Life 1984

Chapter 545 I secured her! 【Ask for monthly ticket】

The hard-covered folder, carried by strong wind, flew through the air and hit Michiko in the face. If this turns out to be true, Michiko will definitely lose her appearance.

Zhao Jinping was shocked! Michiko was sent as his assistant, which was personally ordered by Li Yunhai. He has followed Li Yunhai for so long and knows that Michiko is deeply loved by Li Yunhai, and that Michiko has indeed made a considerable contribution to the development of the company after joining the company. If he was beaten into disgrace when he first came to the sales department, how would he explain it to Mr. Li?

In a flash of thought, Zhao Jinping subconsciously waved his palm and knocked the folder to the ground.

Michiko was stunned by this sudden move and instinctively covered her head with her hands.

Zhao Jinping pointed at Zhang Wenyu and scolded: "You don't have to do it anymore, pack your things, go to the finance department to settle accounts and resign!"

Zhang Wenyu pulled off his work permit from his chest, threw it on the table, and said proudly: "If you don't want to do it, I will do it! Brothers, who else can't stand this Japanese girl? Let's resign together!"

Everyone in the big office looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Zhang Wenyu was stunned for a moment, then turned and left.

Zhao Jinping looked at Zhang Wenyu's back with hatred, and said to everyone: "From today on, Miss Michiko is my assistant. From now on, we will all be colleagues, helping and taking care of each other."

Several male employees gathered around and chatted with Michiko, asking how old she was, whether she had a boyfriend, and whether she wanted to marry in our country.

Michiko smiled slightly and chatted and laughed with everyone.

Zhao Jinping arranged an office for Michiko.

Michiko officially works in the sales department.

In the evening, Michiko invited Li Yunhai to have dinner at the Yinyuan Restaurant.

When talking about Zhang Wenyu's resignation during the dinner, Michiko blamed herself very much, saying that it was because of herself that an employee left.

Li Yunhai was slightly stunned. He had just heard about this and enlightened Michiko: "This is the extreme behavior of an individual and does not represent the culture of our company. If I accept you, it means that our group has accepted you. Don't worry. Work in the company and don’t have to worry about anything else.”

Michiko hummed: "Thank you, Mr. Li."

After the meal, the two walked out of the restaurant.

Outside is the bustling night market street.

There is a constant flow of people coming and going on the street.

As soon as they came out, they met Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan.

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan have settled their differences and reconciled as before.

Shen Xiulan supported Lin Zhi, whose belly was slightly bulging, and the two of them walked in a thoughtful manner. When they looked up, they saw Li Yunhai and Michiko.

The four of them met and went shopping together.

After returning home, Lin Zhi asked Li Yunhai: "Why are you and Michiko together?"

"What does it mean to be together? It's just a meal together. Michiko helped the company a lot this time."

"I heard that some people in the company have opinions about her, because after all, she is an Oriental and not of my race, so her thoughts must be different. You can ask her to do things, but stay away from her in the future! To avoid being criticized."

Li Yunhai didn't expect that his wife would have such an unenlightened attitude on the issue of Michiko. He couldn't help but be stunned and said: "Ling Zhi, how could you have such an idea? When it comes to hatred, I am no less hateful than you. But this matter has to be done. Divided into two parts, we cannot conclude that all Japanese people are bad people, right? At least Michiko is our friend. Without her help, we would not have been able to develop the lithography machine, and we would not have been able to sign this contract."

"I didn't say that all Japanese people are bad people. If you want to hire Michiko to work, I have no objection. It's just that you should stay away from her. People are scary. The company now uses a national brand, and consumers also Buy it. If there is negative news, it will have a huge impact on the company."

"Huh? I just have dinner with her occasionally. What kind of negative news will it cause? Don't think too much."

Lin Zhi stopped trying to persuade her.

She was pregnant with her third child and it was inconvenient to take the two children to sleep at night, so she arranged for Ding Miao to take the children to sleep in the guest room on the second floor.

Of these servants, Lin Zhi's favorite is Ding Miao. This girl is pretty, smart, speaks elegantly, and works quickly.

It's a pity that Ding Miao will only work until the end of the year and will get married during the Spring Festival.

The newcomers Zhang Yutian and Liu Qiao are also good people. They may have just come out of the countryside and are a little bit unable to let go. They are very reserved in what they say and do.

The eldest daughter Li Yanxi can take care of herself and doesn't need much care when sleeping at night, but the younger daughter Li Yanrui is still young and needs to put more effort into taking care of her.

Therefore, Lin Zhi only asked Ding Miao to take care of her two children at night. She could do whatever she wanted during the day, including sleeping and shopping.

After having children, Lin Zhi and Li Yunhai had always slept in separate beds. Now that Ding Miao was taking care of the two children, she asked Li Yunhai to move back to the master bedroom to sleep.

Li Yunhai smiled and said there was no need to move, right? Sanbao will be born soon, and they will have to be separated then. I'm used to sleeping alone.

Lin Zhi refused, saying how could husband and wife sleep separately? In the past, it was to take care of the children, but there was no other way. Now you have to move in and sleep with me. After you have Sambo, you can just move there.

Li Yunhai had no choice but to move here.

After the two fell asleep, Li Yunhai asked: "Why do you want to sleep with me again?"

"Xiulan is right, husband and wife cannot separate beds. Once they separate beds, it is easy to become separated."

"Did you hear what Xiulan said?"

"Well, Xiulan is really nice. I wrongly blamed her before."

"Huh, really? You two are as good as sisters now. I don't think you and Lin Xin are so affectionate."

"That girl Lin Xin, I don't know what she has been busy with recently. I asked her to go shopping several times, but she always said she was not free."

"Are you in love? It's normal for such an old girl to be in love."

"Then I don't know. She and Yun Fang live together, and they both went to college. They have common topics together. I am a housewife now, and there seems to be a generation gap with them!"

"Isn't it?"

"Yunhai, am I too backward? Am I out of touch with the world?"

"No way? How old are you? Our mother is retiring soon, and she is not out of touch with the world!"

"My mother is different. She works in a government agency and does just those things. I am different. I work in a company and face greater pressure and challenges. If I were not your wife, someone would have kicked me out a long time ago. Woolen cloth!"

"Haha, who is so bold as to drive you out of office?"

"Really. I've heard people comment more than once, saying that I have low academic qualifications and don't have the right expertise. It's just because I have a pretty face and a rich husband that I can become the vice president of human resources. There are more powerful people than me in the company. There are so many people with higher academic qualifications than me, why should I be the vice president of human resources?"

"They are only talking about academic qualifications. I don't think so. Academic qualifications are important, but personal ability is more important. They don't know how great you are, that's why they think like this. I just know you are great."

"Do you really think I'm awesome?"

"Of course. Then tell me, if these people are really good, why don't they have such achievements as me? So, I am better than them. I am definitely better at employing people than they are."

When Li Yunhai said this, Lin Zhi instantly regained her confidence.

"Is there any popular gossip in the company recently?" Li Yunhai suddenly asked.

"Gossip? Wherever there are people, there is gossip. Not only women gossip among themselves, but men also gossip among themselves!"

"The company is mainly about work. Colleagues should not gossip during working hours. You are the vice president of human resources, so you should take care of this matter."

"Isn't this necessary? Isn't it necessary? I think that chatting and gossiping among colleagues is very relaxing and can relieve stress. After all, people are not machines, and the stress generated during the work process also needs to be relieved in some way. In the workplace People seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. If you are a well-informed person, it is likely that you will know about certain decisions and changes of the company in advance than others, so that you can start earlier than others. "

"Do you support gossip?"

"I don't support it, nor do I suppress it. I just let nature take its course. Freedom of speech is the most basic thing, right?"

Li Yunhai said no more.

After going to work the next day, Su Hong moved that day's morning newspaper, yesterday's evening newspaper, and ordered magazines into Li Yunhai's office.

The secretary usually comes before the boss and makes a cup of warm water. The time for making the tea is particular, depending on the temperature. When the boss is at work, the temperature of the cup of tea is just about 40 degrees. It doesn’t work if it’s too hot or too cold. .

And Su Hong can make a cup of tea with just the right temperature for Li Yunhai every day. Based on this alone, no one can replace her for the time being, not even Lin Xin and Shen Xiuling can compare to her.

"Mr. Li." Su Hong hesitated.

Li Yunhai picked up the teacup, took a sip of water, and asked, "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"Today's morning paper," Su Hong pointed to the newspaper and said, "there is a report related to our company, and it is a bad report." "Oh?" Li Yunhai pulled the newspaper and read it, "Which one is it? Version?"

"Fifth edition." Su Hong replied.

Li Yunhai turned to the fifth page.

An enlarged and bold title caught his eye:

"Li Yunhai, a national entrepreneur, flatters the Japanese and foreigners, but he fired a seven-year veteran for a Japanese woman."

Morning newspapers are no more entertaining than daily newspapers.

The titles and content become more bizarre and sensational, all just to attract readers' attention.

Li Yunhai knew what was written without reading the content.

"Who was that person yesterday? Didn't he resign on his own? Why did it say that we fired him?"

"Mr. Li, this must have been written randomly by an unscrupulous reporter."

"No, if it was really a reporter who wrote it, how did they know about it? The information must have been reported! And it is very likely to be related to the person involved! Call Zhao Jinping over here immediately."

"Okay, Mr. Li."

After a while, Zhao Jinping came to Li Yunhai's office.

Li Yunhai threw the newspaper in front of him: "Mr. Zhao, have you read it?"

Zhao Jinping also just went to work and hadn't had time to read the newspaper yet.

Li Yunhai's several secretaries perform their own duties. Before Li Yunhai goes to work, they will sort out the newspapers to see if there are any major news reports that day. If there are any, they will remind Li Yunhai to watch them.

But Zhao Jinping did not receive such good treatment.

Zhao Jinping was shocked after reading the report, his face turned livid, and he said in a deep voice: "This is slander! This is slander! I want to sue them!"

Li Yunhai said: "Mr. Zhao, who do you want to sue?"

Zhao Jinping was startled: "Report it to the newspaper! Why did they publish such a bullshit article without reviewing it?"

Li Yunhai said: "Do you really think this article has not passed the review?"

"Ah? Mr. Li, are you saying that they did this on purpose?"

"Whether they did it on purpose or not, I can't say. However, not everyone wants our company to live well, but I'm sure of this! What happened yesterday? Please explain it to me clearly. .”

"That's it, Mr. Li." Zhao Jinping didn't dare to hide it, and recounted yesterday's conflict between Zhang Wenyu and Michiko.

"Zhang Wenyu has worked in the company for seven years?"

"Yes, Mr. Li, he joined the company earlier than me. He came in when the company was first founded. I have seen his resume, and he is the first batch of college students recruited by our company."

"Oh!" Li Yunhai nodded slowly and said, "What a pity! You said he resigned on his own?"

"I told him to resign, and he was so angry that he resigned and left."

"Have wages been settled?"

"The settlement was settled and he was given 10 months' salary as compensation."

"Then the person who reported the information to the newspaper was him?"

"Mr. Li, I just heard about this. I'm going to verify it right now."

"It must be done as soon as possible! The article has been published. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city have seen this report. We must minimize the impact."

"Yes, Mr. Li."

Zhao Jinping's hands broke into a cold sweat.

After he walked out of Li Yunhai's office, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode!

Back in his office, Zhao Jinping first asked the public affairs and legal department to contact the newspaper, find the author of this article, ask him why he wrote this report, and seriously pointed out that this was an untrue report and was harmful to our company. caused a negative impact on the newspaper's reputation, requiring the newspaper to make a public correction and apologize.

The newspaper office is not afraid of you, and is even afraid that the matter will not cause a big enough fuss. The reporter replied on the phone: "I am just reporting based on the facts. If you are not convinced, come and bite me!"

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

The legal department negotiated with newspaper executives, and then went to the provincial and municipal propaganda departments to file a lawsuit.

Zhao Jinping contacted Zhang Wenyu.

Zhang Wenyu said that he was not that bored. He left his job immediately without reporting any information to any media. He also said that although he resigned, Sihai Group would always be the company where he had worked for seven years and a company that he was proud of. There was no way he could discredit the company. The reason why he left his job was because he wanted the company to become better.

This was so high-sounding that Zhao Jinping could not find any reason to refute it.

Since it was not Zhang Wenyu who was responsible, it would be even harder to verify.

Yesterday, everyone in the company saw or heard about Zhang Wenyu's resignation, and everyone was likely to report it to the media.

The fastest way is to get the reporter's information through reporters.

But that reporter was stubborn, stubborn, and refused to take hard or soft advice. He simply ignored Sihai Group and refused to cooperate with their investigation.

If we go through legal procedures, this case will not be resolved so quickly. There are cases where the case will go on for several months and end up being settled.

Zhao Jinping, one of the top two, notified Michiko and gathered all the people in his department to conduct an investigation.

Michiko also saw the report in the newspaper. She was more nervous than anyone else and hoped to find out the truth and minimize the impact.

Everyone in the sales department kept their heads down and said nothing, and no one stepped forward to admit that they had submitted the information themselves.

This kind of thing that obviously damages the company's reputation is not something ordinary people can do, and people who can do this kind of thing must be insidious villains. Such people hide very deeply, and it is not easy to find them out.

Zhao Jinping used emotion and reason to express his feelings, which was both a threat and a temptation, but still no one acknowledged it.

A very common resignation incident turned out to be an uproar, causing a sensation in the entire Sihai Group.

After receiving Zhao Jinping's report, Li Yunhai attached great importance to the matter and summoned the company's vice presidents for a meeting.

At the meeting, Li Yunhai emphasized Michiko's significant contribution and significance to the company, and called on everyone to treat the company's foreign employees rationally.

"Anyone who is friendly to our country and our company should be treated as friends! We must unite all forces that can be united, strive for all resources that can be obtained, carry forward the spirit of reform and innovation, and carefully plan major projects and major events , a major platform! We need more people like Michiko! Therefore, we must treat her twice as well so as to attract and retain other foreign talents."

"Why are our talents willing to go abroad for further study and work? Because abroad not only have high wages, but also have a relatively relaxed working environment! We are a company, and you are all employees. Our responsibility is to make the company bigger and stronger!"

"I declare here that Michiko's contribution and usefulness to the company are huge, and no one can drive her away! I will not allow such disunity to exist in the company in the future!"

"You can understand this way, I, Li Yunhai, have secured Michiko's death!"

Everyone looked solemn.

Li Yunhai rarely gets so angry over an employee!

"Every department will investigate for me!" Li Yunhai said in a deep voice, "We must find this person! I am not because he slandered the reputation of me and Michiko, but because this kind of person completely ignores the reputation of the company. What’s the use of keeping such a person in the company? This kind of person is more despicable than a spy!”

Everyone took the order and left.

Li Yunhai called Michiko to the office.

He said to Michiko: "You don't need to take this matter to heart. The company will definitely solve the matter and clear your name."

Michiko said: "Mr. Li, I don't care if anyone has opinions about me. I'm an Oriental, and I can't make every Chinese like me. I've done this since the first day I came to the company. Prepare. But I feel that the news this time is just deliberately making a fuss about me. Their purpose is not to drive me away, but to discredit the company!"

Li Yunhai nodded calmly: "So you can see it too!"

Michiko said: "This is so obvious! They want to set off a wave of national justice and drown the company."

Li Yunhai's eyes flashed and he said: "I won't let them succeed! No matter who it is, if he wants to bring down Sihai Group, I will kill him!" (End of Chapter)

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