late night song

Chapter 193

Chapter 193
When the army approaches the city, time waits for no one. We all discuss together and divide into four groups to act at the same time.

The first route was to urgently escort the people who would not be able to evacuate up the mountain in time to leave the city through the North City Gate.

On the second route, cut off the chains of the three Lingshui Bridges, destroy the Nanhuai River, divert the water from the Linghe River into the Xiqu River in front of the West City Wall, and block the front road to Xirong.

On the third route, the crossbowmen were in position on the city wall facing the enemy in the southwest, transporting stones to block the city gate, and kerosene barrels were placed all over the city wall.

The fourth route is to divide the troops into ambushes and lay traps in the streets and alleys.

At the same time, in order to ensure that reinforcements could come, Gu Yuchu forced his younger brother to rush back to Beiling to report the news.

"Brother Buhuo listens to you the most, so you have to go in person." Shu Yuan was also worried about his sister's safety and tried to force Gu Yuchu out of the city.

"If I escape from the battlefield, the military morale that I finally built up may collapse again!"

"Don't take yourself too seriously. Without you, Hehe can't fight?"

"What do you know?" Gu Yuchu didn't bother to explain to him. It was true that she was insignificant, but in the current situation, the reinforcements behind her were the Beiling reinforcements. No matter how illusory it was, it was He He's last hope, so she could never leave.

"What will happen to the Red Hairpin Female Army if I leave?" She begged her brother to deliver the message, but she concealed the fact that she had already boasted to He He and the entire army, lest Beiling would not send troops and he would be too worried and risk life and death. , had a conflict with Ling Buhuo and violated military law.

"It wasn't you who was in charge before, but now you're just joining in the fun!" Shu Yuan was very dissatisfied, and his tone became angry unconsciously.

"Don't give me any nonsense, or I won't go back to Yunjing with you."

"Back on your word! Are you thinking about returning to Dongqi to be your queen again?" Upon hearing this threat, Shu Yuan jumped up.

"Are you doing this again?" Gu Yuchu rolled her eyes and handed him the golden hairpin with phoenix feathers that Gu Fan had brought to her. "Give this to Ling Buhuo and ask him to come and rescue me quickly."

"What do you mean?" Shu Yuan saw this unsightly token and snatched it away. His sister usually wouldn't let him touch this thing, but now he was reluctant to take it out.

"What do you mean?" Gu Yuchu pretended to be mysterious and did not explain clearly, leaving his brother to guess.

"Why is it me? Can't others do the same?"

"No, it has to be you. If it were anyone else, just a message would be enough, but there is no need to bring the gold hairpin."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to grab it, but Shu Yuan dodged and she missed it.

"I'm just asking you, do you want to send it or not?" She gave an ultimatum.

"Send it away!" Shu Yuan thought about it again and again, seeming to guess the power of it, and immediately beamed with joy.

So, he found a horse and immediately left the city and headed north.

"Be careful!" Gu Yuchu warned, looking at his brother's back, feeling extremely guilty.

Qiongzhou City was in danger, and no matter how righteous and desperate she was, she couldn't bear to put her brother in danger, so she thought of this way to send him away.Only then could she fully understand Fan Yueqing's mood at that time.

In addition, she unscrupulously wanted to take advantage of Ling Buhuo's friendship for her.

That golden hairpin was the promise given to her to become the queen. Now that she was entrusting it to Ling Buhuo, she was placing her own future on the bet of Beiling sending troops. She might have a better chance of winning.

But she was not naive enough to place all her hopes on this. After all, she knew in her heart that Ling Buhuo and Qi Jian were the same people. The love between their children was nothing compared to the plans of the family and the country, so why bother with her persistence.

Before dawn, the people basically evacuated, and Xirong also launched a general offensive.

Fan Yueqing ordered people to find a hundred corpses and hang them every fifteen feet on the city wall. They were all dressed in rich brocade and had hair covering their faces. It was not clear which one was Qi Yijue.

Queen Kosang had an order to see people alive and dead, so she led the army and ordered the ban on catapults and crossbows, and only infantry was allowed to attack hard.

On the Qiongzhou city wall, five thousand crossbowmen and archers were in position. Their bows and arrows were dipped in burning kerosene to suppress the advancing troops.

The ropes of the three chain bridges on the moat outside the city gate had been cut in advance. Even the temporary wooden bridges were successively burned by kerosene fired from a distance. For the time being, Xirong could not get even half a step closer to the moat.

But Xirong's strong attack was just the beginning. The [-] crossbows and arrows were about to be exhausted. Wave after wave of infantry rushed across the temporary wooden bridge over the Xirong River under the cover of shields.After crossing the river, there were still fifty feet to reach the gate of the city wall. At the critical moment, a rapid torrent came down from the southwest. The water level of the Xiqian River doubled in an instant, and the river surface widened by thirty feet. Xirong used it to temporarily cross the river. The wooden piles were instantly washed away, and the thousands of charging soldiers were instantly submerged, and the first day's fighting came to an abrupt end.

This flood discharge came in time, and also disrupted the possibility of Xirong dividing his troops into two routes. The rushing water across the river in the southwest blocked the way forward, and the Qiyun Mountains in the northwest made the road rugged and winding, making it impossible for a large number of vehicles and horses to march.Therefore, they could only rush to build the Lianzhuang raft to cross the river overnight, using Qiongzhou West City Gate as the breakthrough point.

But as far as He He was concerned, this strategy was not considered a good strategy that killed two birds with one stone. It could only be regarded as a reluctant and expedient retreat.

Because although the flood discharge prevented Xirong from being attacked by lightning, it also left the 10,000+ soldiers and horses in the city and the [-] young and middle-aged people who were determined to stay and defend their homes with no way to retreat except entering the mountain through the north city gate.

Facing the enemy in the southwest, the fifteen counties in the southeast connected to the land of Dongqi across Lingshui were all captured by Xirong.Fortunately, the war in the southeast was controlled by Dongqi, and Xirong did not have many troops to support it. Otherwise, Qiongzhou City would be razed to the ground in less than three days, even if it was defended tightly from both sides.

After a calm night, the flood discharged Lingshui flowed into Beiyu Lake through the Xiqian River. The river water level decreased and the river surface narrowed. The Lianzhuang raft built by Xirong overnight was enough to cross the river.

The more than a hundred corpses hanging on the city wall were no longer restrained by the Xirong commander's troops. He ordered the slings to be fired, and the bows and crossbows to fire with them, no longer having any scruples.

But what he didn't know was that in order to preserve his strength, the archers on the Qiongzhou city wall had already evacuated.After a majestic rain of arrows, more than [-] infantrymen stormed into the city, rushed to the city gates, and climbed up ladders.

In the city, after He and his soldiers quickly collected the arrows that crossed the city, a hundred flaming arrows were fired at the city wall. The city wall that had been covered with dead trees and filled with kerosene instantly burned, raging and devouring the people who had just been killed. Climb up to the west to attack the enemy invaders.

The wall of fire rising from the water once again blocked the second general attack of the Xirong army and horses.

Originally, the fire was so powerful that it could burn for at least three days, but God was not kind to it. It rained heavily, and after a day and a half, the flames no longer showed any decent momentum.

Xirong seized the opportunity and climbed over to the city through the ladder one after another. However, what they did not expect was that there were hundreds of huge stones piled behind the iron city gate, and inside the charred city wall was an empty city with no human habitation. .

"Grandma's legs, how can Dongyi's pretty face be so strong?" A soldier couldn't help but cursed when he saw the door being blocked so tightly.

"Look! What is that?" Someone was surprised to find a man sitting on the main road in the city. He lowered his head, his eyes were blocked by his hair, and several patches of blood seeped out from the blue brocade.

"It's Lord Ning Jue!" Someone responded.

The soldier who was still cursing just now rushed out and ordered: "Fifty people follow me, and the others will find a way to get this stone away."

So, about fifty Xirong soldiers holding long swords carefully moved towards the main road. On the empty street, the wind blew straight without turning. The lanterns and signature banners in front of the shops on both sides It was blown and rustled.

Suddenly, many thick hemp rope loops flew out of the small alleys on both sides of the main road, and they were wrapped around their necks. With a strong force, they were dragged into the alley one after another, so fast that they seemed to be being dragged. A gust of wind blew away, and then, a series of extremely frightening shouts came from the alley.

The Xirong people who stayed in place to clean up the stones and the city wall who had just climbed down were startled.

"I've never seen anything like your queen's balls!"

Feeling that they were being teased, the Xirong people kept rushing forward, but they were all less than ten feet away from the chair and fell to the ground after being hit by arrows that were continuously fired from the alley.

After that, Gu Yuchu led more than a thousand of his soldiers with the best martial arts skills to rush out from the corners of the city wall. The Xirong people had no time to react and were killed by surprise. However, there was no obstacle on the city wall, and more people climbed over the wall. He He Fang was a little overwhelmed. When Gu Yuchu gave an order, the group of people immediately retreated into the winding alley without any intention of fighting.

Then more reckless and rebellious Xirong soldiers rushed into the hidden alley, but no one came out alive.At this point, they were in a panic. No generals entered the city to give orders. Even if they were not afraid of life and death and had the intention to pursue them, no one dared to act rashly because they had suffered several heavy losses in the past.

The Xirong troops entering the city had to concentrate their efforts to clear the city gates and clear the way for the army to enter the city.

More than [-] people used dozens of wooden poles to jointly move the stone blocks onto rolling logs, and then used ropes to pull them to other places.Although the city gate was tightly blocked, it could not withstand the large number of people. In less than half a day, the city gate was opened, and the Xirong army and horses officially entered in an orderly manner.

Someone has reported the situation in the city to the outside world. Due to the two or three days of strong attack, Xirong has lost more than 15 soldiers. This time, in order to prevent the Qiankun inside, the army commander ordered that only [-] soldiers be allowed into the city.

At the beginning, the Xirong army divided their troops to search alleys without any particular strategy. It was dark, they were not familiar with the terrain, and the winding roads in the city made it inconvenient to march in large areas. As a result, they were all ambushed invariably and suffered heavy losses.

The next day, with the lessons learned from the past, Xirong no longer made any rash advances, but even thought of a plan to force He He to reveal his weakness.

They lit a fire and set fire to more than a thousand people's houses in the north of Qiongzhou City. He and the garrison who were ambushed in the north of the city could not stand the smoke and fire, so they rushed out with all their might.

Seeing this situation, the ambushed soldiers and horses in the south of the city ignored their original plan and had no choice but to file out and engage in a head-on confrontation with the Xirong soldiers and horses.

(End of this chapter)

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