Life 1984

Chapter 490 Grabbing a 6 million large order

Li Yunhai put down the phone and said to Su Hong: "Something happened. The three engineers from Dongyang who helped us before have disappeared."

Su Hong was so frightened that she was stunned: "Missing? What do you mean? The kind where you don't see people alive or dead bodies?"

Li Yunhai didn't know what the problem was for the time being, and wanted to wait for Michiko to come over to discuss it in detail.

Michiko works in the headquarters building and is temporarily assigned to work in the technical department. However, she is not actually a technical staff. However, during this period of time, the counterfeit lithography machine required her to communicate with Toyo's engineers, so she was assigned to coordinate the work in the technical department.

She hurried to Li Yunhai's office, looking flustered and saying with frightened eyes: "Mr. Li, they are really missing. According to the flight time, they should have returned to Dongyang an hour ago. I originally wanted to ask them if they arrived safely. But I couldn’t even get in touch with him.”

"How could this happen?" Li Yunhai asked calmly, "Are they sure they have arrived? Are they still on the plane?"

"Mr. Li, I have asked, and the flight has arrived in Tokyo. I also called the three of them at their homes and asked, but their families have not seen them coming back."

"There is also a possibility that they temporarily lost contact because they did not want the outside world to know their whereabouts."

"Mr. Li, what I'm most worried about is, are they controlled by their original company? The fact that they resigned to help is definitely something that cannot be contained and can easily leak out."

"Just wait and see! They are working in our company, and the information is strictly blocked. There are very few insiders. There are even fewer people who have contact with Dongyang. Michiko, don't run around these days, I will arrange for someone to protect you. you."

"Thank you, Mr. Li. Mr. Li, it doesn't make much sense for me to stay in the technical department now. Do you think you can arrange another job for me?"

"Well, you used to do outreach work. Let me arrange for you to work on the exhibition team!"

"What does the exhibition team do?"

"Our company participates in many exhibitions at home and abroad every year, such as the Canton Fair and CES Electronics Show. We have a professional team responsible for this part of the work. This department has a high workload and requires frequent business trips, but the commission income is high. "

"Yes, I do." Michiko said, "There is also a similar Consumer Electronics Show in Tokyo, the Electronic Components and Manufacturing Equipment Show, held in June every year. It seems that our company has not participated yet?"

"Well, we can consider participating in this exhibition next June."

"Okay, Mr. Li."

Michiko stood up and left.

Su Hong said: "Mr. Li, who should you send to protect Michiko? Our company does not have female security guards."

This is really a troublesome matter.

You can't recruit a few female security guards specifically for Michiko, right?

Li Yunhai thought for a while and said, "I will solve this matter."

He thought of something, cleaned up, and then came to see Zhu Lin and Gong Jie.

Zhu Lin and Gong Jie have already bought their tickets to go home today.

When Li Yunhai found them, they were already preparing their luggage.

"Sister Zhu, the child is still too young. Flying is not good for the child. The air pressure changes greatly when the plane takes off and lands, which can easily lead to an imbalance of air pressure inside and outside the baby's tympanic membrane, which can lead to ear swelling and pain, hearing loss, and even severe cases. Will be deaf."

Zhu Lin was startled, stopped what he was doing, and said, "Ah? Really? I don't know. What should I do? Gong Jie and I have already bought the tickets."

"I just thought of this," Li Yunhai said, "I'm not scaring you, and I'm not trying to use this to keep you. I know you're homesick, and your parents and family are all in Beijin. Otherwise, the air tickets I'll cancel and buy a soft sleeper instead. I'll buy the tickets for you. There are only two berths in the premium soft sleeper. You can bring your nanny Xiaoyan with you, and she can help you take care of your children. You can sleep in the car before arriving."

Zhu Lin knew that this was a serious matter and did not dare to take it lightly. He said, "Okay, let's take the train instead."

Li Yunhai discussed the matter with Gong Jie again, and she agreed to take the train instead.

In the afternoon, Li Yunhai sent them on the trains back to Beijing and Shanghai respectively.

Li Yunhai originally thought that during the Chinese New Year this year, he could take a few of his children back to his hometown so that his family could meet him! Now it seems that it will come to nothing.

Perhaps lovers are lovers and cannot be seen in the light. It is most stable and safe to arrange them in their own corners.

Otherwise, they may go to the other extreme like Guo Wanhua, and even the occasional love becomes a luxury.

Li Yunhai bought some gifts and sealed a red envelope to visit Chen Jing.

After Chen Jing was injured, she took leave to rest at home, where she was alone.

She opened the door, saw Li Yunhai, and smiled: "Mr. Li, why are you here?"

"How are you doing?" Li Yunhai asked, "Do you want to stay in the hospital for a few days?"

"No, I went to the hospital today to change the gauze. The doctor said my wound is no longer in the way. In fact, I don't even need to rest. A minor injury can't get out of the line of fire!"

Li Yunhai put down the gift and said, "Sister Chen, it's okay if you don't want to rest. I want to ask you a favor."

"What's the matter?" Chen Jing said with a smile, "No wonder you gave me a gift. It turns out you were asking for something from me."

Li Yunhai smiled and told Michiko's story.

"Yes, this kind of important technical personnel has made significant contributions to our country's electronics industry. I can apply to my unit to protect her for a period of time. How long will it take?"

"There is no need to accompany her specially. She is at the company during the working day, so she must be safe. She is at her residence at night. She lives alone, and I am afraid of something happening. So I would like to ask you to move over and live with her. Can you Just be with her."

"That's it? That's easier! I can move there anytime. Where does she live?"

"She is temporarily staying at the Tianhua Sihai Hotel. I have prepared a suite for her with two rooms. If you want to eat, it will be settled in the hotel, you don't have to worry."

"Wow! Stay in a luxurious hotel suite and eat in the hotel! You are not sending me a mission, you are giving me benefits!"

"Haha! Do you want to discuss this with your family?"

"Why does such a good thing need to be discussed? As you can see, my house is limited and it's extremely crowded. I can't wait to move out! I just need to call my parents and tell them."

"Okay, I'll help you clean it up and send you there."

"it is good."

Chen Jing was a decisive person and immediately called her parents. Her parents are both reasonable people with high ideological awareness and agreed.

Li Yunhai helped her pack her luggage.

Chen Jing smiled and said, "You don't need to do anything. I'm not disabled. I'll do it myself."

"You were injured while protecting people's property. You deserve to rest."

Chen Jing chuckled and directed him to take down her suitcase from the closet, then asked him to open the closet door and take out her clothes.

Li Yunhai picked up her underwear.

Chen Jing stretched out her hand to grab it: "I'll take these."

Li Yunhai smiled awkwardly: "Sister Chen, you have a good figure."

Chen Jing rolled her eyes at him: "I hate you! You dare to tease even me! Be careful, I will give you a pair of silver bracelets!"

Li Yunhai said: "Isn't it enough to praise you for your beauty and good figure? No wonder you can't find a boyfriend! You deserve it!"

Chen Jing reached out her hand angrily and hit Li Yunhai: "You see my joke, don't you?"

Li Yunhai grabbed her hand.

Chen Jing pulled back, touching the wound on her back, and groaned.

Li Yunhai helped her sit down on the bed and said, "You haven't recovered from your injury, so don't move around."

Chen Jing felt a strange emotion when he held her hand.

There is a difference between a handshake and a handshake.

A normal handshake of a polite nature would loosen up at the first touch, and in public, there would be no other charming thoughts.

But in this private boudoir, the two people are holding hands, conveying affection from their fingertips. Even the slap you just gave can be regarded as flirting between lovers.

Li Yunhai didn't have any wrong thoughts. He let go of her hand and continued to help her sort out her clothes.

"Sister Chen, are you so frugal? The lining of this underwear is already worn white, why are you still wearing it?"

"I'm a poor man, so I wear whatever clothes I can. It takes three years to make new ones, three years to make old ones, and another three years to mend them! I'm not rotten yet, so why can't I just throw them away?"

"Women's underwear is unusual, so it's best to change it every few months."

"Change it in a few months? You are indeed a rich man. I can't even think about such a thing. Hey, why are you staring at my underwear all the time? Are you just having wild fantasies?"

Li Yunhai glanced at her.

The two people looked at each other, and they both noticed unusual emotions in each other's eyes. When a man and a woman live alone in the same room, it is really easy for something to happen.

Li Yunhai didn't dare to think too much, packed up Chen Jing's personal belongings, went downstairs with her, and sent her to the hotel room.

"Michiko is still at work. I will take you to see her later so you can get to know her."

"OK, all right!"

Chen Jing looked around at this luxurious suite and said repeatedly: "I have never lived in such a good room in my life."

"Then you can stay here forever."


"If you like it, I'll prepare a suite for you here, and you can stay here for a long time."

"That's too expensive. With this money, you might as well buy me a house!"

As soon as she said the words, she immediately realized something was wrong. Who was Li Yunhai? How dare you ask the other party to buy a house for you to live in? She said quickly: "I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to let you support me. No, I meant, I didn't say anything."

Li Yunhai laughed loudly and said: "I didn't expect that Sister Chen, you also have such a cute side. To be honest, just because of your hard work last night, I should also give you a house."

Chen Jing blushed and said, "No! You rich people are all playboys! I have dealt with cases of emotional disputes like this all the time. Since ancient times, adultery has killed people, and some people have killed people and set fires because of it!"

Li Yunhai couldn't continue joking, so he put her luggage away, took her to the company, and introduced her to Michiko.

Michiko thought that the company would at best send a security guard, but she didn’t expect that the company also invited the police!

This shocked and moved her greatly.

Li Yunhai asked Michiko if the three engineers had been contacted?

Michiko said there was no news yet and she would call to ask tomorrow.

Li Yunhai asked her again, do you want to take your mother over? If necessary, relevant procedures must be completed in advance.

Michiko said, I discussed it with my mother, and she said she was unwilling to leave.

Li Yunhai had long known that this would be the result.

As he was doing so well in the city, even if he wanted to take his parents out to live there, they were unwilling to do so. For an old man, it is hard to leave his homeland, and when leaves fall, they return to their roots. This is a concept engraved in their bones.

The next day, Li Yunhai received a call from Mei Jiping, saying that the villas in Martyrs Park had been renovated and Mr. Li was asked to inspect them.

Mei Jiping was extremely polite when talking to Li Yunhai now.

I recall that when Li Yunhai visited Mei Jiping for the first time, it was difficult to even enter the gate of the Provincial Construction Bureau.

In recent years, the Provincial Construction Engineering Bureau and Sihai Group have been cooperating and have undertaken all construction project tasks of Sihai Group.

Today, Li Yunhai is no longer what he used to be. He has become the largest entrepreneur in the province. Even the leaders in the province must respect him when they see him, not to mention Mei Jiping?

Li Yunhai smiled and said, okay, let's go to the villa area in the afternoon!

These thirty villas were built by Li Yunhai in the name of the company, and will also be arranged for the company's most important vice presidents and backbones to live in.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Li Yunhai led comrades from the Provincial Construction and Engineering Bureau to inspect the villa area.

The construction and decoration of the villa are handed over to the Provincial Construction and Engineering Bureau.

The villa here is more grand and has a better environment than the one Li Yunhai lives in now.

There are 30 villas divided into several areas.

One of the best areas, the villa is three stories high and covers an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters. This is what Li Yunhai prepared for himself and the women.

The villas in other areas are only two stories high and occupy half the area.

The villa Li Yunhai left for himself was right by the lake in the park. There was an iron gate that led directly to the park's trails.

Lin Zhi praised it after seeing it, saying that the environment here is good and suitable for taking children for a walk.

Although the place where their family lives now is only a 20-minute drive from the park, if they really want to come and play, they can't find the time.

No matter how convenient the car is, it's not as convenient as living next to the park.

Li Yunhai asked her if she wanted to move here?

Lin Zhi said to move! I like it here. We can go for a walk in the park every day. It's so comfortable.

Li Yunhai said that he should move here. The vice presidents of the company would all move here. Everyone would live together, forming a universal community. Everyone would know everything about it, and it would be safe and convenient.

In the evening, Mei Jiping invited Li Yunhai and others to dinner and expressed her gratitude to him for his care over the years.

After three glasses of wine, Mei Jiping said with a smile: "Mr. Li, if you have any other projects in the future, please remember to come to me."

Li Yunhai said he would definitely look for you, and then asked: "Are you doing the construction in the Economic Development Zone?"

Mei Jiping shook his head and said, "It was indeed a big project, but we didn't get it."

Li Yunhai had actually known about this for a long time. The construction of the Economic Development Zone was handed over to a company from Beijing.

As for whether there is any relationship between Zhao Jingwen or Huang Ying, it is unknown.

What he was concerned about was not the project itself, but the information revealed behind it.

For such a big project, the provincial units actually didn’t get it?

This shows that Zhao Jingwen and Huang Ying have established a firm foothold in the province and can make decisions on all matters big and small.

While the wine was in full swing, Mei Jiping revealed an important piece of information.

"Mr. Li, have you heard? The province purchased 30,000 computers from Compaq!"

"Thirty thousand units? That much?"

"Yes, at 20,000 yuan per unit, this is a large order of 600 million yuan! Even if Compaq only makes half of it, it can still make 300 million yuan!"

"Haha! Interesting!" Li Yunhai laughed, "Our Sihai Group has been in the province for so many years, and the total purchase orders given to us by the province are not even 30,000 units!"

Mei Jiping said: "Mr. Li, are you still laughing? If I were you, I would go to the province. Why should I purchase their products instead of yours? Isn't this bullying?"

Li Yunhai said: "The problem is that this purchase order was not publicly tendered. I didn't hear any news at all. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about it."

Mei Jiping said: "It was decided in the meeting just now, and it probably hasn't been spread yet."

Li Yunhai thought about it and asked: "Do you have reliable information? Have you placed an order? Or is it just a purchase intention?"

Mei Jiping said: "For such a large purchase order, I don't know how many meetings will be held to discuss it before it can be finalized. It should be just an intention now. What's wrong, Mr. Li wants to cut off Hu? Then I support you!"

Li Yunhai did have the idea of ​​cutting off Hu.

An order for 30,000 computers!

Enough for Sihai Group to make a fortune!

The company has been spending a lot of money recently, and Li Yunhai wants to acquire equity interests in several overseas companies, so he needs billions of dollars in funding!

Now, he wants to use whatever little money he has.

The company's exhibition team continues to participate in various electronics exhibitions throughout the year, isn't it just to get more orders?

I want to think about it, but how to get this big order?

Because Compaq came to invest, the province extended an olive branch, which is understandable.

No matter how powerful Li Yunhai is, it will be difficult to steal this order.

While he was drinking and meditating, he slowly began to have concerns in his mind.

After the dinner, Li Yunhai returned home and called Tang Yuxia to ask about the matter.

Tang Yuxia is in charge of commercial work, so she should know about such a big move.

But what surprised Li Yunhai was that Tang Yuxia had only heard the news today and was about to inform Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai thought to himself, Zhao Jingwen is so awesome for hiding it so tightly!

Tang Yuxia knew what Li Yunhai was thinking and said that this order was a bit special. The province was probably using it to exchange interests with Compaq, so you should not get involved.

Li Yunhai said that Compaq's total investment was only 2 million US dollars, which converted to 10 billion yuan, and this order was as high as million yuan. Coupled with land, tax and other preferential treatment, the province actually suffers from such an exchange.

Tang Yuxia said, then do you have a way to get this order?

Li Yunhai said, "I'll give it a try. Mom, you must support me."

Tang Yuxia smiled and said, "If I don't support you, who should I support?" What do you want me to do?

Li Yunhai had a plan and immediately discussed it with Tang Yuxia. (End of chapter)

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