The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 201 I want the cowardiest horse

Chapter 201 I want the cowardiest horse

Spirits are indeed spirits.

The name is not wrong either.

Bored donkey.

An unbeliever was immediately suffocated, and Yu Qian fainted. Fortunately, he did not sing Fenhewan.

This major is engraved in the bones and has become instinctive.

The next day, Yu Qian looked at the box of wine in the trunk and beamed with joy: "Boss, here's another box. It's such a good wine. It's best to go back and trick people."

Zhou You was also speechless, but then he asked for a box and planned to go back and give Yin Na a taste.

See if it gets boring.

The sky is gray, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass and cattle and sheep appear.

If you don’t see it in person, you won’t be able to understand the meaning of this poem.

The sea and grasslands are endless.

Caohai, Caohai, the first time I saw it was very spectacular.

The sea, you are all water.

Grassland, you are all grass.

This time the destination was heading straight to Sanhe, and I had already contacted the horse seller in advance.

By the time we arrived, it was almost noon.

The main reason is that the roads are not as easy to travel as in the city. Although the highways also lead to major cities, there are still many residents who live in areas without roads.

First, the population is sparsely populated and the cost of road construction is too high.

Second, the population is sparsely populated and road maintenance costs are too high.

Haha, fortunately, there are roads on the grassland. Even if there is no road, you can still find your own way.

On the grassland, it is so free and carefree.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy, and forget all kinds of worries.

On the road, you can see groups of cattle and sheep grazing leisurely, and you can also see herdsmen galloping around the grassland on horseback.

Before I could appreciate the beautiful scenery enough, I arrived at the horse buying land.

As soon as Yu Qian got out of the car, he hugged a herdsman: "Darcy, long time no see!"

Darcy was dressed in a very typical prairie style, with navy blue robe and black riding boots. He was fleshy, but not bulky at all. Instead, he gave people a sense of strength. He hugged Yu Qian and said loudly: "Long time no see."

"As I told you last time, this time I'm here to play and buy some horses with my friends," Yu Qian said.

"Well, welcome, we're going to hold the Aobao Festival soon, and we'll take you to have fun." Darcy said with a smile, looking very cordial.

Next, Yu Qian introduced them one by one. When he introduced Agula, the two started talking directly in Mongolian.

Although it is a city, it is thousands of miles away and the grassland is really too big.

A group of people followed Darcy into the felt bag. A group of people squeezed in, making it seem a bit crowded.

Seeing this, Darcy moved the table out and said, "I just killed a sheep this morning. We will have roasted whole sheep for lunch."

Zhou You looked curious and was busy moving things with Darcy.

The two people tied the four lamb legs together with iron wires and fixed the limbs. Then they used iron skewers from the sheep's tail inward to the abdomen to strengthen it. They hooked the sheep's limbs with iron chains and put them back down on the bottom of the furnace. Put charcoal and put an iron plate under the hanging sheep to catch the mutton fat that drips when roasting the sheep.

As for spices, Zhou You doesn’t know much about them.

Anyway, after a while, the aroma filled the air, making Zhou You's index finger twitch.At this time, Yu Qian took out some Beijing specialties, roast duck, pickles, and a box of Erguotou from the trunk.

He said to Darcy: "Yesterday I drank prairie white and got knocked out. Today I want you to try some of our specialties, which are also good wines."

Darcy couldn't help but smile: "I've had it, it's good wine." He took it and continued, "Logically speaking, we are going to drink today. Friends are here, how can we not drink, but we have to pick horses in the afternoon. Drinking is very dangerous, we drink at night, and we drink milk tea at noon."

One of the most fond of drinking tea was originally due to a serious shortage of vegetables and fruits. Drinking tea can supplement the human body with many trace elements.

At the same time, grasslands mainly eat meat, and drinking tea can relieve fatigue and help digestion.

Grassland milk tea is mainly horse milk tea, and most of it is salty. Some people who are new to it are not used to drinking it.

It’s okay to travel around. I don’t like drinking tea, so I don’t care about it. I can drink any kind of tea.

The roasted whole lamb has a bright color, crispy skin and tender meat, exuding bursts of meat aroma. It can be said that it is full of color, aroma and taste.

When eating, cut it into small pieces with a knife and dip it in the sauce.

The fragrant roasted whole lamb is paired with horse milk tea, which is oily but not greasy, and is a must-have.

There is enough food and tea.

Start riding.

"Darcy, I want to buy some docile horses first, mainly because they are easy to feed and have nothing to ride on." Zhou You put forward his needs.

"Then come to our grassland. Even though our grassland horses are not tall, they have strong endurance and are easy to tame. The most important thing is that they have strong adaptability," Darcy said with a proud face.

"Yes, if it weren't for good horses, it would be impossible to establish a dynasty across the Eurasian continent." Zhou You couldn't help but sigh.

Later generations often say that the prairie people are invincible in riding and shooting, and it is the brave warriors who win the war, but the contribution of the sitting horses cannot be ignored.Being able to conquer and fight well, traveling south and north, and running long distances is also one of his specialties.

This is why I come here to travel around the diving zone.

When he went to Yili to buy horses, he was mainly interested in the appearance of the horses, which were tall, powerful and attractive.

Traveling is a pragmatic approach, based on your own needs.

A group of people arrived at the racecourse.

Darcy introduced: "The general life span is between 20 and 30 years, and some can live for 40 and 50 years. Are all the adults here now from 5 to 10 years old? With a little familiarity, you can ride. It’s best to buy this for the first time.”

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

The people Yu Qian brought around were also nodding, and Agula showed no expression, knowing that this was basic common sense.

"Are all the stallions gelding?" Zhou You asked curiously. He heard that horses that are not stallions usually gelding.

"Well, the ones here are all gelding, otherwise their tempers will be too violent, which will be difficult to control when they are in heat, and they will also hurt people." Darcy explained.

I walked around the racecourse and saw a pure black horse hiding in a corner, grazing leisurely. I pointed at the horse and said to Darcy, "Can I ride this horse?"

Darcy looked in the direction of the wandering fingers: "This horse is not bad. It has a very docile personality. It is not popular here, but it is very suitable for novices. You have a good taste."

Zhou You curled his lips in a condescending manner, feeling that he was being looked down upon, but there was nothing he could do about it. The horse looked a little timid, and seemed to be honest and easy to bully, which was very much in line with his expectations.

Darcy went into the stable, took the horse out, and put on the saddle, stirrups, and reins.

"When riding a horse, you should pay attention to keep your waist straight, relax your body, hold the reins tightly, and when your feet are on the pedals, only step on one-third of the forefoot." Darcy explained the precautions to Zhou You.

The precautions were similar to the last time I rode a horse. The only difference was the position of my feet in the stirrups. I couldn't help but ask: "Why are you only stepping on one-third of the way? It feels unstable."

Darcy said with a cautious expression: "This is to prevent people from getting their feet hanging on it if they are knocked down, which would be very dangerous."

Zhou You immediately looked serious. He was familiar with the horse last time and was used to riding it. This time it was a new horse.

Don't be careless!
(End of this chapter)

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