The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 396: There are three ways to be unfilial, but it is the worst to have no heirs.

Chapter 396 There are three types of unfilial piety, the worst is not having an heir.

Since the last time my mentor talked with Zhou You,

Zhou You is also thinking about options.

It’s just that many things cannot be done too abruptly.

This time I happened to have dinner with Sun Caixia, and I haven't figured out what to do yet.

There are probably two ideas:

The first one is to buy a little every year and store it in a warehouse.

The second is to find someone to set up a small mask factory and disinfectant product company by yourself, slowly produce them, and stock up every year.

Then when the first wave breaks out, donate directly to get the golden body.

But it's still a little early now.

Later, many mask factories were launched directly, with low investment and easy construction.

Anyway, it's all processing of supplied materials, with no technical content.

It’s just that the melt-blown fabric inside is not easy to buy, and there are few domestically produced ones. Most of them are imported. Especially at that time, they were long gone in China and couldn’t be snapped up abroad.

The usual usage is not large, and they are all niche industries. No one expected that such a day would come to pass.

Zhou You remembers clearly that he almost jumped into it in the hope of becoming rich, but in the end it was too late.

In addition, I am a little timid and dare not invest all my wealth in it.

Saved myself hundreds of thousands.

Many people who followed blindly lost all their money and used it as wedding clothes for others.

Of course, through this incident, many people also posted it.

On a certain occasion, when someone asked people whether they have destiny and wealth in this life, an anonymous big pig answered below:

"I believe in fate. My father has been running a mask factory in his life. I didn't know if he could keep it. When I was young, I encountered SARS, and my family managed to survive for a few years."

"In the first two years, I almost couldn't run the business, but my dad still persisted. As a result, I caught up with this again. According to my dad, it is estimated that it can last until he retires."

There is real name envy below.

This is really life.

Zhou You is also very envious. The ordinary people have no big hope and can only rely on this.

"Sister Sun, how long is the shelf life of masks?"

Sun Caixia has been very happy recently. She has been in contact with different circles. It turns out that almost all of them are young rich wives, and most of them are in the medical circle, which is quite boring.

When Zhou You asked, he quickly said: "I don't know the specifics. It's probably only two or three years. What's wrong?"

Originally, masks could not last until their shelf life. They were used every day and I didn’t pay much attention to them.

"Ah, it's so short. I want to buy more to keep." Zhou You said.

Sun Caixia looked curious: "Why are you buying this thing to keep? It's not for eating or drinking. It can't be sold in China, so it's only used by hospitals."

"I have a breeding farm here, I do it myself, it's all organic, and I need a lot of daily protection." This is also an excuse for traveling around, otherwise I really can't find a reasonable reason.

Sun Caixia: "Ah, brother, your industry is quite broad and involves everything."

"Hey, I just want to find something to do for my family and earn some money so that I don't have to go out to work every day and be annoyed." Zhou You said honestly.

If you really have money, who would want to go out to work?

Huddled at home, the wife and children are hot on the bed, and friends gather around for wine, meat, and dogs.

How comfortable.

Sun Caixia nodded repeatedly: "Yes, people are cheap when they leave their hometown. How can they be as good as their hometown?"

The two chatted and chatted, and the topic went far away.

"Sister Sun, please help me find a small factory. One that can produce masks and disinfectant alcohol will be fine. It doesn't need to be too big." Zhou You saw that if he kept trying, he might not be able to get it back.

"Okay, no problem, it's simple. Don't be too many in the industry. Is there any location requirement, or you can find someone to build it yourself. Things are not valuable, and technology is not valuable, but the sales channel is valuable." Sun Caixia didn't hide it either. Tucked.

This is also true. Now that the industry is very mature, there are still industry barriers and information barriers that are invisible to outsiders.

Each major manufacturer has its own channels, and small manufacturers have no room to survive.

When Zhou You heard this, he was also thinking that in the long run, it would be more convenient for him to have it on hand, as it would last a long time.

If we were in Shanghai, it would be troublesome to transfer the goods at that time. If there was another emergency, we wouldn't be able to get in.

The investment is not big anyway.

In the early stage, everyone knows a little bit about it, and it is a little troublesome to go through their own procedures. Just hire someone familiar with it, and it will cost more.

The departments involved are not strong ones, and besides, there is no pollution in this industry.

The more I think about it, the more appropriate it becomes. When the time comes, we will need a lot of warehouse storage, which all requires space.

Others may be very optimistic, but Zhou You knows that every time when you are at your most desperate, there is still something even more desperate.

After enduring it, I got used to it.

Prepare for a rainy day, you must prepare for a rainy day.

However, you still need to think carefully and find a reliable manager. Anyway, you don’t expect to make money, as long as you can maintain it.

"Sister Sun, let's see if this works. You can help me find someone reliable, preferably from our local area. I'm going to build a factory and do it myself."

"But, my personality is relatively lazy, so I still need to find someone reliable."

Sun Caixia didn't care. She couldn't do it anyway. She now experienced the joy of freedom and couldn't be tied up anymore. Besides, just making masks and disinfectants didn't really have much technical content.

"Okay, but it's definitely not that fast. It's hard to find the right person. Local people from Luzhou are better and more stable."

Zhou You nodded: "Yes, the business volume is not large, and the profit is definitely not high. We must still focus on stability."

These days, everything you say is false. The most important thing is to provide enough money and not mess around. Basically, this company can survive.

In a mature industry, there is nothing to worry about.

Every industry has its own characteristics, and there are bloody lessons in every industry.

That is to say, the purpose of traveling is not to make money, otherwise I really don’t want to wade into this muddy water.

If you do this well, you'll basically be fine.

I have done a lot of things during this trip, and my thoughts are becoming clearer and clearer. No matter what happens in the future, at least I have a clear mind.

It's quiet at night.

Traveling around makes me sleepless.

Life is full of life.

Is he now Zhuang Shengxiao dreaming of butterflies, or is he just a dream?

It always feels a bit unreal.

This is why Zhou You sometimes indulges himself in the presence of women, and still wants to experience the real feeling, but he always feels that there is something wrong with him.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and no one is the greatest.

In this sentence, it doesn't matter if I travel around all the time. I have a very difficult life, so I can think of what happened to my descendants later.

If I can't live a decent life, I'd better not let my descendants continue to suffer.

However, things are different now. My butt has changed, I am able to raise children, and I hope to add some different fun to my life.

In life, you need to experience more.

A life without stress is so comfortable. Last summer, I traveled here.

I spent an unforgettable vacation with Yin Na.

At the last moment, Yin Na also made up her mind and did not take any protective measures. It could be called impulse or love.

When you are excited, it is inevitable to think less maturely.

Who knows, it really does exist.

It was a pleasant surprise at first, but not long after the surprise, I started to feel a little sad.

Although the atmosphere is very open, Yin Na knows how difficult it is for a woman to raise a child alone.

My own mother also had mixed feelings.

Adding a new life must be a joy. Ina is getting older, and if she doesn't give birth to a child, she will be considered an advanced maternal age.

In addition, the current conditions are also good, and I can afford to raise him.

The worry is that Zhou You is a foreigner and will definitely not stay here for a long time.

Then my daughter may have to follow her own old path and raise her children alone. The advantage over her is that she can lend a hand.

"Yina, are you really not going to tell Zhou You?" Maria looked at her daughter worriedly.

From her point of view, she still hopes that Zhou You can know that maybe things will change and things will turn around.

Ina sat on the sofa, basking in the afternoon sun, gently holding her belly with her hand. Five months later, she was already pregnant, and she would almost give birth in June.

"Mom, let's not talk about it for now. We'll talk about it after we give birth, okay?" Ina insisted.

Ina is also a little worried, worried that Zhou You doesn't like children, and doesn't know how she will treat them.

What if you let yourself get aborted?

Anyway, now he goes for check-ups and physical examinations on time, he is not short of money, and the house is enough to live in. Whether he knows it or not does not matter, the flesh grows on his body.

Maria shook her head helplessly and could only sigh secretly.

Times have changed. There used to be very few unwed mothers, but somehow in recent years, there have been more and more.

Everyone is becoming more and more independent and has their own ideas, and I don’t know whether they are good or bad.

Now that Zhao Yun wants to be the assistant director, he cannot delay the documentary festival. He can only strongly recommend and fool He Zai and let him take the leading role.

In addition, some other young people were all excited by Zhao Yun's deception.

In fact, it is not a lie. Making documentaries is really a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Movies will become garbage and TV series will become outdated, but documentaries, even the most garbage ones, will become historical data as long as they are recorded truthfully.

The bearer is currently, and in the future, continued to be viewed by future generations, and the possibility of excavation serves as factual material.

He Zai has had a good year this year and has some confidence when he returns home.

Especially when my father asks me how much money I will earn this year.

"Five hundred thousand, at least half a million." He Zai said firmly.

"Don't brag. Who would spend 50 to see a group of bangbangs." Naturally, He Zai's father didn't believe it.

But he knew that his son had rarely lied to him over the years, but he had more and more ideas and became more and more deviant.

"What are you trying to do to lie to me? The big boss has seen it. The money I paid for the documentary was all paid for by others. It's almost 20 yuan. I can't get a cent of it!"

I don’t know if I had the confidence to say such a thing at that time.

However, He Zai in this time and space can be said with confidence.

Since I changed my career, I have not only been under a lot of pressure, but my father has also been under a lot of pressure.

In the mountain nest, someone who could change the destiny finally appeared, but he fell down again. He couldn't even leave the house, he was too embarrassed to meet people!

However, a child cannot be raised by his mother, let alone his father.

"I'm planning to build a new house. Can you help me with some money?" Even if it's ten thousand or ten thousand, it still depends on the money.

He Zai also knew that in the past two years, his father had urgently needed an action to show the majesty of the village.

I have been bragging about this for half my life, but the house has not been repaired.

The main thing is not to fight for face with the house, just rely on the son.

This is also the psychology of many people. When they are not confident, they rely on brand-name bags and watches to support their appearance. If they are really rich, they don't care about these things.

Anyway, if you have money, you can enjoy it.

No need to bluff.

"Okay, no problem, how much does it cost?" He Zai didn't hesitate at all. His job transfer fee has not been touched yet. How much can it cost to build a house in the countryside.

I don’t know how many times I’ve said that I’d like to rebuild my own house, but I just won’t do it.

They were asked to live in the city, but they said they couldn't get used to living there.

I was helpless, but now I have figured it out and it is a good thing to be willing to build a new house.

The accommodation is more comfortable, and the old couple can also enjoy the blessings.

He Zai's father was an old party secretary in the village and had also been a soldier. He Zai was naughty when he was a child and could not study well, so he was sent to the army.

Unexpectedly, he managed to become famous and get promoted.

I have been working like this for more than ten years. The year before last, I knew that I needed to be professional, so I rushed to the city overnight to persuade me to stay as long as I could. I don’t know where I made the mistake.

You have to change jobs.

If you really want to change your job, that’s fine, and you can also get an assignment.

I don't know, I won't do it.

I’m really pissed off!

Okay, you can try it out if you want, but what about starting your own business?

For me, you must be a stick.

I really held it all in my heart, almost to the point of breaking it. Fortunately, I adjusted my mentality in time and thought about what happened back then, and then I felt relieved.

Back then, He Zai's father also performed well in the army and was ready to promote him. The process had already been completed.

He Zai's father was so happy that he was going home to visit relatives. He also borrowed a company commander's clothes, which had four pockets.

Go home and show off.

At that time, transportation and communications were underdeveloped.

I had been showing off at home for too long, and I was about to get stuck and go back, but unexpectedly there was a flood, traffic was cut off, I missed the centralized training process, the good deputy company commander was gone, and another colleague was promoted.

I can only go home professionally.

The fate of a lifetime was changed in this way.

It also became a worry, that's why I was so concerned about He Zai's affairs. Little did I know that my own son was the same.

This may be the fate of his father and son.

This is your fate, you have to accept it!

"I want to build a good one. When you and your brother come back, and you get married and start a business, you will have a place to live when you go home. I can also bring you babies." He Zai's father decided to raise his grandson.

My son is dead, but I still have a grandson.

There is nothing else. What is there is this spirit, which cannot fail. When the spirit falls, people will be useless.

"Okay, I'll give you 30, is that enough?" He Zai said boldly.

After getting married, I began to urge myself to get married again. I couldn't stay at home anymore and had to leave as soon as possible.

Money is a small problem. Anyway, I have no place to spend money. I don’t have any big consumption and my material desires are not strong. What is more important now is spiritual pursuit.

I wasn't good at studying when I was young, but I didn't expect that I would be engaged in the cultural industry now.

(End of this chapter)

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