late night song

Chapter 205

Chapter 205
Although Gu Fan's injury has improved, he is still unconscious. However, these days, Qi Zhen has never taken a look. It's not that he doesn't care for his subordinates, but the determination and indifference of the woman on the battleship that day made him 20 Years of self-esteem and pride were completely trodden into the mud. Even after nearly a year, the fire in his heart was still burning.

These anger, hatred, regret, and desire were intertwined and turned into an iron chain, imprisoning his legs.

It only took a stick of incense to reach the main tent, but he hesitated for several days.

Finally, on the tenth night after Gu Fan performed the acupuncture, Qi Jian entered the camp. At this time, Gu Yuchu had just drank the soothing soup sent by his brother and fell into a deep sleep.Ling Buhuo had something to do and delayed his work for a while. When he arrived, she was no longer in the tent.

She lay quietly on the bed, as quiet as when she was in the palace before. Qi Jian sat on the edge of the bed and watched silently, recalling all the past, and even began to miss the cowardly and obedient person when she first entered the palace. She, I think, is really greedy. She got the pearls in the sea oysters, and she coveted the gold and stones in the flames.

The chef in the army brought the ginseng soup that had just been prepared. He tiptoed it into his hand and withdrew.

The soup was very hot, and he blew on it and stirred it gently.

The sweet sound of the bowls and spoons clashing awakened Gu Yuchu's fragile nerves and habits these days. She frowned slightly, turned sideways, and murmured: "Ling Buhuo, what are you doing again?"

Qi Zhen's hands were trembling, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

In the past, no matter how arrogant and resolute this woman was, he always confidently thought that it was just a momentary willfulness. As long as he pulled hard, the kite that had been flown out would always come back.But reality still slapped him hard, and the moonlight in his hand actually flowed away from his fingers, adding to the candles in front of other people's pillows.

He was no longer in a good mood to worry about the bowl of ginseng soup that he had planned for a long time, so he placed the ginseng soup on the table again.

The sound of clang made Gu Yuchu, who was half asleep, have doubts in her heart. The fragrance around her was not a faint scent of medicine, but an unfamiliar yet rich and refreshing scent. She slowly opened her eyes and vaguely recognized the big man. Most of the time he was so angry with her.

"Why are you here?!" She was frightened and sat up.

"Why, shouldn't it be me?"

"No, no." She heard the point of this and quickly denied it.

At this time, someone outside the door spread the news that Prince Beiling was going to meet Emperor Jing at night. In fact, it was just Ling Buhuo who discovered that Gu Yuchu was missing. He hurriedly looked around and found no one, so he concluded that he was at Dongqi Military Camp.

Although the two countries were allies, the military camps were still clearly divided. If he couldn't find anyone by forcefully breaking in, it would be a bad intention and deliberately causing trouble. Therefore, he had to use the pretense to move out of the frame first to give Gu Yuchu a chance to escape.

When Gu Yuchu heard the news, he hurriedly wanted to get up, but was forcefully held back by Qi Jian. He was sure that Ling Buhuo would not break in immediately, so he issued an eviction order.

"Tell Prince Ling that I have gone to bed. If you have any questions, we will discuss it tomorrow."

"What do you want to do?" Gu Yuchu asked with raised eyebrows, but Qi Jian had no intention of letting her go and threw her hard on the soft ground regardless of her struggle.

"Is this how you behave when the bed collapses?" He was really furious. Her muttering just now made him conclude that this woman was unfaithful.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Let me go!"

There was chaos not far outside the tent. Someone shouted out the name she only used in the flower house. She suddenly wanted to cry. At this time, that person was still trying his best to protect her shattered name and reputation. .

Gradually, the noise outside the tent seemed to escalate into fights and commotion.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. Prince Ling is about to break in, saying that we have kidnapped their general." Someone outside the door hurriedly reported.

Gu Yuchu struggled several times, bowed his legs and bent his elbows, and violently broke away from the entanglement of the frame.She stood up, stared into his bloodshot and ferocious eyes, raised her hand and gave him two loud slaps, but Qi Jian had no intention of letting her go, and the two started to fight.

The commotion outside could escalate into a riot at any time. Gu Yuchu didn't want to get entangled. Without any hesitation, he pulled out the dagger he carried and put it against his neck.

Qi Zhen took a step forward, and her blade came a hair closer.

He didn't stop until the blade saw blood.He had seen her face him with countless faces and expressions, but he had never seen her with such cruelty and hatred today.

Gu Yuchu carefully retreated to the exit, and then rushed out.

Fortunately, if it had been any later, Ling Buhuo might have really barged in with a sword. If so, there was no telling how much of a commotion it would cause.

At this critical moment of conquering foreign countries, she must not shake the alliance between the two countries because of herself. This accident caused by her must be settled by her own hands.

Gu Yuchu's hair was slightly disheveled and her clothes were disheveled. He Jun saw this. She straightened her appearance slightly, put away her dagger, ran to the furious Ling Buhuo and the murderous Shu Yuan, and knelt on the ground with a plop.

Regardless of what she was going to do next, Ling Buhuo tacitly took off his cloak and wrapped it around her body to cover up her embarrassment.

He still wanted to pull her up, but Gu Yuchu's eyes told him that she had a plan in mind, so he had to stand up cruelly and let her crawl at his feet so humbly.

"The guilty minister Liu Guang was ordered to sincerely invite Emperor Jing to discuss important matters. However, he got lost in the middle of the night and entered the Allied camp by mistake. He was suddenly attacked by a wild wolf and escaped by chance. He missed the commander's priority and made the two armies incompetent because of his incompetence and stupidity. Ning, please ask the coach to punish you!"

Gu Yuchu said it very loudly, so that everyone present could hear clearly that everything was her fault alone and had nothing to do with anyone else.

Qi Jian walked leisurely out of the military tent and approached step by step. Everything this woman said and planned was for Ling Buhuo's consideration, and the flames in his heart began to surge again.

When Shu Yuan saw this man from a distance, his hair stood up in anger. If Ling Buhuo hadn't stopped him, he would have immediately drawn his sword and rushed in to fight him.

"What's going on? Prince Ling is making a lot of noise." Qi Jian said in a pretentious manner.

"I'm here to take away my people." Ling Buhuo's eyes had never been so sinister and cruel, as if just one look would turn hundreds of miles of flowers into ashes.

"Oh, your people?" Qi Jian bent his eyes and smiled evilly, and the tension between the two was about to break out.

"Emperor Jing, calm down. It's all my fault. I violated the commander's trust and broke into the Dongqi military camp without permission, disturbing your dignity." Gu Yuchu turned around and knelt at his feet. Her forbearing expression could not be seen clearly in the darkness. .

"I can't leave you alone for more than a moment. If you have to rush back to recover, look how worried you are making your coach?"

Qi Jian half-crouched down, lowered his head and said with a smile to her at his feet. What he meant clearly was that the name of official business was false, and the private meeting with him was true. "Now that we've found him, we won't bother him any more." Seeing this, Ling Buhuo picked up Gu Yuchu who was kneeling on the ground and led her quickly towards Bei Ling's military tent.

"Didn't Prince Ling say that we have something important to discuss?" Qi Jian wanted to stop him with a drink.

Ling Buhuo turned a deaf ear, but Gu Yuchu stopped. Today's incident happened because of her. If he didn't cooperate, how could he round off the lie?

"I want to stay alone for a while. Gu Fan will be guarded by Shu Yuan." She lowered her head, dropped these words and returned to her tent.

Ling Buhuo looked at her tired and sad background under the moonlight, feeling confused.

The military tent for discussion was occupied by Gu Fan while he was recovering from his injuries. These two men, who were as imposing as Mount Tai, were walking on the natural road between the two military tents without any of their men, wearing fur cloaks.

"Privately, you and Ling Ziyu should both call me cousin." Qi frame said slowly.

"Is that why you said this?" Ling Buhuo was very disdainful and stopped.

"Stay away from your cousin." A cold smile appeared at the corner of Qi Jian's mouth, making the already cold north wind even colder.

"Emperor Jing has been strategizing for a long time, but he can't remember the past."

"Your memory isn't much better."

"Haha, I'm different from you. I never force her." Ling Buhuo also laughed. If the seemingly conceited man in front of him really had the slightest confidence in that woman's feelings, he wouldn't run to her at this moment. He asserted his unfounded sovereignty over her.

Qi Jian fell silent, looking calmly and coldly into the eyes of this evenly matched opponent. Bei Feng was so frightened that he stood still.

After a while, he continued: "If the two countries go to war because of her, how do you think Xiaochu should deal with it?"

"With Dongqi's current national strength, you don't seem qualified to talk to me like this." Ling Buhuo shot back. Speaking of using violence to fight violence, Beiling Cavalry had never been afraid of threats.

"Oh, it's just a small assumption. She is smart and fragile. She would rather wrong herself than let others suffer for her. If she knew that she was responsible for the lives and expectations of the people of the two countries."

In the middle of Qi Jie's words, his expression was strange and crazy under the moonlight. He himself didn't even know why he said such terrible words.

"You are forcing her to death!" Ling Buhuo was completely enraged. He picked up the Qizhan Firefox fur collar, like a furious bull blinded by red silk.

Qi Jian squinted his eyes and used force to break open the shackles of his hands. Then he raised his hands and flicked the firefox's hair, which was forcefully pulled off.

"You see, she can always control you easily. Unfortunately, I can control her just as easily. So, from the beginning, you lost."

After that, he turned back to his military camp, leaving Ling Buhuo alone in solemn silence.

He walked alone in the cold night for a long time, and unknowingly came to the door of Gu Yuchu's tent. He thought about it again and again, and finally turned around and left.

The woman on the couch had her eyes open, still in shock, and her hands were sweating.

It was really too thrilling just now. If you think about it carefully, if you were not careful, you would have fallen into the trap of the frame.

As a female prostitute, she appeared in the Dongqi military camp for no reason, which later caused a riot between the two armies. She appeared disheveled, which really aroused suspicion and criticism.

As soon as this incident came out, Qi Jie was the king of a country. She was still nominally engaged to Dong Qi under the false name of Princess Hehe. To him, this incident was just a romantic joke.

But Ling Buhuo was different. No matter whether he was facing Ling Ziyu's dissolute behavior, his shabby reputation, or the resurrected crown prince, no matter how wise, brave and courageous he was in the past three or two years when he led the army on expeditions and promoted the elephants, All the brilliant achievements in battle will be wiped out in one stroke.

In these days, everyone can clearly see the special way he treats himself. Coveting an already engaged woman is shameless and dishonorable. In addition, today he disregarded the overall situation of the alliance between the two armies and turned against the friendly forces with swords. , will be criticized by the world for the rest of his life, so how can he establish trust in the three armies and win the trust and support of the Beiling government and the public in the future.

Dongqi and Beiling were originally about the same national strength, but in the past five years, due to the two invasions of Xirong and the rebellion of the Suppressing Western Army, as well as internal and external troubles, the loss of national strength was within control, but it was not as good as before, let alone Ti contends with Beiling.

The purpose of opening the frame is to put Ling Buhuo and Ling Ziyu in an unfilial and unjust situation, to tear apart the undercurrent under the calmness of Beiling's government and the public, to encourage those wolf ambitions that have not yet been launched, and to shake Beiling's foundation!

Fortunately, she and Ling Buhuo cooperated tacitly and managed to calm down the commotion and found a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, no one could have predicted the consequences.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuchu couldn't help but feel scared. She couldn't believe that Qi Jie was so sinister and crazy, and Ling Buhuo ignored the overall situation for her and became so confused.

These worries and self-blames haunted her until she was so sleepy at dawn that she was able to fall asleep. When she woke up, she found Ling Buhuo sitting quietly on the chair beside the bed, lost in thought.

"You're awake." He came back to his senses, his face was watery, and he couldn't see any emotion.


"Then I'll get some soup and porridge." Ling Buhuo stood up and turned around dejectedly.

"Ling Buhuo." Gu Yuchu got up and grabbed his cuffs.

"What's the matter?" He didn't look back.

"I beg you," Gu Yuchu lowered his head and looked haggard, "don't do anything stupid for me again. I don't deserve it, and I can't afford it."

Ling Buhuo then turned around. He wanted to speak to comfort her, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of the dazzling blood marks and traces of joy on her neck, and all his words were stuck in his throat.

He raised Gu Yuchu's chin with one hand, forcing her to take a closer look at him. After an unknown amount of time, a wry smile of self-pity appeared on his lips, and he left the camp and never came back again.

(End of this chapter)

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