late night song

Chapter 124 Entrusted by Others

Chapter 124 Entrusted by Others
Because of Xiao Ling's outspoken feelings, Gu Yuchu couldn't sleep well for several nights.Her mood was extremely complicated. She was happy to be remembered, but also worried about getting along with Xiao Ling in the future. However, what made her even more panicked was that those memories that had been dusty suddenly broke free from the many shackles she had set and occupied her. All her thoughts.

She began to miss Qi Zhen, and all she could remember in her mind was his gentleness and how well he treated her.But she also knew clearly that Qi Zhen's life without her would not change in any way. After all, he could survive the long lonely night with the reversible power in his hand, not to mention that he would always have a beautiful woman by his side. If nothing unexpected happened, he would even have own children.

Thinking of this, she felt bitter in her heart.

Then her brother's questioning in her dream made her wake up again. His and her names were like the two stars in the sky, and they would never have the chance to stand side by side.

After clearing away her complicated thoughts, Gu Yuchu continued her new life and met with Xiao Ling. She was as usual, as if nothing had happened that day. She felt that this was the best answer she could give him.

But Xiao Ling was neither angry nor annoyed, nor did he ask her for answers. He cooperated with her in acting out this excerpt of amnesia, silently guarding her well-sealed emotions, making her feel at ease and comfortable.

But late at night three days later, Gu Yuchu slipped out in black clothes because of a note that a drunken scholar quietly slipped into her mouth after he had a big fight with his neighbor over their different views on poetry.

"At three o'clock in the morning, purple bamboo forest."

Gu Yuchu did not bring a weapon because she knew who the person who sent her the letter was.

"King Han." Before the man who stood with his hands behind his back turned around, Gu Yuchu called out his name.

Qi Yiyu was not surprised, he just turned around and didn't even bother to say hello with a smile.

"Tell me, do you need my help with anything?" Gu Yuchu didn't like him, so he crossed his arms and got straight to the point, too lazy to talk to him.

"How did you know I had something to do with you?" Qi Yiyu asked, squinting his eyes.

"The moon is dark and the wind is high. Could it be that King Han wanted me to come here for a tryst?" Gu Yuchu said mockingly to himself.

"I have stayed in the dusty land for a long time, and my words are all in good shape."


Even a fool can understand the disdain in these words. Gu Yuchu sneered and continued to retaliate: "But I'm afraid this is not the attitude of asking for help."

"You!" Qi Yiyu didn't like Gu Yuchu's gangsterism after entering the world, but thinking that he did have something to ask for, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Gu Yuchu caught his restrained expression through the moonlight and thought it was funny, so he stopped teasing him.

"Qi Jinjue has come to Qiongzhou." The man said leisurely.

"He was released so easily?" Gu Yuchu was not surprised, but still asked knowingly.

"Yeah." Qi Yiyu snorted.

"Did you issue some kind of military order?" She wanted to take the opportunity to get some details.

Qi Yiyu was noncommittal, but it was difficult for him to explain clearly when it came to secrets.

"Then you came to Hehe for the same thing or because Emperor Ming doesn't trust you." Gu Yuchu continued to ask politely.

Qi Yiyu still remained silent.

Gu Yuchu stopped testing him and simply stated his attitude.

"Tell me, I will promise you anything."

"Why don't you ask carefully? If it were something that was harmful to nature, would you do it?" Qi Yiyu was surprised to see her being so decisive.

"What unreasonable thing can you ask me to do?" She smiled. In fact, from her heart, she believed in Qi Yiyu's character. If it weren't for Gu Yu's uneasy will, he would definitely be able to protect his sister. A good match for life, she paused and continued: "Just consider it my compensation for you."

Qi Jinyu frowned and looked at the woman in front of him suspiciously. Although the mottled night could not clearly see the disgust in his eyes that turned from thick to light, what he could be sure of was that a trace of relief that he had never felt before gradually flowed into his heart. I even began to feel that maybe she had made an extremely difficult decision in that matter, giving up all the dignity and life-long expectations of a woman.

"My father secretly sent Qi Yijue over to see an opportunity to get rid of Lejia Pengkang. I hope you can protect him from this disaster."

"Where is he now?"

"Three Elements Academy."

"It's safer there than you think. Of course, I will try my best to fulfill my promise to you." Gu Yuchu was startled when she mentioned the academy, but soon she realized that although the Lejia royal family was no longer glorious, it was still a century-old royal family. She escaped from the academy. It is not difficult to select and send your children and grandchildren directly to school.

"Thank you." Qi Yiyu nodded in thanks.

"What I'm curious about is, why do you believe me? Maybe I am a chess piece deliberately placed far away from the frame, or a detailed work of Beiling." The woman was in a good mood at the moment, so she spoke frankly about the doubts in King Han's heart.

Qi Jinyu paused, surprised by his frankness.He did have such concerns in his heart, but he was sure that Qi frame was not a greedy fool, not to mention that this woman was not very pretty.

But he could clearly see how special Qi Zhi was to this woman. Her life experience was a mystery. Even though she was deprived of all honor and exiled to the border, she was able to move forward and retreat smoothly with Ling Ziyu's entanglement. Based on this, he believed that she had the ability to influence Qi frame's worries thousands of miles away brought her into this fighting game. For Lejia Pengkang, the greater the chance of survival. "Because Yu Xin believes in you, and I believe in Yu Xin." Qi Jinyu said something specious, but he was impartial and firmly grasped her heart.

"Is there anything else you want to explain?" Gu Yuchu lowered his eyelids and changed the subject as if nothing had happened.

"I got the news that Qi Yijue has planted killers at the foot of Qilian Mountain. He also has secret sentries in Sanxing Academy. He is expected to take action during this time. I am not worried in the academy. I am just afraid that Xiao Pengkang will be tricked into going down the mountain. That’s a bad thing.”

"Where's Beiling?"

"He has been secretly lurking under the Qilian Mountains for a long time. No matter what, his life hangs on a thread."


Gu Yuchu understood the current situation of Lejia Pengkang, but he still had doubts in his heart.With the current overwhelming situation in Dongqi and Hehe, she didn't understand why Emperor Ming was so anxious to get rid of this childish man who was currently no threat. However, when it came to the conflict of the Three Kingdoms, the less she knew, the better.

She had learned that Lejia Pengkang was in danger as early as at the inn, and originally planned to stay out of it, but after all, the child was innocent, and he was destined to be with her. In addition, Qi Yiyu found her personally, so she must repay this favor.

She also knew that it was dangerous to go there, and she might not end well if she was not careful, but she also thought about the Yuchi family. Isn't it a tragedy of treacherous things going wrong? Without the efforts of the unfair people to rescue her, she and Gu Yu must have lost their lives. The heart will not live until now.

In this way, let's treat it as reincarnation in this world and allow her to repay the gift of fate.

Troubled times have arrived and the flames of war cannot be concealed. Le Jia Huanyu is in the center of the whirlpool and is doomed. I hope his son can survive the rest of his life safely.

"The overthrow of Hehe is a foregone conclusion. My identity...that's all. The situation is irreversible. I only hope that my relatives are safe and sound." Qi Jinyu rarely expressed his true feelings, but he did not let go of his grudges, but Xiao Xiao He used his affection to show weakness to the woman in front of him, urging her to willingly go for this gamble.

"It doesn't have to be like this. I'm not a selfless person. There's one condition." Gu Yuchu interrupted him calmly.

"You are a very cunning woman. Yu Xin is not even remotely similar to you." Qi Yiyu frowned slightly and replied calmly.

"How is she now?" Gu Yuchu smiled bitterly and asked about his sister's current situation. He also lamented Qi Yiyu's deep affection. Why is it so rare for such an infatuated person in the world to receive God's gentle care.

"It's not good, it's not bad either. Prince Qin's palace is very lively now. Fu Qing gave birth to a son, which attracted all Nan Xi's attention. Although Qi Zhen treated her as before, he was busy with political affairs and the backyard was bustling. How much can she get?"

Gu Yu was silent for a while after hearing this for the first time. It was an extravagant hope for a person in that mansion to have a white hair, but this was her sister's own choice, so what could she say more.

"Are you guilty?" Seeing him like this, Qi Yiyu asked abruptly.

"I can't help you, but I can help her." Gu Yuchu looked calmly at the man in front of him and said calmly.

"Selfish woman, tell me your conditions." Qi Yiyu was so prejudiced against her that even though he understood the words, he didn't take it seriously and looked at her with contempt.

"I want you to do your best to help Yu Xin ascend to the position of Queen Dongqi." Gu Yuchu said his request firmly without hesitation.

Such an answer was beyond Qi Jinyu's expectation. He thought she would make plans for her future, a worry-free life, a new identity or the opportunity to return to Qi Jian.

"You...really don't plan to go back?" he asked hesitantly.

I probably can’t go back.Gu Yuchu felt sad. Even if she went back, she would definitely follow her own will and no longer be at the mercy of others.

"She is the target of public criticism, and I am not a good sister." She laughed at herself, as if she didn't care what Qi Yiyu thought of her. After a long silence, she spoke softly, "If she needs you one day, why don't you still Will you drop everything to be by her side?"

But as soon as she said these words, she regretted her gaffe.

Although Qi Yiyu has a proud and stubborn personality, he is indeed a good man who values ​​love and justice. At such a high-spirited age, how could he not meet a lover as caring as Gu Yuxin in the future? However, she has selfish expectations. It's really inappropriate to expect him to be trapped in this fruitless relationship to help him complete the Yuchi clan's revenge.

But she also knows that this is also a question to ask herself, if one day comes, can she still remember her sincerity that has been exiled, and let go of her obsession just to be by that person's side.

"What if it's you?" Qi Yiyu didn't have an answer in her heart, so she asked the question in her heart.

"I don't know." Gu Yuchu smiled faintly, then pursed his lips and gave a plausible explanation, "Maybe, maybe not. Just ask casually, don't keep it in mind."

"Yeah." Qi Yiyu grunted, then fell silent.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back. I'll set off tomorrow." Gu Yuchu said goodbye, then walked towards the depths of the woods, wrapped in the cold starlight.

She walked alone for a long time, letting the darkness drown her sadness.

Prince Qin's Mansion was very lively now. These words penetrated deeply into her heart. She couldn't help but think about which beauty lived in Linyue Pavilion, and how many more bright colors were added to the pavilion in the middle of the lake. Nanyuan Whether the lamps in the study are still burning, whether the bluestones she stepped on in the palace garden and the vegetation around her skirts still have her residual warmth, and whether the clothes that have not been given away can illuminate his eyes. His eyes reveal his long-buried thoughts.

In the end, she was defeated by herself and bowed her head to the rushing thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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