Life 1984

Chapter 573 Fire him first!

Chapter 573 Fire him first!

Li Yunhai's special car departed from the headquarters and headed to the factory.

The car soon arrived outside the factory gate.

Chen Jing and Yang Zaiming each led a team of people and lined up outside the factory gate.

Lin Xin exclaimed softly: "It's such a big scene! Then our factory gate has been blocked by them for most of the day?"

Li Yunhai hummed calmly. Thinking of the phone call just now, he couldn't help but be surprised. Who called him?

An old friend?

Which old friend?

Su Hong stood outside the factory gate. When she saw Rolls-Royce approaching, she shouted: "Mr. Li is here!"

Everyone at the scene turned and looked over, watching the luxurious and elegant car slowly drive over. The small golden figure of the Flying Goddess standing on the front of the car shone dazzlingly in the sun.

Su Hong, who has a tall figure, is wearing a well-tailored professional suit, with her waist, hips, breasts and legs wrapped in a slim and bulging shape. She stands elegantly by the car door, leaning forward slightly, holding the door open with one hand and protecting the top of the door frame with the other. With a sweet smile on her beautiful face, she whispered softly: "Hello, Mr. Li!"

Li Yunhai shook his head gently: "You are indeed ignorant and ignorant. You are blind and you don't even recognize Leader Liang!"

As soon as Li Yunhai's car stopped, several people came forward to help open the door.

Yang Zaiming was about to speak when someone next to him whispered: "Yang Chu, Liang Bonian! Is he the one from Anhui Province?"

He got out of the car, slowly scanned the whole place, and his eyes fell on Da Beitou.

Li Yunhai shouted sternly: "Yang Zaiming, what are you talking about? Be polite to Leader Liang!"

Liang Bonian said: "Mr. Li, you are too polite. With your reputation and status in the province, if you say something, no one will dare not listen to you, right?"

Especially when he called Liang Bonian by his first name, he looked even more arrogant.

The momentum and coercion of the group boss were instantly reflected.

A colleague said: "Yang Chu, I didn't expect Liang Bonian and Li Yunhai to be so familiar with each other!"

When Yang Zaiming and others saw it, they could not help but look sideways. It was not until this moment that they realized how big a capital giant they were facing.

Li Yunhai was wearing a casual suit. If he didn't have such a grand appearance, if he saw him on the street, he would definitely think that he was just an ordinary young man.

Yang Zaiming waved his hand and said, "What does it have to do with you? Who do you think you are? How dare you interfere with our business!"

That big-backed man is Liang Bonian.

Liang Bonian shook Li Yunhai's hand vigorously and said, "Mr. Li, you can keep your composure. Others have come to bully you, but you still remain calm and unmoved."

Liang Bonian said in a deep voice: "Comrade Li Yunhai is right. If there is a problem, solve it. You should not act so recklessly. Do you have nothing to do at work? Are you so free? Do you have time to spend a day stuck here?"

No wonder they are old friends!

It turns out he is here!

Liang Bonian waved his hand nonchalantly.

Yang Zaiming said: "What are you afraid of? No matter how powerful Liang Bonian is, he is from Wan Province! When he comes to our province, he is just an ordinary tourist! Can he still care about our affairs?"

But he was tall and tall, with a handsome face and a cool expression. He exuded an incomparable air of confidence.

Zhuang Yong ran forward with a team of bodyguards and stood next to the Rolls-Royce. They were all wearing uniform security uniforms. They were all strong and strong, standing like green pine trees, with their backs straight.

Li Yunhai said to Liang Bonian: "Boss Liang, I'm really sorry that I made you suffer this injustice as soon as you came here. These people are ignorant and make you laugh. Why don't you please come to our headquarters for a while? The things here are just Leave it to my men to handle it.”

Li Yunhai said: "Let Leader Liang laugh."

The green trees on both sides of the road are reflected in the shiny car body and window glass, making them shine.

The colleague nodded and said: "It makes sense! This is not his territory and he can't control our affairs!"

Liang Bonian said: "Don't worry about drinking. You should solve the current dilemma first, right?"

Yang Zaiming spread his hands like a bachelor and said, "Why should I be polite to him? He has all my fault, why should I be polite to him? He is not my immediate boss! I need to be polite to him. ?"

Li Yunhai said sharply: "Yang Zaiming, don't you know Comrade Liang Bonian?"

Li Yunhai laughed loudly, stepped forward and extended his hand: "Boss Liang, nice to meet you! What brought you here? Why don't you go to our company headquarters?"

These words seemed to be affectionate, but in fact they were extremely contemptuous, and they were obviously sarcastic.

Yang Zaiming was worried before whether this so-called Liang Bonian was someone from Beijin. Now that he knew that he was from Wan Province, he was not afraid anymore. He laughed loudly and said: "It turns out he is Comrade Liang Bonian from Wan Province! Welcome! Come travel to our province!”

Li Yunhai sighed softly: "I have no choice but to hide in the small building and become one!"

Li Yunhai smiled bitterly: "Boss Liang, you think too highly of me. How can I, a small businessman, have so much energy? I won't care about things that I can't take care of. Leader Liang, it's rare for you to come here. Let's go." , I’ll invite you to drink!”

Liang Bonian shook hands with Li Yunhai with a smile and said: "We happened to pass by here and saw a lot of people gathered around. We didn't know what was going on. When we got out of the car, we asked, my dear, someone actually wants to close down your factory! Haha! "

"Liang Bonian from Anhui Province?" Yang Zaiming frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "I know who he is! Liang Bonian! No wonder this name is so familiar! It turns out to be him!"

Li Yunhai said: "As long as we make the rectifications in place, it doesn't matter how long it takes, right? It's not a good idea for you to block the door like this!"

Yang Zaiming was frightened by Li Yunhai's words, because he just heard Li Yunhai calling him Leader Liang. It seemed that he was probably a person, so he asked, "Who is he?"

Yang Zaiming touched his chin and said: "Comrade Liang Bonian, if you come here to travel, just travel! Why are you meddling in the affairs of our province? This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right? If you do this, you can't be called a dog. Using a mouse to meddle in other people’s business can be considered as using a sword from another province to kill people from my province, right?”

Liang Bonian had a calm expression on his face, and even had a smile on his lips. He looked at Yang Zaiming like a human looking at a tiny ant, and said, "Comrade Yang Zaiming, right?"

Yang Zaiming snorted angrily: "Rectification? We were talking about three months of rectification, but you only stopped work for three days and you said it was complete? Aren't you deceiving people?"

Li Yunhai glanced slightly sideways, looked at Yang Zaiming, and said, "It's you again, Yang Chu! Our company has completed the rectification, have you checked and accepted it?"

Yang Zaiming puffed up his chest: "That's me! I won't change my name in office, and I won't change my surname in office! What's wrong? You still want to remove me from my position?"

Liang Bonian chuckled and said: "You are a small deputy, and it is not my turn to remove you from your post. However, your arrogant attitude is not like the attitude of doing things at all! In any case, so are you. Public servants, right? Look at you, you look so domineering, you look like bandits!"

Yang Zaiming's face changed slightly and he said, "Are you scolding me? It's not your turn to teach me what kind of attitude I have!"

He raised his finger and pointed at Li Yunhai: "Mr. Li, you came just in time. It's not a problem if you hide from us. It doesn't work if you call the police over, and it doesn't work if you ask people from Anhui Province to help! How should we deal with this matter today? How should we deal with it!"

Li Yunhai's face darkened: "Excuse me, how do you want to deal with it? I'm here now just to deal with this matter."

Yang Zaiming said: "It's very simple. We ask you to stop work immediately and make rectifications! The deadline is three months!"

Liang Bonian asked: "Do you have formal procedures? Do you have the signature of your supervisor?"

Yang Zaiming was stunned and said: "Of course there will be procedures! There will also be signatures from the leaders! Now we are here to enforce the law. Sihai Group only needs to comply with the enforcement! Otherwise it will hinder law enforcement!"

Liang Bonian chuckled and asked: "How long have you been working in this position? You said that when you go out to enforce the law, you go out to enforce the law without first obtaining the procedures? This is like a comrade in the police, who does not get the arrest warrant. Arresting people and searching without a search warrant is against the regulations and illegal! If you law enforcers know the law and break it, isn't it just a double-digit crime?"

Yang Zaiming was shocked, and then he realized that he had underestimated Liang Bonian.

Liang Bonian is indeed powerful. He can grasp the main contradiction from the chaos and hit the opponent's vital point in one fell swoop.

Yang Zaiming said: "We are here for inspection today, and the relevant procedures will be completed tomorrow!"

Liang Bonian said: "Then please go back first! Come back after completing the formalities! How can you behave like you are blocking the door of other people's companies?"

These few words were said with full tone and power! The domineering aura of a superior person instantly filled the whole place.

Even Li Yunhai couldn't help but be surprised when he saw it, thinking that Liang Bonian had tried his best to help him.

Anhui Province was affected by floods last year, and Liang Bonian came to Li Yunhai for help many times.

Li Yunhai responded to every request and provided hundreds of millions in financial and material assistance to Anhui Province.

With this friendship, it is reasonable for Liang Bonian to help Li Yunhai speak.

Yang Zaiming and others didn't know much about the past between them, but they just felt that Liang Bonian was too nosy.

"Comrade Liang Bonian," Yang Zaiming said angrily, "what we do seems to have nothing to do with you, right? Is your hand stretched too long? It stretches from Luzhou to Xizhou!"

"I really have control over this matter today!" Liang Bonian looked livid, raised his right hand and said, "Call your comrade in charge over here. I want to see how he solves the problem in front of me. This matter!"

Yang Zaiming laughed and said: "Comrade Liang Bonian, do you take yourself too seriously? Who do you think you are? It's true that you are a leader, but you are not from our province! Why should we listen to our leaders? Your words?"

The atmosphere at the scene was tense!

Li Yunhai looked at Liang Bonian and then at Yang Zaiming, wondering why they were at odds with each other?

He knew that what Yang Zaiming said was true. Even Liang Bonian could not exercise his power across provinces.

Even if the police want to arrest someone across provinces, they have to contact the local police for assistance.

As for Comrade Liang Bonian, he only has authority in this province and not in other provinces.

Li Yunhai was afraid that Liang Bonian would be wronged, so he said: "Leader Liang, there is no need to be familiar with them. They want to seal off Sihai Group's factories, but they can't succeed so easily."

Liang Bonian said calmly: "Mr. Li, the nature of this problem is extremely serious! A young man named Yang Zaiming dared to speak so brazenly that he would close down the factory of Sihai Group! Doesn't he know at all how important Sihai Group is? A company?”

Yang Zaiming sneered: "Isn't it just a private enterprise? What's so great! Such enterprises are everywhere! Look at this park, there are hundreds of enterprises!"

Liang Bonian shook his head with great hatred, pointed at Yang Zaiming and said: "You, comrade, are really a child that cannot be taught, and a rotten tree that cannot be carved! Sihai Group is one of the few high-tech companies in the world. In the semiconductor industry, it can compete with Intel On an equal footing! Even better than Intel in some fields! I guess you don’t even know about Intel, right?”

Yang Zaiming really didn’t know what Intel was, so he sneered with the corner of his mouth: “I don’t know what Intel is, what’s wrong? Is Intel better than Compaq? I only know Compaq, not Intel.”

Liang Bonian said: "You are ignorant and have no skills! You are not ashamed, but proud of it? Then do you know, what is a photolithography machine? What is a chip?"

Yang Zaiming said: "Photolithography machine? I don't know! I'm not a worker in the factory. I know what those machines are used for?"

Liang Bonian said: "No wonder you are so arrogant and domineering. It turns out that you are ignorant and fearless! How did a person like you who knows nothing get this position?"

Yang Zaiming's face darkened: "Liang Bonian, when I call you comrade, I respect your title! Don't be ungrateful! Do you really think you are a person? You come to our province to point fingers, and you treat us Is the province regarded as your family’s private land? I won’t obey your control!”

Liang Bonian said: "I really don't want to care about you, because you are not qualified enough!"

He beckoned.

The young man with glasses next to him took a step forward and bowed his head to listen.

Li Yunhai recognized that this young man with glasses was Liang Bonian's secretary, whom he had met twice last year.

This secretary’s name seems to be Li Ping, right?

Li Yunhai couldn't remember clearly either.

He remembered again that the person who called him just now was this secretary.

The young man with glasses was Li Ping. After listening to Liang Bonian's instructions, he turned and left.

Yang Zaiming had been exposed to the poisonous sun for a long time, and he had long been impatient. He said loudly: "You all get out of the way, we are here to enforce the law! Anyone who blocks it again is resisting law enforcement, and we will take compulsory measures in accordance with the law!"

Li Yunhai was not so frightened that he turned a deaf ear to Yang Zaiming's words.

Yang Zaiming shouted a few times, but was ignored. He couldn't help but get angry and said angrily: "Did you hear that? Get out of my way! Someone, break in!"

There were several people standing behind him. They were as hot and tired as him, but they didn't dare to leave casually. They just wanted to solve the matter quickly, so they shouted and rushed forward.

Chen Jing led her men, and Zhuang Yong led the company's security guards to form a human wall and block the factory door.

They didn't do anything, they just guarded the factory.

Yang Zaiming waved his hands and took the lead in rushing forward.

Liang Bonian happened to be standing in his path.

Yang Zaiming stretched out his fat hand and pushed Liang Bonian's shoulder: "Get out of the way!"

Accident happened!

Before Yang Zaiming's hand could touch Liang Bonian, a big iron-like hand suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed Yang Zaiming's wrist, lifted it up hard, and then pushed it back.

Yang Zaiming couldn't help but take a few steps back and sat down on the ground.

He was horrified. When he looked up, he saw that the person who had just taken action was Liang Bonian's driver.

The driver was tall and upright. He stood tall and straight, with his left hand clenched into a fist and his right hand into a palm, glaring at Yang Zaiming eagerly.

Li Yunhai secretly applauded, thinking that this person is a martial artist, and his kung fu is very good! He is worthy of being Liang Bonian’s personal bodyguard!

When Liang Bonian traveled, he only took two people with him, one was his secretary and the other was the driver and bodyguard.

Logically speaking, there should be two security guards with him, but for some reason they are not with him? Maybe he's on vacation? So you don’t have too many people around you, right?

Although Yang Zaiming was reckless, he also knew the equipment specifications of the guards around Liang Bonian and did not dare to underestimate him. Although he fell down, he could only suffer the loss. He climbed up and shouted: "Come in!"

Liang Bonian shouted: "Stop it! Who gave you the power? To dare you to do such nonsense! Sihai Group is a nationally famous enterprise and the pride of a national brand. You don't give them more support and still deal with them like this. What on earth do you want to do?" What? Do you want to be executioners?"

Everyone stopped.

Yang Zaiming shouted: "You don't have to listen to him! He is not from our province, and what he says is nonsense!"

Liang Bonian had big bags under his eyes, his eyes were wide open, and he had an air of calmness and authority. He pointed at Yang Zaiming and said, "If you keep doing this, you will be dismissed from your post!"

Yang Zaiming said: "Okay! I'm just waiting. How can you use his spare sword to kill me, an official!"

Li Yunhai couldn't help but complain when he saw that the situation was getting worse and worse.

He couldn't persuade him even if he wanted to. No one at the scene was willing to listen to him!

Lin Xin stepped forward and said: "Brother-in-law, let's call someone over quickly? Otherwise, this matter will really get out of hand!"

Just as Li Yunhai was about to speak, two cars drove over quickly.

When Yang Zaiming saw the two cars, he was startled for a moment, then he smiled broadly and said, "Don't you want to see our supervisor? They are here! Don't you want to go through the formalities? Okay, as soon as they arrive, we will do it on the spot I’ll write you a procedure! Whatever procedure you want is fine!”

Li Yunhai raised his thick eyebrows.

Liang Bonian's expression remained unchanged.

The two cars stopped, and several people got out and walked over.

Yang Zaiming came forward to meet.

The leader was a middle-aged man, wearing a black jacket, with sparse hair combed to the right. He strode over quickly, came straight to Liang Bonian, and said respectfully: "Hello, leader! I am Zhang Chuang, in charge of the safety supervision of the province. Work."

Liang Bonian nodded, pointed at Yang Zaiming, and issued an incredible order in a tone that left no room for doubt: "Comrade Zhang Chuang, you are just in time, fire this person first!"

(End of this chapter)

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