Life 1984

Chapter 526 Linzhi’s surprise inspection

The Canton Fair is still in progress, and Li Yunfang and Yue Hua went to the Antarctic Research Station on behalf of the company.

A round trip to the Antarctic research station would take at least three months, and they would not be able to return until the end of the year.

To go to Antarctica from China, you usually start from Shanghai. After 18 days, you arrive at an Antarctic gateway city in New Zealand for vegetable supply, and then arrive at the Great Wall Research Station in Antarctica about a month later for relevant inspections and experiments.

Li Yunhai contacted Shi Wentao and arranged a room in Shi's company to conduct extreme testing of Longteng computers.

In the next few days, the business at the Canton Fair was similar every day, with orders worth 20 to 30 million US dollars.

The Longteng computer did not crash again, but Li Yunhai was still upset about the crash that day.

What happened at the most critical moment will be remembered by Li Yunhai for the rest of his life.

Sihai Group also has its own operating system, but it is only used internally for trial use and will be pre-installed on the computer during installation.

The company also spent money on promotion, but unfortunately it didn't have much market share.

Compared with lithography machines and chips, the technical content of operating systems based on open programming languages ​​is not too high. It is easy to create an operating system, but it is very difficult to promote it and become a mainstream operating system. The current market has long been dominated by Microsoft systems. Major PC manufacturers, such as IBM, Compaq, AST, etc., all cooperate with Microsoft. There are other operating systems as well, but they are hardly popular.

Li Yunhai was at a loss as to what to do and could only insist on building his own system.

He knew that Microsoft would launch Windows 95 in a few years.

The launch of Windows 95 marked Microsoft becoming the world's largest software company. Windows 95 is the first truly graphical user interface operating system, opening up a new situation for the popularity and application of computers.

Sihai Group has developed an operating system based on Unix, which supports multi-user and multi-tasking. Multiple programs can be run simultaneously and users can switch between different programs. The system has high stability because the system adopts the idea of ​​modular and layered design, and also provides powerful crash recovery functions. It also adopts a multi-layer security mechanism and has high security performance.

This operating system is widely used in enterprises, the Internet, servers and other fields.

Sihai Group's servers are all equipped with its own systems.

Next, Li Yunhai will continue to invest money to develop a window system and release it before Windows 95.

Li Yunhai wants to make a time lag and release the graphical user interface operating system two or three years in advance. He hopes that this product can achieve a counterattack of the operating system.

Let's say that this afternoon, Li Yunhai finished his day's work and made an appointment with Shen Xiulan to have dinner at Panxi Restaurant, and then go shopping and watch a movie together.

At night, Shen Xiulan slept in Zhiyuan, sleeping and sleeping with Li Yunhai, just like husband and wife.

The next day, Li Yunhai, Shen Xiulan and Su Hong went to the Canton Fair together.

Busy until noon, Sihai Group received orders worth more than 10 million yuan.

While having lunch, Li Yunhai's pager rang.

When he saw it was Zhiyuan's phone number, he couldn't help but be startled.

After Li Yunfang went to Antarctica, he, Shen Xiulan and Su Hong were the only ones living in Zhiyuan.

Who would use the phone at home at this time?

Li Yunhai found the phone and resumed it.

"Hai of Yun!" Lin Zhi's laughter came from the phone, "Are you at the Canton Fair?"

"Yes! Have you come to Huacheng?"

"Well, I'm here! I just arrived. I'll come to the Canton Fair to find you later."

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come?"

"That's not what you meant. Why didn't you inform me before you came?"

"Hee! I want to give you a surprise! Are you surprised or surprised?"

"What a surprise! What a surprise. Did you come alone?"

"I came here with Chen Hong. She happened to be here to see her, so we came together."

Li Yunhai suddenly thought of something!

Shen Xiulan also lived in Zhiyuan. In order to hide her from others, although a separate room was prepared for her, she slept in the same room as Li Yunhai at night. I wonder if there were any traces of the fight between the two in the house?

"Come here now!" Li Yunhai could only call Lin Zhi to the Canton Fair as soon as possible to prevent her from finding anything unsightly when she carefully cleaned the room. "You came just in time. We are very busy and need help."

"That's what I thought too. Yunfang went to Antarctica and you will definitely be short of people, so I came here. Hey, let's come over right now."

"Come here quickly, the luggage will be cleared at night!"

"it is good!"

Li Yunhai put down the phone, returned to the booth, called Shen Xiulan aside, and said in a low voice: "Ling Zhi is here! She has arrived at Zhiyuan."

Shen Xiulan was stunned for a while and said quietly: "I know, I will move out today."

"Who said they want you to move away?" Li Yunhai looked around to prevent anyone from eavesdropping, and then whispered, "If you leave as soon as she comes, doesn't it mean that there is no three hundred taels of silver here, making her suspicious? "

Shen Xiulan's eyes were full of grievance: "Then I won't leave? You have to take care of your hands and don't touch me if you have nothing to do."

Li Yunhai touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Have you tidied the room?"


"Have you tidied the room after we got up today?"

"Ouch! I tidied it up. But I wasn't very careful. I wonder if there are any hairs from me on the bed? I'm afraid there are some of my hairs in the shower too!"

"The hair doesn't matter. Even if she finds it, I can explain it. What about the garbage? The most important thing is garbage. Have you cleaned it up?"

"I forgot, I seemed to have cleaned up, and it seemed like I had cleaned up yesterday. How did I know that she suddenly arrived? What should I do? You and I are dead! I told you not to be so bold, but you didn't listen! Now, let's Don’t be a human again!”

"Xiulan, don't worry first."

"I'm not anxious, I'm anxious for you! Do you remember the movie "A Single Woman" we watched? Jiang Shan said something in it, which I think is very good and can represent my mood. She He said that as long as you really love someone, you don’t care whether he is married or not, and you will be with him regardless of your own safety. I think so too. I love you, and I am willing to be with you regardless of anything. I have long been unafraid of the world. I am not afraid of rumors and slander from the world. I don’t care about my reputation! But I care about you!”

Li Yunhai became emotional and reached out to caress her cheek.

Shen Xiulan hit him: "Look at you, you touch me again regardless of the occasion! Do you really think no one saw it?"

Li Yunhai retracted his hand in embarrassment and said, "Let's not talk about this now. Lin Zhi and Chen Hong will come to the Canton Fair soon, and she shouldn't have time to check the room carefully. After they arrive, you go back quietly and tidy up the room. You have Key?"

"I do. Well, I can just find an excuse to leave then." Shen Xiulan said.

After a while, Lin Zhi and Chen Hong arrived.

Judging from Lin Zhi's expression, she shouldn't have found any extraordinary evidence, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy.

After everyone met, Lin Zhi and Chen Hong also helped with the promotion.

"Are computers selling well?" Lin Zhi asked.

Li Yunhai said: "It's okay. It's about the same as before, and it's not particularly good. The target customers at the Canton Fair are limited. But this is enough to show that our chips are successful."

Lin Zhi hummed: "To really test our chips, we have to wait until the CES electronics show."

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Yunhai said to Shen Xiulan: "Xiulan, go to Mr. Guo's booth. She said she has a document for me."

Shen Xiulan understood, agreed and left.

She left the venue in a hurry, took a taxi back to Zhiyuan, and then went upstairs to her room.

Sure enough, the trash in the master bedroom was not cleared out!

The tissues they used during their fight last night were thrown into the trash can.

Shen Xiulan couldn't help but feel scared!

Lin Zhi almost caught him!

Lin Zhi's suitcase was placed next to the wardrobe. Before she could open it, Li Yunhai called her to the Canton Fair.

Fortunately, she called Li Yunhai as soon as she arrived. Otherwise, according to her personality, she would definitely clean the trash can in the room, and maybe she would find some clues!

Shen Xiulan carefully checked the bed and found several long hairs.

She cleaned the pillows and quilt again, then went to the shower room, cleaned up all the hair on the floor, and rinsed it with the shower head.

After making sure that there was no other evidence left, Shen Xiulan carried the garbage downstairs.

This was the first time she had done something so secretive, and her heart was beating so hard.

After throwing away the trash, Shen Xiulan rushed back to the venue and went to Guo Wanhua's booth first to get the document.

Guo Wanhua chatted with her for a few words.

Chen Meilin returned to Xiangjiang as soon as the weekend was over, and promised to come to Huacheng again this weekend. When Guo Wanhua heard that Lin Zhi was coming, she smiled and said that it was just right, let's make an appointment for a card game tonight!

Shen Xiulan said yes, Mr. Guo, will you come over for dinner?

Guo Wanhua said that you should stop cooking. I will tell the servants at home to cook more dishes. You all come to my house for dinner and then play mahjong at my house.

Shen Xiulan agreed with a smile, then returned to Sihai Group's booth, handed the documents to Li Yunhai, and told Lin Zhi about Guo Wanhua's invitation.

The business on this day was normal, with only over 10 million orders received, mainly selling copiers, printers and consumables.

Products like typewriters have long passed their sales period.

As computers and printers became cheaper and more popular, typewriters were destined to be marginalized and then eliminated.

Translators are still on sale, but the price is low and the sales are not large. Compared with the total turnover, they are not worth it.

The main products of office equipment are computers, copiers and printers.

There are also two new products that are selling well. One is the financial management software invented by Shen Xiulan. This is a product of another company. Since there is no booth at the Canton Fair, it is also sold by Sihai Group. Another product is an MP3 machine. With the successful development of MP3 by Sihai Group, this compact music format was quickly accepted by consumers.

Sihai Group has also developed software to convert CDs to MP3 format, which can be downloaded for free on foreign Internet sites.

Many people who have nothing to do will download this format conversion software, then copy the CD discs at home to the computer hard drive, then convert them to MP3 format, and share them with friends on the Internet for free.

The Internet attracted people in the first place because it was free.

As long as you have a computer and a network cable, everything on it is free.

Countless people create materials and resources on it and share them for free.

Latecomers will also join the ranks after enjoying the benefits of free resources.

People who had access to the Internet during this period were the social elite. They had knowledge and ideas and used their own labor to make the free Internet bigger and stronger.

Our country has not officially connected to the international Internet family, but it has long been available abroad.

Computers equipped with optical drives have gradually become standard equipment.

In an environment where all these prerequisites are met, Sihai Group's MP3 has a foundation for dissemination.

Li Yunhai allowed the MP3 format to be used for free by the majority of netizens.

He has not yet thought about relying on this music format to make money, but to occupy as much market share as possible.

Then Sihai Group launched MP3 players.

As expected, once the MP3 player was launched, it immediately set off a craze among young people abroad.

This machine debuted at the Canton Fair this year for the first time. It has only been launched in overseas markets for more than two months, but more than 20 units have been sold.

Domestic consumers still don’t know what kind of machine this is.

Li Yunhai is working hard to promote my country's access to the international Internet as soon as possible.

He hopes that through his own efforts, the Internet will enter the country faster and accelerate the arrival of the first big Internet wave.

Let's talk about that night, Li Yunhai, Lin Zhi, Shen Xiulan, Su Hong, Chen Hong and others came to Guo Wanhua's house for dinner.

After dinner, a few people stayed to play mahjong until half past ten in the evening.

Back in Zhiyuan, Lin Zhi yawned and said, "The luggage hasn't been packed yet!"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "When you are tired, go to bed early and clean up tomorrow."

Lin Zhi came upstairs, entered the room, opened her suitcase, hung up her clothes one by one, and said, "There aren't many things. Let's pack them up quickly. You go take a shower first."

Li Yunhai took his pajamas and entered the shower room.

By the time he came out from the shower, Lin Zhi had already packed his luggage.

"Hai Yun, it's so strange!" Lin Zhi suddenly said.

"what happened?"

"When I arrived at noon today, I clearly saw garbage in this trash can. How could it be missing?"

"Garbage?" Li Yunhai pretended to be calm and laughed loudly, "Could there be a thief coming in and stealing our garbage? You are probably blinded, right? Okay, don't think about the garbage. Go take a shower quickly, we Good sleep."

Lin Zhi looked at the trash can, lost in thought for a while, shook her head, and went to take a shower without thinking too much about it.

The main reason why she came to Huacheng was because these days happened to be her fertile period, so she came here specially to meet Li Yunhai, make love every night, and then get pregnant with her third baby as soon as possible.

The desire to have a son has become everything in Lin Zhi's life, and it also dominates the direction of her life.

If she didn't have a son, she always felt sorry for the Li family and ashamed to be Li Yunhai's wife.

It is quite strange that a woman of the new era would have such weird ideas!

However, in Lin Zhi's eyes, all this was taken for granted.

She came out of the shower and saw that Li Yunhai was still reading. She leaned over and sat down next to him. She gently took away his book and said with a smile, "Am I not as good-looking as the book?"

Li Yunhai chuckled, raised his wife's chin, and said, "You came here just to make love with me, right?"

"Yes, I just want to make love with you." Lin Zhi lay in his arms and said, "Why don't you hug me quickly?"

The two rolled up the sheets.

The next morning, Li Yunhai slept so hard that he didn't want to get up.

Linzhi was so awesome last night!

Li Yunhai was so tired that he almost collapsed.

Lin Zhi took pity on him and said to Shen Xiulan: "Yun Hai is still sleeping. I will stay with him. We will go to the venue later. You go first!"

Shen Xiulan couldn't help laughing and said: "If you don't come, he is never late, but when you come he is late? What good things did you do last night?"

Lin Zhi blushed with embarrassment and said, "Everyone has been through this before, so you just need to understand."

Shen Xiulan bit the corner of her mouth, snorted softly, and left first with Su Hong and Chen Hong.

Lin Zhi returned to bed and continued to sleep with Li Yunhai in her arms.

The two of them went back to sleep and didn't get up until half past ten in the morning.

After breakfast, it was already past eleven o'clock when we arrived at the booth.

As soon as they approached their booth, they saw that it was crowded with people, and there were faint sounds of quarreling inside.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi looked at each other, quickly stepped forward, separated the crowd, and squeezed in.

I saw Shen Xiulan quarreling with two foreign businessmen, a man and a woman.

Li Yunhai learned about the situation and found out that the two foreign businessmen had an argument with the salesman during the visit. The foreign man was so angry that he threw a computer to the ground. The host and monitor were smashed!

The salesman argued with the foreigner and got a slap in the face.

Shen Xiulan and others surrounded the two foreigners and did not allow them to leave. They asked them to compensate for the loss of their computers, apologize to the salesman, and pay two thousand US dollars for mental damages.

The two foreigners were like lit firecrackers. They were not gentlemen or ladies at all when they were quarreling. Every word you said to me was comparable to the shrews in the market who yelled at passing foreign businessmen to build momentum for them. They said the locals had bullied them, hoping to arouse sympathy and support from other foreigners.

Shen Xiulan is like Zhuge Liang, who is arguing with a group of Confucian scholars and arguing with a bunch of foreigners.

After her fluent explanation in foreign languages, the foreigners who were watching the excitement figured out the whole story and stopped helping the two foreign businessmen.

Of course Li Yunhai helped his own people and demanded an apology and compensation from the two foreign businessmen.

A computer costs $3999, and a slap in the face costs $2000.

The foreign man who hit the man looked arrogant and domineering. He took out his passport and shouted arrogantly: "See clearly, I am American!"

Li Yunhai looked at his passport and sneered: "What's wrong with the Americans? You smashed our computers and beat our people. You have to pay the bill!"

The foreign man waved his hand vigorously and spat: "No, no, no! You are blackmailing! It was your salesmen who made the mistake first. You should first apologize to our domestic Intel company!"

Li Yunhai's face darkened: "What did you say?"

The foreign man's eyes widened and he frowned and said: "You said that your company's chips are more advanced than Intel's chips? The performance is more powerful? What you say is belittling our country's chips! You are doing this illegally Behavior! I have the right to stop you!"

Only then did Li Yunhai understand that the dispute originated from this!

The more the foreign man spoke, the more excited he became: "You can promote your own chips, but you can't slander that our country's chips are not as good as yours? Do you understand? This is unfair competition. I have the right to stop you from continuing to make mistakes." ! I will also tell Intel and let them sue you! Just wait to receive the lawyer’s letter!” (End of Chapter)

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