The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 262 Spring is sleepy and summer is tired, autumn is lazy and hibernating

Chapter 262 Spring is sleepy and summer is tired, autumn is lazy and hibernating

Zhao Yun didn't reply to Zhou You until ten o'clock in the morning.

When I heard that Zhou You was coming, I made a special trip and was very interested in Zhou You's suggestions.

Zhao Yun wore a thick down jacket and walked into the hotel door. Feeling a touch of warmth, he found the hotel room according to the signs and knocked on the door.

Da da
Zhou You opened the door.

Seeing Zhao Yun wrapped up tightly, he couldn't help but laugh: "You are more exaggerated than me, even wearing a hat."

"I'm older and I'm afraid of the cold. I'm not as healthy as Teacher Zhou." Zhao Yun took off his hat and opened his down jacket. It was still warm in the hotel.

It's really miserable to be a worker. It's windy, rainy, and snowy, and you have to go to work.

In this kind of weather, recuperation is the right way to go.

Animals also know how to hibernate.

"If you hadn't sent me a message, I would have continued to sleep at home. Sleeping in winter is so comfortable." Zhao Yun complained.

"Spring is sleepy in summer, and autumn is lazy and hibernating. In fact, sleeping is suitable all year round. Sleeping is also the best way to maintain health. If you haven't heard of doctors, they often say that you should pay attention to rest." Zhou You joked.

"Who doesn't want to rest these days? There's an invisible whip behind your butt." Zhao Yun was still a little sleepy at first, but was amused by Zhou You's few words.

"I've read the information you showed me. I feel good and it's very interesting. But it's hard to grasp the scale, and whether doctors and patients are willing to cooperate are all difficulties that need to be overcome." Zhao Yun was also thinking on the way. The shooting thing.

"It depends on your perspective. If your TV station agrees to produce it, it won't be a big problem. If you make it an independent documentary, it might be a bit difficult." Zhou You also expressed his thoughts.

Zhao Yun scratched his head. There were many good ideas and many things worth recording, but there were always various reasons why they couldn't be carried out.

"I'll go to the unit to try it out first. At the worst, the unit will set up the project, and we'll co-produce and contribute some funds. Do you think this will work?" Zhao Yun put forward a comprehensive opinion.

Zhou You feels that this method is quite reliable: "I think it's worth a try. At the worst, we can spend a little more money and jointly shoot it, and then your TV station can also broadcast it."

"Okay, all that's left is to look at the filming part. The hospital system is huge, and each department has a different focus. Orthopedics, internal medicine, pediatrics, emergency department, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, etc., it's definitely not realistic to film them all. ." Zhao Yun has been struggling with where to go.

"You are most interested in what you are most interested in. Just shoot that one. If the director is not interested, it will be difficult to make a good documentary." Zhou You leaned on the bed. Wang Luodan left, but the backrest of the bed was still there.

"I'm interested in oncology. There used to be a movie called "The Bucket List," which filmed people's regrets before they died and how they made up for their regrets. I don't know if it's possible to film something like this, but the movie is fake. , after editing, the people we photographed in real life may be even more shocking." Zhao Yun became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Then do you have any regrets? You want to complete it." Zhou You asked.

"That's a lot. I'm not married yet, and I'm not too young anymore. I'm almost being pushed to death by my parents during the Chinese New Year this year. I'm going to get married sooner or later. I have to raise a few kids to play with, travel around the world, and shoot some movies. If I would be even happier if a documentary could be released and be known to the public. I also want to change my car. Anyway, I have many dreams." Zhao Yun looked full of longing for fantasy.

Zhou You saw these ideals of Zhao Yun, and most of them, including Zhou You himself. Life is nothing more than these things, which have long been written down in history books.

Good food, beautiful scenery, beauties, executives, good salary, power, wealth, and writing books.
It’s almost impossible to escape these things.

It seems that only these can satisfy human nature, be successful, and be envied by people.Zhou You has seen a documentary before, called "The Last Summer Before My Death," which captured the fears and hopes of five patients who were diagnosed with terminal illnesses and had less than a year left to live.

They are brought together for four unforgettable weekends, the only thing they have in common is the knowledge that they will soon die, their last precious moments together.

With the help of experts, they exchange thoughts and emotions about pain, religious beliefs, and the afterlife.

Being in the same house gave them the opportunity to share thoughts about funerals, legacies and the afterlife with each other and with their own friends and family.

Everyone will get sick and die, but most people have no way of knowing their own death date. What would happen if people knew their own death date?

If a person is born, the time of death is determined. Is it lucky or unlucky?
Human nature is very complex. Social unrest will always occur before a dynasty is about to perish or a sudden disaster occurs. Because people know that the future will be very miserable, they will enjoy themselves in time, break through social constraints, and aggravate social unrest.

If a healthy person knows the date of his death, he will also have a series of complex behaviors such as collapse, panic, and revenge against society.

Zhou You has thought about how he should face death more than once, but every time he thinks about it, it will be different, because his self is constantly changing, his cognition is constantly changing, and the burden is getting heavier and heavier.

Before I realized it, I was suddenly reborn!
At the last moment of life, many people don’t know where their previous strength has gone, and they don’t know if they will regret their life.

And most of the things that can be captured in videos are not the real appearance of the person. Many of them are disguised to show to family, friends, strangers, and audiences. Therefore, they will package themselves, highlight their noble character, and put their own Be careful to hide your thoughts.

Many times when watching documentaries and traveling around, I subconsciously get involved with the subjects.

For example, why was it photographed like this?

How did the protagonist agree?
They are all thinking about a series of questions.

Zhang Qin, the protagonist in the documentary "Homecoming Train", said to the camera: "Don't you want the real me? This is the real me now."

One sentence exposes the documentary director and makes the audience aware of the director's existence and the impact of the documentary on the subjects.

Zhao Yun and Zhou You spent a long time discussing in the hotel, from abroad to domestic, from reality to the future, as if they were two young people and two idealists, sharing their understanding of the world together.

Zhou You is an idealist, and so is Zhao Yun.

People who want to make a lot of money will not enter the documentary industry.

Those who can enter this industry have their own ideas about society and the world, and want to express their views on the world and make their presence known through the cameras in their hands.

Come up and come back.

After Zhao Yun received the promise of Zhouyou's financial support, he hurried back.

When I put on my clothes and walked out of the hotel door, I felt like a fighter and had found the meaning of life.

(End of this chapter)

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