
Chapter 189 Xu Ying’s dependence

Chapter 189 Xu Ying’s dependence

Several people heard the sound and looked over at the same time.

Perhaps because so many eyes were turned to her at once, Xu Yuan couldn't help but flinch and fell silent for a moment.

Although she can be regarded as the legitimate daughter of the family, and she often followed Xu Ying before she entered the Royal Academy, but things are no longer what they used to be.

Especially when facing Mo Mo, I always feel a little panicked and guilty.

She still remembered that when Xu Ying and Mo Mo first met, she and Seventh Sister looked down upon her very much. They even gave her a lot of looks because they were jealous that she took away Xu Ying's attention. But even if In that way, Mo Mo never got angry, and now it seems that they don't bother to pay attention to them at all.

Naturally, no one noticed her thoughts, and they just thought she was timid.

However, Xu Ying took the rare opportunity to pat her on the shoulder and said with a smile on her face: "Wow! Sixth sister, you can't tell, I was hit by your words, isn't it? That fairy must have gone through the back door." Something like that?" She still remembered that guy had a cousin who seemed to be very popular at Imperial College.

"Okay, don't gossip about other people's affairs too much. No matter what the reason is, it has nothing to do with us!" As soon as Mo Mo said this, everyone immediately stopped talking.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Mo Mo's face and he continued: "I think we have been out for a while, so why not go back? Taking advantage of the rich spiritual energy here, we can also step up our pace and practice hard."

Naturally, everyone had no objections and returned to their rooms one by one.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the evening of this day, everyone learned one by one that tomorrow was the long-awaited assessment and class assignment.

Everyone was excited and nervous.

"Mo'er, do you think we will be assigned to the same class?"

"Yingying, you have asked me dozens of times, do you want your mouth to be dry?"

Fang Ruxuan, who was sitting aside, couldn't stand it any longer. As soon as she received the notification from her instructor, Xu Ying had been clamoring to come to Mo Mo's room. She stopped leaving right away and was about to approach the second room. It was getting late, but someone still had no intention of leaving, and kept asking this question back and forth.

"Cousin, am I not nervous? Why are you not nervous at all?" Xu Ying pursed her lips in grievance. She actually didn't want to, okay?But when I thought about possibly having to separate from Mo'er, I felt uncertain.

"I must be nervous too!" Fang Ruxuan said helplessly.

Mo Mo frowned slightly and looked at Xu Ying, "Yingying, actually not being together is not as serious as you think. After all, no matter what, we are all in the same college. It's easy to get together if you have something to do or want to get together." , you are just so worried because you have been with me since the beginning, and now you are not used to being separated suddenly."

She said, and finally pursed her lips and looked at Fang Rushuan, "But Ruxuan is different. You have also discovered that although she is also nervous, she is more nervous about the results of tomorrow's assessment, and is not too worried about whether we will succeed. Being assigned to the same class is only like this because Ruxuan has never been in the same class as us in the beginning, so she has developed the habit of being independent, do you understand?"

Mo Mo spoke with sincerity, but her words were very slow. In fact, she had long felt that Xu Ying was too dependent on her. She didn't feel anything at first, but she didn't expect that it was more serious than she thought. She didn't want to cause it because of her own reasons. In the end, they develop the habit of not being able to stand on their own, and then she is really guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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