Conjurer?I, the Warhammer Psyker

Chapter 164 The two missing idiots

Chapter 164 The two missing idiots

"Hey, isn't this the next head of the Kamo family?"

As soon as Isayama Nomei walked out of the school gate, he saw Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie standing on both sides.

He saw two of them from a distance. One looked like he had a waist problem and was hunched over. The other one looked like he had a cervical vertebra problem and was shaking his head.

The person who spoke was Gojo Satoru, and he waved to Isayama Nomei.

The two people standing at the school gate looked like two gangsters, not good people at all.

Therefore, Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie were accompanied by several retired security guards specially hired by Aoyama College, who were staring at them eagerly. It seemed that if these two people made any rash move, they would immediately swarm them.

Not far away, a black business car parked on the side of the road. It was a special car for the Tokyo Conjuring High School. It was not difficult to guess that the two of them must have come here in that thing.

Across the school gate, Gojo Satoru saw Isayama Nomei.

"The kids are here to pick you up."

"I knew it."

Isayama Norimei was not surprised that the two of them appeared at the door. After showing the documents given to him by the principal to the security gentlemen, he successfully walked out of the school.

Facing the complicated eyes of the security guards, the three of them came together.

After Isayama Nomei, Natsu Youjie, and Gojo Satoru bumped fists with each other, he rolled his eyes.

"It's really an honor to have the eldest son of the Gojo family pick me up."

"By the way, I'll give you gadgets that can save your lives at critical moments."

Isayama Norimei dug into the pocket of his school uniform, took out two bottles of bright red liquid, and threw them directly to them.

This is the original liquid, not the kind of junk outside. It is a life-healing potion that Isayama Nomei can use himself.

[Praise of Life] is easy to use, but it has a prerequisite of breathing. If the enemy destroys Isayama Nomei's throat or even breathing tube, this active skill will be useless.

Although the probability of that situation happening is extremely low, it is not impossible to encounter such a powerful enemy, so Isayama Nomei himself will always keep some recovery medicine in case of emergency.

Because this thing outside has become popular in the entire magic world, both Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie recognized what it was.

"Wow, the boss is so generous. You can give me $180 million as long as you ask."

Gojo Satoru took the life healing potion and carefully stuffed it into his clothes. It was no exaggeration to say that this thing was worth his living expenses for three or five years.

"What $180?"

Isayama Nomei was a little confused, but he realized immediately that it was the price of his bottle of healing potion.

"Xianming, don't you know? Of the hundreds of bottles your Kamo family released, some people chose to sell them instead of using them."

Xia Youjie explained that he also stored the bottle of potion very carefully.

"Now the black market price has reached 180 million US dollars per bottle, and the serving size is still one-tenth of that."

Isayama Norimei's potion lacks raw materials and the production process is unknown, making it non-replicable. No one can copy the second bottle.

In addition, some people discovered that some patients who were about to die but were not yet dead actually came back to life after drinking this bottle.

Comparable to the magic medicine that brings the dead back to life,
Five milliliters can be sold for 180 million U.S. dollars. Which rich person in the world doesn't want to have one more life? Moreover, many rich people have reached the end of their lives and need this kind of thing to survive, so the black market price can be so high.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would make money for them."

Isayama Ken meditated and let the market sentiment ferment first. Unexpectedly, the circulation volume was so small that it directly detonated the entire market.

The problem is that it only takes him 5 minutes to make such a bottle, and he can earn 5 million US dollars in 180 minutes, ah. . .

"I'm not as grand as your young master from the Kamo family. I heard that those old guys can give you face."

Gojo Satoru thought of those old things in his family. One moment they couldn’t do this, and the next they couldn’t do that. They were all shackles.

"Oh, my skills are not unusual in the family."

Isayama Norimei used blood to outline two vivid villains, the Q version of Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie, who are jumping up and down happily, vividly showing the feeling of being flat in their bodies.

"You actually know how to perform red blood exercises."

Gojo Satoru was stunned for a moment when he saw the Q version of himself greeting him.

"Didn't you only know how to use ice before?"

"People will make progress after all, don't always be so rigid in your thinking."

I don’t know whether Isayama Nomei did it on purpose or not. When Gojo Satoru, made of blood, disappeared, it was split in two from the middle, while when Xia Youjie disappeared, the top of his head was opened.

Isayama Nomei made an unconscious move, and neither of them noticed this small detail.

"You're the only one in the Gojo family who knows unlimited techniques."

The particularity of the unlimited technique is destined to be used only with the six eyes. Isayama Norimei showed from the catalog recorded by the Kamo family that the six eyes only appear once every 500 years.

Gojo Satoru is even rarer than the black and white bear, a super rare species that only comes into being in 500 years.

But even Gojo Satoru, who has six eyes, can never escape Isayama Norimei's new equipment [Prison Gate Frontier] acquired yesterday.

The domineering effect of [Prison Gate Territory] cannot be completely offset by any spell without any lower limit.I can only stay locked inside.

Isayama Norimei estimated that the original owner would be extremely distressed. Apart from some slight restrictions, this piece of equipment really has no solution.

Isayama Norimei later checked the entire family's logs, and he finally found the clue. [Prison Gate Frontier] started looking for it 20 years ago. The Kamo family spent nearly 8000 million euros on the global search alone. In the end, It was found in a sunken ship in the Feibin Trench three months ago, and the salvage cost was 900 million euros.

Did he really admire the people who did the accounting for the Kamo family? Didn't they see such a huge financial gap?It has to be the Kamo family. Their family has a big business and it doesn’t matter if they have a lot of mines.

The Isayama family has not accumulated that much property for generations.

"Yes, you are both young masters."

Xia Youjie was the one with the most complicated emotions, although he didn't say it on his face.

This guy was born in an ordinary family, and his friends now include the eldest young masters of two of the three largest families in the magic world.

"Jay, I think you should think so."

Gojo Satoru smiled and said
"Even if it weren't for your strength, with your relationship with me and Xian Ming, wouldn't you still be able to run amok in the entire world of magic?"

Even if Xia Youjie doesn't have the qualifications to become a special-level magician, he can defeat at least 99% of first-level magicians just by relying on the friendship between the Gojo family and the next generation of the Kamo family.

"Okay, stop bragging."

Isayama Nomei showed them the information he had obtained before, but no one came to inform him in advance.

"How did I become an exchange student smoothly?"

The Ministry of Education's inspection project actually turned Isayama Norimei into an exchange student and went to the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Magic for nearly a month.

Although it doesn't matter to Isayama Nomei, just treat it as another month of rest.

The Conjuration College does not have that much authority, so it should be a direct order from the Conjuring Masters Association.

This is what makes Isayama Norimei very unhappy with the Spell Masters Association. They know that he is the next head of the Kamo family.

With this kind of attitude, the Spell Masters Association didn't take him seriously as the next head of the Kamo family, but they actually skipped the senior members of the conservative faction of the Kamo family and did it directly.

Otherwise, the elders would definitely have contacted him in advance, and it wouldn't have been so sudden. "Actually, we don't know either. Teacher Noctua just asked us to pick you up."

Xia Youjie replied
"That's it."

Isayama Norimei could only say this. In fact, he was already thinking about whether to send a few curse masters from the Kamo family to cover up their identities and send "warmth" to the curse master association, and then frame the curse master group. Wouldn’t that be great?
His grandma dared to do this to him.

Already started your obedience test?
Isayama Nomei rubbed his fists

"Don't worry about this for now, Xian Ming will quickly transform that big dragon."

Gojo Satoru gestured with his hands. He wanted Isayama Norimei to transform the dragon made of pure ice from last time.

As soon as I said hello, I almost forgot about the business.

"Yes, Xian Ming, I forgot too, business is more important."

After being reminded by Gojo Satoru, Xia Youjie also remembered.

"what happened?"

Isayama Nomei asked doubtfully

The demands of these two people are strange. It would be inappropriate to take out the dragon in broad daylight.

Especially since Isayama Nomei is so big and easy to see, the impact is not good.

"It's that idiot Diva."

Gojo Satoru said

"She and Miss Ming have been missing for 48 hours since they went on a mission."

"A house that eats people."

"It's a supernatural place that has become inexplicably popular recently, similar to an urban legend."

"The owner of that house was once a well-known local wealthy businessman, but as the company collapsed, the president also went bankrupt. When he was desperate, he killed his entire family and then committed suicide."

"Because it is a haunted house, the whole house is vacant, but the Asahi Shimbun's broadcast made it famous. So many young people came here to check in, and there were courage test competitions and so on. More than 50 people have disappeared. .”

"The Spellcasters Association paid close attention to it and dispatched the second-level Spellcaster Ange, as well as Miss Ming, a first-level resident Spellcaster who is also the assistant to the Tokyo Conjuration High School, to investigate together to eliminate all the unique points in this place. "

In this regard, Isayama Nomei just wanted to say "It seems."

There are so many curse spirits these days. It is really not a joke that curiosity kills cats. The number of missing cases every day has reached dozens of meters high. Judging from the ratio of the number of curse masters, it is not proportional at all, and there is no way to save them all.

There are also a lot fewer pedestrians on the streets, but these people are not afraid of death and go to such a terrifying place to try their courage?I really got my brain kicked in the ass.

It's hard to persuade a ghost to die, it's all their own choice.No one can blame anyone.

Isayama Nomei felt that the best he could do was bring a whole body back for them, but he might not be able to do that.As adults, we should be responsible for our own actions, including our lives.

"Wait a minute, which newspaper originally reported this?"

Isayama Nomei felt like he heard a very familiar name, so familiar that he would never forget it.

I just hope that Xia Youjie can be a little clearer when he speaks.

"Asahi Shimbun, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Isayama Norimei has always felt that there must be something wrong with this newspaper. They were the ones who reported the big-character poster when his sister died, and also published many photos of victims that violated the privacy of family members.

He once let them go, but now that he thinks about it, he still can't swallow this breath.

The style of this newspaper is equivalent to that sense of sensationalism, relying on exaggerated pictures to attract people to read.

It’s time for this newspaper to come to an end.

Isayama Nomei thought silently
"Actually, I originally planned to save the singer and the others before coming back, but Wu said that I had to rope in Xianming."

Xia Youjie looked at the two of them with resentment in his eyes.
"Because he dislikes that my rainbow dragon is too small."

Things are afraid of comparison, and Isayama Norimei asked Ai to build the ice dragon.Compared to Xia Youjie's Honglong, he was far ahead in terms of size and length.

As well as ride comfort, Isayama Nomei is far ahead.

"Jie, didn't you dislike my teleportation technique first?"

Gojo Satoru looked at Xia Youjie in disbelief, wondering why you complained first to Xian Ming.

"Have you forgotten last time? Because of your spell, so many of us were almost killed by you."

Xia Youjie said coldly

"It was just an accident, okay!"

Gojo Satoru argued
"Who knows where I'm going to end up is a bomb that's about to explode."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Isayama Nomei also understood what happened.

That all happened a long time ago, and it's embarrassing to say that the accident they mentioned was actually caused by Isayama Nomei.

Last time, if Xia Youjie hadn't used several first-level curse spirits with astonishing defensive power to create a human shield composed of curse spirits in time, he might have died in the accident.

If it really happened, Isayama Norimei would not only be guilty of the crime all of a sudden, but there would also be no one in the second or third year of Tokyo Conjuring High School.

"Okay, let's find a place and leave quickly. Don't stay here."

Isayama Norimei saw that Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru seemed to be fighting again, so he quickly suggested:

The two men started fighting at the school gate, and it was Isayama Nomei who was embarrassed.So it would be better for him to break up the fight quickly.

"Now is not the time to argue. It should be the time to race against time to save your companions. What are you doing?"

So he soon came to a lake, where a pure white giant dragon whose whole body was made entirely of ice rose into the air with its slender body.

Isayama Nomei is still at the leading position, and behind him are Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru.

Isayama Nomei did not forget to set up a tent around the dragon. Otherwise, if he saw a white dragon flying in the sky in broad daylight, many people would be surprised. In order to prevent public opinion and other troublesome things, he prepared A barrier is still very necessary.

Because Isayama Kenmei has evolved, the dragon he is driving at full speed has a maximum speed of over [-] kilometers per hour.

The villa area where the incident occurred is about 400 kilometers away from Tokyo, which is why they came to find Isayama Nomei.

"Thanks a lot."

A black A8 appeared in the deep mountains and forests, and a girl got out with a cigarette in her mouth.

"Miss Glass, do you want me to pick you up later?"

"No thanks."

Glass, wearing the uniform of a spell college, got out of the car and looked at the big house in front of him.

"I'll go back with those idiots."

 Lu Ziyun was killed by Ji Yuan, and before he had time to mourn, the next ones to appear were Polygonum cuspidatum and Japanese car.

(End of this chapter)

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