Life 1984

Chapter 533 Who are you working hard for and busy for?

Li Yunhai wants to sell his photolithography machine to Compaq, and also wants to authorize the other party to produce X64 chips. The purpose is to completely draw Compaq into his camp.

There are only so many major companies in the world that produce and assemble computers. Before the X64 chip came out, these companies all belonged to the X86 camp.

After the Longteng X64 chip was launched, the chip camp was divided into two types.

Li Yunhai wants to draw as many global PC manufacturers into his camp as possible.

Of course, the two chip camps do not necessarily have to fight to the death, but can coexist peacefully and make profits together.

However, the benefits are certain, one will wax and wane and the other will wax and wane. Among the three chip manufacturers, Sihai, Intel and AMD, who can earn the largest share of profits? It depends on each other's marketing methods.

After Zhao Jinping received the boss's instruction, he went to negotiate with representatives of Compaq.

When the two parties met, they consciously forgot all the previous unpleasantness and had a pleasant and friendly cooperative conversation.

The business war situation is changing rapidly, and if you are motivated by emotions and obsessed with past hatred, you will be eliminated if you cannot actively adapt.

This is true for Compaq, and so is Sihai Group.

Sihai Group wants Compaq to join the game, but the other party is also cunning and very cautious in investing. It is impossible to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in X64 chips at once.

If you purchase chips from all over the world, the price will definitely be more expensive than those produced by yourself.

The X64 chip has excellent performance, but the price is similar to the 486 chip.

Intel's 486 chip cost $950 when it was first released. In April 1991, Intel launched the 4SX chip, priced at $486, aiming to help launch a low-cost processor in the PC market.

In addition, the prices of the 286 and 386 chips in stock have been significantly reduced. Therefore, low-price computers have become popular since the early 90s. The cheapest computers can be purchased for only a few thousand yuan.

But the most advanced chips are still expensive.

Compaq would rather purchase Longteng chips at a high price than invest in a chip factory. Obviously, they neither want to miss out on the hot-selling benefits brought by the X64 chip, nor do they want to take too many risks, which is understandable.

In the end, both parties can only reach a purchase and supply agreement.

Although Sihai Group's chips are supported by Intel and AMD and receive licensing fees from these two major chip manufacturers, they do not make much money. In the early stage, they mainly have to rely on themselves to conquer the world.

Market share is king!

Big manufacturers such as IBM and HP have not yet heard back on their cooperation with Sihai Group. It seems that they are still waiting to see whether Longteng chips can be recognized by consumers.

After the X64 chip came out, it attracted a lot of attention and shock in the early stage.

But all this attention comes from the industry and the media.

The consumer market's response to X64 chips has been surprisingly lackluster.

Longteng computers equipped with Longteng chips did not sell as well as expected.

When the sales and financial data were summarized on Li Yunhai's desk, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

How else to work hard?

The company has invested all its income in recent years into the research and development of lithography machines and chips.

A large scientific research team has been formed for this purpose.

To maintain this scientific research team, high salaries and bonuses need to be paid every year.

Before, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to produce research results.

Now we have finally achieved results, but the product is not selling well!

After get off work, Li Yunhai did not leave the office.

He sat quietly in the office alone, feeling deeply tired.

In the past seven or eight years, he has been like a machine, working hard and working hard, and he has never felt tired.

But today, he was particularly tired.

The years are still and the water runs deep, and the dead are like this.

Li Yunhai had not learned how to be young in his previous life, but he was already old. Now he finally has the opportunity to live a new life, but he spends all his time at work.

Sometimes when he was sitting in the company office in the middle of the night, smoking a cigarette, he would think about why he worked so hard.

In the beginning, he was penniless and had no place to live, so he forced himself to work hard to earn a future for himself.

Now that he has a house, a car, a woman and children, what is he still working for?

For Sihai Group!

As long as life is on the road, it is like a carriage with reins on it. It can only run forward without stopping, with no possibility of rest at all.

The same is true for companies. As long as they are still in business, there are endless tasks to be done every day.

One trade fair after another, one research and development goal after another, just like this, Li Yunhai's youthful years were bundled and wiped out.

Li Yunhai finally understood that unless he completely let go of the Sihai Group, achieved financial freedom, and then retired, he would always live in this kind of quantum entanglement throughout his life.

After a brief period of confusion, he quickly regained his fighting spirit.

His pager rang.

Li Yunhai saw that it was his home phone number and called back from his office phone.

"Hey, Yunhai, where are you? Why aren't you back yet?" Lin Zhi asked gently.

"I'm in the office, doing some work, and I'll go home soon."

"Oh, then bring me something to eat on your way back! I really want to eat spicy food."

"Are you really pregnant?"

"My period has been delayed for so long. I think I am pregnant. Are you free tomorrow? Can you accompany me to the hospital for a check-up?"

"Nothing in the world is as big as yours!"

"Hee, okay."

Li Yunhai put down the phone, cheered up, and walked out of the office.

He came to the night market street, bought some barbecue skewers, and returned home.

Lin Zhi wasn't hungry, she was just greedy. After eating a few skewers, she said she was full and gave the rest to Xi Miao and the others.

"Oh, Yunhai, they say sour children and spicy girls. I love spicy food so much. I am not pregnant with another daughter, right?"

Li Yunhai couldn't help laughing and said: "Isn't that better? We have another daughter in our family!"

Lin Zhi smiled coquettishly: "We already have two daughters, it's time to add a son!"

Her mentality has become much calmer. She knows that things in the world are unpredictable and she has no choice but to have children.

The next morning, Li Yunhai put down the company's affairs and accompanied his wife to the hospital for a check-up.

Linzhi had made an appointment yesterday with Dr. Liang Yumei, a doctor familiar with the Provincial People's Hospital.

She gave birth to two children, both of whom were examined and delivered by Liang Yumei. The two kept in constant contact and became friends in private.

Liang Yumei knew the identities of Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi and was very polite to them.

Lin Zhi touched her belly and said with a smile: "Dr. Liang, I seem to be pregnant again. Please check me out."

Liang Yumei was in her forties. She had a kind face and spoke slowly. She was not at all like the fiery character of the Xizhou woman. She felt Lin Zhi's pulse first and said, "It is indeed a happy pulse, but we still need to do a B-ultrasound examination. Our hospital We imported a color ultrasound instrument from Japan, which is super accurate. I’ll give you a color ultrasound order, and you go check it out.”

Lin Zhi asked in a low voice: "Dr. Liang, this color ultrasound is clear, can you tell whether it's a son or a daughter?"

Liang Yumei opened the color ultrasound sheet and smiled slightly: "You just got pregnant, and it's still an embryo. It's not even the size of a fingernail. How can you tell? Your family is so rich, and you don't care about raising one more child, whether it's a son or a daughter. , I am here to enjoy the blessings of being born in your family! This is a color Doppler ultrasound scan, I asked my assistant to take you there and do it directly."

She told the assistant beside her: "Take Comrade Lin Zhi to the color ultrasound room. I made an appointment with them yesterday. I went straight in to do the color ultrasound."

The assistant agreed and took Lin Zhi there.

Li Yunhai followed behind with his bag in hand.

Li Yunhai has been to the obstetrics and gynecology department of this hospital many times. Every time he comes, he is deeply in awe of the origin of life.

Outside the color ultrasound room, several women were waiting in line.

The assistant took Lin Zhi in directly.

A woman outside shouted dissatisfiedly: "Hey! She came later, why did she go in first? Don't you have to queue?"

No one paid any attention to her.

The woman yelled a few words, but had no way to defend herself, so she had to shut up.

Li Yunhai calmly sat on the chair in the corridor and waited.

He also used to resent the privileges of certain people.

Unexpectedly, he can now enjoy certain privileges!

These privileges were not something he actively fought for, but were given to him automatically by the people around him.

When a person's status reaches a certain level, you don't need to say it, and someone will naturally treat you accordingly.

Not long after, Lin Zhi came out. The assistant is also a medical student. She took the color Doppler ultrasound sheet, looked at it, smiled and said congratulations.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi had already prepared, and they must be pregnant again this time.

Because I had given birth to two children before, there weren’t many surprises when it came to the third child.

Lin Zhi seemed to be completing a mission, or competing to give birth to a son.

As for Li Yunhai, he already had a son and a daughter, and he had some financial resources anyway. It didn't matter to him whether his wife would have a child or not, whether the child would be a son or a daughter.

However, the two of them still came to Liang Yumei with smiles on their faces.

Liang Yumei looked at the B-ultrasound sheet and said she was pregnant, and then gave the usual warnings.

Lin Zhi put the medical records and other things into her bag and said with a smile: "Doctor Liang, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to a meal."

Liang Yumei exclaimed: "What a coincidence. My daughter is getting married tomorrow weekend, so I'm very busy tonight! How about another day?"

Lin Zhi said: "Then let's wait for another day."

After leaving the hospital, Lin Zhi said: "Yunhai, Dr. Liang is marrying his daughter tomorrow. Should we give him a red envelope? It's not to thank her, but I have a pretty good personal relationship with her."

"Well, sure! I'll ask where Dr. Liang lives. We'll go there in person tomorrow."

"it is good."

Li Yunhai arranged for someone to inquire about Dr. Liang's residence.

This is not difficult to find out, just ask an acquaintance in the hospital.

The two came to the company, and when Lin Zhi got out of the elevator, she happened to meet Shen Xiulan.

Shen Xiulan glanced at them and said, "Yunhai, I was just about to report to you."

After the last barbecue incident, Shen Xiulan and Lin Zhi had been at odds with each other and could not communicate with each other.

In the company, they are on different floors, and they don't have much interaction at work.

Occasionally they met, and the two didn't even say hello.

But Lin Zhi was in a good mood today and took the initiative to smile at Shen Xiulan: "Xiulan."

Shen Xiulan naturally stopped being reserved and said with a slight smile: "Ling Zhi, where did you go to make love?"

Lin Zhi said with a happy smile: "Yunhai accompanied me to the hospital, and I'm pregnant again!"

Shen Xiulan held her arm and giggled: "Congratulations, this is a three thousand gold gift!"

Lin Zhi pretended to be angry, pinched Shen Xiulan's mouth, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, you are teasing me again, you just want me to have more daughters, right? What good will it do to you?"

The two laughed together.

Lin Zhi waved her hand: "Okay, you go upstairs! I'm going back to the office."

Shen Xiulan said: "You are pregnant and you are still not resting?"

Lin Zhi said with an indifferent expression: "I've been used to it for a long time! It's my third pregnancy! I can hold on until the day before delivery!"

Li Yunhai smiled and pressed the elevator button.

After arriving at the office, Shen Xiulan looked unhappy and sat on the chair without saying a word.

"What's wrong with you? Is something wrong?" Li Yunhai asked.

"Haha, it's okay! You keep saying you love me, but it doesn't stop you from loving her! You have three children!" Shen Xiulan said jealously.

There is no woman in this world who is not jealous.

The feudal system in ancient times was so strict, and there were still jealousy and fights between queens and concubines!

What's more, in modern society, women's sense of independence has been unprecedentedly liberated. Who doesn't want to monopolize his lover?

Even those women who become mistresses do it out of desire for money or power at the beginning, but later they will also want to be in a position, want to conquer men, and want to be the only woman around men.

Li Yunhai didn't want to explain, so he said with a smile: "Then let's have another one?"

Shen Xiulan was fierce at him, and she looked really fierce, which made Li Yunhai get excited.

Li Yunhai held Shen Xiulan's hand and caressed her pretty face.

Shen Xiulan opened her mouth and bit his hand.

After biting him once, he was afraid that the bite would hurt him, so he let go again.

"I'm going to give birth to another child? You think lightly! I do want to give birth! Who will it be then?" Shen Xiulan looked helpless.

She straightened her face and said, "I'm here to talk about work, so don't make trouble."

But Li Yunhai hugged her and said, "We can talk about work at any time. Let's go to the lounge to talk about having a second child first."

"I hate you, put me down! Be careful that your secretary sees me."

"Just see it if you see it! I'm not afraid, why are you still afraid? Anyway, Su Hong knows that you are my Mrs. Ru."

"Ah? What did you say, Mrs. Ru?"

"You don't even understand Mrs. Ru, do you? Literal meaning. It means Mrs. Tong."

"Is that my concubine? Humph!"

Li Yunhai carried her into the lounge.

In the secretarial room outside, Jiang Zhijun hurriedly walked in and asked Su Hong, "Secretary Su, is Mr. Li free?"

Su Hong looked at her watch and said, "Mr. Shen is reporting inside."

Jiang Zhijun said: "Secretary Su, please inform me that I have something urgent to see Mr. Li."

Su Hong agreed, got up and knocked on the door of Li Yunhai's office, but no one answered.

She subconsciously thought of something, so she calmly opened the door and came in. As expected, Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan were not there.

Su Hong's eyes rested on the secret door of the lounge inside. She bit her lip and smiled. She turned around and said to Jiang Zhijun: "I forgot, Mr. Li went out for something. Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, what do you have? I'll write it down first and report it to Mr. Li later."

Jiang Zhijun said: "There is something wrong in the park. I will rush over immediately. When Mr. Li comes back, you can report it to him."

Su Hong asked: "What kind of fault is it?"

Jiang Zhijun said: "There is a fault in the photolithography machine production workshop. I won't talk about it anymore, I'll go over there first."

After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Lin Xin asked in surprise: "Sister Su, isn't my brother-in-law inside? He went in with Mr. Shen."

Su Hong knew that she could hide it from Jiang Zhijun, but she couldn't hide it from these secretaries, so she said: "Mr. Li and Mr. Shen are discussing important work. It is not convenient to meet with Mr. Jiang at the moment. I can only say that just now."

Shen Xiuling said: "But President Jiang said there is something very important!"

Su Hong said calmly: "How can a vice president not handle such a huge matter? Do you know how Zhuge Liang died?"

"How did you die?" Lin Xin and others asked in unison as they really didn't know.

Su Hong said: "You have to do everything yourself, it's so tiring! You don't want Mr. Li to be so tired, right?"

Mei Qing said with a smile: "I know this. I have heard the drama of the Three Kingdoms. After Zhuge Liang became the Prime Minister of Shu, he had to take care of all the affairs, big and small. As a result, he was exhausted to death. During the Northern Expedition, Sima Yi was kidnapped. From the prisoners' mouths, they learned that Zhuge Liang got up early and went to bed late. He was so busy that he had no time to eat, and even ate only one-fifth of that of ordinary soldiers, so they knew that Zhuge Liang was not going to die soon."

Everyone was discussing the ancients, but they didn't care about Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan.

Su Hong cast her faint eyes on the door of Li Yunhai's office, thinking about what the scene was like in the lounge at this moment.

She even had the urge to rush in at all costs to see what good things they were doing?

She has plenty of excuses anyway!

But reason still defeated her curiosity and suppressed her inner enthusiasm.

After more than half an hour, Shen Xiulan came out. Her face was as arrogant as flowers, and her eyes were full of disaster. Only those who had been there could tell that she had just been moistened by the rain and dew.

Su Hong knew Shen Xiulan's secret even though she was not a human being.

After seeing Shen Xiulan off, she came to Li Yunhai's office and said, "Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang just came to report that there was a breakdown in the photolithography machine workshop. He had already left the factory. You and Mr. Shen were in the lounge at that time—— Rest, I won’t disturb you.”

Li Yunhai took a deep look at her and saw a strange blush flashing on Su Hong's pretty face. He knew what she was thinking and said with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Su! With you by my side, I am very happy." rest assured."

Su Hong bit the corner of her mouth and said softly: "Then let's get out of the workshop? How about I go inside and clean up first! Don't let them see me later."

Li Yunhai hummed and said, "Thank you for cleaning up. I'll ask about the situation in the workshop first. If necessary, we can go down to the workshop together."

Su Hong walked into the lounge.

There was an indescribable special smell permeating it.

Su Hong made the bed, picked up garbage, and cleaned the floor.

She was helping Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan clean up the battlefield, but Fang was secretly thinking: When can I replace Mr. Shen on the battlefield? (End of chapter)

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