late night song

Chapter 270: Romance and Debt

Chapter 270: Romance and Debt
Around midnight on the second day, Ji He woke up and saw that Ling Buhuo was still dreaming. She climbed up from the bed quietly, but she still accidentally stepped on the overturned plates and utensils and woke up Ling who was leaning on the Taishi chair. Not confused.

He suddenly straightened up and found that his clothes were disheveled. He stared blankly at the chaos in Ji Hehe's room. Without saying a word, Ji He did not dare to say a word. Under his confused and serious gaze, he hurried away in shame. Out of Zhongyang Palace, and then out of Ziyan Palace.

Princess Helan was anxiously waiting in Ji He's boudoir. When she saw her daughter appearing, she quickly closed the door and dragged her into the cabinet.

"How? Is it finished?"

Ji He lowered his head and refused to reply.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

"I have no idea……"

"How could you not know such a thing!"

Princess Helan was anxious and annoyed, scolded in a low voice, and then asked helplessly: "Did he drink that wine?"


Princess Helan breathed a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on her face.

"What did he say to you when you woke up?"

"He didn't...he said..." Ji He hesitated and couldn't answer.

"What exactly did you say? Are you trying to kill me?"

"He didn't say anything..."

"How is it possible that he then sent you out of the palace? Did anyone else see you leaving his palace?"

Under her mother's repeated questioning, Ji He couldn't hold it back anymore, raised her head and cried and told the truth.

"When he woke up and saw me, he didn't say anything, so I ran away. I really don't remember anything about what happened last night. Although he woke up in the morning and his clothes were disheveled, my clothes were in perfect order! "

"Idiot!" Princess Helan was furious and cursed.

Ji He felt aggrieved and burst into tears, while Princess Helan was pacing back and forth in her room, wondering what she was thinking.

Then, she left Ji He and walked out of the room.


Gu Yuchu and Ling Buhuo were in a cold war. They hadn't seen each other for two days, but their attitude changed 180 degrees when they saw Prince Ling. They were respectful and polite, no longer as casual as before.

The Prince's Mansion has been very lively these past two days. There are always women coming to the door saying that they are former lovers who want to see the Prince. Ling Buhuo did not let the housekeeper stop them, lest they gather at the gate and cause trouble.

He also specially set up a side room in the backyard and said that he would receive generous gifts in the future. He asked each woman to register her name, age, place of origin, and residence one by one, and stamp her fingerprints. Then he sent someone to quietly send her away through the back door. Let this affair ferment.

Shu Yuan felt that something was wrong, especially when he heard a girl coming to visit him saying that his sister had no talent and beauty and dared to provoke the prince. He was so angry that he vowed to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Gu Fan persuaded him to take another look. As for the subsequent developments, Ling Buhuo must have other plans. He didn't need to worry about it, but Shu Yuan couldn't listen at all.

He was good at making decisions, and without asking Ling Buhuo, he followed several girls in and out of the palace for a whole day, and found that most of them came from romantic places in various parts of Yunjing, with the most from Qingyu Tower. In order to find out more He simply pretended to be a benefactor and went straight into this flower building, but his boyish age was not so out of place here. On the contrary, most of the people who patronized this building were young people.

The girls in Qingyulou are slightly older than other flower houses. The majority are girls around 25 years old. They have met countless people, are full of charm, and are good at dealing with others. They never look down on others and praise others, as long as they step into All the benefactors at the gate are waiting for them. This is also an important reason why Qingyu Tower is sought after by young men.

As soon as Shu Yuan entered the threshold, several girls who were idle in the building greeted him with bright smiles and pointed out that there was a teahouse in the inner hall, but they did not swarm in and cause displeasure.

Shu Yuan felt extremely shy, but still pretended to walk by as if nothing had happened, and found an inconspicuous location to sit down with an excellent view.

"Are you here to drink tea or listen to music today?" A woman in green clothes stepped forward and leaned on the tea table, her white arms inadvertently falling on Shu Yuan's chest, and asked softly.

"Ahem, drink tea." Shu Yuan straightened up slightly and moved away a little, too nervous to look directly into her eyes.

"Do you want to drink black tea, green tea or white tea?"

"White tea."

"Young gentleman, your taste is very light." The woman in green covered her mouth with her sleeves and smiled, and the fragrance of tea spread from her clothes, "I think you are not old, so why not find a girl of similar age to accompany you? Let’s talk?”

"No, no, I will look for the sister who has stayed here the longest." Shu Yuan felt that Prince Ling had been romantically involved for many years, and the young man probably didn't understand the old affairs, so it was better to find someone with experience to ask questions.

"Young gentleman, can't you tell that you are so tasteful? It seems that the person you are looking for must be me." The woman in green sat down seductively, dragging her cheeks and smiling charmingly.

"How long have you been in Qingyu Building?" Shu Yuan was overjoyed and felt that he was really lucky today. "I can't remember clearly. In order to raise money for my younger brother to get a wife, my mother sold me, and Ren Yazi resold me several times. I came to Yunjing. At that time, there was no Wutan Tower in Yunjing, and my sister was the most popular in Yunjing City. The oiran lady." The girl in green half answered, half betrayed.

"Yeah, you're still an oiran. Didn't you meet many dignitaries from Yunjing?" Shu Yuan asked along.

"Of course!"

The woman in green clothes replied proudly, but she glanced sideways at Shu Yuan, as if she could see his intention, so she sat close to him with a smile and continued: "The young man is here today for more than just drinking tea with me. Bar."

Shu Yuan was struck by what he said, and smiled awkwardly, then took out a piece of silver from his arms, pushed it in front of her, and said calmly: "We have been chatting for so long, but I haven't invited my sister to have a cup of tea. "

The woman in green clothes happily accepted it, and then smiled even more charmingly: "There are many people here with mixed opinions. I am afraid that what the young man is asking will have to be moved to the side room."

"Okay!" Seeing that she took the bait, Shu Yuan readily agreed, and then, with the support of the woman in green, he followed her up to the second floor and entered the wing.

The green woman immediately locked the door, and Shu Yuan's heart skipped a beat, but it was just a woman, so he wasn't worried.

The woman in green asked him to sit down, poured a glass of wine, walked around in front of him, and poured it into his arms gently and naturally.

Shu Yuan was frightened and quickly pushed her away, staying eight feet away from her.

The woman smiled even more happily and stopped teasing him. She just joked: "Young Master is sitting so far away, you won't be able to hear what I'm saying clearly!"

Shu Yuan thought for a moment and moved a few steps closer, but he just sat opposite her.

"Tell me, which dignitary do you want to inquire about?" The woman in green took a drink and said straight to the point.

"It's just idle talk. Who has my sister met?" Shu Yuan still took a detour to prevent the woman from being too defensive and unable to speak.

"That's a lot. I can't finish it in a few days or nights."

"Where's Prince Fucheng?" Shu Yuan thought that Prince Fucheng was fond of romance and that everyone in the capital loved him, so he put him to the test. If she could succeed, she would have a chance to meet Prince Ling.

"The old prince is a person who loves music, and I have played the pipa for him."

"Is there anyone in the palace?" Shu Yuan asked the key step by step.

"Young Master, you have too many questions. The slave family is open for business and we don't have much free time." The woman in green turned her hand around her hair and said impatiently.

Seeing this, Shu Yuan had no choice but to take out another nail of silver. In just one stick of incense, it cost him more than a month's salary, which made him feel a little sad when he thought about it.

The woman in green took the silver and returned to her previous charming look. She smiled and said, "Young gentleman, please be cool. I'd like to give you a drink."

Shu Yuan wanted to refuse, but couldn't resist her pull. He also thought that she had just drank a drink from the same cup, so he lowered his guard and drank along with her.

"Young gentleman, you want to know who is Prince Ling?" The woman in green put down the cup gently, ate a piece of fruit, and looked at him with a half-smile.

Shu Yuan looked surprised: "How do you know?"

"Oh, the girls in Yunjing are going crazy now. I heard that Prince Ling has to choose a concubine before choosing a princess. Regardless of birth status, only beauty is important. Regardless of whether there is a chance or not, naturally he has to show his face. Wan Once you are chosen to be a concubine, it’s like a chicken or a dog ascending to heaven.”

"How do you know that the prince wants to choose a concubine? Who told you?"

"It was spread in Yunjing two days ago. I think it was most likely spread by Prince Ling himself. He was loved by King Jingchuan, so he no longer needs to keep his loyalty to General Lingyu."

"Have those women who come to visit really had anything to do with Prince Ling?"

"Who knows, but it doesn't matter if you have it before. If you become a concubine, you won't have everything in the future."

"Then why don't you go?"

"You have to trust your fate, daydreaming will harm your health!" The green woman crossed her legs, waved her hands and said with a smile.


Shu Yuan was about to speak again, but suddenly he felt dizzy, his vision was blurred, and he fell down.

"Young gentleman, someone wants your innocence. My sister is too greedy for money, and those little moneymen who come to make trouble are just despised." The woman in green came up and pushed his head, confirming that he was dizzy, and then revealed her true colors.

(End of this chapter)

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