The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 383 Some are happy and some are sad

2015 is officially here.

Travel around and look back on yourself.

I feel that this is a life worth living!

I was alive in my previous life.

This life is life.

The great life has just begun.

Self-discipline, self-discipline, self-discipline!

After coming back for a few days, Zhou You has been hanging out at Zhulang Pavilion.

As usual, beat all the coaches.

Get to know the people, understand the situation, and do different things under different conditions.

You can't lose touch with your direct lineage. To put it bluntly, from now on you will settle down with them and protect yourself.

What is very happy is that Xiaosi is finally back.

"Brother You, I'm back!" As soon as Xiaosi came back, he changed his equipment and went to the ring to compete.

My hands are really itchy.

Security training does not cover much in this aspect, but mainly enhances their other all-round abilities.

But I definitely can’t let go of my job.

However, Xiaosi also learned many deadly security measures.

There are no showpieces, just fast, accurate and ruthless!

As for the consequences, when it comes to a critical moment, no matter what happens, you must save your life first.

Zhou You was also very happy to see Xiao Si. One of his tiger generals was finally back.

"Come on, let's have a fight."


10 minutes later.

Xiao Si still panted heavily and lay on the ring.

"Xiaosi, your physical fitness has improved a little, but you still don't need to fight." Zhou You teased, sitting next to Xiaosi.

In fact, he knows that real security guards are not necessarily the best at fighting, but they are definitely the ones who know the most.

"Haha, Brother You, it's precisely because I can't beat you that I found another way. I don't have much talent in fighting, otherwise I would have won the championship like Brother Liang."

Xiaosi wasn't angry either, knowing that Zhou You was joking with him.

"But, Brother You, I really saw a lot during this trip."

Zhou You nodded: "That's for sure. You always stay in your own circle. What do you know?"

"Let's go, let's take care of you. Let's chat while we eat, shouting to the remaining brothers." Zhou You said cheerfully.

Xiaosi, a carp jumped up. Patted his butt.

He shouted to the people standing around: "Let's go, eat and drink well to celebrate the New Year, and we will continue next year."

Restaurant on the 2rd floor.

There were not many people, just Li Houliang and Battelle, who often went out with others.

A few people chatted while eating, and then they found out what Xiao Si and the others had learned over the years.

What kind of surveillance camera can prevent eavesdropping and filming?

It also protects against poisoning and recording.

The most important thing is driving safety.

Basically there are some bulletproof measures.

There are also many emergency measures for emergencies, etc.

For now, the only advantage is that Zhou You is very low-key and doesn't have any industry itself. He is an investor behind the scenes.

But the protection schedule still needs to add another level.

There is no way, his net worth will really exceed 10 billion soon.

"Xiao Si, please contact me and buy some bulletproof vehicles. It's best to have specially customized ones that are relatively low-key." What Zhou You fears most is driving safety.

It's not for bulletproof or anything like that. To be honest, it's not of use in China at the moment.

Mainly considering unexpected accidents, specially customized cars are still much better than industrial assembly lines.

Xiaoshi nodded and agreed: "No problem, Brother You, the path has been worked out. The biggest advantage of this training is that I can contact all kinds of people and have many channels."

Facing an industry that is not very public, it is really difficult to find people without channels.

That is to say, the legendary money has nowhere to use it.

"Well, get a few more cars. Not only can I use them, you can use them too, and others." There is no way, there are too many confidantes.

All of you here are men.

They all knew some of Zhou You's situation, but they all smiled in unison and didn't say much.

In the next period of time, Xiaosi was digesting and absorbing the training information and giving some basic explanations to Li Houliang and others.

Seeing such a remarkable effect, Zhou Yu was very excited.

After soliciting everyone's opinions, maybe Battelle and the others will take turns to learn from it.

Spend more money and buy some peace.


The box office of "Blissful Heart" came out, with 11.56 billion.

Nearly 12 billion.

Both those who knew and those who didn't knew were shocked. As the box office champion in 2014, it was a dark horse at the box office.

The level of profitability is simply too high.

A professional organization has compiled this year's box office rankings.

Yang Mi and other talents suddenly discovered it.

Almost all of them, from small ones to big ones, with high box office, have investment in travel.

One person accounts for 1/3 of the rankings.

The profit from the movie alone is at least 4 million.

This does not include TV series and popular variety shows.

In total, such a large market was taken a big bite by an outsider.

Some companies are always reluctant.

Especially those leading companies, some participated, but some missed the opportunity because the asking price was too high.

Entertainment companies are the same as celebrities in the entertainment industry.

If you are popular, you will be profitable; if you are not popular, you will be nothing.

Yang Mi looked at the large list of investment projects in her hand.

Happy and sad at the same time.

She is among them, knows the routines of these entertainment companies, and also knows the corresponding methods.

Next year is a very critical year.

It depends on whether Zhou You can withstand the pressure.

Or are there any countermeasures?

Yang Mi also told Zhou You about her worries.

"Brother You, you and our company have attracted attention, and we are likely to encounter resistance and some small tricks from them next year."

Unexpectedly, Zhou You laughed loudly after hearing this: "It's okay, these are all things that can't be put on the stage. It's okay for everyone to rely on their own abilities. If anyone wants to use tricks, let them do whatever they want."

Yang Mi didn't know what confidence Zhou You had, but he knew that Zhou You never fought an uncertain battle.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think about Hao Jian's investment two days ago, and I always felt like I had missed something.

That is to say, Zhou You originally participated in some small projects, with small investments, and there was no upright grab for food.

To put it bluntly, it's just picking up the leaks.

If others don't like it, you will invest in it if no one invests in it. That's why there is so little resistance. In fact, this is also the survival rule of the entertainment industry. Who dares to guarantee that he will win.

However, there are really too many ways to deal with them, and they are too numerous to count.

To put it simply, artists all have problems, and they are all the biggest losers in future generations.

A more moderate yin and yang contract, tax evasion and tax evasion.

If it's a bit darker, you can dig a hole with several big projects and bury them all in it, losing money, people and reputation.

Especially the last one is hard to guard against.

After all, it is not uncommon to make money with a large investment, and it is not uncommon to lose money.

As for whether they had any other secret operations, that was not Zhou You's consideration.

Of course, the most important thing is to wait for the other companies he invested in to be established.

Then it's not on the same level.

Chang Caiyan is the cleaner at Zhulang Pavilion.

I have been working here since the opening of the restaurant.

At first, I only worked here because it was close to home and convenient for picking up and dropping off my grandson.

I didn't expect to make much money, it was mainly to pass the time and earn some pocket money.

Who would have known, it's only now that I've been working.

The son and daughter-in-law didn't want Chang Caiyan to continue working. They could both make money, so why did they let the old man do cleaning work?

It doesn't sound good if you say it out loud.

My son and daughter-in-law, one works in a bank and the other works in a company. To put it bluntly, they are both white-collar workers, and they have enviable jobs.

I earn a lot every year, more than 100,000 yuan a year, which is a lot at this stage.

Chang Caiyan didn't want to, she didn't have much money, her husband died early, so she had to go out to work to support her son until he graduated from college.

The son and daughter-in-law paid for the house themselves, with the minimum down payment, and borrowed the rest from the bank. The house is located in the nearby Xinyuan Community, mainly because it is cheap.

Chang Caiyan felt sorry for her son and grandson, and wanted to reduce the pressure on young people and save some pocket money for herself.

Then I went to the Zhulang Pavilion to do cleaning.

In fact, she was ready to resign at any time. She had extensive experience working outside the home before. She had been in factories and construction sites and knew the virtues of her boss.

I also know that working part-time is not easy.

But, who would have known that I really have feelings now.

Money is one aspect, and company atmosphere is also another aspect.

After so many years, I haven't gone abroad yet, and I can still travel. During the New Year, everyone has something. I have never said that cleaning is inferior to others.

Sometimes, Chang Haiyan couldn't help but sigh:

The education I received when I was young has actually come true now.

There is really no distinction between high and low in the industry, only the revolutionary division of labor.

Because she is very careful and conscientious, she is responsible for cleaning the villas that she travels around. However, the business volume is not large, so after she is busy with the villas, she will still go to the Zhulang Pavilion to help.

In such a large area as the Zhulang Pavilion, there are only three cleaning staff, so including rotation, it is actually enough.

The restaurant on the second floor is cleaned by yourself, but the third floor is rarely used.

The fourth floor is also the same, the workload is not heavy.

The only workload is the first floor.

Moreover, you have plenty of time. You can drop off your children in the morning and pick them up in the evening. You can even pick them up to play with them at the Wave Club.

There is a feeling of a big family.

Chang Haiyan's son, Zhao Kai, works in a bank as an ordinary teller. He is so busy every day that his emotional value is almost exhausted.

Finally got some free time to rest and lay on the sofa, not wanting to move.

"Mom, you should have a rest. You are busy at work and after get off work every day, so you don't feel tired."

Chang Haiyan put the mop next to her: "Why are you tired? I'm not tired at all. Our boss is much better than your boss."

Every time I say this, I look proud.

Zhao Kai was speechless. He really had nothing to say.

In terms of welfare, my mother's is better than my own, and she has a lot of everything during the New Year.

In terms of salary, I have more than my mother, but the salary is limited, and I can still take care of the family.

When it comes to vacations, I can't compare to him. My mother really takes vacations when she should and never works overtime.

Alas, it’s hard to put it into words.

"Mom, what kind of person is your boss? I have met many bosses in banks, but I have never met anyone like this." Zhao Kai really didn't understand.

Wouldn't such a boss lose money by earning interest?

Is there any way for capitalists to make profit?

This kind of question is the same as how Pang Donglai treated his employees so well and was still profitable.

The lies of the capitalists were exposed at once.

When money is made, the profit goes to the capitalist;

When we are in debt, we all get through it together.

As for asking capitalists to spit out their previous profits, that is absolutely impossible.

Chang Haiyan held her grandson in her arms and said happily: "I heard them say that our boss opened this Sanda studio just for his own entertainment and not to make money, so he paid everyone a very high salary. How could he know that the employees The enthusiasm is very high, and the reputation is really good. It focuses on the high-end market and makes a lot of money every year."

"However, the boss is very generous. The profit of this museum, except for basic operations, is divided every year, and a lot is divided this year."

Zhao Kai sat up suddenly: "Mom, how much have you divided this year?"

Can you not be excited? Mom's money is really an unexpected income for the family. It keeps rising every year, which makes me happier than my own salary increase.

"Not much, only thirty thousand yuan." Chang Haiyan said with an indifferent expression.

Zhao Kai was immediately speechless: "Mom, I feel like I have read so many years in vain."

Stimulated, so irritated.

"Nonsense, of course studying is useful. If our boss hadn't reached such a high level because of studying, look at the cleaning staff in your unit. Are they divided into three, six or nine grades?"

Who says reading is useless? Chang Haiyan is just as anxious as others.

"Besides, if you didn't study, how could you enter the bank?"

"Don't you know what the people in our village who go out to work look like?"

"I'm lucky to have found a good boss."

"Don't you know what hardship your mother suffered in the past?"

Chang Haiyan caught her son and beat him up.

"Also, this has nothing to do with you and the person, it has to do with your boss. Don't be PUA by them."

Zhao Kai was stunned: "Mom, do you still know about PUA? Why do you know so much now?"

There's nothing I can do about it, my mother's words are indeed of a certain level, and I don't want to be ignorant at all.

"Hey, it's all what our boss said. When the workers' union was held this year, the boss said a lot about people who should be confident, believe in themselves, and don't believe other bosses' lies."

"Anyway, I talked a lot. My cultural level is not high, but I can understand it."

Zhao Kai let out a long sigh: "Hey, I even want to hang out with your boss."

"That's not possible. You are an iron rice bowl. I don't know how long I can work for." Chang Haiyan suddenly became anxious.

People of her age have the strongest sense of identification with the iron rice bowl. They can at least not starve to death by relying on the country.

Although I am very grateful to my boss, it is a private company after all. Who doesn’t want to have a stable job if I can have one?

It’s all a history of blood and tears that I have experienced over the years.

"Well, I just said it casually. Besides, I can't do it in your Sanda studio even if I go there." Zhao Kai did have some thoughts, but when he thought about it carefully, he really didn't need it.

"Mom, how much do other people get paid?" Zhao Kai was still a little curious.

Chang Haiyan thought for a while: "It's almost the same. This is the year-end bonus. The boss will usually divide it equally. Except for those who have shares, the usual performance is based on the business volume and the number of business trips. Anyway, the difference is not very big."

"I did the math this year, and it's a little more than last year, about 15. Those coaches are probably in their 20s."

Zhao Kai was a little stimulated.

A martial artist earns more than himself. (End of chapter)

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