Life 1984

Chapter 389

Li Yunhai returned to Xizhou the next day and did not give Chen Hong a chance.

After Intel's 386 chip arrived, Sihai Group was working overtime to manufacture high-performance computers.

This time when I go to Chicago to participate in the summer CES, Li Yunhai will not go, but Lin Xiaofeng will lead the team.

Facts have proved that Sihai Group has built a strong exhibition team, which is enough to handle most exhibitions.

Li Yunhai will stay in Xizhou to take care of Lin Zhi, who is about to give birth, and at the same time prepare for the wedding.

He went back to his hometown and discussed with his parents about holding a wedding at home.

Li Deming and his wife counted the number of people who came to attend the wedding.

There is a favor book at home, which records all the family members and gifts from others who come to Li's house for dinner.Li Deming is a meticulous person, and he will also record the gifts he receives when he goes to other people's homes for dinner.Based on this book of favors, we can roughly estimate how many people will come over for the wedding banquet.

According to past practice, 30 tables of banquets may be arranged.

After Li Yunhai saw it, he said that this was just the number of people in his village.He now has a wide circle of friends, with friends all over the world. There must be more than 30 people coming to dinner.People from the company, plus Lin Zhi's relatives and friends, plan to have at least 60 tables.

60 tables is definitely a large array of noodles in rural areas. Generally, this kind of noodles is only available for 100th birthday banquets of big families.

Li Yunhai still doesn't know how many people will come to the company. It's difficult to calculate because many ordinary employees in the company are mostly from the same hometown. They come for the Chinese New Year and even the boss's big wedding day.

These people usually have no friendly relations with the Li family. If someone comes to you with a gift, how will you return the gift?This becomes a problem.

What Li Yunhai meant was that, except for close relatives and friends, anyone else would get back whatever gift they gave, plus ten yuan plus a pack of cigarettes.

Li Deming and his wife had no objections and everything was done according to Dazai's wishes.

The space at home is spacious, and it is still possible to arrange 60 tables of wine.

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi have already set a wedding date, which is July 7, so many things can be prepared in advance. Which cooks and people to help can also be agreed in advance.

After staying at home for three days, Li Yunhai returned to Xizhou.

June is quickly approaching.

After Lin Xiaofeng completed the preparations for the Pengcheng branch, she led the company's exhibition team to Chicago to participate in the summer CES. This time Shen Xiulan did not go either.

The PCB substrate invested and built by Shi's company was officially opened for business.

Li Yunhai attended the opening ceremony of Shi's PCB board factory.

Shi Wentao and his father both rushed over.

This was the first time Li Yunhai met Mr. Shi.

Mr. Shi's name is Shi Guanting. He is in his 50s. He has the temperament of a Confucian businessman and is gentle and elegant in speech.

When he saw Li Yunhai, he shook hands tightly and said a lot of words of gratitude.

The Shi family encountered disaster several times, and it was Li Yunhai who came to help and rebuild the family with kindness.Shi Guanting has been famous for Li Yunhai for a long time and has great admiration for him.

Now the two companies have reached a deeper cooperative relationship and have closer contacts.

The Shi family is also the only agent of Sihai Group in Taiwan. Shi Guanting told Li Yunhai that Alien computers and ink tank printers have the largest sales volume and are widely loved by Taiwan people.He suggested that Sihai Group set up a factory in Taiwan.

Li Yunhai said that wages and expenses in Taiwan are much higher than those in the mainland. Many companies in Taiwan have gone to the mainland to build factories in order to reduce costs and improve product competitiveness.We no longer have to go to Taiwan to build a factory.

It’s mid-June in the blink of an eye.

CES in Chicago did not bring many surprises. In ten days, Sihai Group finally received only US$1.3 million in orders, which fully proved that the summer CES show is far from as good as the winter CES show.

On weekends, Li Yunhai stayed with Lin Zhi at home.

Lin Zhi discussed purchasing baby products with him.

Li Yunhai said: "I asked Sister Guo, she will purchase a batch of baby materials for us from Xiangjiang."

Lin Zhi said: "If I had known I should go to Xiangjiang with you, the things I choose would definitely be more suitable."

Li Yunhai said: "When you are out of confinement, we will have plenty of time to go shopping."

The next day, Li Yunhai accompanied Lin Zhi to the hospital for a prenatal check-up to confirm that the fetal position was normal.

Li Yunhai asked the doctor carefully and determined that the expected date of delivery might be around July 7.

In other words, after he and Lin Zhi held their wedding, they were about to give birth.

As for the wedding photos, they had already taken them.

At the end of June, Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi wrote many wedding invitations and sent them out, and called their relatives and friends one by one to invite them to the wedding.

According to their previous discussion, relatives and friends from out of town are asked to arrive one day in advance and arrange to stay at the Tianhua Hotel. Then they will arrange a bus to take them to Shiban Village. After a banquet at noon that day, they will be sent back to Xizhou in the afternoon.

A few days before the wedding, Li Yunhai was very busy, communicating with his family about purchasing various supplies. If it was difficult to buy at home, he bought it in Xizhou and took it back.

Li Yunfang, Lin Xin, Shen Xiuling and others all took a vacation and came back to help.Li Yunfang returned to her hometown to help with work, and Lin Xin moved directly into Li Yunhai's house.

That night, Lin Xin asked Li Yunhai with a smile: "Brother-in-law, do you want to come up with some ideas for the wedding?"

Li Yunhai said: "Weddings don't need creativity, as long as they are stable."

Lin Xin pouted and said, "It's boring!"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Then you can tell me what kind of creativity you want?"

Lin Xin said: "Are you doing Western style or Chinese style?"

Li Yunhai said: "What we run is the style of Shiban Village."

"Ah?" Lin Xin asked, "What does it look like?"

Lin Zhi said with a smile: "I'm pregnant! I don't want to go too far, just be normal. Don't come up with any crazy ideas!"

Lin Xin chuckled: "I do have a lot of ideas!"

Lin Zhi said: "Keep it, you can use it at your own wedding."

The phone rang.

Lin Xin quickly picked up the phone and said, "Who is it? Oh, my brother-in-law is here!"

She handed the phone to Li Yunhai: "Brother-in-law, this is for you."

Li Yunhai asked: "Who?"

Lin Xin said: "Mr. Shen."

Li Yunhai took the phone, put it to his ear, and said, "Xiulan, it's me."

Shen Xiulan said: "Are you free? Come out and I'll wait for you at the door of the dormitory building."

Li Yunhai said: "Okay, I'll come."

He put down the phone and said to Lin Zhi: "Xiulan called me over and I'll go."

Lin Zhi hummed: "You go ahead!"

Li Yunhai stood up and left.

Lin Xin asked in a low voice: "Sister, are you so relieved to let them meet?"

Lin Zhi said, "What's there to worry about?"

Lin Xin said: "Shen Xiulan is my brother-in-law's old lover! You two are getting married soon. If she calls your brother-in-law out, aren't you afraid that they will do something?"

Lin Zhi said: "You are so worried! What can they do?"

Lin Xin said: "There are so many things they can do."

"I believe your brother-in-law."

"Then do you believe Shen Xiulan?"

Lin Zhi bit the corner of her mouth lightly.

Lin Xin smiled and said, "Sister, how about I follow them?"

Lin Zhi said sternly: "Don't go!"

Lin Xin said: "Sister, aren't you afraid that if their old relationship rekindles? I've heard people say that a man is most likely to cheat on his wife when she's pregnant!"

Lin Zhi said: "Even if he wants to cheat, can you stop him?"

Lin Xin said: "At least I won't be kept in the dark!"

Lin Zhi was silent.

After a while, Lin Xiaofeng's voice came from outside: "Xiao Zhi! Are you there?"

Ding Miao ran out and opened the courtyard door.

Lin Xiaofeng came in and smiled: "Are you at home? Just now I saw Yun Hai driving out, and there was a woman sitting in the passenger seat. I didn't see clearly, I thought it was you!"

Lin Zhi said: "He is a busy man, and the women around him range from one thousand to eight hundred! Auntie, sit down."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Xiao Zhi, Amy also wants to be your bridesmaid."

Lin Zhi agreed: "Okay! There are not too many bridesmaids."

A few people were chatting, and before they knew it, it was past 10 o'clock.

Lin Xiaofeng looked at her watch and asked, "Yun Hai hasn't come back yet? I still want to talk to him about something!"

Lin Zhi said: "Auntie, it's the same thing if we talk about it tomorrow."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Okay, I'll go over then." After seeing her aunt off, Lin Zhi also went upstairs to rest.

Lying on the bed alone, she couldn't help but wonder, what were Yunhai and Xiulan doing at the moment?

To say that there is no suspicion at all is to deceive oneself and others.

Lin Zhi had suspected Li Yunhai and Shen Xiulan before she got pregnant, but she had never found any evidence, so she had no choice. With the attitude of doing more than doing less, regardless of whether there was something really going on between them, she just focused on having a baby.

She thought that as long as she got married and had children, Shen Xiulan would naturally stay away from Li Yunhai.

Normally, Lin Zhi could have a good sleep regardless of whether Li Yunhai came back or not, but today she couldn't sleep.

She looked at her watch from time to time and found that time passed so slowly.

At 11:30, Li Yunhai finally came back.

Li Yunhai walked into the bedroom quietly and was startled when he saw that Lin Zhi was not sleeping yet. He smiled and said, "You are still reading so late at night? Don't be upset, go to sleep!"

Lin Zhi looked at him steadily and asked, "What did you and Xiulan do?"

Li Yunhai said: "I went to an adult education class."

"Why come back so late?"

"Have a late night snack."


Li Yunhai took a shower, went to bed and lay down. Seeing Lin Zhi staring at him, he wiped his face and said, "What's wrong?"

Lin Zhi shook her head gently: "It's okay. The child moved so much inside that I couldn't sleep."

Li Yunhai lay on her belly, listened, and said, "The baby will be born soon, I must be very happy!"

Lin Zhi held Li Yunhai's head and said, "Do you regret it?"

Li Yunhai asked in shock: "What do you mean?"

Lin Zhi asked seriously: "Yunhai, do you regret being with me? Xiulan is much better than me."

Li Yunhai said: "In my eyes, you are the best."

Lin Zhi said: "Do you really think so? If you were given a chance to choose again now, would you choose me or Lan?"

Li Yunhai said: "What are you talking about? We are going to get married soon! What you said makes me chill!"

Lin Zhi said: "It is precisely because we are getting married soon that I give you the last chance to make a choice! I'm serious, if you still like Xiulan and can't let her go, you can go find her and I promise to bless you!"

Li Yunhai frowned and said, "Is it interesting for you to say this?"

Lin Zhi said: "Marriage is a major event in life. I don't want you to make the wrong choice and spend your life with the wrong person. That would be the biggest defeat in life."

Li Yunhai sat upright and said, "Then I have to ask you, am I the right choice for you?"

Lin Zhi said: "Of course, otherwise can I be pregnant with your child? Yunhai, I, Lin Zhi, will only have you as my man in this life. No matter before, now or in the future, I will only have you as my man! I can I promise you, and I can do it! I swear to God!"

Li Yunhai was silent.

He could make such an oath, but he would definitely not mean it sincerely.

Lin Zhi was telling the truth, she indeed only had Li Yunhai as a man.

But Li Yunhai is more than just Lin Zhi.

Lin Zhi said: "Yunhai, I know that you and Xiulan have feelings for each other. Maybe even today, they are not completely relieved. I can allow feelings between you, and I can also accept normal interactions between you. This is my The bottom line. However, I will never allow you to have any super-friendship relationship with her! You know what I mean! If you do, please be careful to hide it from me and don’t let me find out! Otherwise, I will definitely— —”

What must happen?
She didn't go on.

Li Yunhai looked at her in shock, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Ling Zhi, you are thinking too much. I promise you that I will only marry you as my wife in my whole life! I will never leave you."

"Yunhai, are you sure?"

"Sure! On my birthday, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register."

"Don't you regret it? I'm so stupid and can't learn anything. Will you really like me?"

Li Yunhai put his arm around her shoulders and said, "You are thinking wildly because you are pregnant. When you give birth to the baby and return to work, you won't have so many wild thoughts. Our relationship has always been very good, and Very stable. Not to mention Xiulan, even if a fairy and beauty want to marry me, I will not change my heart."

Lin Zhi finally smiled and said, "I believe you."

Li Yunchuan turned off the bedside lamp and hugged Lin Zhi from behind to sleep.

He couldn't help but think about everything he had experienced with Shen Xiulan just now.

Shen Xiulan called him out, and indeed went to an adult education class, got a set of study materials, and then had a midnight snack together.

Li Yunhai did not lie about these two things.

But then, they went to the 19th floor of Tianhua Hotel.

In that familiar hotel suite, the two were madly in love!
When parting, Shen Xiulan said with tears, this is the last time we are together, I will never ask you out again, and you should not think about me again.

Li Yunhai sent her home without saying a word.

Is it really going to break?

Li Yunhai didn't know.

I definitely can’t bear it if I can’t bear it!
But if Shen Xiulan is really unwilling, then Li Yunhai can only respect her.

June 6 was Li Yunhai's 30nd birthday. On that day, he and Lin Zhi went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate.

Although Li Yunhai is from Meishan, his household registration has always been in Xizhou. Linzhi's ID card also has a household registration in Xizhou, so the two received their marriage certificate in Xizhou.

The two of them were afraid of waiting in a long line, so they came to the District Civil Affairs Bureau early in the morning. They found that there were very few people getting married. They were the first couple to arrive and did not have to queue.

The staff looked at their ID cards and household registers, and asked Lin Zhi with a smile, "Are you about to give birth?"

Lin Zhi touched her belly and replied happily: "Yes, I will give birth in a few days."

The staff member said: "You guys are really good at getting stuck! You're stuck at getting your certificate, and you're stuck at giving birth to a baby!"

Lin Zhi smiled and said: "We are still stuck on getting married! We will get married the day after tomorrow!"

The staff member said: "The calculation is so accurate. Are you both mathematicians?"

Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi laughed.

The staff checked that the documents were correct and asked them to take wedding photos.

The procedure went smoothly and the two got their marriage certificate.

The staff told them: "You are going to have a baby soon, and you need to get your marriage certificate to apply for a birth certificate."

Li Yunhai said he knew and would do it later.

In the late 80s, marriage certificates were no longer certificates that looked like red certificates, but were small passport-style books with a red cover and the three words "marriage certificate" written in large gold letters on the cover, making it appear more serious and formal.

The two took their marriage certificate and walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Lin Zhi opened the certificate, looked at it, and said, "This photo is not good. Is my face that fat?"

Li Yunhai said: "The marriage certificate is at the bottom of the box when you take it home. You won't necessarily pull it out and look at it in your lifetime. Even if you look at it, it's just the two of us. It doesn't matter whether the wedding photo looks good or not!"

Lin Zhi said: "Strictly speaking, we are now a legal couple. We were living together illegally before!"

Li Yunhai said: "If everything must be done in accordance with the law, there are not many things that can be done. In fact, I really like the marriage certificates from the Republic of China period."

Lin Zhi said: "The marriage certificate of the Republic of China? What does it look like?"

Li Yunhai said: "It's the same as the previous marriage certificate. It's also a big piece of paper with a paragraph written on it. The two surnames are married, and they make a contract together. They have a good relationship forever, and they have the same name. Look at the peach blossoms blooming today, and it's a good place to live in an IKEA house; predict him. The year is full of melons, and the fruits are prosperous and blazing. I would like to write this promise to Hong Jian, so that the alliance of red leaves can be clearly recorded. This is proof."

Lin Zhi said: "What beautiful words! Yunhai, let's make a marriage certificate like this ourselves? Let's press our fingerprints, okay?"

"Okay, just as a souvenir."

"it is good!"

All the doubts in Lin Zhi's mind finally disappeared.

She returned to her carefree look and said with a sweet smile: "Okay, I will be your wife from now on! Brother Yunhai, you are my husband!"

As she spoke, she started singing.

Li Yunhai sang along with her: "Sister Lin, you are my wife Luo!"

"Brother Hai, please lead the way forward!"

"My wife, come with me!"

The two looked at each other, laughed, and hugged each other.

Back home, Li Yunhai and Lin Zhi made a marriage certificate according to the form of the marriage certificate of the Republic of China.

Lin Zhi was good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Based on Li Yunhai's story, she drew the appearance of the marriage letter, and also painted patterns on the wedding letter such as dragons and phoenixes, mandarin ducks playing in the water, and peonies spitting pistils.

Li Yunhai is responsible for writing on it.

Finally, the two people signed, pressed their fingerprints, and stamped their personal seals.

Not to mention, this wedding certificate is very stylish and beautiful.

Li Yunhai found a picture frame, put the marriage certificate in it, and placed it neatly on the desk in the bedroom. (End of chapter)

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