Life 1984

Chapter 408 International Lawsuit

Li Yunhai's bravery frightened the male and female students. The boy who fell on the ground turned around and looked at Li Yunhai in shock, then got up and ran away with his companions.

They probably all regard Li Yunhai as a young and Dangerous boy.

Zhuang Yong was not far away and smiled when he saw this scene.

After dinner, Chen Meilin said she didn't want to go home so early, so she dragged Li Yunhai to watch a movie before going back.

Guo Wanhua was on the phone when she saw Li Yunhai coming in and waved to him.

Li Yunhai sat next to her.

After Guo Wanhua hung up the phone, she said with a serious face: "Yunhai, something happened. A printer company in Japan sued our company to the International Court of Justice. The International Court of Justice accepted the case and transferred it to the Xiangjiang International Arbitration Center for trial. . I received a call from the Hong Kong Commission in the afternoon. People from the Hong Kong Commission told me that the case is still under investigation and they asked us to prepare relevant complaint materials and hand them over to them for investigation. I just consulted Chen Guangxin and others, They all said that international lawsuits like this are very common and they just let us take them and there is no need to panic.”

Li Yunhai knew that what was supposed to come had come.

Unexpectedly, the Toyo people really wanted to take away Sihai Group’s micro-piezoelectric printing technology!
Guo Wanhua mainly manages the company's trade and administrative affairs and does not know much about technology. She asked: "Yunhai, what's going on? Why are they suing us?"

Li Yunhai shook his head slightly and said: "Sister Guo, it's a long story. Let me explain to you this way. We are studying micro-piezoelectric printing technology at the same time as the Japanese. They have been doing related research since the 70s. Research, and our company was founded in 1984. Although we started late, because we took the right research direction, we came out with the research results first."

"So, this result is ours?"

"Definitely ours."

"Then why do they sue us?"

"Because they want to steal it. Even if they can't steal the technology from us, they still want to get the same patent rights as us."

"You mean, they also want to produce micropiezoelectric printers?"

"Yes, this is their ultimate goal."

"Then we can definitely win this lawsuit!"

"To win a lawsuit, we don't just have to be reasonable. Although the reason is on our side, how to make a decision? The power lies with the Hong Kong Commission!"

Hong Kong Arbitration Center, also known as the Hong Kong Arbitration Center, was established to meet the needs of commercial arbitration in Southeast Asia. It also provides third-place arbitration services for economic disputes between mainland parties and foreign parties.

This organization was established in September 1985 as a non-profit, neutral organization. The Arbitration Center is led by a Board of Directors, which is composed of businessmen from different countries and other professionals with different expertise and experience. The business activities of the Arbitration Center are managed by the Board Management Committee through the Secretary-General, who is the head of the Arbitration Center. Chief Executive and Registrar.

Guo Wanhua said: "Fortunately, the case is being heard in the Hong Kong Arbitration Commission. I have heard of this institution before, and most of them are Chinese. It is relatively easy for us to smoothen the relationship."

Because Sihai Group’s global headquarters is in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Arbitration Commission notified Guo Wanhua.

Li Yunhai had made detailed preparations before, but he didn't bring the relevant information with him.

He immediately called back to Xizhou and asked someone there to send the information immediately.

Su Hong just returned home and had to go to Xiangjiang again.

Li Yunhai asked Guo Wanhua: "Has the Hong Kong Commission said when the court will be held?"

Su Hong said: "They said they would investigate first and then hold court after the investigation is completed. I have contacted the company's legal team and they will provide us with legal support."

Li Yunhai nodded calmly.

Fortunately, he has a strong sense of law, and all the company's scientific research results have been registered as patents.

And relevant files are also filed.

As long as there is a fair and just verdict in this case, Sihai Group will not suffer any loss.

This is the first time that Sihai Group has been involved in a lawsuit since its establishment, and it is an international lawsuit.

The next day, Li Yunhai, Guo Wanhua and two lawyers came to the Hong Kong Arbitration Center to meet with the relevant personnel responsible for the case.

Because the materials were still on the way, Li Yunhai first stated his views on the case orally.

The person in charge of the Hong Kong Commission is named Liang Wenkuan, a man in his 50s with gray hair.

Liang Wenkuan listened to Li Yunhai's story carefully.

"Mr. Li, let me ask you a few questions. Please answer me truthfully."

"Okay, Mr. Liang. Excuse me."

"Is there any business dealings between your company and the plaintiff from Dongyang?"

"Mr. Liang, I can responsibly say that there is no relationship between our two companies, nor any economic, business, or personnel dealings."

"Douyang's plaintiff company, are there any employees who have left the company working in your company?"

"No, not one. The ones we use are all Chinese."

"What about your company's overseas offices? Do you use retired technical personnel from the Toyo plaintiff company?"

"Mr. Liang, our company has been developing in the mainland. It has been in recent years that we have set up a global headquarters in Hong Kong. As for overseas branches, we only started construction last year. Before that, our micro piezoelectric printer had been launched. and registered a global patent.”

"The Toyo Plaintiff Company said that they have been engaged in research on this technology since the 70s and have invested huge amounts of money as a result. Sihai Group was established in 1984, and it only took you a few years to successfully research it?"

"Technically, we only had a few months of development time."

"Mr. Li, may I ask why you were able to successfully develop it so quickly?"

"Because we are on the right track, because the Chinese are very smart. Just like we were able to develop two bombs and one satellite in the most difficult times, it is the same reason."

"Mr. Li, that's all I have to ask. After your materials are delivered to Xiangjiang, please hand them over to our company as soon as possible. We will investigate and collect evidence. We may need to go to the mainland and visit your company then. Please also be responsible for the reception and cooperate with our investigation."

"Okay, Mr. Liang, we will fully cooperate with your investigation. Thank you for your hard work!"

After the formal conversation ended, Li Yunhai said: "Mr. Liang, I don't understand something. Because the Dongyang people have not successfully developed it at all, why do they have to sue us? Why would the International Court of Justice accept such a case?"

Liang Wenkuan said: "Mr. Li, they have provided detailed information and relevant evidence. In this case, the International Court of Justice must accept it."

Li Yunhai said: "What evidence did they provide? Did they provide evidence that we plagiarized their technology? They didn't succeed in their research, so how can we steal something that we don't have?"

Liang Wenkuan took off his glasses, rubbed the corners of his eyes vigorously, and said: "They only provided evidence that they began to study micropiezoelectric technology in the 70s, and that Sihai Group was founded in 1984. They believe that it is impossible for you to do it in a short time. The research was successful within a certain period of time. In addition, the international financial situation was unstable before, and the Toyo Plaintiff Company laid off a group of employees, so they suspect that it was these technicians who leaked technical secrets that allowed you to stand on their shoulders and achieve what they have now. results."

Li Yunhai said: "If you can prosecute based on this kind of evidence alone, will your lawsuit be successful?"

Liang Wenkuan said: "Mr. Li, we will not listen to one side of the story, nor will we favor them just because they are plaintiffs, nor will we give them preferential treatment just because they are Japanese. We only talk about evidence and the law. Taking a step back, we The Hong Kong Arbitration Commission only arbitrates, and the local court executes the arbitration. If you are not satisfied with the future arbitration results, you can also appeal to the mainland courts. If the local court determines that our arbitration results are wrong, you can apply to revoke us in accordance with the law. the arbitration result.”

Li Yunhai thought to himself, it turns out that it can still be like this, and there will be a lot of room for maneuver!

Even if the Dongyang people play tricks and win the arbitration in Hong Kong, Sihai Group can still withdraw the lawsuit in the mainland.

What's more, Li Yunhai is confident that he can win this lawsuit!
On the way home, Guo Wanhua thought of something: "Yunhai, our company is about to issue additional shares, and Dongyang people have launched a lawsuit at this point. Will there be any impact after we issue additional shares?"

Li Yunhai has already considered this, but now the additional issuance is imminent and has to be launched!

"I don't think the impact will be big," Li Yunhai said. "As the saying goes, good fortune and bad luck depend on each other. If we can win the lawsuit, the stock price may still rise."

His optimism also infected Guo Wanhua.

After Su Hong got the information, she rushed to Xiangjiang overnight and handed the information to Li Yunhai. Accompanying Su Hong were Professor Ni and the main research team of micro-piezoelectric printers.

They are the real people behind the micropiezoelectric printer.

Li Yunhai led his team members to meet with Liang Wenguan of the Hong Kong Arbitration Center again and submitted the complaint materials in person.

The research and development of a technology will have a process from scratch.

This process is very complicated, every step is taken carefully and recorded.

Because scientific research is easy to fail, and once it fails, it is necessary to review or even start over, so every step must be recorded. This is the most basic job of scientific researchers.

Every employee of Sihai Research Institute has the most detailed scientific research notes.

These notes record the progress of daily research and development, as well as the details of failures and successes.

Discussions between the team, insights on technology development, and speeches at each seminar are all recorded.

Through these notes and relevant record data from the scientific research institute, professionals can completely determine whether this technology is original to Sihai Group.

Toyo Plaintiff Company also submitted relevant information and data.

By comparing the two data, you will know whether there is plagiarism and who plagiarized whom?
In addition, scientific research is about solving problems.

For the same test question, different people have different ideas for solving the problem, but it is also possible that everyone has the same idea, and there is a problem of collision.

Just as Canon and HP were developing thermal foam printing technology, the two companies collided.

Li Yunhai had seen the materials left by the Japanese and found that the research and development ideas between the two were completely different.

Not to mention plagiarism, even learning from it is of little significance.

Without Li Yunhai, given the research speed of the Japanese people, it would have taken at least several years to succeed.

But things in this world cannot be spread all over the world if they are justified.

Otherwise, how could there be so many unjust, false and wrongful convictions?

Cases are investigated and judged by people, and the final outcome depends on the quality and morality of the judges.

In the past few days, Li Yunhai has been busy working on this matter.

In the evening, Li Yunhai hosted Professor Ni and others for a banquet.

Professor Ni spoke angrily, saying why should the Japanese snatch away the results of our own research? If robbery can be successful in this way, then this world will really become a world of robbers!

Other researchers are also filled with outrage.

Li Yunhai did not participate in their discussion because it was meaningless.

They submitted materials and appealed, and could only wait for the arbitration result from the Hong Kong Arbitration Commission.

The lawsuit here is still ongoing, but the additional stock issuance is imminent.

Guo Wanhua and Li Yunhai discussed whether to delay the additional issuance? Wait until the lawsuit is over?
Li Yunhai said there was no need to wait!
When it is time to issue more shares, we will issue more shares. When it is time to file a lawsuit, we will file a lawsuit. We are afraid of wolves in the front and tigers in the back. In the end, nothing will be accomplished.

What if the lawsuit drags on again and again, until next year?
Guo Wanhua, of course, based on Li Yunhai's opinion, carried out additional issuance on the originally scheduled day.

On the day of Sihai's additional stock issuance, Li Yunhai personally came to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and held a press conference.

At the meeting, Li Yunhai preached about the great achievements made by Sihai Group in recent years, explained to everyone the international achievements of Alienware and Longteng PC, and introduced the huge investment of US$10 billion by Sihai Group in The Sihai Plaza project developed by Beijin Investment.

For a time, the spotlights flashed non-stop, and countless media reporters jointly recorded Li Yunhai's majestic appearance.

As for the lawsuit between Toyo and Sihai Group, only people in a small circle know about it, not the outside world, and it will have no impact on Sihai Group's stock price.

However, there are always people causing trouble, lest the world remain in chaos.

A reporter raised his hand to speak and asked loudly: "Mr. Li, I heard someone said that you and the Dongyang people are in a lawsuit. Is it true? What disputes do you have with the Dongyang people? Can you explain it in detail?"

Guo Wanhua and others were surprised!
Because of this matter, only a few people from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Center knew about it, and then only the Sihai Group and Dongyang people knew about it.

It is impossible for people from Sihai Group to spread such bad news about the company.

The people at the Hong Kong arbitration center are not so boring, spreading case information everywhere.

The only explanation is the conspiracy of the Japanese!

Guo Wanhua, Professor Ni and others stood together and discussed in low voices.

What they were most worried about was how Li Yunhai would answer reporters' questions.

Li Yunhai looked calm, smiled slightly, and asked: "Mr. reporter, which newspaper do you work for? What is your name? Where did you hear that we are in a lawsuit?"

The reporter handed the microphone in his hand forward and said: "Mr. Li, I am a reporter from a certain newspaper. I have heard people talk about this matter, but I don't know whether it is true or not, so I asked you to confirm it. Excuse me The Japanese said that you stole their technology, is that true?"

Li Yunhai's sharp eyes slowly swept across the reporter's face and said: "The Japanese really want to steal our technology. They couldn't research it, so they came up with such despicable means to take away the micro-pressure technology from us. Electric printing technology. They think that we are still in North China in the 30s! They can grab whatever they want! As we all know, we have already registered a patent for micro piezoelectric printers and sell this machine around the world. It’s been two years! They couldn’t figure it out, so they just wanted to steal it from us! Do you think we can make their conspiracy succeed?”

He did not deny the matter, which surprised Guo Wanhua and others.

And his sensational behavior surprised everyone even more!

Guo Wanhua whispered: "Professor Ni, what is Yunhai trying to do?"

Professor Ni touched his chin and said, "Mr. Li always acts in a safe manner. No matter what he does, there must be deep meaning."

Li Yunhai became more and more passionate as he spoke: "As for the Japanese people's seizure of our patented technology, we have submitted complaint materials to the Hong Kong Arbitration Center. We believe that the Hong Kong Arbitration Center will make a fair arbitration! Here, I also appeal to everyone Comrade journalists, please stand on the side of justice and help our Sihai Group to crush the tricks of the Japanese!"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

The reporter who asked the question before also started to help Li Yunhai and said: "So that's it! Our newspaper office bought Sihai Group's printer when it was first launched. It saves consumables. This is indeed an epoch-making great product! For two years, the Toyo people have not sued, and now they are suing suddenly. Is it because they understand that it is impossible for the Toyo people to develop such a good product, so they can only rob it?"

Li Yunhai said: "Comrade reporter, your logic is very clear. You have correctly guessed the sinister intentions of the Japanese people!"

The reporter loudly appealed: "Dear colleagues, we should help the Sihai Group to fight against the robbing behavior of the Japanese!"

Many people at the scene raised their hands and shouted: "Support Sihai Group!"

A press conference for additional stock issuance turned into a denunciation meeting against the Japanese.

As the stock market opened, the additional shares issued by Sihai Group officially entered the market.

After Li Yunhai stepped down, he said to Guo Wanhua: "Pay close attention to the trend of the stock price! If the stock price rises, it means that the investors in Xiangjiang have confidence in us! They also believe that we are the original creators!"

Guo Wanhua lightly frowned and said, "Yunhai, how did that reporter know about the lawsuit? Could it be that someone from Japan was behind it?"

Li Yunhai said: "The Dongyang people have wanted to sue us for a long time. And our additional stock issuance was a temporary move. How could the Dongyang people know about this? It is impossible to make a plan in advance."

Guo Wanhua said: "Isn't it the Japanese who are causing trouble? Then who is behind our tricks? Yunhai, we must find out this person!"

Li Yunhai smiled slightly: "I know!" (End of this chapter)

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