruler is actually very suitable for this version.

It's stable after all.

In the Incense Burner version, as long as AD can develop, produce stable output in team battles, and take over the game, it will be easy to win!
But no matter what, in the three games today, almost all of Chi Di's handles were knocked off the line!

There's even a meme on the Internet called 'Chicago Outfit', which refers to AD releasing cloth armor shoes first.
"All in all, today's game finally ended successfully."

I remember saying loudly with a smile on my face: "Let us congratulate IG again for winning this crucial BO5 and advancing to the semi-finals!"

Off the field, countless spectators raised their cheering sticks and waved them again!

"IG! IG!"

"Little IG! Keep rushing me!"

Amid such warm cheers, today's game finally came to an end.


For everyone at IG, the impact of this game has just begun to ferment!
Of course, they still have things to do at this time and don't have time to take care of it for the time being.

Yes, interviews!
After the MVP selection, the official interview notice was sent out.

Moreover, since it is the quarterfinals, interviews are now conducted with two players from the team invited at the same time.

As for IG, they unexpectedly invited Lu Chen, the MVP.

As for the other one, of course it’s The Shy who acted like a god of war in the last scene!

When the two walked to the interview site.

Host Yu Shuang has been waiting for a long time.

As soon as he saw them, Yu Shuang's lips turned into a smile: "Finally here! Our great hero today!"

It can be seen that she is still immersed in the atmosphere of victory in the live competition, and her eyes are full of excitement.

Of course, not only her, but the excited spirit of the audience was also hard to calm down.

As soon as they saw the two people, the audience below already shouted.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

"God C! God C!"

"God C! Look here! It's so fierce today!"

"Lu Chen! I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"The Shy! You are a god of war!"

(End of this chapter)

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