Life 1984

Chapter 501 Big misunderstanding!

Zhuang Yong, who was driving, turned around and said, "Mr. Li, I'll go down and take a look!"

Li Yunhai looked at the non-stop rainstorm outside and said, "The rain is too heavy. You don't have to get out of the car. Just wait!"

After half an hour, the provincial disaster relief convoy slowly started to move.

Zhuang Yong drove to follow, followed by several large trucks from Sihai Group, filled with disaster relief supplies.

Due to time constraints, Li Yunhai could only mobilize so many supplies for the time being, which were mainly used to relieve the villagers in Baixi Township. They were driven by Shitou, Liang Tian and others.

Following Li Yunhai was Su Hong. When Grandpa Li passed away, Su Hong had been to Shiban Village once.

As the car passed the road ahead, Li Yunhai saw several broken trees on the roadside. The reason why the convoy stopped just now was probably because these broken trees blocked the road.

The water on the road was so deep that the fields looked like a vast ocean on both sides.

This province grows two-crop rice. The early rice is in the tillering stage, and the late rice is in the seedling growth stage and is being transplanted. Fires broke out this month and flooded all the fields, indicating that agricultural production will be significantly reduced this year.

Su Hong sat behind Li Yunhai. Although she was not from the countryside, she could still see the seriousness of the flooding and said, "Mr. Li, farmers' harvests will be greatly affected this year."

Li Yunhai sighed: "People's livelihood is difficult!"

It usually takes more than an hour to drive, but it took more than three hours to reach Meishan County.

Meishan County is the most severely affected county in this province except Yuezhou.

The provincial disaster relief team was stationed in the county.

Shao Yuqing is now the county magistrate. He knows that the province will send people to wait at the door. When he saw Li Yunhai, he excitedly stepped forward and held Li Yunhai's hand.

"Mr. Li, you are back in person!" Shao Yuqing seemed to have seen the great savior and kept complaining, "Our county has been severely affected!"

Li Yunhai knew that Shao Yuqing wanted him to donate more money and materials to his hometown.

He is not a stingy person. He donated 20 billion yuan last time. He will definitely donate money and materials when he returns to his hometown this time.

"Shao County, how is the situation in Shiban Village?"

Shao Yuqing said: "Mr. Li, the county has been contacting and counting the disasters and casualties in various villages. Now we can only contact Baixi Township, and the phone calls in many villages have been cut off. The specific situation in Shiban Village is unknown."

Li Yunhai's heart sank. Before he left in the morning, he called his family on the phone. After half a day, he couldn't contact his family anymore?

It seems that the disaster has become serious again!

Li Yunhai got out of the car, went to the county government, found a phone number and called home, but couldn't get through.

"Shao County, I'm going home right away." Li Yunhai said, "I guess the village is in urgent need of medicine and medical care. Can you send a few people with me?"

After hearing this, the team leader from the province said that I should send the medical team from the Provincial People's Hospital to follow Mr. Li!

This is the best medical team, but it was assigned to Li Yunhai, which shows how much attention is paid to Mr. Li.

Li Yunhai did not refuse. He still had an elderly grandmother at home, and there were many elderly people in the village who were in urgent need of treatment.

At this time, it is impossible for people to say that they are not selfish.

Half an hour later, Li Yunhai took his motorcade and Han Xiaoxi's medical team to Shiban Village.

The road from the county seat to Baixi Township was easy to walk. After arriving at Baixi Township, I saw that the water from the Baixi River in the middle of the township streets had overflowed into the streets.

Li Yunhai has lived in the countryside for so many years. It was the first time he saw such a large amount of water. He was very surprised and worried about the safety of his family.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yunhai's motorcade arrived at the entrance of Shiban Village. In front of it was the overflowing Baixi River.

The bridge above Baixi River has been submerged in water, and the mountain water is turbid. Only the location of the bridge can be roughly seen.

Zhuang Yong stopped the car and hesitated whether to pass.

Li Yunhai said: "There is an ancient stone arch bridge ahead. That bridge is located high, but it is not open to traffic."

Zhuang Yong said: "With so much supplies, we definitely can't walk through the stone arch bridge. Mr. Li, let me try to get across!"

Li Yunhai said: "Be careful!"

The minibus was heavy and full of people, so it passed the bridge smoothly.

The few trucks that followed later passed without any suspense.

After crossing the bridge, all the roads ahead were flooded, and the convoy slowly moved forward towards Li's house.

Floods must have occurred frequently in ancient times, so villages were built on high ground, but farmland was all on flat areas.

Sixty-seven out of ten paddy fields in the village were flooded, and some low-lying and dilapidated mud houses were washed away by the protracted heavy rain.

Several villagers were wearing raincoats, bamboo hats, and rain boots, standing on the high slope over there to observe the water.

They saw a convoy coming and heading towards the road.

Li Yunhai saw that one of them was his father.

Zhuang Yong stopped the car and asked Li Deming and others to get in.

"Dad! The phone in the village can't be reached." Li Yunhai stood up and gave up his seat.

Li Deming said: "The phone line is broken, and I don't know where the problem is. Now there are floods everywhere, making it difficult to repair."

Driving a few hundred meters further, we arrived at Li's house where three wells were located.

After the car stopped, Su Hong picked up the umbrella beside her, got out of the car and opened it, and then protected Li Yunhai from getting out of the car and entering the house.

Arriving at the main room, Li Yunhai discussed rescue matters with his father.

The village primary school has been closed and its classrooms have been vacated to accommodate homeless villagers.

The tent was set up in an empty field near the village primary school, which was better than nothing.

Li Yunhai used a room in his home as a temporary health center and used loudspeakers in the village to notify patients who needed treatment to come for treatment.

Li Yunhai had no time to rest until he was busy at night.

Unfortunately, the power was out again, and everything was dark.

Among the supplies Li Yunhai brought back from the provincial capital, there were kerosene, candles and other items, which were distributed to villagers for emergency response.

There is not so much emphasis on sleeping at night. Everyone just squeezes in and gets over it.

The next day, Shao Yuqing led a team to Shiban Village to inspect the disaster situation.

It is not known how long this flood will last. The top priority is to resettle the victims and transport food.

With the support of Li Yunhai in Shiban Village, all the affected villagers have been resettled and have enough food. They will no longer need assistance from the county within half a month.

Shao Yuqing talked about the disaster in other parts of the county, saying that many villagers' houses collapsed and they were displaced. In these days, the houses in rural areas were not rich, and there were many children, ranging from three to five to eight or nine. Even if relatives are in the village, it is difficult to accept others.

Speaking of sadness, Shao Yuqing couldn't help but shed tears.

Not long after he became the county magistrate, such a serious disaster occurred. The county's finances were tight and it was unable to provide timely rescue. He said he was sorry for the people under his rule.

Li Yunhai asked: "Shao County, how many victims have not been resettled in the county? How much supplies are needed?"

Shao Yuqing wiped his eyes and said, "Mr. Li, this gap is too big. I know you have money, but you have already made a huge contribution. We can't keep holding on to you and asking you to pay for things."

Li Yunhai said: "When one party is in trouble, all parties support it. What's more, Meishan is my hometown. A tree that grows thousands of feet tall never forgets its roots. As long as I can do it, I will try my best."

Shao Yuqing told Li Yunhai everything he knew about the disaster.

After hearing this, Li Yunhai asked Su Hong to settle the account, and then called back to the province and asked Shen Xiulan to personally take charge of the emergency requisition of a batch of disaster relief materials to the county. This project cost several million more.

Shao Yuqing held Li Yunhai's hand and was choked with tears.

After a long time, he said: "Mr. Li, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. On behalf of the millions of people in the county, I would like to thank you for your help! I will definitely tell everyone that they have received your favor."

Li Yunhai said: "Shao County, the county needs you, you should go back to the county to take charge of the overall situation!"

Shao Yuqing said goodbye and left.

The rain has eased, but the flash floods continue.

After five days, the water level in the river slowly dropped.

The crop fields that had been ravaged by flash floods were in a mess.

The villagers came to Li Yunhai's house to chat. Some said they found various poultry washed down from the upper reaches in the water, as well as countless tattered clothes and furniture. Others reported seeing dead bodies.

After the flood recedes, the most important thing next is post-disaster reconstruction.

This work can only be left to the local government department to take the lead.

Li Yunhai packed his bags and prepared to return to the city.

Han Xiaoxi and her colleagues, after being stationed in the village for a few days, went to other villages to help, and were not able to return to the city for the time being.

The village phone was connected.

Li Yunhai called Lin Zhi before returning to the city.

Lin Zhi answered the phone and said, "You have been back for so long and the phone at home has not been able to get through. I am so worried!"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "It's okay, the phone line was disconnected and was only connected today, so I gave you a call. We will go back to the city in the afternoon."

At this moment, a man wearing a mourning cloth on his head ran in and knelt on the ground.

This person is the eldest son of the uncle's family, that is, Li Yunhai's cousin.

My cousin came to report the funeral. My eldest aunt had just passed away.

Li Yunhai hadn't put down the phone yet and said to Lin Zhi: "My eldest aunt has passed away. I may have to go home two days late."

Lin Zhi exclaimed: "Then you stay at home and come back after the funeral. Do I want to take the child back?"

Li Yunhai said: "You are still in confinement, how can you come back? The flood has not completely subsided yet! Try not to go out." "Oh, okay then!" Lin Zhi said, "I am at home, so you don't have to worry."

Li Yunhai put down the phone.

The cousin went to another house to report the funeral.

There has always been a saying in rural areas: White things will come to you uninvited, and red things will come to you uninvited.

But close relatives will definitely have to report their funeral.

That night, Li Yunhai went to his uncle's house to express his condolences and didn't come back until 9:30 p.m.

The family is still at the uncle's house.

Li Yunhai came upstairs and heard Su Hong shout: "Who?"

"Sister Su, it's me." Li Yunhai responded.

"Mr. Li!" Su Hong opened the door, "I heard the mournful music and was a little scared to be alone at home, so I locked the door."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "No way? Are you still afraid?"

Su Hong blushed and said, "I'm still a little scared to be alone."

Li Yunhai said: "Then come and sit over here for a while! Let's chat."

Su Hong said hello, came to Li Yunhai's room, and said, "Did you buy a piano at home?"

Li Yunhai said: "I bought it for Lin Zhi. It's a pity that she doesn't come back very often. This piano is rarely used and I don't know if it's rusty or not."

Su Hong sat down in front of the piano, opened the piano cover, tried playing it, and said, "Mr. Li, you can still play it. But it may need to be tuned."

Li Yunhai said: "I don't know how to tune it either. Next time, please ask someone from the province to come back and tune it! Can you also play the piano?"

Su Hong smiled and said, "I know a little bit."

She sits upright and plays the piano well.

Li Yunhai took a book and read it on the bedside. Listening to Su Hong's piano, he unknowingly threw the book away and fell asleep.

Su Hong talked to Li Yunhai, but there was no response. When she looked back, she saw Li Yunhai asleep.

She smiled sweetly, left the piano bench, came to the bed, looked down at him, and confirmed that he was really asleep. Then she helped take off his shoes and socks, and pulled the quilt to cover him.

These days, Li Yunhai has been busy with disaster relief work. He didn't take any rest during the day or sleep well at night.

I finally had some free time today and slept soundly.

Su Hong picked up Li Yunhai's book and read it.

From time to time there was the sound of firecrackers outside.

The sound of sad music also kept floating in the air.

Su Hong didn't dare to go back to her bedroom, so she lay beside Li Yunhai's bed and read.

The next morning, Li Yunhai felt something pressing on his chest and couldn't breathe, so he woke up immediately.

He opened his eyes and saw Su Hong lying next to him, and she was still hugging him!

Su Hong's face was pretty and charming, her breathing was long, and her breath smelled fresh and delicious.

Li Yunhai gently took her hand away.

Su Hong woke up with a start. When she saw this scene, she was startled and quickly got out of bed.

Li Yunhai smiled: "Sister Su, are you afraid? So you climbed into my bed?"

"Well, yes." Su Hong gently lifted her hair at the temples and whispered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li."

Li Yunhai knew that she was embarrassed, so he smiled humorously and said, "Fortunately, I slept very deeply, otherwise last night would have been our wedding night."

Su Hong chuckled and said, "That's fine! I haven't been a bride yet! I wonder what it's like?"

Li Yunhai couldn't help but feel moved by her teasing.

During the day, Li Yunhai went to his uncle's house to help.

No matter how high his status is, relatives can still arrange things for him when encountering such a big event.

Li Yunhai's job is very simple. He does not need to keep accounts or serve tea or water. He only needs to chat with the guests.

After graduating from high school, the fourth child in his family did not go to college, so he followed the example of the third child and went out to open a typing and copying shop.

Since the 90s, the demand for typing and copying has greatly increased across the country, and those who opened shops near schools and government agencies have made their first pot of gold.

The fifth child, Li Yunying, is a freshman in high school in the county, boarding and not at home.

Su Hong had nothing to do at the Li family and didn't know what to do, so she helped the Li family with some farm work.

In front of Li's house is a jujube forest, and behind the house is a vegetable patch.

Su Hong saw Zhang Shuwen tending to the vegetable field and went over to help.

"Auntie, what kind of dish is this? The flowers are very beautiful." Su Hong asked.

"This is the eggplant flower. You will be able to eat eggplant soon."

"So the eggplant tree looks like this!"

"Girl, you grew up in the city, right?"

"Well, I'm from Xizhou. Auntie, you can ask me to do anything you want."

"How can you do the work in our rural areas with your thin skin and tender flesh? Don't make your hands blistered. There are cucumbers over there. Go pick a few, wash them and eat them!"


Su Hong saw a cucumber vine in the corner, with green cucumbers growing on it.

She picked two of them, washed them with water, and handed one to Zhang Shuwen.

Zhang Shuwen said I won’t eat it, so you can eat it!

Su Hong took a bite, it was crispy, sweet, and very tender!

"Auntie, this cucumber is so delicious! It's better than the ones we buy in the city." Su Hong said with a smile, "It's so delicious! Really!"

Zhang Shuwen straightened up and said with a smile: "What is your relationship with my Yunhai?"

Su Hong said: "I am Mr. Li's secretary, and I do odd jobs for him."

Zhang Shuwen said: "Is it that simple? Last night, when we came back from my eldest brother's house, we saw that the lights upstairs were not turned off. We thought Yunhai was not asleep yet, but we saw you two sleeping on the same bed?"

Su Hong was stunned. She put the cucumber in her mouth and forgot to eat it.

Zhang Shuwen lowered her voice and asked: "You know he is married, are you still willing to follow him?"

Su Hong blushed with embarrassment and coughed several times.

She wanted to explain, but she was afraid that the description would get darker and darker.

"Auntie, it was an accident last night." Su Hong said, "I was reading in Mr. Li's room because I was afraid, but then I fell asleep without knowing it. It's all my fault and has nothing to do with Mr. Li."

Zhang Shuwen said: "Even if my son makes a mistake, I can't bear to beat him and scold him. We can't understand the thoughts of you city people, but there is one thing that I still want to tell you. You are still young, so you should find him earlier. It’s good to marry into a good family. A woman’s life is to start a family. Don’t be angry, I haven’t read a book and don’t know how to speak.”

Su Hong was so ashamed that she felt ashamed.

In the evening, Li Yunhai came back and saw Su Hong at home alone, so he knocked on her door.

Su Hong opened the door and came out.

Li Yunhai asked: "Sister Su, have you had dinner?"

Su Hong's face was burning and she said, "I've eaten. Mr. Li, you should go to bed early."

"If you're scared, why don't you sleep with my mother?"

"No, I'm not scared anymore, no need." After Su Hong finished speaking, she quickly closed the door.

Li Yunhai didn't think much and went back to his room to rest.

Three days later, my aunt's funeral was held.

Li Yunhai left home and returned to the city that afternoon.

Before leaving, mother Zhang Shuwen held her eldest son's hand and said earnestly: "Be nice to Secretary Su and don't let her down. If she wants to get married, you can't stop her!"

Li Yunhai was confused and said, "Mom, what did you say?"

Zhang Shuwen said: "Okay, Mom knows it! You are good at everything, but after you have money, you spend all your energy! Alas!"

Li Yunhai scratched his head in confusion.

Zhang Shuwen took out a big red envelope and put it in Su Hong's hand.

Su Hongtui refused.

Li Yunhai said: "My mother gave it to you, just accept it!"

Only then did Su Hong accept the red envelope.

After the car left Shiban Village, Li Yunhai asked Su Hong: "Did you and my mother say anything?"

Su Hong couldn't help laughing: "Auntie misunderstood our relationship. That night, when she saw us sleeping together, she thought I was your woman!"

"..." (End of this chapter)

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