Life 1984

Chapter 452 Who defeats whom?

The gameplay of blackjack is very simple. The game is played by 21 to 2 people and uses 6 cards except king and king. The player's goal is to make the sum of the points in the hand of the cards not more than 52 and as large as possible.

Li Yunhai and Chen Meilin played several games of blackjack, but Chen Meilin always won.

Every time Chen Meilin wins a card, she will high-five Li Yunhai to celebrate.

Li Yunhai was very surprised and asked her why she always won?

Chen Meilin said I don’t know either.

Although Li Yunhai rarely plays cards, he had played with Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan when they were on the train. His card skills and luck were pretty good, but he didn't expect that he kept losing in front of Chen Meilin.

After losing several games in a row, Li Yunhai had no choice but to believe that gambling luck existed in the world.

"Brother, you owe me 12 days!" Chen Meilin chuckled, "Continue?"

Li Yunhai looked at the time and said, "Stop playing and go to bed. Why don't you go over and sleep? I have arranged for guards to be on night duty. You can sleep peacefully. No one will disturb you."

Chen Meilin lay down on the sofa and said, "If I don't leave, I will sleep here."

The air conditioner in the room is fully turned on, and it's not cold as long as the bed is covered with a quilt.

Li Yunhai thought she was joking and went to take a shower.

When he came out of the shower, he saw that Chen Meilin had fallen asleep.

Li Yunhai patted her back.

Chen Meilin pouted, turned over and continued to sleep.

Li Yunhai was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he went to her room and took a quilt to cover her.

At night, Li Yunhai felt something pressing on his heart. He was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

He wanted to move, but found that his whole body seemed to be imprisoned by something, and he couldn't even open his eyelids.

This feeling is very scary!

He struggled hard and opened his eyes suddenly.

No one was tying him up, but there was an arm on his chest.

Li Yunhai turned on the bedside lamp and saw Chen Meilin running into his bed at some point.

Chen Meilin was clinging to him like an octopus, sleeping soundly.

Li Yunhai took a long breath, saw that the time was only four o'clock in the evening, and straightened Chen Meilin's hands and feet.

Chen Meilin's young and beautiful body exudes a quiet fragrance, and the whole room is filled with a bright atmosphere, as if tempting to commit crime.

Li Yunhai calmed down, turned off the light and went to sleep.

The next morning, Li Yunhai was woken up by Chen Meilin twirling her nose with her hair.

He sneezed, opened his eyes, and looked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"Brother! Get up!" Chen Meilin supported her chin with one hand and held her long hair with the other, gently sweeping it over Li Yunhai's face.

Li Yunhai felt a numb and itchy feeling, and couldn't help but sneeze again, and said, "Stop playing! Don't you know that men and women are taught not to be intimate? How could you come to sleep on my bed?"

Chen Meilin laughed like a silver bell: "Brother, we are not outsiders, how can we have so many taboos?"

Li Yunhai sat up, washed and changed clothes.

He opened the door and Zhuang Yong walked in.

"Mr. Li, at about three o'clock last night, the two people who were following us did take action, but we caught them, knocked them unconscious, and threw them into the elevator."

"Oh? What are they doing here?"

"They sneakily visited several of our doors."

Li Yunhai thought to himself, it has been several days since Chen Meilin won money, but the people in the casino are still haunted?

It seems that as soon as the CES exhibition is over, Chen Meilin must be taken away as soon as possible.

After breakfast, everyone came to the exhibition hall.

Today is the last day of the CES show. In order to complete the reservation goal, everyone is working hard to sell.

Chen Hong and the other three exhibition models all wore beautiful new clothes. They were beautiful and sexy, attracting many foreign businessmen.

Li Yunhai was talking to several foreign businessmen when someone from Compaq who had been here before came over again.

Seeing that Li Yunhai and others were busy, they did not speak.

After Li Yunhai was free, Leon walked up and said, "Mr. Li, let's talk again?"

Li Yunhai said: "There is nothing to talk about between us."

Leon said: "Mr. Li, we will not acquire your company, but I hope that the two of us can cooperate."

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

"We want to sell Compaq computers to your country, and we need to find a qualified partner in your country."

"Oh, you are interested in Sihai Group?"

"Mr. Li, your Sihai Group has very broad sales channels in China, right?"

"Of course."

"OK, we will leave the Chinese market to you to operate, and I will give you 10% of the profit."

"10%?" Li Yunhai couldn't help but ponder, this profit point is not low.

A computer costs more than 30,000 yuan, and you can earn more than 3,000 yuan by selling one.

Normally, the agent's profit is 8 points, the distributor's profit is 5 points, and the terminal store's profit is 8 points.

Only manufacturers can achieve 10 points.

Compaq Computer sells well abroad. If it is introduced into the country and operated properly, the brand will stand up.

But then Sihai Group becomes a second-rate dealer, just like Lianxiang Company selling computers from IBM or AST.

Over the years, Li Yunhai has been looking down on Lianxiang Company because they are willing to be compradors and have no independent scientific research technology. They are helping Americans make money.

Although the sales volume of Sihai Group's products is not ranked high, they are produced under its own brand and its domestic market share is not low.

If you are an agent for Compaq Computer, you must give up all your channels to this foreign brand.

Li Yunhai could only make a small profit from it, but ended up making wedding dresses for foreigners.

No matter how well he sells, no matter how many Compaq computers are sold, in the end the market and brand belong to foreigners.

One day in the future, Compaq will no longer cooperate with him, and any individual agent can still own these markets.

Sihai Group is just a large agent. It only earns this small price difference and loses nothing in the end.

I wonder which consumer will remember the name of which agent?

Li Yunhai made several turns in his mind.

He also knows that even if he doesn't do it, others will.

Computer companies like Compaq will definitely not let go of the Chinese market, and it is very easy to find agents in the country.

Do you want to do it?

How to do it?

Li Yunhai pondered undecided.

Shen Xiulan asked in a low voice: "We have our own brand, why should we be someone else's agent?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Li Yunhai suddenly thought of what happened to Lianxiang Company.

Lianxiang used to represent IBM and the sales were pretty good.

As a result, IBM committed suicide and launched an incompatible computer, which cut off Lianxiang's financial path.

Lianxiang Company has found a new computer company to cooperate with, namely AST Computer.

But their cooperation did not last long.

A few years later, Lian Xiang finally figured out that instead of selling computers for others, it would be better to create his own brand. So later the brand Lianxiang Computer came into being.

If they had taken the path of independent innovation from the beginning, they would have saved themselves ten years of detours.

The path Li Yunhai took was exactly the opposite of Lian Xiang. He actually almost gave up what he insisted on for the sake of a little benefit from others.

Li Yunhai said to Leon: "We can cooperate, but you are the agent for our computers, Alienware Computer, Dragon PC, Luohai Home Computer, and all new products that will be launched in the future, we can leave them to you as agent. Our product line is extremely rich, covering all areas of office equipment. And we are now exploring the European and American markets——"

He refused to represent Compaq Computer and wanted someone else to be his agent!

Leon blinked continuously, obviously not understanding Li Yunhai's brain circuit.

"Mr. Li, I think you have made a mistake. You are our agent, not us your agent."

"No, Mr. Leon, we will not be someone else's agent. We have our own brand, and our products are selling well all over the world."

"Mr. Li, I heard that your country has relaxed the access system for electronic products, greatly reduced tariffs, and no longer requires approval. What does this mean? Do you know?"


"Not only us, Compaq Computer, but also many other computer companies will enter your country for sales. Our computers have the most powerful advantages! After we enter your country, all your local computer brands will be defeated!"

"I thought it was impossible for such a situation to happen. Just like we entered the US market and did not eliminate IBM and Compaq Computer."

"Oh, no! You can't compare with IBM! You can't compare with our company either! We are a powerful company. We have the ability and capital to defeat you."

"Mr. Leon, our country is an open and inclusive market. We welcome you! The huge market is opening its door to you. But our company will definitely not be defeated by foreign brands. We have this confidence."

"Mr. Li, I came to you to cooperate because of your sales ability. You have a very powerful marketing team. It's a pity that you ruined this opportunity to make a fortune with your own hands. You will definitely cry in the future, you will definitely regret."

"Haha! Mr. Leon, are you intimidating me? I do not accept any form of intimidation from anyone. Let me say it again, we welcome you to invest in our country and you are also welcome to sell your products to our country. I I am willing to compete fairly and fairly with you!"

"Very good! Mr. Li, I think you will regret it!"

Leon gritted his teeth and left with a cold face.

His entourage kept saying bad things about Sihai Group and said that Li Yunhai was too arrogant.

A fat man said: "Leon, the Chinese used to have a planned economy. The production, import, and sale of computers all required approval or tickets. That's why their domestic computer companies can survive. As long as our products are dumped, it won't take half a year. With time, we can defeat all Chinese computer brands!”

Leon waved his hand vigorously: "In less than half a year, I only need three months to defeat the Sihai Group!"

The fat man laughed heartily and said, "Three months is enough!"

They spoke loudly enough that Li Yunhai could hear them.

Li Yunhai frowned.

He had long been prepared for a tough battle.

Li Yunhai knows the development trend in the next few years: many domestic companies cannot resist this wave of powerful foreign brand attacks. Computer brands such as Great Wall, Inspur, and Donghai failed one after another in a short time.

The market share of our domestic computer brands will drop from about 70% to about 20%.

This is an endless plummet!

It would not be an exaggeration to say that domestic brands were defeated.

However, there are always national enterprises that buck the trend and grow and become the new backbone!

Computer brands such as Lianxiang Company, Founder, and TCL have emerged one after another.

And of course Sihai Group!

In a short period of time, domestic brands went from abandoning their armor to regaining lost ground and regaining the lost market.

Li Yunhai was ready for a fierce battle.

Sihai Group not only has domestic markets, but also foreign markets.

Over the years, Li Yunhai has focused on the global market.

Sihai Group has had a global strategy from the beginning.

Even if half of the domestic market is taken away, Li Yunhai can still rely on foreign markets to survive.

Moreover, Li Yunhai believes that with the existing advantages of Sihai Group, it will not necessarily lose to foreign brands even in the domestic market.

Crisis is also an opportunity!

If we can seize this opportunity, Sihai Group's domestic sales may skyrocket?

At this moment, Li Yunhai looked at the backs of Leon and the others, and listened to their contemptuous words, he snorted in his heart!

Shen Xiulan said angrily: "Yunhai, these foreign devils are so arrogant! Isn't our brand comparable to their Compaq?"

Li Yunhai sneered and said: "Not necessarily! Our Alienware PC and Dragon PC are very competitive! Okay, let's not talk about this and work hard to receive orders! Today is the last day! Can we exceed the goal of 3 million US dollars? , in one fell swoop.”

Chen Meilin is worthy of being born into a business family. She seems to be born to do business. Her affinity is even better than that of Shen Xiulan. No, she has received another order worth 1500 million US dollars!

Everyone applauded her.

Li Yunhai couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

Everyone is working hard to take orders.

Li Yunhai stopped showing off and joined the ranks of salespeople.

At the end of the afternoon, Jack, the manager of the American branch, came to Li Yunhai and said, "Mr. Li, why don't we set up specialty stores in big cities in every state in the United States? This will definitely be much more useful than participating in an electronics show."

Li Yunhai pondered: "Jack, of course I know that opening a specialty store can drive business. But the cost of opening a specialty store in a big city in the United States is extremely high. Have you ever calculated this? The store we opened in New York has been The money earned was only enough to cover expenses, and there was not much profit.”

Firstly, there is too much competition in New York, and secondly, Sihai Group's brand is not very famous, so Li Yunhai thinks it's great if it can avoid losing money.

If this is the case in New York, how about opening stores in other cities? I'm afraid it will be harder to make money.

In the United States, not only is rent expensive, labor is also extremely expensive, and labor unions are extremely powerful, so workers cannot work overtime casually.

In China, only six people are needed to maintain a store for a whole day, but here in the United States, double or even triple the number of people is needed.

Moreover, wages here in the United States are dozens of times higher than domestic wages!

Sihai Group's products are inherently low-priced and high-quality, with low profits. Under the pressure of high operating costs, Li Yunhai did not dare to expand wantonly.

Even local computer companies in the United States use distribution, distribution, agency, and hierarchical methods for sales.

The advantage of this is that it can lower the manufacturer's sales costs and give all profits and risks to the dealers.

Because of this, the dealer system in the United States is very developed.

But Jack had a different idea. He said: "Mr. Li, Chinese manufacturing is synonymous with low-end products in the eyes of foreigners. Whether you admit it or not, this is a fact. Although our product configuration is very high, The quality is good, but it still feels that way because it’s sold at such a low price.”

Li Yunhai was stunned.

Shen Xiulan said: "Jack, what you said is wrong. Can't we sell it cheaply?"

Jack shook his head and said: "It's not that we are guilty of selling cheaply, but we have given others a stereotype. We have to find ways to change this stereotype, and we need to make more efforts. If we If we can open more specialty stores, consumers will change their view of us."

Li Yunhai touched his chin and pondered.

Jack said: "I have heard of the store opening model headquartered in China. You open the store in the busiest streets, or cooperate with the most famous shopping malls. This will help improve our company's brand image. However, this kind of improvement , only in China. Why not move this model to the United States?"

Li Yunhai said: "Jack, I give you a task. You make a table of the top 20 big cities in the United States, and then conduct market research to find out the wages, rents, store opening costs in these cities, and possible calculations." sales expectations. The more detailed, the better.”

Jack said: "No problem, boss, I will definitely complete the task you assigned."

Li Yunhai said to Shen Xiulan: "After CES, I want to visit other cities in the United States and examine the market here. Will you come with me?"

Shen Xiulan asked: "Is it just the two of us? Who else?"

Li Yunhai said: "There is also Chen Meilin. She rarely comes to the United States. I will take her on a trip."

Shen Xiulan said: "It is simply impossible to travel and inspect the market at the same time. Yunhai, if you want to take her to play, you can take her to play for a few days. You can leave the market research to Jack and the others."

Li Yunhai was stunned: "So? You won't follow me?"

Shen Xiulan bit her lip and said, "I'm sorry, I miss Xiao Jin."

Li Yunhai sighed softly and said, "Why are you women like this? After you have children, do you no longer want men?"

Shen Xiulan said: "We women? Who else besides me? Lin Zhi? Who else?"

Li Yunhai said: "You are all like this anyway!"

Shen Xiulan looked at her watch and said, "The stall will be closed in one hour, so work harder!"

She said softly: "I will accompany you in the evening. I will return to China with everyone tomorrow."

Li Yunhai knew that she had made up her mind and he could not convince her, so he had to agree.

Shen Xiulan made statistics and found that at this CES show, the company had received a total of US$3.2 million in orders, which was already the goal set by Li Yunhai.

Will a miracle happen in the last hour of this CES electronics show? (End of chapter)

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