Life 1984

Chapter 512 Contest

Li Yunhai can wait in the box for Zhao Jingwen to come, but he cannot see Zhao Jingwen in the box.

He borrowed Liu Jie's office, and when Zhao Jingwen arrived, he took him directly to the office.

This was Zhao Jingwen's first time entering such a high-end KTV venue, and he was dazzled after entering.

Li Yunhai invited him to sit down in Liu Jie's office and handed him a cigarette.

He didn't speak or ask what happened to the other party.

Now it was Zhao Jingwen who came to see him. If the other party had something to do, he would naturally speak up.

After smoking half a cigarette, Zhao Jingwen said slowly: "Mr. Li, there is one thing. Can your Sihai Group factory be moved to the Economic Development Zone?"

Li Yunhai sneered secretly. He didn't expect the other party to say such a thing after holding it in for a long time.

"Leader Zhao, is this an order or a request?"

"Huh? Of course it's a request."

"Then I'm sorry. Please forgive me for not being able to agree."


"Leader Zhao, if you had made such a request to me when the Economic Development Zone was first established, I would happily agree."

"There are not many companies in the Economic Development Zone now. It's a good time for you to move there. You can choose the land there. We will definitely give you the preferential policies we can provide."

"Alas!" Li Yunhai sighed deliberately, "What I care about is not these, but our photolithography machine production factory, which has been settled in Sihai Park. It will be difficult to relocate the entirety. Some equipment is particularly troublesome to disassemble and assemble. Some machines cannot be stopped at will once they are started. Unless they wait until the next time the production line is replaced."

"How long will it take?"

"In five years' time!"

Zhao Jingwen put down his crossed legs and frowned.

Five years from now?

He couldn't tell whether Zhao was still in Xizhou or not.

When the time comes, whether Sihai Group moves or not will have nothing to do with him.

Li Yunhai flicked the ashes from his cigarette and asked, "Leader Zhao, why don't we sing two songs together? Jiangnan Club is the largest and most luxurious KTV in our province, and the equipment is very good."

Zhao Jingwen waved his hand and said, "I'm old and not interested in these things. Mr. Li, can you consider moving part of the factory to the Economic Development Zone?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "That's impossible! Our entire industrial chain is in Sihai Park. There are now more than 200 factories here, which can supply almost all the parts and raw materials we need. We will continue to improve the park's Industrial chain. If I move part of it to the Economic Development Zone, it will cause a lot of inconvenience. Leader Zhao, I don’t know why you have to let us move there? No matter where I am, I am in Xizhou, is there any difference?"

For Sihai Group, it really makes no difference where the factory is built.

But for Zhao Jingwen, the difference is huge.

Zhao Jingwen couldn't clearly explain the powerful relationship here, so he could only say vaguely: "This is the first provincial development zone created by our province. The more companies, the better."

Li Yunhai said: "I have never been to the Economic Development Zone, so I don't know what the positioning of this park is? An Economic Development Zone must have its own characteristics and expertise, right?"

Zhao Jingwen put out his cigarette butt and said, "Electronic Information Industrial Park."

Li Yunhai smiled slightly: "Isn't this in conflict with our Sihai Park? It is unnecessary for a city that is not a first-tier city to have two development zones with the same major. I suggest that the province reconsider the positioning of the economic development zone."

Zhao Jingwen said: "Compaq Company has settled in the Economic Development Zone."

"Then let Compaq move out. Anyway, they are not big in scale and have not officially started construction, so they can move quickly."

Zhao Jingwen touched his chin in embarrassment. He was so focused on building an economic development zone, how could he let Compaq move out?

"Mr. Li, when Sihai Park was established, neither the province nor the city made long-term planning. This park is located in the urban area of ​​Xizhou. It will definitely be used for other purposes in the future. Sooner or later, this park will have to be relocated."

"It's not that I'm unwilling to move. I said that in five years' time, when urban construction comes to our park, we will not hold back."

"Mr. Li, please cooperate and support the work of the province, okay?"

"Our Sihai Group must fully cooperate with the work required and arranged by the province. The problem is that the development of Xizhou is not rapid now. If we want to develop it into our park, it will probably take more than ten or twenty years, right?"

"Mr. Li, last time when the province purchased office equipment, I did not choose your company out of comprehensive considerations. You don't hold a grudge against me because of this matter, right?"

"How dare you, how dare you? I, Mr. Li, am not the kind of petty person. People who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. How can I, the owner of a listed company, care about temporary gains and losses? Our Sihai computers sell hundreds of thousands of computers every year. I honestly don’t care about the province’s purchase order of 30,000 units.”

Zhao Jingwen heard the teasing tone in Li Yunhai's words, but he couldn't refute it.

Li Yunhai said: "I think Leader Zhao has also seen it, right? Jiangsu, Anhui and other provinces and cities have come to us for purchase. We have recently received orders from more than a dozen brother provinces and cities, and the transaction volume is huge!"

These words are even more heart-wrenching.

Other provinces and cities support the work of our Sihai Group, but our own province does not support it.

When the epidemic was rampant, Li Yunhai donated the most to support the province, but the return from the province was the smallest.

Li Yunhai didn't curse a word, but he cursed every word.

Zhao Jingwen rubbed his face vigorously with both hands. Knowing that the matter could not be discussed, he stood up and left.

Li Yunhai sent him to the elevator.

The staff helped press the down button.

The elevator arrived and Zhao Jingwen walked in with a calm face.

Looking at his lonely back, Li Yunhai felt an indescribable happiness in his heart.

In games and cold wars, whoever begs for mercy first loses.

From the moment Zhao Jingwen took the initiative to contact Li Yunhai, he was destined to lose.

This incident also marked that Li Yunhai truly won the battle with Zhao Jingwen.

Li Yunhai returned to the box and saw Liu Jiezheng and Chen Meilin singing duet.

"Brother! Come and sing!" Chen Meilin smiled and waved to him.

Li Yunhai pointed to her watch, indicating that it was time for her to go home.

Liu Jie put down the phone, put his arm around Li Yunhai's shoulder, and asked, "What did Zhao Jingwen want to talk to you about?"

Li Yunhai picked up a bottle of beer, drank half of it in one gulp, and said, "He wants Sihai Group to move to the development zone."

"He is really good at scheming!" Although Liu Jie is an outsider, he can see clearly. "Brother, you don't agree, right?"

Li Yunhai said: "I don't want to be taken advantage of, nor do I want to be a victim of politics. I have nothing to ask of him, so there is no need to offend him."

Liu Jie smiled and said: "Looking at the whole province, you are the only one who has the confidence to say this. Hey, Meilin is really a good girl, good-looking and temperamental, lively, cute and youthful!"

Li Yunhai slapped him hard several times: "It's okay to appreciate it, but don't try to trick her!"

Liu Jie said: "I know! I just admire her beauty."

Chen Meilin sang very enthusiastically, her face was red, and she actually drank two bottles of beer in just a while!

Half an hour later, Li Yunhai pulled Chen Meilin away.

"It's okay to go out and play, but you can't play too late. You're still a student!"

"Brother, it's fun here. Can we come back tomorrow?"

"I'm not as free as you. I have time to play every day. I said, don't you, HKU, have any summer homework?"

"I finished that homework easily."

"If you are really bored, think about investing."

"I've been preparing. Don't think I'm playing, actually I'm preparing a script."

"Do you write your own script?"

"Yes, I want to write a script myself."

"Hey, that's interesting. What are you going to write about?"

"I'm writing a romantic comedy movie."

"Show it to me first when it's written."

"Of course, bro!"

The windows were open, and the cool evening breeze blew into the car.

Chen Meilin was still not finished and kept humming.

Li Yunhai sent her home first, watched her enter the door, and then returned home.

Lin Zhi lay on the bed waiting for him to come back.

When Li Yunhai came out of the shower, Lin Zhi came over to accompany him.

Li Yunhai told him about Zhao Jingwen's visit. Lin Zhi thought for a while and asked, "You rejected him? What if he takes revenge on us?"

Li Yunhai said: "Retaliation for us? Not that much, right? How can he retaliate against us?"

Lin Zhi shook her head slightly, feeling that this matter was a bit worrying.

Li Yunhai yawned and said: "Sleep, don't think about it! He has too much time to take care of himself now! Compaq will start construction soon, but the surrounding supporting factories are not in place. I estimate that in the rest of this year, Zhao Jingwen and Huang Even the eagles can’t sleep.”

Lin Zhi said: "Although they are responsible for the construction of the development zone, once it is settled in Xizhou, every leader in the province and city will have to bear corresponding responsibilities. My mother will definitely be responsible as well."

Li Yunhai was stunned: "What does this have to do with our mother?"

Lin Zhi said: "You don't know something. Isn't my mother in charge of business? Many constructions in the development zone also involve her."

Li Yunhai said: "The development zone can definitely be developed. Xizhou is not big or small, and there is still plenty of room for several development zones. It just needs to do more work to attract investment. Okay, Stop thinking about it and go to sleep!”

The next day, Li Yunhai came to the company.

Su Hong and other secretaries have already arrived.

"Mr. Li, just now Huang Ying's secretary called to tell you about your schedule for today and said that Huang Ying wanted to see you."

"He came to see me? Or summoned me?"

"I said I came to see you and asked me to arrange for half an hour."

"Okay, then you look at the arrangements."

"I'll arrange it from 10:30 to 11 o'clock in the morning. You will be free during this time."

Li Yunhai nodded.

After he arrives at the office, he will first handle the company's affairs, and documents that need his review and signature from various departments will be sent to him one after another.

By the time I'm done with this, it's usually around ten o'clock.

Next, he will browse the newspapers and magazines of the day. Since time is limited, he will browse through the lines at a glance and only look carefully when he sees what interests him.

If there are special events, such as meetings or entertainment, all work will have to be postponed. He usually arranges for a vice president to handle official duties on his behalf.

At ten o'clock in the morning, after Li Yunhai finished signing the last document of the day, he heard a knock on the door.

Su Hong came in and reported: "Mr. Li, Miss Gong Li is here."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Invite her in!"

Gong Li wore a short skirt that covered her hips, showing off her slender white legs, and her slim waist was very charming.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Gong Li came over and shook hands with Li Yunhai, "I heard Secretary Su said that you want me to come over and shoot a promotional video for the lithography machine?"

"Yes," Li Yunhai said, "This is our new product, and it has never been advertised. You are the spokesperson of our product, and this job belongs to you! You will have to work hard for a few more days."

"This is what I should do."

"What movie are you filming recently?"

"Raise the Red Lantern. A very interesting movie."

"Wives and concubines in droves."

"Yes, this movie is adapted from a novel, and the title of the novel is called Wives and Concubines. I play the fourth wife Songlian in it. She is a very tragic character, and in the end she becomes a madman. The old society is really harmful to people! "

"You must have performed well. I will definitely go to the cinema to watch it when it is released."

"I think about the script every day, almost becoming Songlian. I feel like I am trapped in that courtyard by fate like her, and I can't get out no matter what."

"What do you think is trapping Songlian? Fate? Or that feudal lord?"


"No, it was her own choice. Songlian was a college student. Halfway through her studies, her father went bankrupt and committed suicide. Her stepmother asked her to choose between working and getting married. She chose to get married, and she chose to marry a rich man and become a concubine. . Although the family she married into was rich, she looked down upon it by a thousand or ten thousand. But she still married the man who was about the same age as her father, the man who had three wives. "

"Mr. Li, have you seen it?"

"I have read this book. I particularly remember that there is a description in the original book, to the effect that when Songlian was serving the master, she smelled the smell of the second wife on him. She felt a little disgusted, so she gave him perfume Spray it on to cover up the smell of others. Songlian despises this kind of life and looks down on everyone in the compound, but she does not hesitate to fake a pregnancy in order to win favor. In the end, the fate of the characters is her own choice. dont you agree?"

Gong Li bit the corner of her mouth because these words poked her scar.

"Mr. Li, are you talking about me?"

"Your destiny also comes from your choices. Doesn't it?"


Gong Li sighed.

Li Yunhai ruthlessly opened her fig leaf and said: "What did you pay to be a heroine and to act? What did you choose? You know it in your heart. Is all this what you want?"

Gong Li felt inexplicably irritable. She sat down on the guest sofa, took out a box of women's cigarettes, lit one, and her eyes gradually became blurred.

Su Hong came in and said, "Mr. Li, Leader Huang is here."

Li Yunhai said: "Invite him in!"

He said to Gong Li: "I have booked a room for you in the hotel with the same room number. You go and have a rest first. I will arrange for you to do the filming later."

Gong Li put out his cigarette butt and said, "I don't need to rest, I can work now."

Li Yunhai nodded and asked Su Hong to make arrangements.

When Huang Ying walked in, he happened to see Gong Li walking out.

He couldn't help but look back at Gong Li's graceful back and swallowed.

Li Yunhai stood up and came forward: "Leader Huang, please sit down."

Huang Ying reluctantly looked away, and in order to resolve the embarrassment, he asked: "This woman just now looked so familiar. I seem to have seen her somewhere."

"Her name is Gong Li, she is an actor. You may have seen her acting."

"It turns out it's her! She's even more beautiful than in the movie, especially her aura, so majestic! She looks very comfortable. Does Mr. Li know her well?"

"Miss Gong is the image spokesperson of our company."


Li Yunhai thought to himself, Gong Li now fully endorses our company's products, and all the advertisements on TV and print model advertisements are hers. Have you never noticed at all?

Huang Ying coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I came here today to talk to you about the merger of the parks."

Zhao Jingwen failed to negotiate something, and Huang Ying came to negotiate again?

Li Yunhai was not interested at all, but he had to deal with him.

In order to dispel the other party's illusions, Li Yunhai said: "It is possible to merge the parks. We welcome companies from the brother parks to come over."

"No, no, Mr. Li, you have misunderstood. It is not other companies that have moved here, but the companies in your Sihai Park that have moved here as a whole."

"Leader Huang, I have talked with Leader Zhao about this matter. I think I have to express my opinions clearly. It is impossible for us to move away."

"Mr. Li, the city has a new use for the land in Sihai Park." Huang Ying said, "So we have no choice. But please don't worry, we will definitely give you the compensation that is due."

Li Yunhai's eyes became sharp!

Is this a threat because they can't reach an agreement?

Li Yunhai asked in a deep voice: "We signed a land use agreement for our land at the beginning. We signed it for fifty years. How many years is it now? It is far from expiration!"

Huang Ying said: "The plan cannot keep up with the changes, and we are helpless."

Li Yunhai asked: "Excuse me, what is the use of that land?"

Huang Ying said: "The city is relocating a piece of house in the old city, and plans to use the land in Sihai Park to build resettlement housing. We also ask Mr. Li to cooperate with our work and move to the newly constructed economic development zone as soon as possible. We will give You compensate and offer.”

Zhao Jingwen talked about this matter yesterday and said it was a "requirement."

And Huang Ying came directly to give the "order"!

What a good move: courtesy first and then attack, both soft and hard!

Whether it was a request or an order, Li Yunhai would never agree.

"Compensation?" Li Yunhai smiled proudly and said, "Yes! I'm afraid the city can't afford it!"

Huang Ying said, "Are you kidding me? A city as big as ours can't afford to compensate you for your relocation?"

Li Yunhai said proudly: "Once we relocate, we will have to stop work for at least half a year. Our Sihai Group's revenue this year is expected to reach more than 200 billion. If we take a half-year break, the loss will be 120 billion!"

"What?" Huang Ying was startled, shocked that Li Yunhai's lion opened his mouth.

Li Yunhai looked calm and said: "Also, we haven't sold goods for half a year, so we may lose the global market. I estimate the loss in this area to be as high as more than 300 billion!"

Huang Ying couldn't sit still. He stretched out his hand to support the sofa, sat upright, and said, "Don't settle accounts randomly!"

Li Yunhai dragged the calculator on the desktop and said while calculating: "That's not all! Our company has a half-year break, so the salary should be paid as usual, right? There are thousands of people working up and down, and the salary for half a year is tens of millions. There are also The most important part of the account is that our market value will definitely be affected. We are a listed company in Xiangjiang, with a market value of 900 billion! How much it will fall by then, you can compensate us as much as you can!" (End of Chapter)

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