Life 1984

Chapter 441 No face!

Chapter 441 No face!

Every summer, there will be floods in Xizhou.

Before the rivers were greatly regulated, floods were particularly serious in Xizhou.

The Sihai Group Industrial Park is built on high ground by the river. Every time Li Yunhai visits the park, he can see the roaring river water.

On this day, Shi Wentao came to Xizhou and went to the industrial park with Li Yunhai to inspect the work. After eating in the park canteen, they walked along the Xijiang River together.

Shi Wentao looked at the turbid river water and asked: "Mr. Li, the park is going to be divided into two parts. What's going on?"

Li Yunhai put his hands behind his back and watched Jiang Tao slapping towards the shore. He frowned and said slowly: "This matter actually doesn't matter. We don't need to worry about it. Mr. Shi, let's work together again and open a company, right?"

Shi Wentao became interested as soon as he heard this: "Okay, what company?"

"software company."

"Software company? I don't understand software at all."

"You don't need to understand. I have cooperated with Mr. Shen to develop a financial management software, which has been in post-production. It will be available soon. This software will definitely be very popular in Taiwan. You Responsible for helping us sell.”

"This is great! Financial management software, this is definitely good software! My company has always wanted a software like this!"

"Well, it should be released by the end of the year at the latest. Then I will hand over the overseas distribution rights to you."

"Okay, how about I buy a share?"

"The market is not big, and you won't get much profit from just one share. You might as well make more by selling software!"

"You are my best friend. You will not harm me. I trust you." Shi Wentao smiled and said, "Mr. Li, let's cooperate sincerely and make a fortune together."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Okay!"

Shi Wentao said: "In a word, our Shi family's business will definitely get rich along with you. Wherever the Sihai Group is, our business will be there, and no one can say anything."

Li Yunhai patted Shi Wentao's arm and said: "We just need to run our own business well, don't worry about this. Let's go!"

In the evening, Li Yunhai received a call from Chen Jing.

Chen Jing told Li Yunhai that the last murder case in Yuloudong was ignored.

Li Yunhai asked how to deal with it?

Chen Jing said that the victim was drunk and causing trouble, and the murderer was overly defensive.

Of course, Li Yunhai would not let this matter go. If those two drunkards really came after him, then this matter was a big conspiracy.

However, he had no more clues and could not continue the investigation.

After this murder incident, Xizhou City seemed to have returned to calm. Coupled with the repeated floods, everyone from top to bottom worked together to fight floods and provide disaster relief. No one was interested in doing anything else.

During this year's floods, Sihai Group donated money and materials to the province, amounting to RMB 2 million.

The name of Sihai Group has once again become the focus of discussion throughout the province.

Coupled with Sihai Group's annual donations to the education system, Li Yunhai has gained a reputation as a "philanthropic businessman."

Under such circumstances, even if someone wants to harm him, they have to restrain themselves.

Tuesday, July 8.

Xizhou International Airport was officially put into use.

The main leaders of the province participated in the navigation ceremony.

Li Yunhai was also invited to attend and sat on the podium.

The scene was crowded with people, and a group of lively and lovely female students were organized to present flowers to the leaders.

The little girl who presented flowers to Li Yunhai was about eleven or twelve years old. She was wearing a white shirt, a red skirt, white socks, white sneakers, and a bright red scarf, and she gave him the Young Pioneer salute.

Li Yunhai took the flowers and said with a smile: "Thank you, little girl!"

The little girl's face was red and her eyes were big, and she said, "Hello, dear leader Li!"

Li Yunhai touched her head and said with a smile, "Do you know me?"

The little girl replied loudly and childishly: "I know you! You are Leader Li, the most famous philanthropic entrepreneur in our province!"

Li Yunhai laughed and said, "So good!"

The little girl smiled sweetly: "Leader Li, our school has received your donation, and our teacher has told us about your heroic deeds!"

Li Yunhai thought to himself, how can I become a hero?

I guess the little girl didn’t explain it clearly?

It should be said that it is a story of good people doing good things.

After all, this era is all about learning from good examples and striving to be good people and good deeds.

The little girl thought that Li Yunhai was a hero like a certain uncle in the textbook!

After the ceremony, aviation commemorative envelopes were sold on site.

Li Yunhai didn't know if this kind of commemorative envelope was useful, so he bought a hundred of them and kept them. If not, they could be used as envelopes.

"Hello, Mr. Li!" Xie Yanran came over and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, won't you take our first flight?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said, "You can't just take the first flight, right? When will you go to work? I'll take your flight!"

"Hey, that's great! I'll tell you when I fly someday."


The two had no close contact after having sex that night.

Get together occasionally, have a meal and sing songs.

When she has free time, Xie Yanran will also ask Li Yunhai to open a room to discuss life and ideals together.

But she never made any demands or pestered Li Yunhai.

She is like Li Yunhai's confidante, not even his lover.

Li Yunhai liked her way of getting along very much.

Men, who doesn’t like beautiful women?

I can date occasionally without any hassle.

Who doesn't like such a beauty?

Zhao Jingwen, Huang Ying and others were at the scene and were taking photos with a group of people.

Xie Yanran asked: "Mr. Li, why don't you take a photo with them?"

Li Yunhai said: "It's boring, I might as well take a photo with you!"

Xie Yanran said happily: "Okay, let's take a photo."

She took out a polaroid camera and said with a smile, "I brought a camera!"

Li Yunhai happened to see the little girl who had given him flowers before, so he called her over to take pictures of himself and Xie Yanran.

The little girl is very sensible and knows how to take pictures. She holds up the camera and shouts very loudly: "I shout one, two, three, and you just laugh. Keep your eyes open!"

Xie Yanran held Li Yunhai's arm intimately and rested her head tightly on his shoulder, like a little bird clinging to someone.

The little girl shouted one, two, three and pressed the photo button.

Xie Yanran waved her hand and said: "One more!"

The little girl took another photo.

Xie Yanran looked at the photos and said, "It's very good!"

The little girl said expectantly: "Sister, I want to take a photo with Leader Li. Can you take a photo of me and Leader Li?"

"Okay!" Xie Yanran said, "I'll take pictures for you."

The little girl ran to Li Yunhai, raised her head and looked at Li Yunhai and smiled.

After taking the photo, Li Yunhai saw a young man wearing a white shirt, green trousers and black leather shoes walking over.

This person is Huang Ying's secretary Wang Xiaobing.

"Hello, Mr. Li." Wang Xiaobing said, "Boss Huang, please come over."

Li Yunhai said calmly: "Didn't you see that my friend and I were taking pictures? What instructions does Leader Huang have?"

Wang Xiaobing was obviously stunned for a moment. In his opinion, Huang Ying was his boss and the boss of the entire Xizhou people. Looking at the entire Xizhou, no matter who it was, anyone who was received by Huang Ying was an honor for that person! Li Yunhai is no exception.

As for Li Yunhai's attitude, it was obvious that he didn't take Huang Ying seriously, which made Wang Xiaobing very unhappy.

Wang Xiaobing repeated: "Mr. Li, Leader Huang said, please come over and discuss anything."

Li Yunhai was accompanied by secretaries Su Hong, Zhuang Yong and others.

Su Hong is also a person who knows how to get things done. She stepped forward and said, "Secretary Wang, Mr. Li is taking photos with his friends. If there is anything wrong with your boss Huang, please ask him to come over and tell you!"

Wang Xiaobing immediately became furious: "What? Let our boss come over? Do you know who our boss is?"

Su Hong has followed Li Yunhai for so long, and she also knows that Li Yunhai's status in the province is very aloof, and he doesn't pay attention to ordinary people.

Don't think that your boss is the only one with official airs.

The boss of our Sihai Group also has official airs!

Su Hong still had a smile on her face, and her tone was very respectful, but very polite: "Don't you even know who your boss is? Then how can I know?"

Wang Xiaobing was stunned and gritted his teeth secretly, but he didn't dare to break out.

His boss had an order for him to come over and invite Li Yunhai.

If he didn't invite Li Yunhai over, it would be because he was not doing his job well!

The person who will be reprimanded then will be Wang Xiaobing.

Wang Xiaobing had no choice but to lower his body and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I'll wait for you to finish taking the photo."

Li Yunhai had already finished taking pictures, but he deliberately took a few pictures with Xie Yanran and the little girl.

Such a delay wasted more than ten minutes.

Wang Xiaobing was waiting impatiently, but he was helpless and didn't even dare to say anything urging.

Li Yunhai finally finished taking the photo and said to Su Hong: "I'm thirsty, bring me a bottle of water to drink."

Su Hong quickly took a bottle of mineral water provided by the airport, unscrewed the bottle cap herself, and handed it to Li Yunhai respectfully.

Li Yunhai drank half of the bottle of water, and then said to Wang Xiaobing: "Are you looking for me?"

Wang Xiaobing was so angry that he had to ask Li Yunhai to come over again even though he knew that Li Yunhai was pretending. Li Yunhai did not answer, but said to Su Hong: "Go and tell Comrade Huang Ying that I have something to do and I don't have time to meet today. Let's make an appointment later when you have time!"

Su Hong pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay, Mr. Li!"

Wang Xiaobing rolled his eyes in anger!

You don't have time? You should have told me earlier! Let me wait for you here for most of the day in vain!

Besides, are you not free? You and the little girl have been taking photos for half a day!

You clearly don't take our boss Huang seriously!

But he couldn't tie Li Yunhai over, so he had to leave bitterly.

Su Hong walked over, said a few words to Huang Ying, and then came back to report to Li Yunhai.

"Mr. Li, Leader Huang said that since Mr. Li is not free now, we can make an appointment later."

Li Yunhaiyun nodded softly.

What's wrong with him?

There is also a dinner party at noon!

There are many people coming to chat with Li Yunhai, and he seems to be really busy.

Wang Xiaobing returned to Huang Ying, started to stir up trouble, and said a lot of bad things about Li Yunhai.

Huang Ying gave Wang Xiaobing a stern look and said, "How come you can't even do this little thing well? You must be so arrogant that you offended Mr. Li!"

Wang Xiaobing was so frightened that his palms broke out in cold sweat: "No, it's not. Li Yunhai is very arrogant, and he even asked the boss to go there in person! He is just a deputy director of Tianhua Building, but he dares to do it in front of the boss So presumptuous! He is simply arrogant! Boss, how can you tolerate such a person?"

Huang Ying snorted coldly and said nothing.

Because Li Yunhai was qualified and capable, he could show off his attitude in front of Huang Ying.

Huang Ying was helpless about this.

During the noon banquet, Li Yunhai was invited by Zhao Jingwen to sit at the chief's table.

Li Yunhai couldn't bear to say he was ashamed.

Zhao Jingwen and others said that Mr. Li deserved the honor.

Li Yunhai had no choice but to sit in the chief seat and drink and chat with everyone.

Time flies, and summer passes and autumn comes in the blink of an eye.

Sihai Group is preparing for the Autumn Canton Fair.

On this day, Zhao Jinping ran into Li Yunhai's office in a hurry.

Li Yunhai was on the phone with Guo Wanhua. When he saw Zhao Jinping's panicked expression, he ended the call and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Jinping said: "Mr. Li, a batch of goods we sent to Yuezhou was seized by the local transportation management department."

Li Yunhai was surprised: "Why is this?"

Zhao Jinping said: "It is said that our driver violated the speed limit."

Li Yunhai said: "Speed? What's the big deal? Just pay a fine, right?"

Zhao Jinping said: "They said they wanted to impound the car."

Li Yunhai said: "Looking for connections to smooth things over! This is unreasonable!"

Zhao Jinping said: "I have already contacted someone. Yuezhou said they would handle it, but it may take time."

Li Yunhai asked: "How long?"

Zhao Jinping smiled bitterly and said: "They said it could be as little as one week and as much as three months."

Li Yunhai became furious when he heard this: "Just because we exceeded the speed limit, our truck will be impounded for three months? Are you kidding me?"

Zhao Jinping said: "Mr. Li, I wonder if we have met a villain? They are clearly deliberately trying to embarrass us! This batch of goods is very important, and the dealers in Yuezhou are waiting to use it!"

Li Yunhai muttered: "In this case, send another batch of goods! Don't take the road, send trains instead!"

Zhao Jinping said: "Okay, Mr. Li. What about this batch of goods?"

Li Yunhai said: "I want to see how long they will hold you!"

As a result, a week later, the goods were still detained in Yuezhou.

Li Yunhai finally understood.

Someone is indeed fixing themselves!

But Li Yunhai did not compromise, but took Yuezhou's transportation management to court.

The reason for his lawsuit is also very good. The other party illegally detained the company's transportation vehicle!

Then, Li Yunhai called Lin Zhenbang.

As you can imagine, Sihai Group won the case.

The Yuezhou transportation management department must unconditionally release the impounded transportation vehicles and at the same time compensate Sihai Group for its economic losses of 200 million yuan!

Between conspiracy and conspiracy, Li Yunhai adopted the conspiracy.

And he won big!

After the matter was settled, Li Yunhai turned his attention to the Autumn Canton Fair.

Li Yunhai did not attend the Autumn Canton Fair, but stayed in Xizhou to accompany Lin Zhi, Shen Xiulan and their two children.

Sihai Group now has a large number of regular customers at the Canton Fair. At the end of each session, it can achieve a transaction volume of at least one to two billion US dollars.

No matter how much trading volume there is, even if Li Yunhai tries his best, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough.

There are only so many merchants participating in the exhibition, and even fewer merchants purchasing office equipment.

Li Yunhai only needs remote control command.

Sihai Group has trained a group of college salesmen with strong foreign language proficiency and sales ability.

Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan, these veteran salesmen, can retire.

Not surprisingly, at this Canton Fair, Sihai Group received an order of US$2.3 million.

Li Yunhai, Guo Wanhua and others discussed that the group's dealer conference should not be held before the Spring Festival. This would be too late, and many people would not come to attend in order to prepare for the New Year.

Therefore, after discussions among the group's senior executives, it was decided to hold the annual dealer conference in November, that is, after the Canton Fair.

As soon as the Canton Fair is over, prepare for the dealer meeting immediately, so you have enough time so you won’t be too busy.

Once the time is changed, the information must be reprinted and all dealers at home and abroad must be notified.

Last year's Xiangjiang Dealers Conference was an extremely successful event.

Li Yunhai decided that this year's dealer conference will also be held in Xiangjiang.

And it is held both domestically and internationally.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi discussed going to Xiangjiang for a few days for this year's dealer conference.

Lin Zhi agreed.

Of course Shen Xiulan is going too.

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan were already discussing what items for infants and young children they should go to Xiangjiang to purchase.

Li Yunhai and others booked flights to Huacheng in advance, and then transferred from Huacheng to Xiangjiang.

Guo Wanhua put a lot of thought into preparing for the new dealer conference.

Zhu Lin, Gong Jie, Zheng Yuan and other branch managers will also go to Xiangjiang to participate in this dealer conference.

In early November, Li Yunhai and others set out for Xiangjiang.

The company holds dealer conferences every year and has already established mature processes and routines.

Li Yunhai didn't have to worry about anything going wrong.

After arriving in Xiangjiang, Li Yunhai took Guo Wanjie, Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan shopping.

Neither Li Yanxi nor Li Yanjin brought them over, but stayed in Xizhou and handed them over to Tang Yuxia and Fang Peihua.

Both parties hired nannies, and with two grandmothers taking care of them, Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan felt relieved.

When shopping, Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan only chose baby stores to visit.

Once the two of them entered the store, they couldn't get out. They had to pick out a lot of various things.

Li Yunhai told them: "Buy whatever you like, but there is no need to rush to buy. If you want to buy anything in the future, you can ask Sister Guo to help us carry it over."

Guo Wanhua smiled and said: "Actually, there are many large shopping malls in Pengcheng now, selling both Hong Kong and imported goods."

Lin Zhi and Shen Xiulan are not afraid of this. They come here to buy things.

As they were shopping, Li Yunhai saw a sea of ​​people on the street and police cars clearing the way.

Guo Wanhua laughed and said: "It seems that members of the British royal family are visiting Hong Kong!"

Lin Zhi asked: "The Emperor?"

Guo Wanhua said: "It seems that the person who came is that princess."

Li Yunhai said: "Princess Dai?"

Guo Wanhua said: "Yes, that's her."

Li Yunhai thought to himself, what a coincidence?

The last time he went to Japan, he met Princess Dai once.

This time I met her again in Xiangjiang!

I just don’t know, does Princess Diana still remember him?

(End of this chapter)

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