Life 1984

Chapter 550 Fighting Again at CES Electronics Show

Chapter 550 Fighting Again at CES Electronics Show

1992 is destined to be an extraordinary year!

Just after New Year's Day, the vice president of Philips headquarters switched to Sihai Group.

This news is worth the hype.

For Sihai Group, what they gain is not only a talent, but also recognition and appreciation from the Western elite.

Gathering talents from all over the world, making use of them, innovating from the old, and conquering the world with excellent products is what Sihai Group wants to do.

After New Year's Day, Li Yunhai and his friends will go to the CES electronics show in Las Vegas again.

Sihai Group will bring its X64 chip to the International Electronics Show!

It is worth mentioning that Apple will also participate in CES this year, and it will be 27 years before they return to CES.

At this CES show, Apple released the rather unsuccessful Newton device, and has since withdrawn from the group.

Later, after Jobs returned to Apple, the company finally got on the right track, but their annual press conferences were enough to attract global attention, so they didn't bother to return to CES.

A unique brand, like a woman with a temper, can always be loved by some people.

At this CSE exhibition, the highlight of Sihai Group is the X64 chip.

Li Yunhai was accompanied by Su Hong, Zhuang Yong and others.

The business leader who had been chatting with Li Yunhai before smiled and said, "Mr. Li, do you know Director Chi? She was transferred to the Ministry of Commerce and led several of her subordinate companies to participate in the exhibition this time."

"Oh, hello, Miss Chi!" Li Yunhai suddenly remembered and said, "Don't you work in Beijin City? Why are you here?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said, "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Can you all come here?"

Chen Hong is so delicate and beautiful, while Gong Li is so beautiful. The two of them work as exhibition models together, which makes them more contrasting.

No one can explain why old Americans are addicted to Sichuan food. After eating it once, they can't forget it and have to have a meal from time to time.

Li Yunhai invited everyone to a local Chinese restaurant.

However, Sihai Group came to CES with the most advanced lithography machines and chips. This can be said to be a proud moment for our country's industry.

Shen Xiulan, Professor Ni, Lin Xiaofeng, David, Zhao Jinping, Michiko, Aibt and others who newly joined the company.

In the 20s, Chinese immigrants to the United States began to operate Chinese restaurants. In the 60s and 70s, there were more and more Chinese restaurants in big cities. Starting in the 80s, with the large number of immigrants from Hu Jianren, Chinese restaurants gradually expanded from New York to Wait for big cities to open all over the United States.

Therefore, this is also the first time that Sihai lithography machine has been unveiled at the CES show.

That afternoon, Li Yunhai led people to visit his own booth at CES and guided the layout of the booth.

People from the North American branch have already decorated the showroom, bought advertisements, and put up signs.

Chi Rou pursed her lips and smiled and said: "I'm just a small deputy department-level cadre. I also followed the leader to see the world. You said you congratulated me, but didn't invite me to dinner? There's no sincerity at all."

Li Yunhai actually doesn't like staying in this kind of hotel, but it's difficult to find a hotel in a casino without a casino.

Outside the home, each of them represents the image of the company and the image of Oriental people.

More local people in the United States cannot come to our country for business trips and tourism. Their impression of the Chinese comes more from the Chinese they come into contact with. The locals can only judge the overall quality of the Chinese through these tourists and immigrants.

Industrial manufacturing, especially the manufacturing of high-end semiconductors, has always been my country's shortcomings.

Fortunately, the CES show only lasts for four days, so it will go by quickly.

The happiest person was Chi Rou. She held Li Yunhai's hand and talked to him for a long time before letting go.

In an era when diplomatic relations and trade between the two countries are normalized, why does the United States ban the export of Chinese machinery?

After a year of negotiations, the United States finally relented and allowed photolithography machines to be exhibited and sold in the United States.

The most popular thing among locals is Sichuan cuisine, so nine out of ten Chinese restaurants serve Sichuan cuisine.

"Mr. Li!" came a surprised female voice.

They arrived in Las Vegas and checked into a hotel.

The first floor below this hotel is the casino, and there are fancy performances at the door to attract tourists.

Li Yunhai took a look and saw that she was a beautiful girl who looked familiar.

At last year’s CES show, Sihai Group’s photolithography machines failed to enter the United States.

Everyone knew Li Yunhai's power and energy, and also wanted to make friends with him, so they agreed with a smile.

After entering the 90s, more and more Chinese companies came to participate in foreign exhibitions, and many Chinese companies came to participate in CES.

When traveling abroad, you should not be surprised to see an American-style Chinese restaurant serving Sichuan cuisine, but the owner is Hu Jianren.

Li Yunhai laughed and said: "Congratulations, Miss Chi, you are now promoted!"

Just like our stereotypes about foreigners, they are also developed in this way.

In addition to Gong Li, Li Yunhai also brought Chen Hong with him.

Later, Li Yunhai submitted a complaint to my country's commerce, foreign affairs, economic and trade ministries and commissions on this matter.

There are many people from the company. Every time Li Yunhai takes a group abroad, he will explain the rules to prevent anyone from doing anything too outrageous abroad.

If one or two are unruly and slovenly, it doesn't matter. If most of the people they meet are like this, it will definitely form a bad impression.

In order to better demonstrate the brand's style, Li Yunhai decided to bring Gong Li as the spokesperson as an exhibition model.

The girl stepped forward and said with a sweet smile: "Mr. Li, don't you recognize me? I'm Chi Rou!"

Li Yunhai met with people from Lianxiang Company and the heads of two other state-owned enterprises at the convention and exhibition center.

Of course, Li Yunhai will participate in this CES, and he will also lead the most powerful exhibition team there.

There were almost 5 Chinese restaurants in the United States at one time, while there were only 1.4 McDonald's restaurants in the same period.

There are not only many Chinese restaurants in Las Vegas, but they are also very high-end. After all, the people who come here to spend money are very rich. How can you be a gambler without money?

The CES show will not officially start until tomorrow. Tomorrow is a rest day. Everyone is toasting and partying. We are not afraid of getting drunk. Being drunk is better. We go back to the hotel and fall asleep, and the jet lag is reversed.

So the atmosphere at the dinner table was very lively.

Everyone, led by Li Yunhai, toasted to him.

Li Yunhai also had the idea of ​​​​getting jet lagged when he was drunk. He refused to refuse anyone who came and drank more than ten glasses of wine.

As expected, he quickly became drunk.

After dinner, everyone lined up to shake hands with him and say goodbye.

Li Yunhai laughed and sent everyone off.

Su Hong and Shen Xiulan helped Li Yunhai back to the hotel room.

Shen Xiulan said to Su Hong: "Secretary Su, go and sleep. I haven't drank. I'm taking care of Mr. Li here."

Su Hong knew about the relationship between Shen Xiulan and Li Yunhai and said, "Mr. Shen, I'll go over there. If you're tired, just call my room number and I'll come over to change."

Shen Xiulan saw the abnormality in Su Hong's face and said with a slight blush: "No, you can just sleep peacefully."

Su Hong gently stroked her hair at the temples, looked at Li Yunhai lying on the bed, sighed leisurely, and walked out.

Shen Xiulan couldn't take care of Li Yunhai to take a bath, so she brought hot water and wiped Li Yunhai up and down.

Li Yunhai was drunk and knew it, so he held her hand and grinned: "Xiulan, stay with me tonight."

Shen Xiulan couldn't help pinching his nose: "You! I see you are drunk and unconscious. I am staying with you, but you are still fast asleep?"

"I, I can sleep with you in my arms." Li Yunhai smiled drunkenly.

Shen Xiulan hummed: "I'm going to take a shower first, and I'll leave tomorrow morning. I can't let Aunt Lin see us together."

Li Yunhai said "Hello".

Then there was a knock on the door.

Shen Xiulan asked who it was?

The person from outside replied: "I am Gong Li."

Shen Xiulan opened the door and said with a smile: "Gong Li, why did you come to see Mr. Li so late?"

"Let me see him. Is he drunk?"

"Yes, Mr. Li has already gone to bed." Shen Xiulan didn't want Gong Li to enter the bedroom, so she lied.

Gong Li exclaimed: "Mr. Li is asleep? Mr. Shen, why are you still here?"

Shen Xiulan said calmly: "I just put him to bed, Lin Zhi told me to take good care of him. Are you okay?"

Although Gong Li was full of doubts, he couldn't say anything, smiled, turned and left.

Shen Xiulan closed the door, bit the corner of her mouth and thought for a while, then came to Li Yunhai's bed and pushed him: "Don't pretend to be asleep, I know you are not sleeping! What is the relationship between Gong Li and you? I come to see you so late." "

Li Yunhai couldn't pretend anymore, so he had to say: "What can happen between me and her? It's her first time to participate in the exhibition. She must not understand something, so she came to me."

Shen Xiulan said: "But I think her expression is a bit strange. Tell the truth, is she your lover?" Li Yunhai chuckled: "You are overthinking! I do think she is so beautiful! She has such a good figure!" It must be really fun!”

Shen Xiulan gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, have you finally spoken out what's in your heart?"

"I meant to think about it! But I didn't take any action."

"Humph! Even thinking about it is cheating!"

"Please, why are you more strict with me than Lin Zhi?"

"It's precisely because Lin Zhi controls you so leniently that I have an opportunity to take advantage of you. I must control you strictly and prevent other women from taking advantage of you!"

Li Yunhai's scalp felt numb.

What's strange to him is that Shen Xiulan in the previous life lived a very transparent life, living in two places with Li Yunhai, and never cared about his private life.

In this life, Shen Xiulan did not become Li Yunhai's wife, but became his lover. Why did she take care of him instead?

There was another knock on the door.

Shen Xiulan glanced at Li Yunhai suspiciously: "Who came to you this time? They clearly knew that you were drunk, so why did they come to you to talk about work? Isn't this a disguised form of disturbing you? We can't wait until dawn for something to happen. Talk again?"

"You ask me? How do I know? I will continue to pretend to be asleep and leave it to you to deal with." Li Yunhai smiled and closed his eyes.

Shen Xiulan came out and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was Chen Hong.

"Mr. Shen!" Chen Hong obviously didn't expect that the person who opened the door would be Shen Xiulan. Fortunately, she was studying acting, so she immediately started laughing, "Is Mr. Li here? Let me ask him what kind of clothes our exhibition models are wearing. ?”

Shen Xiulan said: "Mr. Li drank too much, and I just helped him go to bed. Don't you think you can wear whatever clothes you want? You can take care of it. If you are missing clothes, you can apply for funding from Mr. Li another day! Or you can Buy it directly and ask me to reimburse you."

Chen Hong smiled and said: "Okay, Mr. Shen. Can I go in and take a look at Mr. Li?"

Shen Xiulan's eyes shone brightly: "What's there to see?"

Chen Hong heard the unkindness in her tone and had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Shen Xiulan closed the door, returned to the bedroom, and said: "Chen Hong came to you and asked you for advice on what to wear! Do you think it's funny? They are such big people, and they still have to ask you about such a trivial matter. Besides, she has followed us to participate in exhibitions for several times. Come back, she won’t understand what kind of clothes you should wear? I think she is clearly using an excuse to get close to you."

A woman’s sixth sense is so accurate that it’s scary!

Li Yunhai didn't dare to talk nonsense and pretended to be asleep rationally.

Shen Xiulan asked: "Is there anyone else looking for you? I took a bath and went to bed without me. How about I go over and sleep? In case other people come and see, it's hard to tell the difference between us!"

Li Yunhai said: "What are you afraid of? Just say you are taking care of me and then fall asleep. Who can say what is right and wrong? I will fire him!"

Shen Xiulan pursed her lips and smiled and entered the shower room gracefully.

She took a shower carefully and then returned to bed.

Li Yunhai pulled her into his arms, showing her wanton affection.

"You, you're not drunk?" Shen Xiulan felt so strong that he was so energetic. How could he look like he was drunk?

Li Yunhai held her face and said with a smile: "You underestimate me, don't you? How can this little wine put me down? It's a rare opportunity for me to be alone with you outside, and I don't want to waste a single night!"

Shen Xiulan groaned and slowly closed her eyes, enjoying her lover's love.

The next morning, Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan slept until dawn.

After taking a look at the time, Shen Xiulan sat up suddenly and shouted: "It's over! It's half past nine!"

Li Yunhai coughed lightly: "Nine-thirty, nine-thirty, what are you in a hurry for?"

"They must have gotten up early! What if I bump into them when I go out?"

"Don't say it! Who is asking you?"

"What if Aunt Lin asks me?"

"How can it be such a coincidence? She and David sleep together, don't they have to live as a couple? Maybe they wake up even before we sleep! Sleep a little longer, sleep until noon, get up to eat lunch, and save breakfast .”

"How can you save money like this? Do you think skipping breakfast is good for your health?"

"That's all I'm saying! Get up, get up."

The two of them finished washing and came out together.

Really afraid of what might happen, as soon as they opened the door, they saw Lin Xiaofeng and David.

"Yunhai! Mr. Shen!" Lin Xiaofeng asked with a smile, "What are you doing?"

Li Yunhai said: "Auntie, Xiulan called me to get up. I haven't had breakfast yet! Have you eaten?"

Lin Xiaofeng said: "We have eaten early and are going to go shopping. Do you want to come together?"

Li Yunhai said: "You go ahead! I'll talk about it after breakfast."

Chief Lin Xiaofeng: "They all went shopping. Gong Li and Chen Hong went out to buy clothes. They said it was approved by Mr. Shen. They bought the clothes and asked Mr. Shen for reimbursement."

Shen Xiulan said: "Yes, I promised them. This fund will be provided every year."

On the first floor, Lin Xiaofeng and David went shopping.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan came to the restaurant.

This time is very awkward, there is no breakfast and lunch has not started yet.

The two had no choice but to go to the street and find a McDonald's to buy a quick meal.

After eating, the two went for a walk on the street.

"Yunhai, do you remember Chen Meilin? She has very good gambling luck." When Shen Xiulan saw the casino, she naturally thought of what happened last time.

"Yes, I remember. That time we were chased and beaten by thugs from the casino!" Li Yunhai thought of Chen Meilin's pretty and lively appearance.

If it weren't for Chen Meilin going to school, she would definitely come over to play.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan did not enter the casino, but walked on the street before returning to the hotel.

They would rather enjoy each other in the hotel room than the scenery outside.

Gong Li and Chen Hong spent a day shopping and came back in the evening. Each bought four sets of clothes to wear during the exhibition.

When Chen Hong later reported to Shen Xiulan, he said: Mr. Shen, I didn’t want to buy clothes at first, but as soon as Gong Li heard about the reimbursement, he dragged me to buy clothes. He also said that it was spending the company’s money anyway, and it would be free if I didn’t buy them. purchase.

On this day, Li Yunhai came to Gong Li and Chen Hong's room in advance, chatted with them, and was gentle, in order to prevent them from running into his room again at night.

At night, he could get along with Shen Xiulan comfortably.

After Li Yunhai was squeezed by three women at the same time, he suddenly regretted: He shouldn't have arranged for three women to be together at the same time!

The next morning, it was the first day of the CES show.

Li Yunhai and others arrived at the exhibition hall early.

After the launch, a large number of foreigners came to Sihai Group's booth.

Sihai Group's lithography machines and chips have been advertised a lot in exhibition halls and cities, attracting the attention of peers and media reporters.

Our country’s development has always received special attention from Western media.

As for the specific reports, of course they are both positive and negative.

International exhibitions like this are also a window for Chinese enterprises to show their strength to the outside world.

Sihai Group has participated in several CES shows in a row, bringing different new products every time.

CAA, ink tank printers and other products have also made foreigners shine.

However, the scientific research value and technical content of these products are not particularly high.

But this time it's different.

Sihai Group has brought the most advanced photolithography machines and chips!

The Western media was shocked by this!

It’s hard for them to imagine that this is all true!

So as soon as it started, American reporters flocked to Sihai Group's booth.

Without any deliberate publicity, Sihai Group has become the target of media pursuit.

But can you become a star?

Or will the report become an Eastern joke?

But it depends on how reporters conduct interviews and how Li Yunhai and others respond.

Li Yunhai was both happy and surprised to see so many reporters coming.

Shen Xiulan whispered: "Yunhai, did you call these reporters?"

Li Yunhai shook his head and said: "No. We are here to sell goods, and we don't want to be occupied by reporters too much time."

Shen Xiulan said: "Then let's fight quickly!"

Li Yunhai said: "Give the reporters a quarter of an hour! I will personally go into battle to answer their questions."

(End of this chapter)

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