The leisurely life of rebirth

Chapter 102 Working PhD

Chapter 102 Working PhD
After spending a few days with Sun Li in Beijing, I received a call from her teacher.
"I've said hello to Zhou You about your PhD study. We will have an academic seminar to be held in Jiangcheng in the next few days. Come with me then and I will introduce you in person."

Professor Wang is also devoted to the student Zhou You. After all, now that he sees that the student is becoming more and more promising and more and more filial to himself, he must help him more.

"Okay, teacher, no problem. I'm in Beijing now. I'll go back right away. I'll talk to you at your house then," Zhou You replied immediately.

Sun Li is also very happy these days. Everything in her life is getting better, her studies have begun to show results, and it is not as difficult as before.

In the meantime, Zhou You invited Teacher Miao to dinner and asked her again for some snacks.

Miao Xia was also very happy. Last time, through Zhou You's introduction, her business scope was also included in CCTV. Especially when she heard that Zhou You bought a house specifically for Sun Li to study, she became even more aware of Zhou You's wealth.

So Sun Li's treatment has gone up a notch.

In essence, except for those with extraordinary talents, most of education depends on resources.

This is also the reason why education has become more and more involved in the future. The probability of rural children getting into a good university is getting lower and lower, because urban children are taking extra classes and hiring tutors, and these have indeed improved students' grades, thus occupying more Many high-quality educational resources.

When Sun Li heard Teacher Zhou You calling him, she quickly asked him to go back and not delay the business.

"Look at me, influenced by your ambition, I also asked my teacher for help. I am going to study for a doctorate on the job and improve my academic qualifications. Otherwise, you will be on an equal footing with me by then, and I will lose my face." Zhou You was indeed taken by Sun Otherwise, I would not have thought of studying for a doctorate so soon if I was affected by Li's incident.

"Nonsense, no matter whether you have a doctorate or not, we are on equal footing, and sometimes I am on top." Sun Li said now.

These days, the two of them are living at home like a young couple. Zhou You never thought that Sun Li had some cooking skills, but considering her experience, this is also a normal thing. After all, she can't cook on her own. Food, I have long been starved to death.

When Sun Li learned that Zhou You was leaving tomorrow, she felt a little sad thinking that she wouldn't be able to see him for at least a few months, and sat alone on the sofa in a daze.

Seeing this, Zhou You walked over and sat next to her, hugging her waist: "You miss me, send me a message at any time, I'll be here in a plane, it's very fast."

Sun Li was just a little sad, but her independent character had long been developed. Seeing that Zhou You still cared about her own feelings, she became happy again.

I took advantage of the situation and lay down on Zhou You's lap, thinking that I wouldn't be able to eat anymore, so I would eat more while I could.


Returning to Luzhou, Zhouyou went directly to the teacher’s house.

"Jiangcheng University has a doctoral program. Their director and I have a good relationship. There will be an academic exchange meeting in Jiangcheng in the next two days. They are the organizers. You and I will go together. I told him in advance. "The teacher said the matter calmly.

"Then what do I need to bring with me, and what preparations should I make here?" Zhou You has never received a Ph.D., and he doesn't know what the process is for working as a Ph.D.

"No, just go directly. There are some differences between your on-the-job doctorate and the unified doctorate. The admissions process of each school is different. You don't need to take the exam, just go through the interview process." Although this school does not have a doctoral program, But at least I am well-informed and the process is still clear.

Zhou You was very happy when he heard this. If you let me take the unified examination, he really has no confidence that he can pass it now. If the teacher greets me and it is just an interview, it won't be a big problem.

Being able to go to Jiangcheng to study for a Ph.D. is also fate. In the future, there will be a pandemic. Traveling around will help you grasp first-hand information. In the early stages, you may be able to save the life of the mentor you have never met.However, water from a distance cannot quench the thirst of the near. Let's see how the teacher opposite is doing. If he is a nice person, we will help each other from now on. If he is too harsh, we may not get a PhD. It is just the icing on the cake.

When I returned to my house after traveling around, I saw it was clean and bright, and I could only envy myself for having the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of others.

After a few days of recuperation at home, I went to the swimming pool for a swim. I found that Wang Pengfei was still studying. I could only lament that fate had played a role in people, and the genetic differences between the two sides were too big.

Wang Fangfang also admitted that there was nothing he could do with such a younger brother. It was not that he didn't work hard and had been working hard, but he was slower than ordinary people in learning, so hard work could only make up for his shortcomings.

Now, every time Zhou You finishes swimming, Wang Fangfang will give him a massage as long as he is there. Wang Ping looks on with envy and only hates that he is not capable.

Several times, I fell asleep so comfortably while traveling around.

I have to say that a massage after swimming feels like a better way to exercise and restore health than just swimming.

Wang Fangfang guessed what was going on outside when she saw Zhou You hadn't flirted with her in the past few days and had just come back with a tired look.

However, these were all within the scope of her expectations, and she had no complaints or regrets. She just served her wholeheartedly and asked others to teach her massage techniques.

These travels were watched silently and kept in mind.

After resting for a few days, I felt energetic again.

I simply packed my luggage and took a plane to Jiangcheng with my instructor.

After getting off the plane, someone picked me up according to the meeting schedule. I found the pick-up contact and took the car directly to the hotel.

"Teacher, I have never participated in this kind of academic conference before. What is the main content? Do we need to speak?" Zhou You was also a little curious.

"Actually, it's nothing. Your major is like ours, and there isn't much innovation and development. That is, we have meetings to talk about industry trends, and everyone gets together and chats." Professor Wang told the truth. This is actually tourism in disguise. .

The venue of the conference changes every year. Anyone with this major in the city will take turns to go there. Luzhou has also held it before, but Zhou You was a student at that time and didn't participate, so I didn't understand the situation.

After hearing what the teacher said, Zhou You understood that their major was not like other science and engineering majors. New technologies came out every year. If everyone lived together, communicated and discussed, maybe they could spark academic sparks.

Their major is considered half a cultural major. Let's talk about the recruitment situation, graduation situation, and employment situation of each school. Several librarians will also introduce and exchange their experience in opening libraries and how to better serve the public. Service, serve students.

All that's left is to arrange a school visit and take a look at local university libraries, provincial maps, city maps, as well as some famous attractions and special delicacies.

Free time will also be set aside for all participants to visit relatives and friends, have dinner and communicate.

 Qiu Zhui read, the author, like Zhou You, wants to reach a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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