The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 138 Why Poverty

Chapter 138 Why Poverty

Zhou You had been thinking about a question before.

"If you work so hard, why can't you get rich?"

Doesn’t hard work make you rich?
But the donkey of the production team?Migrant workers in their village?Not even myself is rich.

So who is wrong?

Chen Weijun came to Luzhou specifically because the documentary was about to be released.

There was also the fund established by Zhou You in the later period. Zhao Yun specially invited himself to be the reviewer. These many things were put together.

This made Chen Weijun admire Zhou You even more.

Said in the Analects of Confucius.

"The Analects of Confucius·Xueer": "Zigong said: 'How is it like being poor without flattery, being rich without arrogance'?
Confucius said: "Yes, it is not just the poor who are happy, but the rich who are courteous."

As far as the rich people he has met so far, Zhou You is a different kind, full of sympathy for the lower class, and the kind that empathizes with them.

Thousands of years ago, Confucius longed to live in a world where everyone has dignity, the poor should not flatter and the rich should not be arrogant.

To go further, the poor can be content with poverty, and the rich can be rich and courteous.

Unfortunately, in modern society, I don’t know if this has been realized! ?

"Teacher Zhou, I'm at your school." Because Zhou You was afraid that Chen Weijun was not familiar with him, he made an appointment at the university campus.

Zhou You went downstairs to pick up Chen Weijun, and his first words were: "Director Chen, have you brought the film?"

"I brought it, shouldn't you care about me first?" Chen Weijun saw that Zhou You liked documentaries so much. Although he was very happy in his heart, he couldn't help but joke.

"Let's go and watch the movie at my house first." Zhou You really hadn't seen a good documentary for a long time.

In Zhou You's opinion, this documentary that Director Chen participated in was extremely valuable, but it was a pity that it was too short and not enjoyable to watch.

Chen Weijun was sitting in the back of the travel battery car. Two grown men were sitting in the same car. He was slightly embarrassed: "Teacher Zhou, this is a bit inconsistent with your worth. You are so low-key!"

"Haha, isn't the purpose of having money just to live comfortably? Besides, do I still need to care about other people's opinions?" Zhou You said nonchalantly. Showing off without money is called showing off when you are poor.Those who are rich are called showing off their wealth.

Traveling around is called free and easy, casual and natural.

"I'm envious. Teacher Zhou is so comfortable. Unlike me, I have to run around." Chen Weijun couldn't help but express his feelings. He really didn't expect that the billionaire would be sitting in school every day as a teacher and enjoying himself.

He is not particular about his daily life. He rides a small electric bicycle, and outsiders can't tell his worth at all.

But I really envy this kind of life. I can do what I like leisurely, so I don't want to live in this world.

In less than 5 minutes, the two of them arrived downstairs in the community.

As Zhou You went upstairs, he said: "This house is too small to make a special viewing room. I bought a single-family villa next to it, about 1000 square meters. Then I will make it a special viewing room, immersive Yes, let’s create a training room again, and recently I became obsessed with Sanda.”

At first, Chen Weijun thought Zhou You was very simple, but he was so shocked that he immediately shut himself up, but he was relieved. This is the life of a normal rich man. Zhou You is just still in the adaptation stage, or Zhou You is too low-key, so low-key that Many people forget how much he is worth.

"How long will this last?" Zhou You asked with concern.

"The version that was released is one hour, and this version is three hours. I wonder if Teacher Zhou is satisfied or not?" Chen Weijun said with a little pride.

"Satisfied, very satisfied!" Zhou You is indeed very satisfied. Others love food, but he loves documentaries. He is extremely curious about the world and uses the name of documentaries to spy on all living beings.

Zhou You opened the documentary, sat on the sofa, and began to watch it attentively.There are still the familiar characters: an admissions teacher trained by a private school, a poor female student who just finished the college entrance examination, and a graduate of three colleges.

They are basically low-level people, or ordinary people.

In a merit-based system, education is a sure route out of poverty.But in modern times, can everyone succeed?

As the first literate person in your family, how should you choose a university?How to afford four years of college tuition that requires years of saving?
What is it like to join the 200 million college students who graduate every year and become an "ant tribe" who can't find a job?
What if the only job you can find is selling diplomas you know are worthless to other people?
Learning is valuable than anything else!Does this sentence really still hold true?
Lines of subtitles floated past my eyes.

Zhou You turned around and looked at Chen Weijun: "Is there a TV station broadcasting it?"

The writing is not tactful at all. Although this is not the whole picture of education, can't you take a comprehensive picture?Choose more characters and don't generalize. Although what you said is true, I can't write it.

Chen Weijun scratched his head in embarrassment: "No, even our TV stations dare not broadcast it. By then, more than 70 TV stations around the world will broadcast it, all for free."

Zhou You remained silent. You could still watch this film when it was first released, but you could hardly watch it later.

"Next time, try to cover it up a bit and don't be so direct!" Zhou You was also angry. Many good documentaries disappeared because they were too direct.

Put on a layer of moral veneer!
After that, continue watching the movie.

Three protagonists, three stories.

The admissions teacher who dawdled to meet the quota,

Poor rural children who failed the college entrance examination,

Fresh graduates from ordinary undergraduate schools.

The three of them all adhere to the same set of values. Only by studying can they find a good job and change the current situation of poverty.

Admissions teachers seized on this mentality to deceive people, and countless ordinary poor families fell into this trap.

The three graduates in the documentary are the epitome of filtering out under such a filter.

After graduation, I was still confused, busy and busy in order to satisfy my needs for food and clothing.

No time to think and enjoy life.

The words of the admissions teacher in it are still fresh in my memory even after traveling around: “They only deceive rural children because the parents of urban children are ‘too smart’ to be fooled!”

"The more honest a person is, the more he will listen to your lies!"

Immersed in the world of documentaries, time flies by.

After reading it, Zhou You breathed a sigh of relief and lamented how difficult people's lives were.

Ordinary people were exploited at all levels, and all three religions and nine schools wanted to get a piece of the pie, until in the end there was no more.

"Director Chen, how is this little girl doing? I will help you then!" Zhou You used to be unable to protect himself, but he still couldn't bear to see poor people struggling. Now that he has the opportunity, he must help him.

Chen Weijun was stunned for a moment. He didn't know whether he was in a daze, blaming himself, or feeling powerless. He was only a documentary director, and he was not qualified to change or provide much help.

Just looking at Zhou You silently, I felt that there was a slight light emitting from him, which warmed myself and others.

"Okay, I'll contact you when the time comes!" Chen Weijun agreed.

Zhou You looked at Chen Weijun and said, "I'm not the Holy Mother. I just saw it and felt a little pain in my heart. I'll help if I can. My ability is limited, so I can only help those I encounter!"

(End of this chapter)

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