Life 1984

Chapter 420 Breaking the promise again and again

Chapter 420 Repeated broken promises
  The CES show has entered its third day.

Everyone in the Sihai Group tightened their heartstrings.

However, no miracle happened. Sihai Group only received an order of US$1500 million in half a day.

The trading volume is getting less and less day by day!

This is also the normal trading volume at an electronics show. Just like the Canton Fair, the first two days have the largest number of foreign businessmen visiting the exhibition, and the trading volume is also the largest, and it gets smaller towards the back.

In the afternoon, Li Yunhai simply went to the electronics exhibition with Professor Ni to learn about cutting-edge technology and see what other things foreigners had invented.

Almost all electronic products from around the world will appear at this exhibition, which attracts more than 1600 reporters every year.

Video games are also the most popular category.

Toyo's video game consoles are so popular that people have to queue up to try them out.

Li Yunhai asked Professor Ni a question: "Why doesn't a company as big as Apple come to CES?"

Professor Ni smiled and said: "Apple only has one computer that is reasonably good, and many of its other products are not very technological. And their computers already occupy a certain market share, so it doesn't matter whether they participate in this CES show or not." big."

Li Yunhai thought to himself, it turned out that the apples this year were not that good.

At CES, in the 60s, auditory equipment was the main focus, and in the 70s, audio-visual equipment was the main focus.

The 80s ushered in the wave of digitalization, and car audio and mobile phones also entered people's lives.

Li Yunhai knows the next trend, which is the coming 90s, which is the real era of personal computers, the Internet, and mobile phones.

In any industry, true prosperity can only be achieved when a hundred flowers bloom.

According to statistics from IBM and Apple, the PC industry in the 80s could only be called its embryonic period, and its real development period was in the 90s.

Therefore, even if he fails to complete the task this year, Li Yunhai is not discouraged.

When passing the Lianxiang company's booth, Professor Ni said hello to his familiar colleagues.

Lianxiang Company only brought one motherboard and one computer to the exhibition. In three days, they only received orders worth more than [-] million US dollars. However, this transaction volume was already very high for them. Look at the expressions on each of their faces. It was a joyful scene.

The other party is also self-aware and knows that neither the number of products nor the volume of transactions can be compared with Sihai Group, so they no longer make self-destructive comparisons.

However, some people still ask Professor Ni how many orders Sihai Group has received?

Professor Ni said that this year's performance was not good and he only received more than [-] million.

After hearing this, even the people from the company lost their composure and asked, "Are you talking about U.S. dollars?"
  Professor Ni said that in the United States, the currency unit is of course the US dollar.

More than a billion dollars!
  Also used a "only"!
  This is the proper Versailles!
  Even the company dreams of getting orders worth over [-] million.

Professor Ni saw the jealousy in the other party's eyes and said: "Sihai Group has rich product lines and many employees, which you cannot compare with. You have received orders of more than [-] million US dollars, while we have received orders of [-] million US dollars." The money earned from orders may be about the same. Our company spends a lot of money, especially investing heavily in scientific research. It looks like we are making money, but in fact we don’t have much income.”

The people at Lianxiang Company laughed and said it was indeed the case.

Li Yunhai thought to himself that after entering the 90s, Sihai Group's biggest domestic rival was this company. He hoped that both parties could occupy a place instead of fighting to the death.

At the end of the third day, Sihai Group received an order worth US$3000 million.

After get off work, Lin Zhi felt a little depressed.

Li Yunhai asked her what happened?
  Lin Zhi said: "If Xiulan was here, would our trading volume be higher?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said, "It's hard to say."

Lin Zhi said: "I heard my colleagues talking about it, saying that if Mr. Shen was here, we would definitely be able to complete the task. They all think Xiulan is very good at billing, at least much better than me."

This topic is too sensitive.

Li Yunhai didn't want to discuss too much, so he changed the subject and asked her what she wanted to eat today.
  Lin Zhi shook her head slightly and said she had no appetite.

Li Yunhai took her to the street and found another Chinese restaurant.

This is a restaurant opened by Sichuan and Chongqing people.

As soon as Li Yunhai heard his boss speak, he recognized his accent.

He looked at the menu and asked the boss: "Do you have any chili dishes here? It's best to have chili peppers brought from China."

The boss, a middle-aged man in his forties, laughed when he heard it: "We do have dried chili peppers, but we usually keep them for cooking. Foreigners can't eat such spicy food. Are you here to travel?"

Li Yunhai responded casually and said, "Boss, just use domestic dried chili peppers to stir-fry a plate of meat for us. I've been out for a few days and I haven't tasted the taste of chili peppers. I really miss it! I'll order another one." Spare ribs soup, a spicy stir-fried chicken, and a vegetable. I'll give you the price."

The boss said okay and went to cook.

Smelling the familiar and pungent aroma of chili peppers, Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi sneezed and laughed at the same time. Chili dishes still taste good!

The dishes were served one after another.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi couldn't wait to taste it.

"It's delicious!" Lin Zhi said with a smile, "It tastes like hometown food."

Business in the store was average. After the boss finished cooking, he had nothing to do, so he chatted with Li Yunhai and the others.

"It's hard to do business! We have no other skills and don't know any skills here. We can only make a living by opening restaurants." The boss handed a cigarette to Li Yunhai, "But the dishes we cook are not suitable for the locals. We can only work hard to integrate the flavors."

Li Yunhai asked: "How much money can your shop make in a year?"

The boss shook his head after hearing this: "Where can we make money? We have only been open for about half a year, and now we are still losing money!"

Li Yunhai thought to himself, no wonder he didn't see this store when he came last year. It turned out to be a newly opened store.

"Opening a typing and copying shop in North America should be a good business, right?" Lin Zhi suddenly said.

Li Yunhai said: "Of course it can be opened. Most students need to frequently copy various textbooks, notes and test papers. And labor here is more expensive, so most people type up the materials first and then take them to copy. Not It will be like in China, where you can type a few thousand words for a few dollars or something.”

After hearing this, the shop owner asked: "Excuse me, what does the typing and copying shop you are talking about do? What kind of business is it? Can you talk to me about it?"

Li Yunhai told him the model of opening a typing and copying shop.

The boss became interested and asked how much it would cost to open a store like this.

Li Yunhai said that with the money to rent the shop and the money to buy the machine, your shop is in a good location. If you want to change careers, you only need to buy more machines. If you want to decorate your store, you only need to paint it white. A set of machines, including a computer, copier, and printer, costs about $[-] to buy. If you have the strength, you can buy a few more sets.

There are also typing and copying shops in the United States, and there are many large chain copying shops with expensive charges.

If the Chinese enter this field, they can take advantage of the price due to their low labor value.

The most expensive thing in the United States is labor.

The Chinese who go abroad only want to make money. Their wages are already lower than those of white people, and their expectations for income are also different.

This business really has great potential.

The boss asked Li Yunhai where to buy these equipment? Which brand is better to buy?
  As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain. For people who don't understand computers, computers are just a high-tech product that they can't understand. When many people buy a computer, they will find a knowledgeable person to guide them as a consultant.

Li Yunhai handed him a business card and said: "This is our domestic office equipment company. It is participating in the CES electronics show. It has computers, copiers, printers, typewriters, and large engineering equipment. If you are really interested, you can Go find them. This company has opened a branch in North America, located in Manhattan, New York. After-sales service is also very convenient."

The boss took the business card and put it away solemnly: "I will seriously consider it. Is it easy to learn typing and copying? I only have a high school education and have never touched a computer."

Li Yunhai said: "If you just want to learn how to type and copy, you can learn it in a few days, as long as you have a junior high school degree or above. You'd better find a professional computer training school to learn. Sihai Group has a computer school in New York. You can learn more about it when you have time.”

The boss smiled and said: "That's great! I will definitely take the time to take a look."

After eating, Li Yunhai paid the bill and left with Lin Zhi.

"Yunhai, is there also a Sihai Computer School in New York?"

"It's not open yet, but it will be open soon. Our domestic model can also be copied abroad. Sihai stores, computer schools, typing and copying shops, these industries are very profitable at home, and they will definitely be profitable abroad. Got the money.”

"Yes, you can try it."

"If the Sihai store model is effective, we will open a direct store in every city in Beijin. In the future, we will not have to rely too much on agents and various exhibitions. Exhibitions are more of a new technology exist through communication.”

The two chatted, walked around, and returned to the hotel.

The next day is the last day of the CES show.

Li Yunhai and Lin Xiaofeng sat together to discuss expanding overseas sales channels.

Li Yunhai thought it was feasible to copy mature domestic operating models abroad.

Opening a direct store in the city center of the largest city in North America to sell the company's products is also the best channel.

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Yunhai, you have also seen the environment here. Things like robberies and shop smashing often occur, especially shops opened by foreigners. They are often targeted. It is okay to open a shop here, but it must be Pay attention to safety." Li Yunhai said: "Then let's find a shopping mall in a prime location to cooperate?"

Lin Xiaofeng said: "The national conditions in the United States are different from those in China. The United States is vast and sparsely populated, and public transportation is not very developed, so travel depends on cars. This is why the automobile industry in the United States is so developed. The United States Most of the large shopping malls are located in the suburbs, where parking is convenient."

Li Yunhai said: "What do you think, should we cooperate with large supermarket chains? Or should we cooperate with shopping malls in the city center? Or should we find storefronts ourselves to open stores?"

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Searching for a shop by ourselves is the most risky. Once the business in this location is not good, it will be very troublesome for us to change. But if we find others to cooperate, we can continue if there is business, and leave if the business is not good. We don't have too many worries." "

Li Yunhai said: "Then let's find a local department store to cooperate! We can rent space, just like we do in China."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "We can choose a few big cities to pilot it first. If business is good, we will advance it in North America."

Li Yunhai said yes.

On the last day of the CES exhibition, foreign businessmen who come to visit the exhibition will make a decision today if they have purchasing intentions.

The opening business of Sihai Group was a customer who had visited before but did not place an order.

This customer was very optimistic about Alienware computers, so he purchased 2000 units and 1200 printers. The order amount was US$[-] million.

After a good start, the rest of the business will go smoothly.

Li Yunhai and others received the order.

They were so busy that they could only sit down for a while while signing the contract.

After a busy day, statistics show that the transaction volume this year is the highest, reaching more than 7000 million US dollars.

The total order volume in the four days was US$1.85 million.

It’s close to the US$2 million target set by Li Yunhai.

Li Yunhai is deeply satisfied with this result. Although he did not achieve his goal, the bonus will not be less.

In addition, each person will receive an additional reward of US$[-], which is also the fine tradition of Sihai Group.

So although business trips abroad are very difficult, everyone is willing to come.

With such a generous boss, traveling on business is a great thing!

In the evening, Li Yunhai treated everyone to a treat and said thank you to everyone.

He also specifically told everyone not to enter the casino after receiving the bonus. Nine out of ten bets will result in losses. It is better to use the money to buy something to take home.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi discussed the next travel itinerary.

He will first go to New York to recruit employees, and at the same time, he will also make arrangements for subsequent channel development.

Lin Zhi was not very interested in other places in the United States, so she said that she should go to New York and have a look! Then we go home.

Chen Hong was about to return to China, but she had not yet made an appointment with Li Yunhai. She was a little anxious. After dinner, she boldly walked up to Li Yunhai, held his hand, and said anxiously and panicked: "In the evening Come to me!”

Li Yunhai huffed.

He and Lin Zhi went to watch free performances in front of major hotels.

In order to attract tourists to come and gamble, these hotels will prepare exquisite performances.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi only watched the performance and did not go in to gamble.

Lin Zhi held Li Yunhai's hand tightly throughout the whole process, and the two of them strolled on the street until the night fell, and then they returned to the hotel.

As soon as the two arrived on the floor, they found Lin Xiaofeng and David arguing with the door open.

Lin Zhi stepped forward and asked, "Auntie, what's wrong?"

Lin Xiaofeng pointed at David and said with an aggrieved look: "I told him not to gamble, but he didn't listen! One night, in just two or three hours, he lost 10 US dollars!"

Lin Zhi took a breath!
  US$10 is actually nothing to Lin Xiaofeng, but it is not a small sum after all.

David was like a child who made mistakes, standing and letting Lin Xiaofeng criticize him.

"I didn't expect that my luck would be so bad!" David shrugged helplessly, spread his hands and said, "What I lost was my own money, really my own."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Your own money? Can you just lose your money? Why don't you give it to me and my children if you have money? How high is your salary now? Is it easy for you to make some money? How old are you? ?Why haven’t you grown up yet? You still gamble even though you know you will lose!”

David was speechless after what he said, and he couldn't help but feel resentful when he thought about his failed life.

Lin Zhi persuaded him: "Auntie, forget it, just tell him not to gamble again."

It was not easy to persuade them.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi went back to their room to rest.

Tonight, he missed his appointment again and did not go to see Chen Hong.

The next morning, all the employees of Sihai Group returned to their home countries and those who wanted to travel went out for a trip.

Li Yunhai, Lin Zhi, Lin Xiaofeng, David and others went to New York.

He is looking for an advertising company to shoot a new commercial.

Apply for new employees at the same time.

Because of the advertisement in the newspaper, hundreds of people applied for the job!

However, Li Yunhai only provided a dozen jobs in the newspaper.

These applicants submitted their resumes first.

Li Yunhai browsed through it briefly and found that there were dozens of Chinese people inside, including international students looking for part-time jobs and some from China.

He happened to want to expand Sihai Group's business in North America. He wanted to open a store and a computer school, and needed to recruit a group of more employees, so he and Lin Zhi and others made a plan and decided to recruit 50 people first this time. Even so, it was only one out of ten.

It seems that finding a job in New York is very competitive!

The day after arriving in New York, Li Yunhai arranged an interview.

He personally interviewed dozens of candidates for manager positions.

These people come from all over the world, with all skin colors, and many of them come to New York to hunt for gold.

Li Yunhai did not refuse or agree on the spot. Instead, he applied first and then notified the accepted candidates by email or phone.

After some careful consideration, Li Yunhai chose one of the applicants, a Mito named Charlie, as the branch manager.

Lin Xiaofeng and others are responsible for selecting candidates for other positions, and they also have answers.

After finalizing the candidates for the work team, Li Yunhai made some major adjustments to the branch's personnel.

He then set about establishing a Sihai store and a computer school.

Because we didn’t know the depth of water in North America, the scale of the first store was not too large.

Li Yunhai insists on opening the Sihai store to the busiest streets. Even if it does not make money, it will be good for improving the brand image.

The cost of doing this is that the rent and labor are more than twice as expensive as other places.

Li Yunhai personally selected the address of Sihai Store.

As for computer schools, they can be a little more selective. They mainly rely on advertising to recruit students.

After finishing his work, Li Yunhai took his wife to visit several major attractions in New York before heading back home.

After such a delay, the time quickly came to the end of January.

And February 2th is the Lunar New Year’s Eve in 5!

After returning home, Li Yunhai received a call from Chen Hong on his first day at work.

"What do you mean you keep breaking appointments?" Chen Hong asked aggressively.

Li Yunhai said calmly: "Because it's inconvenient!"

Chen Hong said angrily: "Okay, then I'll go find you now!"

Li Yunhai thought for a while and said, "You stay in Shanghai and don't move. I will go there."

(End of this chapter)

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