Life 1984

Chapter 492 Hospitalization

Li Yunhai thought that Leader Yang was just joking when he said he would convene companies in need across the country to hold a lithography machine purchasing meeting, but he didn't expect that the other party actually did it!

After Leader Yang and others returned to Beijing, they called within a few days and said that the procurement meeting would be held in December.

Li Yunhai counted the days and had a conflict with the group's dealer meeting.

Of course, he could not ask for an extension to the purchasing meeting, and the date of the dealer meeting had been set long ago and could not be rescheduled.

In order to prepare for this purchasing meeting, Li Yunhai decided not to go to Xiangjiang to participate in this year's dealer conference.

The dealer conference is held every year, and most of the people who come are old friends. Whether the boss Li Yunhai will attend or not is not a big problem.

Li Yunhai discussed with several vice presidents, and the dealer meeting was hosted by Lin Xiaofeng, Zhao Jinping, Shen Xiulan and others.

The procurement meeting will be held at the Sihai headquarters building in Xizhou.

By then, more than 100 military, state-owned and private enterprises across the country that have demand for lithography machines will come to participate.

Li Yunhai and Leader Yang first asked for the list of these units to determine how many people the other party wanted to come so that accommodation could be arranged here.

Sihai Group attaches great importance to this lithography machine procurement meeting and has made comprehensive arrangements for this.

Although the villa next to the park was ready for occupancy, Li Yunhai thought it would be better to ventilate it first, and agreed with Lin Zhi to wait until the New Year before moving.

In the blink of an eye, it’s July.

Lin Xiaofeng led people to Xiangjiang to hold a dealer conference.

Li Yunhai is ready to welcome business representatives from all over the country.

In order to help Sihai Group, Leader Yang from the Ministry of Mechanical and Electronics Industry once again led the team in person.

Li Yunhai arranged a room at Tianhua Sihai Hotel. After all the guests came over, they stayed directly at the hotel.

That evening, Li Yunhai hosted a banquet for the guests on behalf of Sihai Group.

Lin Zhi is pregnant and will no longer participate in any form of entertainment or banquets except for normal work. Now she only wants to add a boy to the family.

After the dinner, Li Yunhai sent Leader Yang back to the hotel room.

Leader Yang said many words of encouragement to him, and also said that Comrade Xixian's development of the most advanced photolithography machine by Sihai Group was affirmed by Comrade Xixian.

Li Yunhai was very excited after hearing this.

The next morning, Li Yunhai came to the company early.

Today's itinerary is arranged like this. We will first take all the guests to visit the photolithography machine workshop of Sihai Group, and then return to the large conference room of the headquarters to hold an ordering meeting.

Li Yunhai arranged several buses, and everyone took the buses to the industrial park.

When we arrived at the factory area, everyone was talking about it. They all said that the park was well-run, neat and clean, and environmentally friendly. There were so many factories, but there was no smell in the air, and the river next to it was clear. From this, it can be seen that this park had a good improvement. Design and planning.

Leader Yang said with a smile: "I know this. When Comrade Lin Zhenbang was working here, he personally intervened and created this park. Various production factors were gathered together and scientifically integrated within a certain space to increase the intensity of industrialization. Highlight the industrial characteristics, optimize the functional layout, and make it a modern industrial division of labor and collaborative production area that adapts to market competition and industrial upgrading. It must be said that Comrade Zhenbang has made a huge contribution to the development of Xizhou!"

Zhao Jingwen, Huang Ying and others felt completely uncomfortable after hearing this.

Although Lin Zhenbang is no longer in Xizhou, he is still praised for the political achievements he left behind.

This is why Zhao Jingwen and the others must build another economic development zone.

No matter how well the Sihai Industrial Park develops, everyone will only remember Lin Zhenbang's goodness, and no one will remember Zhao Jingwen and Huang Ying.

After hearing Leader Yang's praise, everyone agreed.

Huang Ying chuckled and said: "Leader Yang, there is also a new economic development zone in Xizhou, located next to the international airport. After the construction is successful in the future, it will only be bigger, stronger, and better than this one!"

Of course Leader Yang knew about the existence of this economic development zone and asked: "How do you plan for the new economic development zone? What industries will it focus on?"

Huang Ying said: “With Compaq Computer Company as the leading enterprise in the economic development zone, it drives the investment and settlement of surrounding industries.”

Leader Yang pondered: "Then the electronic information industry is still the main one? Why not plan it together with the Sihai Industrial Park? Create another emerging industry in the Economic Development Zone? I think there is still a lot of land here! Completely Enough for development and utilization!”

Huang Ying's expression froze.

Zhao Jingwen smiled and said: "That's right. The biggest advantage of our province now is the electronic information and semiconductor industry. We are also working hard to develop other industries."

Huang Ying said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, we are based on the semiconductor industry and expanding into other industries."

Leader Yang said: "That's because Sihai Group has developed well and led to the healthy development of the semiconductor industry. I still think that expanding the Sihai Industrial Park is more in line with the development direction of Xizhou. To do this, it must be like Silicon Valley in the United States. Treat the semiconductor and electronic information industry as the largest industrial park! Concentrate superior forces and fully support and develop this industry! Only then can we achieve world-renowned achievements!"

Li Yunhai said: "The leader is wise!"

It has to be said that Leader Yang's vision and courage are much higher than those of Zhao Jingwen and others. The prescription he prescribed is indeed a good prescription, but it is not certain whether the people below will listen to it and whether they will implement it after hearing it. After all, Zhao Jingwen and Huang Ying are the bosses here.

While talking, a group of people filed into the photolithography machine workshop.

Everyone put on dust suits.

Professor Ni personally explained the functions and performance of the Sihai brand photolithography machine.

The guests came forward to visit and ask questions.

After photolithography machines entered the projection era, lens quality became more and more important. Professional camera manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon have great advantages in this regard because they can manufacture high-quality lenses themselves.

my country has Seagull Camera, and the optical technology currently used by Sihai Group all comes from Seagull Camera Factory.

In addition to optical technology, lithography machines also have a very important technology, which is laser.

my country's first laser, called the small ball illumination ruby ​​laser, was born at the Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has better excitation efficiency. This shows that our country's laser technology has reached the world's advanced level at that time, and the designer Professor Wang Zhijiang became the "Father of Chinese Laser".

The high brightness of the laser means high energy, and it can be focused to a very small spot, thereby achieving precise laser cutting, photolithography, and even nuclear fusion, etc.

As a universal tool, scientists have applied it to photolithography machines.

Laser can not only serve as a tool for making knives, but it can also become a knife itself. Before the emergence of EUV lithography technology, excimer laser lithography has been at the forefront of lithography technology.

Since its inception, excimer laser technology has been a key factor in the continued advancement of Moore’s Law in chips. It is no exaggeration to say that without the birth of laser, the chip and the entire information industry would not have been able to develop to the current level.

In 1990, my country's research in optics and lasers was not too backward. At the very least, it can satisfy the manufacturing of current photolithography machines.

But the further you go, the more advanced the technology required.

If these industries in our country cannot keep pace with the times, the upgrading of photolithography machines, including optical and laser materials, will have to rely on imports.

Li Yunhai could not predict whether the emergence of Sihai lithography machines would lead to the simultaneous development of related domestic industries.

Therefore, he has to prepare for two things, one is to cultivate the domestic supply chain, and the other is to control related foreign companies.

This requires a lot of funds and some planning, otherwise foreign companies may not agree to Chinese companies taking shares.

After Professor Ni explained the Sihai brand photolithography machine, he conducted a production demonstration on site.

Sihai Group's photolithography workshop now has two photolithography machines produced by Nikon and two photolithography machines manufactured by itself.

Technicians operate four machines respectively, perform production separately, and then compare them.

Facts have proved that the chips produced by Sihai brand lithography machines and Nikon brand lithography machines are no different.

There was warm applause.

Leader Yang applauded and said with a smile: "Dear business representatives, this is a huge progress for our country's semiconductor industry and a great victory for our electronics industry! If your company has demand for photolithography machines, you must place an order with Sihai Group! "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Visit the park in the morning.

In the afternoon, I returned to Sihai Center and went to the large conference room for a purchasing meeting.

Li Yunhai gave a lecture.

In an impassioned tone, he described the significance of the birth of domestic lithography machines, and at the same time called on everyone to purchase and support the development of domestic lithography machines.

“Drinking ice for ten years will hardly cool your hot blood.

Sihai Group is willing to play the role of a pioneer in semiconductors, presenting the enigmatic lithography machine, including its numerous disciplines, technologies, facilities, institutions and the stories behind it, to the Chinese people.

I believe that this is a particularly meaningful and valuable thing, and we will continue to work hard.

Breakthroughs at the forefront of science and technology are always full of difficulties and dangers. They are always too advanced and difficult to be understood by the world and even peers.

All of you here are representatives of leaders and entrepreneurs. You know as well as I do that the research and manufacturing of lithography machine products requires a lot of money. Our Sihai Group has invested a lot of money in developing photolithography machines and invested all the profits earned in the past few years into it. This is how we achieved our current results.

Once a product is produced, it still needs to have sales and a market. I hereby implore all comrades to please support our lithography machine research career. thank you all! "

Leader Yang came to the stage to speak. He waved his hand and said in a loud voice: "Comrades, what are you still hesitating about? Don't always think that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than at home! Sihai Group has produced such good machines, but their performance is no better than those abroad. Worse, the price is cheaper than overseas! You must support them with practical actions! I only have one request: place an order!"     The guests were whispering among each other.

Sihai Group's lithography machine sells for 2 million yuan, which is not expensive at this price.

But if a company really wants to place an order for purchase, it also needs a certain amount of strength.

After hearing the price, many business representatives shook their heads and sighed on the spot, saying that the goods were good, but we couldn't afford them.

Even those who are interested in purchasing will not sign a contract on the spot. For such a large purchase amount, they will definitely have to go back and hold a seminar.

Li Yunhai does not require them to sign the order on the spot, as long as they have the intention to purchase, he can follow up later.

There were more than 30 companies on site who were willing to purchase and left their contact information.

The purchasing meeting was quite successful.

In the evening, Li Yunhai entertained everyone, and especially drank with the 30 business representatives who had purchasing intentions.

These people are all business leaders who have tested alcohol, and all of them are massive.

In order to get along with them and build a good relationship, Li Yunhai naturally had to drink a few more glasses of wine, and he almost refused to refuse anyone who came.

That night, he came home drunk.

When Zhuang Yong and Su Hong sent him home, his consciousness gradually became blurred and he suddenly fell to the ground.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in a separate ward in the hospital.

He was the only patient in the ward, and there was a nurse sitting next to him.

"Mr. Li, you're awake!" The nurse shouted in surprise when she saw Li Yunhai open his eyes.

Li Yunhai was wearing a hospital gown, and all the watches and other items on his body were taken off.

He asked: "What's wrong with me?"

The nurse looked at the water in the hanging bottle and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you drank too much. You're fine now."

"How long have I been asleep? What time is it now?"

"You sent it here at nine o'clock last night. You slept for more than ten hours. It's now half past ten in the morning."

"Huh?" Li Yunhai had no idea what happened in the middle.

"Mr. Li, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"I feel sick to my stomach."

"Does it feel like a burning sensation?"


"This is a normal reaction and will be fine in a few days."

"Where's my wife?"

"Mrs. Li has been guarding you here last night. She is pregnant with Liujia. If she doesn't rest, the child in her belly also needs to rest! We said you were fine and stable and asked her to go home to rest. That's when she left. Mr. Li, your wife is so kind to you, she even cried last night! The relationship between you and your husband is really good!"

Li Yunhai was lying on the hospital bed, as if he had a dream, and everything in the dream seemed so unreal.

He actually got drunk and was sent to the hospital!

Even in his previous life, he never drank like this.

Li Yunhai asked: "Ms. Nurse, when can I be discharged from the hospital?"

The nurse said: "Mr. Li, finish the intravenous drip first and wait for the doctor to come over for a checkup. If there is no problem, you can be discharged today."

"Okay." Li Yunhai said, "Please call my wife and tell her I'm fine. I'll pay you the phone bill later. I'll give you my home phone number."

"Mr. Li, you are too polite. I'll go right away."

Just as the nurse left, the door opened and Su Hong hurried in. Seeing Li Yunhai wake up, she stroked her chest and took a long breath: "Mr. Li, you are awake. We were very scared last night. I I bought porridge, can I feed you some?"

Li Yunhai saw her haggard look and asked, "Have you been in the hospital all this time?"

Su Hong put the porridge she bought on the table next to her and said with a smile: "Well, Lin Zhi, Zhuang Yong, and I have been keeping you company. Lin Zhi didn't go home until early in the morning to rest."

"Thank you for your hard work." Li Yunhai wanted to sit up, but he felt he didn't have much strength.

Su Hong hugged him, made him sit up, and then fed him porridge.

"Mr. Li, you really don't need to work so hard." Su Hong said softly, "In such a big company, thousands of people's wages are waiting for you! If you fall, what will we do? We will all lose our jobs. .”

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "I don't fall down so easily, am I just drunk?"

Su Hong sighed softly and said: "Mr. Li, you are so rich, why are you working so hard? It doesn't matter whether the lithography machine can be sold or not! We can make money in other businesses as well."

"That's different." Li Yunhai said, "If I tell you this, you won't understand."

"I know that you must talk about the revitalization of national industry and the importance of domestically produced lithography machines, but can these things be done by you alone? There are more than one billion people in our country, and no one is in a hurry. You are the only one who is. , will this work? If you rush out again, wouldn't it be even more uneconomical? "

"Hey! You are more verbose than Lin Zhi! She never cares about me. You are more like my wife than my wife."

Su Hong's pretty face turned red and she said, "I am not so lucky to be your wife. But if I work as your secretary for a day, I will have to take responsibility for you."

She blew on the porridge in the spoon and handed it to Li Yunhai's mouth.

Li Yunhai ate it in one bite and said, "I want to go to the bathroom."

Su Hong put down the bowl, helped him out of bed, took off the bottle, held it high, and helped him to the bathroom.

This is a senior cadre ward with a separate bathroom and a place for hanging bottles in the bathroom.

"You hang the bottle on the hook, you go out, you look at me, I can't pee." Li Yunhai ordered.

Su Hong smiled and said, "You are a patient now. I have to watch you. If you fall again, I won't be able to explain it to Lin Zhi."

"Get out!" Li Yunhai pushed her.

Su Hong pursed her lips and smiled: "I'm not even shy, but you are still ashamed!"

With that said, she turned around and left, closing the door.

Li Yunhai had been holding his urine for too long, and it took him a full minute before he came out.

Su Hong laughed outside and said, "You are indeed an amazing man. You can pee longer than others!"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Have you seen many men peeing?"

"Ah? I've never seen it before!" Su Hong said with a blushing smile, "I imagined it! Who takes so long to pee?"

Li Yunhai returned to the bed and sat down.

Su Hong continued to feed him porridge.

The nurse just now came back and told Li Yunhai that she had called and the person who answered the phone was Ding Miao, saying that Mrs. Li was sleeping and would tell her when she woke up.

Li Yunhai said hello.

The doctor came over to examine him, asked a few questions, said he was fine, and advised him not to drink like this again in the future, as he could easily get gastric perforation, alcoholic liver disease and other diseases, so be careful.

Li Yunhai agreed one by one.

It wasn't until 12 noon that Li Yunhai finished the IV drip.

He asked Su Hong to go through the discharge procedures.

The nurse helped him get the needle.

At this time, a person rushed in outside the door, it was Shen Xiulan.

Shen Xiulan ran up all the way and shouted breathlessly: "Sea of ​​clouds!"

Li Yunhai saw tears on her cheeks and moist eyes, and smiled: "Why are you here?"

Shen Xiulan rushed over, hugged him tightly, and choked with sobs: "You scared me to death! I just found out you were hospitalized, and I rushed here after work! Are you, are you okay?"

The nurse hadn't left yet, looking at them in surprise. (End of chapter)

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