The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 178 Give others a chance and leave a way for yourself

The next few people who appeared were also typical of the village.

There are village chiefs and college students.

But only Du Shenzhong made the deepest impression on Zhou You.

Travel around and see behind-the-scenes footage.

Jiao Bo lived here for 2012 days from the beginning of spring in 2013 to the beginning of spring in 373. He used cameras to capture the life of the villagers in Piaoyu Village on the timeline of the 24 solar terms, and told the villagers' happy stories from their daily life in the countryside. Anger, sorrow and joy and the living conditions of the vast number of farmers in China.

They spent an extremely difficult year here and gave us a wonderful documentary.

Zhou You admired this group of people and also admired Director Jiao.

But the last sentence really hurt him. They felt miserable after living here for one year. The villagers had been here for generations and had lived here all their lives. How miserable would you say it must be?
Many people say Zhou You is stupid, but actually Zhou You knows what he is doing.

Earn some money and satisfy your hobbies that were out of reach in your previous life. The rest is to discover talents and help those who want to change their destiny. What if it comes true?

In fact, traveling around does not have high ideals and aspirations.

The four major things in life are eating, drinking and having fun.

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

The first level of physiological needs is the most basic needs for human survival, including food, water, sleep, air and sexual desire.These needs are critical to the maintenance of life and, if not met, can lead to physiological discomfort and threats to survival.

The second level of security needs: refers to the need for personal safety, stability and protection.This includes needs for basic living conditions, safety in the working environment, material stability and security, etc.Only after physiological needs are met, people will turn their attention to the pursuit of safety.

The third level of social belonging needs: refers to people's needs for love and being loved, a sense of belonging, and the need to establish close relationships with others.Humans are social animals who need to connect with others, gain recognition and acceptance, and satisfy their needs for belonging and social interaction.

The fourth level of respect needs: refers to people's needs for self-esteem, respect and recognition.Including the needs for self-worth, dignity, self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as the need to be respected and recognized by others.By meeting these needs, people can gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

The fifth level of self-actualization needs: Self-actualization needs are the most advanced needs of human beings and are the needs for individuals to fully develop and realize their potential.It includes pursuing personal goals, realizing personal ideals, seeking personal growth and development, etc.Only after people have satisfied their lower-level needs can they focus on higher-level self-actualization needs.

In the original timeline, Zhou You barely reached the third level.

I have been working hard to pursue the fourth level, but unfortunately it is very difficult. Later, many people skipped the third and fourth levels and directly pursued the fifth level. Zhou You was very envious, but unfortunately could not do it.

Like Yan Hui, he may have gone directly from the first level to the fifth level, and his ideological level is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Now that travel is almost complete, what else is there to be dissatisfied about?

The rest is to give others opportunities and leave a way for yourself.

In many things, he can obviously squeeze harder and exploit more, but does it make sense?
It doesn't mean much to him.

However, when he sees that others like him and respect him from the bottom of his heart, he feels a sense of inner satisfaction that money cannot buy.

In addition to investing in stocks and companies for utilitarian purposes, swimming pools, training centers, and breeding farms are all an attempt. You can call it lazy, but I sincerely hope that the people I come into contact with will have more opportunities. , thereby changing your own destiny.

This is also the reason why Zhou You established a documentary fund and an independent musician fund. Gaining fame and fortune is one aspect, but more importantly, he wants to try more.

How boring it is to simply make money and find women.



Yin Na called and said she wanted to learn Chinese.

I happened to watch the documentary and needed to vent my emotions, otherwise I would easily become depressed.

There is a lot of pain in the world, but there is also a lot of joy.

Yin Na has not seen Zhou You for a long time and misses her very much, because she is going back to China soon. After returning to China, she will hardly see Zhou You anymore. Anyway, it is not hers, so she won’t use it to her death.

Unfortunately, after a lot of competition, they still failed miserably.

"You, why are you so powerful?"

"Is it great? I think it's average." Zhou You said modestly. Although he has won glory for the country, he can't be proud. Humility is the virtue of our nation. "I'm going back to China soon, will you miss me?" Yin Na raised her face and looked at Zhou You with a pair of blue eyes.

"Yes, I will visit you in the future." Zhou You held her face and said seriously: "I want to go to places I have never been to, let alone a place as famous as yours."

Ina cheered happily, regardless of her beauty being revealed: "I'm so happy, I'll give you a surprise when I leave soon."

Good guy, you still have the strength to jump, right? I just said, if you want to show off the prestige of our country, you can slap me in the face.

You can tolerate traveling around, but your body cannot tolerate traveling around.

He didn't give up until Yin Na turned into a puddle of mud. Although Maozi recovered his health quickly, Zhou You was always at full health.

A profound lesson must be taught.

Blocked directly at the resurrection point.

You can't even ask for mercy.

Must be remembered deeply.

The kind of profound feeling that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

What's bad is that you have a lot of talent, coupled with the development and maintenance, it would definitely not be possible if it were someone else.

After Yin Na was resurrected several times, she no longer jumped around.

Directly begging for mercy: "I have to go to class tomorrow. I really can't do it anymore. This strengthens my idea of ​​​​surprising you. You, you are too strong. I will remember it forever."

The goal of traveling around to watch has been achieved, but you still have to give face to your international friends: "Have you learned the song I taught you?"

"I've learned it. I'll sing it to you now." Yin Na cleared her throat and rinsed her mouth again.

Finally found a way

winner and loser

The price of winning or losing

are smashed to each other's bones

tenacious i am

prisoners of the battle

conquered by you like this

All escape routes were cut off.

When the song ended, Yin Na lay there motionless, holding her head in her hands.

"Is this still necessary, Yu?"

Zhou Yuyou asked: "You know a lot, where did you learn it?"

Haha, Yin Na also had fun.

Unexpectedly, I had a wonderful encounter before leaving, so I should be satisfied.

He also speaks Chinese more and more fluently, has started to play Sanda, and even learned some special skills.

She didn't see the last match between Zhou You and Li Houliang, but she heard about it. She didn't expect that Zhou You was so strong in all aspects. He was really a man that people couldn't let go of.

I don’t know how long he will be able to remember me in the future. Since he is so strong, I must give him an unforgettable memory.

The preparations are almost complete at the moment. If we add more firepower when the time comes, it should be ready.

Thinking about it, I can't help but get excited. (End of chapter)

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