I have nothing to do during my two days of traveling around.

Ivan wanted to accompany him, but Zhou You sent him away.

In Moscow, there is a street called Arbat.

It is equivalent to a pedestrian street in China. It is very bustling and lively. The most important thing is that there are many beautiful women.

The tail of summer is almost gone. If you don't look at it, it will be too late.

"Brother Liang, let's go shopping." Zhou You was very happy, and Li Houliang and Bater felt like they were blind.

They are now worse off than illiterate.

Illiterate people can understand and speak.

The two of them knew nothing. Walking alone on the street, they always felt terrified, like a freshwater fish thrown into the sea water, making them uncomfortable.

However, staying in the hotel is boring. I can’t watch TV and can only browse on my mobile phone.

I made up my mind to go back and buy translation equipment.

As for learning foreign languages, forget it. If you had that kind of learning ability, you would have gone to college a long time ago. What else would you learn about fighting?

"Arbat" means a cart for pulling goods in Russian. It got its name because Arab merchants gathered here when it was first built more than 500 years ago and often used carts to carry goods.

Originating in the 15th century, it is the oldest existing street in Moscow.On both sides of the street are quaint Russian craft shops, bars and restaurants, etc. It is also a paradise for street performers and painters to display their talents.

There is no idol baggage when traveling around.

I saw a street artist painting portraits of passers-by.

I was a little curious and stepped forward to observe.

It took more than ten minutes to complete the painting. Comparing it, I can see that it is quite similar, and there is a hint of flavor in it.

"Battle, I'll draw it for you first, and the three of us will draw one." Zhou You asked Barter to stand in front of him. He was just playing. He's already here, so what's the point of not having fun?

The painter's clothes are messy and his hair is scrawled, a bit like Yu Hua's scrawled puppy.

I don’t know if all artists are like this.

Zhou You's hair felt itchy just looking at him. He was used to short hair and could no longer adapt to long hair. It was very troublesome to take care of it.

Barter sat there carefree,

He stared at a statue in the distance, maintaining a motionless posture.

The artist uses sketching and moves the pen very quickly. He first draws the outline and focuses on the facial features. The eyes are the most difficult to draw and also take the longest time. Whether it is successful or not, and whether it is attractive or not, depends on this part.

After Battle persisted for a few minutes, he started to move around. The long-haired artist didn't care. The big frame had already come out, and the rest had little impact.

Whisper, you can hear the scratching sound of the pen tip on the paper.

Finish the painting and call it a day.

Yes, he is really expressive. He has a chubby face, fierce eyes, and a fierce temperament.

The only ones left are Zhou You and Li Houliang.

Zhou You sat there, looking at the sky.

Li Houliang was a bit special, staring at the painter.

I looked down upon the painter with fury.

As a result, from the picture, Li Houliang is the most vicious.

Traveling around is lazy and leisurely.

Continuing shopping, I felt a little tired, so I found a drink shop, sat at the door, bought a drink, leaned comfortably, and quietly commented on the passing women, enjoying for a short time the simple happiness between men.

"Brother You, look at that, are we Chinese?" Li Houliang found many distinctive features and was more interested in Chinese people. Sister Mao has seen too much, and she has become immune.

Most of the people who are willing to go out for shopping are somewhat confident about their bodies.

Not to mention that everyone is tall, fair and beautiful, the proportion is quite high.

Even if some pores are too large, they can be seen even from a distance. There is nothing you can do about it, it is a national body characteristic.

Fortunately, Ina's is not very strong, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to do it.

It can only be seen from a distance, not played with.

Battle looked at it with great interest. It was somewhat similar to the prairie style, and the physical features were all thick-boned.

There are also some Russian young people who walk with a swaying step. They are typical social young people who run rampant. They get out of the way when they see three people walking around. The three big men are not easy to mess with.

"Take a walk and see Pushkin's former residence." Zhou You was more interested in culture than scenery.

Who doesn't know Pushkin, in that special era.

A lot of Russian literature has been popularized in China, and Zhou You doesn’t have much impression of other works. He only remembers "If Life Deceived You". Zhou You can’t remember whether he had taken extracurricular readings at that time.

"If life deceives you, don't be sad or impatient!
You need to be calm in gloomy days: believe it, happy days will come. "

Zhou You is not a poet, so I don't know whether it's a problem with the translation or my own inability to understand it, but I never felt that this poem was good.

It feels very ordinary, and this kind of content will appear in ordinary works.

Maybe times make heroes.

If you catch up, you have caught up. If you miss it, you have missed it.

Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person.

Pushkin's wife is known as the most beautiful woman in Russia.

It is also a good story that a literary master took a sweet wife and beautiful mother.

It's a pity that things in the world can never be as perfect as one wishes. After reading the introduction of the statue and the information obtained from traveling around, I realized that Pushkin died in a duel with others.

Some say it's a conspiracy, some say it's a trap, and some say it's a character flaw.

Zhou You doesn't know the specific details.

Anyway, he died at the age of 38 in a duel.

An era has its own characteristics.

Sometimes I think about it, there is actually not much difference between dying early and dying late. In the long history, those few decades are almost a blink of an eye.

Personally, most of the pain in life occurs in later years.

Disease, children and grandchildren, the death of relatives, and the gradual decline of the body are actually a process of continuous decline.

Anyway, keep an open mind.

The large intestine covers the small intestine, life is impermanent!

It feels good to go shopping and eat freely, and feel free.

Now that I have come to Russia, I am still wondering whether to buy some souvenirs. After thinking about it, I forget it. I am still too lazy. How can I divide the things I bought back home?

If you have to go out more often in the future and buy something every time, you will be useless.

Go back and do something that interests you.

Go to the bookstore, New Arbat Street, known as the largest bookstore in Moscow, except for the National Library.

When the three of them walked in, there were quite a lot of people. In addition to books, there were also audio and video products. These things were rare to see. In China, there used to be audio and video product stores, DVDs, tapes, and some best-selling books.

It's almost invisible now.

Slowly it disappeared from people's memory. I didn't expect that there would be such a discovery in Moscow, which can be regarded as enriching my memories.

"Brother You, there is actually a stamp collection here?" Li Houliang was a little surprised.There are no more waves in the domestic philatelic market, and the hot market is gone forever.

The remaining people are really full of interest and curiosity and no longer collect stamps just to get rich.

Less utilitarian and more natural.

School is about to start, and Zhou You doesn't want to miss the first lesson.

Things are pretty busy here.

After Maria was discharged from the hospital, she simply tidied up the old house and moved into her own house.

There is no such thing as shared housing area in Russia, it is all the area within the apartment.

The area is not too small.

Most of the things that could be changed inside had been changed. Anyway, they were arranged according to Ina's ideas, and Zhou You didn't bother to worry about it.

I originally wanted to go to St. Petersburg for a few days, but I was too lazy to move, so I decided not to go.

When we had dinner at our new home, we simply chatted about the local customs and some interesting things about Ina’s life in China, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Once the concept changes, the world becomes wider.

The most important thing in life is to live in the present, and don't have to think about the messy things that haven't happened yet.

Just as the average life expectancy in Africa is 40 years, AIDS is still prevalent.

There is a scene in Lord of War,

"Yuri was in Africa, and the warlord arranged for him to stay in a hotel. There were two hot girls in the room.

Yuri asks are you healthy?The girl said, why should you worry about something that will kill you in more than ten years? "

Different living environments can give rise to different values.

There is no right or wrong, it’s all in line with the times.

Pat your butt, travel around and leave, come happily and leave gracefully.

Yin Na also suffered a lot in the past few days, suffering and feeling happy repeatedly. When she said goodbye, she was even more reluctant to leave. She didn't know whether it was the influence of Zhou You's words or something in her own heart.

There is no protection even with the most basic measures.

The rest is up to fate.

The happiest people on the plane were the two of them, A Liang.

I finally got out of this place where I was blind and deaf. I have already asked people at home to buy many translators and they are waiting to go back and use them.

People teach people, but they can’t teach others.

Things teach people, once will be.

If we had prepared in advance, this situation would not have happened. Fortunately, there was no mistake, otherwise it would be really difficult to communicate.

Traveling between clouds and experiencing storms.

The sky is getting dark and the sun is setting.

In just a few hours, everyone felt like they were home. Last time I went to Thailand, I didn’t feel this way. The tour guide’s service was good. Good service can make people forget the difference between a foreign country and a foreign country.

Return to the Wave Chaser.

Eat a bowl of noodles first, make dumplings when you go out and make noodles at home.

After eating noodles, I feel like I have gone home, enjoying peace and harmony for a long time.

In the eyes of northerners, dumplings are a food with a higher "status" in traditional food culture. People cook dumplings during festivals to show good luck;
Noodles are a special food in the north and have the characteristic of being "long".

After returning home, the family makes a bowl of "long" noodles, hoping that those who return home can stay at home for a long time and the family can stay together for a long time.

In addition, the cooked noodles are not easy to stick to each other and are smooth and loose.

People believe that eating noodles can get rid of all the sadness and unhappiness outside, and it means returning home and everything going well.

Anyway, I developed this habit when I traveled around. If I didn’t develop the habit of making dumplings when I went out, I couldn’t live without this bite of noodles when I came home.

The master chef relies on his noodle skills to secure his position in Diaoyutai.

"Brother Liang, how long will Xiaosi and the others have to study?" Zhou You forgot to ask at first. In addition to giving strong support, that is, giving strong support, he didn't care about the rest.

"It takes about a year to study in three places, and the tuition alone for the four of us is almost 100 million." Li Houliang knew that he had been silently supporting and guaranteeing him.

Zhou You was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect it would take so long.

"So you can't come back for the New Year?" Zhou You still feels a little regretful. He has to celebrate the New Year even when he is busy. This is the traditional thinking of the Chinese people.

"We should be able to come back in stages. By then, the first point should be over." Li Houliang thought for a while and simply calculated the time. He should be able to come back in time. The next point will be delayed for a while, no problem.

"That's fine. I'll have a few drinks with Xiao Si during the Chinese New Year and treat him well." Zhou You said happily that the team he trained was much better than those hired from outside.

Li Houliang smiled and nodded.

Although studying is tiring and hard, most people don't have such an opportunity. Spend hundreds of thousands for you to learn skills and knowledge. How can there be such a boss? Except for those who train pilots, they all have to sign an agreement and service years. of.

Thinking of this, Li Houliang realized that their employee contracts didn't seem to have any number of years in mind.

Is this a disguised indefinite-term contract?

After dinner, we went back to rest after traveling around.

Li Houliang also wanted to sort out the Sanda studio during this period. It turned out that the fourth was the deputy, but now the fourth is unavailable. His wife is not skilled in business and is still a woman. She calls for advice on many things.

You still have to cultivate one, otherwise you won’t worry.

Every coach in the Sanda gym would talk to Li Houliang if they had anything to do.

The third and fourth floors are all empty. By default, the fourth floor is a private area for traveling around, so I will briefly talk about it on the third floor.

"Brother Liang, this is the latest list of students. Do you think it is possible for us to train professional boxers to box?" Miao Wei said with bright eyes.

Miao Wei is Li Houliang's younger brother and a fighter with rich practical experience.

I originally came here for the high salary and benefits. After I came here, I realized that with such a big tree at my back, everyone felt comfortable.

Recruit students and provide security.

What a waste of this great opportunity.

The person who practices fighting has no dreams of being in the ring. He wants to compete in competitions, UFC, and world-class events.

Without good talent, strong background capital, and the perseverance to endure hardship, it is difficult to cultivate.

Li Houliang's idea was extinguished at first, but now that he understands Zhou You's strength more and more, and the Sanda gym is getting more and more prosperous, the seeds of it have begun to emerge again.

Miao Wei is 180cm tall and weighs 80kg. He competes in middleweight and light heavyweight competitions. This competition is very difficult, even more difficult than his own heavyweight competition. Many outstanding players are concentrated in this area.

Although Li Houliang was also very moved, he did not agree immediately and would definitely discuss it with Zhou You.

It used to be that everyone was providing travel services, but now a new business is still a very important business, and I feel unsure.

The early stage is purely a waste of money, and you have to wait until there are results before you can give back to yourself.

Li Houliang can afford to consume energy and travel around.

Can the brothers under me afford it? These are all things to consider. What about the dividends at the end of this year?
Whether to mix them together or operate them separately is something you have to consider.

No matter whether he wants to do it or not, Li Houliang is not willing to give in. Back then, he was almost able to move up. Although his life is pretty good now, he just can't give in.

Ma De is the first in literature and the second in martial arts.

I just want to have a fight with them. (End of chapter)

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