Life 1984

Chapter 522: I despise you from a position of strength!

Sihai Group’s press conference caused a tsunami-like shock in the global industry!

Colleagues in the semiconductor industry were shocked and questioned the news.

No one believes that Chinese companies can take the lead in breaking through the X64 chip threshold.

Intel and AMD have been developing X64 architecture chips, but they have not yet achieved any results.

Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, but his technology would be blocked by Sihai Group!

However, magazines such as "Time" and "Science" have reported on this technology, with pictures and reviews, which makes people not believe it.

Colleagues are looking for purchasing channels one after another, and they all want to get Longteng chips for research and analysis as soon as possible.

The chip is not sold separately, and peers can only purchase PCs equipped with Longteng chips for dismantling.

Soon, the evaluation results of major manufacturers were released.

The results show that Sihai Group's evaluation and comparison data are authentic and credible. Not only are they not bragging, they even have reservations because the test data of friends is even higher than the results of Sihai Group!

The X64 chip must crush the latest model 486 chip in every performance!

An unprecedented sense of crisis is like a dark cloud before a storm, hanging over peers around the world.

Even if they break their heads, they still can’t figure out why the technological tree of the great eastern country has advanced so rapidly recently.

According to the practice of Western capitalists, the best and fastest way to kill foreign companies that are more advanced than their own is to strangle them!

How can an alien like the Sihai Group be allowed to exist in the world and harm the Western capital lords?

However, this time, Western capital’s approach was not too radical.

The reason is that Sihai Group has the technology that they also want to have!

Intel was the first to offer an olive branch and was willing to share chip technology with Sihai Group.

This move was beyond Li Yunhai's expectation.

He is ready to break up with Intel and fight to the end.

Intel did not fire the first shot, but proposed cooperation.

Li Yunhai held a senior management meeting to discuss countermeasures.

Everyone thinks this is good news, indicating that Sihai Group has grown stronger, and even Intel is scared!

Professor Ni, however, felt that something was fishy. With the American people's urinary temperament and even wanting to beat up their own Japanese lackeys, how could Sihai Group be allowed to stand out in the semiconductor field?

The executives expressed their opinions and finally unanimously decided that anyway, since the other party made the request, they could conduct a round of negotiations first.

If the other party really has a conspiracy, it can be discovered at the negotiation table. In short, it is just a matter of taking advantage of the situation and using troops to block it.

Li Yunhai asked his secretary to contact Intel and promised them technical exchanges.

Intel said it would let Sihai Group send representatives to the United States for negotiations.

Li Yunhai asked the other party to send someone to Xizhou to negotiate.

In the end, Intel compromised and agreed to send a delegation to Xizhou.

In order to welcome the envoy from Intel, Li Yunhai, Professor Ni and others discussed the bottom line that might be involved in the negotiations.

What does the other person want?

What technologies do we want to get from each other?

Three days later, Intel representatives came to Xizhou.

Li Yunhai invited them to negotiate in the company headquarters conference room.

Intel proposed that it share each other's chip technology with Sihai Group.

Li Yunhai asked the other party how to share?

The other party said that it was willing to license its most advanced 486 chip to Sihai Group for production, provided that Sihai Group would share the core technology of the X64 chip with them.

They want to use the production license of a product in exchange for the X64 chip technology!

Once the other party launches a more advanced 586 chip, they can continue to authorize the card.

However, the X64 chip will be quickly copied by the other party.

When the offensive and defensive situation changes, Sihai Group will have no advantage at all.

Obviously, this is an unequal contract, and the other party is treating Sihai Group like a monkey.

Of course Li Yunhai could not agree to such conditions.

Since Intel only authorizes production, Sihai Group also only authorizes production.

X86 chips will continue to be upgraded, and the same is true for X64 chips.

Every time there is an upgrade in the future, both parties will sign another authorization contract.

Only in this way can we call it fair and just.

But Intel is very stubborn and insists on its own opinion. The reason is very simple: Intel is a powerful old chip manufacturer and has occupied most of the global chip market. The Longteng chip is just a newly developed product. Such a product does not even have market recognition, let alone market scale! Therefore, they made such a request from a position of strength.

Li Yunhai snorted coldly and said, "Why do you make such unequal demands based on your position of strength?" Our Longteng chip crushes you in terms of performance, and can also be equipped on servers to have better expansion performance. It is only a matter of time before Longteng chips take over the market. You cannot make demands based on your strength!

Representatives of Intel said that it is unknown whether the Dragon chip will be accepted by the market, but our chips already have the largest market. After you get the authorization of the 486 chip, you can make a lot of money continuously. For us, the Longteng chip is still a new product that needs to be vigorously promoted. We have to invest heavily in promotion first, and we will suffer first.

The father-in-law said that the public was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right. The two sides refused to give in, and the negotiation reached a deadlock.

Intel representatives used their trump card, saying that if Sihai Group did not agree to their request, they would consider suspending all cooperation with Sihai Group, including but not limited to stopping all chip production authorizations, and even stopping the supply of all chips to Sihai Group. chip!

This is a complete break with the Sihai Group!

The fox's tail is finally revealed!

The situation that Li Yunhai was most worried about appeared!

How to do?



This is not Li Yunhai's style.

He had already made preparations to handle everything on his own.

If he wants to break the old monopoly, Li Yunhai can only use the courage to reach the sky with one arm!

Li Yunhai immediately replied to the other party and said that the negotiations between the two parties must be on the basis of equality. If you think you are superior to others and negotiate with us condescendingly, then we will not agree. No matter what decision you make, we are happy to accompany you. Today's Sihai Group is no longer what it was five years ago, and can be left to your mercy and control.

The negotiations broke up unhappily.

Intel's representatives did not leave immediately. Instead, they checked into the hotel and talked on the phone with people at the headquarters to discuss the content of the next round of negotiations.

Authorization for authorization, technology for technology, this is the bottom line of Li Yunhai's negotiation!

If Intel wants to get all the technology of Longteng PC, then the other party must also hand over all the technology patents of the X86 chip. Everyone can produce two chips, and each can dominate the world based on their own abilities.

How about you make your X86, and I make my X64, and each will perform well in different fields.

Intel headquarters did not respond immediately, and the president also needed to hold a senior management meeting to discuss.

Their biggest uncertainty is the market prospects of X64 chips.

The Longteng chip has just been launched and has not yet opened up the market. Will it be able to occupy half of the semiconductor industry in the future? Extremely difficult to predict.

However, the excellent performance of the Longteng chip makes Intel executives dare not underestimate it. What if this chip becomes the mainstream chip in the global PC industry and leaves the X86 chip far behind? Then they will miss the most powerful track!

Once the wrong direction is chosen, the company will fall into an abyss of destruction.

No one can predict the future, not even Intel's president.

So in the face of this new chip, although Intel is arrogant on the surface, it is extremely anxious on the inside.

Powerful enemies suddenly appear, and unknown roads appear at crossroads!

Just like IBM's original choice, one wrong step and one wrong step led to a loss in everything!

IBM, the former blue giant, has gradually declined, and its annual profitability has dropped significantly! IBM computers are no longer the computers of choice for consumers. All this stems from the decision-making errors of the senior management, who made wrong decisions that are not compatible with other interface products on the market. They originally wanted to dominate the market, but ended up being kicked back by the market.

Intel is also facing this dilemma now!

They also want to dominate the market, so they exclude all peers.

Will the consequences be as miserable as IBM's? Intel executives did not dare to make this decision lightly.

Finally, they made a decision: to acquire Longteng Chip at a high price, they could even win over Sihai Group. As long as the other party agrees to sell, they will do whatever it takes!

Of course, there is water in this at all costs. If Li Yunhai offers a high price of 21000 tons of gold, how will the other party respond?

So the second round of negotiations began.

At the negotiating table, Intel representatives made an offer to acquire Longteng chips.

This move once again caught Li Yunhai by surprise.

The other party would rather pay a large price to acquire it than share the global market with Li Yunhai.

It can be seen that the other party is bent on establishing a monopoly business and is very optimistic about the prospects of Longteng Chip, so it will invest in the acquisition.

Li Yunhai asked the other party how much the price was.

The Intel representative replied that for US$50 billion, they would only acquire all the patented technologies of Longteng chips, maintain cooperation with Sihai Group, and continue to authorize the production of low-end chips.

A patented technology can be monetized for US$50 billion, which is equivalent to two to three billion yuan based on the official exchange rate. This is undoubtedly the best way for the inventor.

If it were other technologies, maybe Li Yunhai would really sell it out.

But this is chip technology, and it is the only opportunity for Sihai Group and even our country to catch up with Western chip technology.

Once this technology is sold, my country's desire to manufacture high-end chips will become even more elusive.

And it's only 50 billion US dollars. Li Yunhai is not so short-sighted now. He believes that relying on this technology, he will definitely be able to earn two 50 billion, ten 50 billion, or a hundred 50 billion in the future!

Li Yunhai didn't think twice and directly rejected the other party's proposal. His answer was only two words: No sale!

Intel thought it was because the price was too low, so they increased the price again, directly to 100 billion!

But the answer they heard was still two words: No sale!

If it doesn’t sell, it means it won’t sell. It has nothing to do with the price.

After whispering among themselves, Intel representatives proposed a new acquisition plan.

They want to acquire the entire Sihai Group for US$200 billion!

The negotiators from Sihai Group, including Professor Ni, were all shocked.

200 billion dollars!

This is really a sky-high price!

At that time, the official exchange rate of the US dollar against the RMB was around 5.5, and 200 billion US dollars was equivalent to 1100 billion RMB!

If Li Yunhai sells the company and cashes out 1100 billion yuan, it will be enough to live a life of wealth and freedom. As long as the global monetary system does not collapse, the Li family for generations will probably not have to work and can live on interest. days of plenty.

Professor Ni and others all looked at Li Yunhai. They felt that the boss might be tempted this time and would probably sell the company.

US$200 billion is also the highest price Intel can offer, and this is also the result of discussions between their executives.

Li Yunhai sat calmly, his posture did not change at all, and he did not blink his eyelids, showing no due respect for the US$200 billion.

Professor Ni held his glasses frame, rolled his Adam's apple a few times, and said, "Mr. Li, what do you think? 200 billion U.S. dollars! Almost equivalent to half of IBM's market value! If you get this money, you will directly become the richest man in China. Now! Richer than Li Jiacheng from Xiangjiang!"

Li Yunhai showed no sign of being moved. He smiled slightly: "Professor Ni, are you trying to persuade me to sell the company? Have you forgotten what our original ideal was?"

Professor Ni said with a smile: "I have not forgotten that our ideal, our original intention, is to create domestic lithography machines and chips, and we succeeded!"

Li Yunhai said in a deep voice: "After you succeed, do you have to sell your success to cash in? If our country's pioneers, after inventing two bombs and one satellite, sell the technology at a high price, what do you think that is?"

Professor Ni said with a solemn expression: "What Mr. Li said is absolutely true. I am short-sighted."

Some things cannot be sold! Some things have no price!

US$200 billion is indeed tempting, but what makes Li Yunhai more insistent than this amount of money is the development path of my country's chips.

Li Yunhai calmly rejected Intel's acquisition!

He said one word to the Intel representative: "No!"

The Intel representative was shocked: “How could you say no?”

Li Yunhai said proudly: "Why can't I say no? I, Li Yunhai, am the boss of Sihai Group and the largest shareholder. I can say no!"

The Intel representative opened his big blue eyes and said: "Do you know how much money you are rejecting? 200 billion U.S. dollars! Your company is excellent, but 200 billion U.S. dollars is a lot! More than enough to buy your company. You set up and run this company, but in just seven years, you were able to take away 200 billion US dollars! You made a lot of money!"

Li Yunhai took out the cooperation agreement he had drawn up, put it in front of the other party, and said: "This is the blueprint of the cooperation agreement we have drawn up. Please take a look at it. If you agree, please sign it. Otherwise, we will have to negotiate again in this round. End without illness."

In this agreement, Li Yunhai proposed that the two parties adhere to the principle of equal cooperation and authorize each other to produce all their own chip products. The cooperation period is 10 years. Within 10 years, if either party has more advanced chips, it will You should authorize production to the other party as soon as possible.

The Intel representative read through the agreement and did not agree on the spot.

The second negotiation ended inconclusively.

Afterwards, when Li Yunhai discussed with Professor Ni and others, everyone said that they had just broken into a cold sweat and were very afraid that Li Yunhai would act impulsively and agree to sell the group impulsively for the sake of the US$200 billion.

Li Yunhai laughed loudly and said that it was not all without success. At least he let me know that my company is actually worth 200 billion US dollars!

Zhao Jinping and others were also present. They knew about the listing of Xiangjiang Company. They said that it was only US$200 billion, which was not that great. The total market value of our company in Xiangjiang was as high as US$100 billion. Plus there were so many factories and buildings in the mainland. It is definitely worth 200 billion. The capitalists seem generous, but in fact they have already settled the accounts for us. How much acquisition fee should be paid, they all come at the border! How can these capitalists, these guys who eat people without spitting out their bones, give us benefits?

The second round of negotiations collapsed again!

Intel representatives urgently contacted headquarters to report on the negotiations.

Li Yunhai does not want the company to be acquired, because he wants to use the X64 chip to achieve great success!

Intel executives continue to meet and discuss.

They couldn't think of a smarter way to convince Li Yunhai.

The Westerners became angry and decided to give Li Yunhai a show of strength. They first beat up Sihai Group, defeated it, and then made an acquisition. Maybe they would be able to win it without spending 200 billion US dollars.

The next day, Li Yunhai came to the company and sent someone to contact the Intel representative, but found that the other person had left overnight!

This is a strategic retreat!

He retreated quietly and made people suspicious!

Li Yunhai knew that the other party was about to break up.

Sure enough, that morning, Li Yunhai received a notice from Intel that the two parties would suspend all cooperation and negotiations. After the chip production authorization expires, it will not be renewed. At the same time, due to limited production capacity, the supply of full systems to Sihai Group will be restricted in the future. X86 chip.

Total ban!

Sihai Group will no longer be able to purchase and produce Intel-related chips in the future!

After Li Yunhai heard Intel's decision, he was excited but also felt that the future was bleak.

He is happy that he has finally decoupled himself from Intel. This can be regarded as benevolence and benevolence! After all, not everyone has the "honor" to confront Intel and force the other party to issue a ban order!

But on the other hand, Li Yunhai was deeply confused because he didn't know whether the Longteng chip could be accepted by consumers.

If the Longteng chip can be implemented, the impact will not be too big if there is an X86 chip.

What if the Longteng chip is not recognized?

Have the Westerners created various artificial barriers to prevent Longteng chips from going global?

Then Li Yunhai and Sihai Group will lose completely!

Intel, like Li Yunhai, is doing a multiple-choice question at the turn of the century.

This is a brand new path. Even if Li Yunhai has the wisdom of rebirth, he cannot make the best decision.

Longteng Chip placed all his hopes and invested all his wealth!

If it fails, he will really go bankrupt!

Li Yunhai bet on his own fate and that of the Sihai Group!

Find wealth in danger!

Then take the gamble!

Anyway, I am still young!

The worst case scenario is starting all over again!

So, Li Yunhai said calmly into the microphone: "I respect all decisions made by your company!" (End of Chapter)

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