Life 1984

Chapter 371 Going to Africa to sell computers?

Chapter 371 Going to Africa to sell computers?

Of course, Li Yunhai didn't want to let go of this order so easily. Since this foreigner recognized the Alienware computer advertised by MJ, he had full potential to become a dealer of Sihai Group.

He tried his best to explain the advantages of Blue Ocean Computer to foreigners.

The old man looked at the configuration table of Blue Ocean Computer and said: "Foreign countries now also have 2000 computers priced under 286 US dollars, but the configuration is lower than yours. The memory is only 640K. You have 2M. This configuration sells for 2000 US dollars, which is pretty good."

Li Yunhai said: "High-end and low-end computers target different groups of people. Our blue ocean computer is more suitable for ordinary families and students. In our country, many people buy this computer, and it is the first choice for home computers. "

He pressed the power-on button and asked the old man to experience Blue Ocean Computer.

On December 1987, 12, Microsoft released a new generation of Windows 9 operating system.


The desktop of Windows 2.0 is still a window, but the details have changed, such as the maximize and minimize arrows in the upper right corner, the underlined initial shortcut keys in the menu bar, etc. Compared with Windows 1.0, version 2.0 of Windows programs The documentation has grown significantly, but it is still not widely accepted by the market.

In this era, if you want to enter the Windows 2.0 system, you need to start DOS first, and then you can enter after some operations.

Because compared to computers, Windows 2.0 is actually a large-scale software.

Many people have never learned computers and do not even know the most basic DOS commands.

Therefore, Sihai Group has optimized the boot program and interface. After booting, you can use the mouse or keyboard to choose to enter the Windows 2.0 system or enter the DOS system. This simplifies the boot process. Even if you don’t understand DOS commands, you can still have fun. Blue Ocean Computer.

The old man groaned and asked, "What kind of system is this?"

Li Yunhai said: "It's still DOS and Windows 2.0 systems, and we have optimized them."

The old man nodded slowly, and after operating the computer for a while, he said: "Your computer is very smooth! It is easy to use! It also looks very beautiful. Let's do this. I will order 2 of these computers first and wait for your aliens. Once the computer is in stock, be sure to notify me in time."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "I can't forget it! We ordered 30 386 chips."

The old man said: "There are only 30 chips. Isn't it a bit too little?"

Li Yunhai laughed and said: "If computers sell well, we will continue to order chips. Intel's new factory is also under construction. If we order their chips next, we will definitely not have to wait so long."

The old man said hello.

2 blue ocean computers cost 4 million US dollars!

The old man's name is Pushkin and he comes from Moscow.

Li Yunhai shook hands with him and said it's nice to meet you. I like Pushkin's poetry very much!

Pushkin laughed and said that I can't write poetry, but I also like Pushkin's poetry.

After signing the contract, Pushkin suddenly turned his head and saw the ink tank printer. He pointed over there and asked, "What kind of machine is this?"

Li Yunhai said: "This is called an ink tank printer."

Pushkin was surprised: "Why is it different from an ordinary printer?"

Li Yunhai said: "Our printer's ink is external. There are four large ink cartridges here, forming an ink warehouse. After the ink in this warehouse is used up, you can add ink directly to the box and you can continue to use it."

Pushkin asked: "How to replace the print head?"

Li Yunhai said: "Our print heads generally do not need to be replaced and can be used for five to eight years."

Pushkin was shocked and stood up to observe the printer carefully.

Li Yunhai turned on the phone, put in the printing paper, and showed it to Pushkin.

The printing speed is fast and good.

Li Yunhai opened the cover again and let Pushkin see the structure inside, while explaining to him the advantages of the micropiezoelectric printer.

This involves professional printing knowledge, but Pushkin understood it.

"A very good machine!" Pushkin said, "How much does it cost?"

Li Yunhai said: "500 US dollars."

"So cheap?" Pushkin said, "I want 2 units! How can I sell the ink?"

Li Yunhai said: "All inks on the market are compatible."

Pushkin said: "Oh! Great! Do you have ink to sell?"

Li Yunhai said: "Of course, we have all printing and copying consumables. We have Guangcai brand toner, Guangcai brand ink cartridges, and ink. We are the inventor and owner of the global metal ion-free CCA patent."

Pushkin said: "I've heard about this, it turns out you invented it! Sihai Group, I remember you. I want to cooperate with you and be your company's agent in our country, can you?"

Of course Li Yunhai couldn't ask for it.

He is not familiar with European countries, and the branch has not yet opened here. It would be great if he could find an agent in Moscow.

Pushkin carefully experienced other products of Sihai Group.

Pushkin liked Xerox copiers, typewriters and translators all over the world.

After he learned about the price, he pointed at these products and said, "Give me 2 units of each! I will be your agent!"

Li Yunhai laughed loudly, held Pushkin's hand, and said: "Mr. Pushkin, this is the most beautiful line of poetry you have ever written! Thank you for your trust in our company! Congratulations on becoming our agent!"

Pushkin said: "Our two countries are good friends! Long live friendship!"

Li Yunhai said: "Long live friendship!"

Pushkin and Li Yunhai had a good conversation, and they talked about everything. He talked about his past experiences and said: "During World War II, I was still a soldier, and I visited the northeast of your country."

Li Yunhai said oh.

Pushkin patted his left shoulder and said: "I was shot here. The situation was very critical at the time. I almost died on the battlefield. It was a local farmer friend who saved me. They also fed me chicken soup." , that was the only chicken in their house. I went to look for it several times later, but I didn’t find them. You know, I wanted to repay them.”

Li Yunhai said: "Being a human being is like a candle. It has some heat and some light, giving people light and warmth. You are welcome to come to our country again. I can accompany you to the Northeast to find your savior."

Pushkin said: "Great! I also welcome you to Moscow as a guest."

Li Yunhai said: "I can sing Night in the Suburbs of Moscow and Katyusha. I like Pushkin and Shelley, and the works of Tolstoy and Turgenev."

Pushkin said: "Then you must come to Moscow! My friend! Welcome."

Pushkin purchased 2 units of several products of Sihai Group!

2 blue ocean computers cost 4 million US dollars.

2 printers cost $1 million.

The cheapest translator is US$200 per unit, and 2 units is US$400 million.

The price of each Xerox copier is US$4000, and 2 units is US$8000 million.

There are also typewriters, the wholesale price is US$3500, and 2 units are US$7000 million!
A total of US$2.04 million!
Pushkin's order is comparable to the large Hebrew order.

Moreover, Pushkin's order involves various products, so the delivery pressure on Li Yunhai is much lighter.

Professor Ni and others were extremely surprised when they heard that Li Yunhai had received such a large order.

After seeing Pushkin off, Li Yunhai and his colleagues high-fived each other to celebrate and encourage him.

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Mr. Pushkin has become our agent, and we will also have agents in Europe in the future."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "We should set up a branch in Europe."

Li Yunhai said: "My aunt is right, the European market is very important to us. After this exhibition, please ask my aunt and David to stay and form our branch."

Lin Xiaofeng asked: "Where should we put our European branch? Just open it in Hannover?"

Li Yunhai said: "The most developed city in Europe is of course London."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "So our European branch will open to London?"

Li Yunhai said: "What do you think?"

Lin Xiaofeng said: "I think it's okay, but I don't know if the British are interested in our products?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Who knows? When we set up a branch, it is of course better to choose the largest economic and financial center. Firstly, we can have more sales in normal times, and secondly, it is easier for others to find our company. More people in big cities will definitely know about it. Well! That’s good, I’ll leave all the site selection and construction preparations to you.”

Lin Xiaofeng happily accepted the order.

Although they only received orders of a few million US dollars yesterday, they received orders of more than 2 million dollars today, which greatly boosted the morale of Li Yunhai and others!
Facts have proved that as long as this team works together, it will be able to create miracles one after another.

No matter who it is, it will be difficult to defeat the Sihai Group!

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yunhai is the one who can lead the team to run.

Li Yunhai has gathered a group of like-minded friends and colleagues. They are a group of capable and confident people. They gather around Li Yunhai, conquer the world from one trench, and work together to create a business world!

Pushkin brought good luck to Li Yunhai and others, and then he placed several orders in succession.

After several years of hard work, Sihai Group has become quite familiar at various international electronics exhibitions.

Coupled with MJ's global influence, it has driven the sales of Sihai Group's products.

At the end of the second day, Li Yunhai and the others received a few more orders, but they were all small orders, with a total amount of just over 500 million US dollars, which was basically the same as yesterday.

Li Yunhai was very satisfied.

After experiencing the storm, Li Yunhai's mentality was completely calm.

Even if he lost everything, he believed he could start over again.

As long as you still have wisdom, as long as you have friends around you!
No matter how great the difficulty is, it is nothing to fear!

If you can't be an eagle soaring in the sky, it's not bad to be a weakling who can't be killed.In the evening, Li Yunhai made an appointment with Shen Xiulan to go shopping.

After some struggle, Shen Xiulan knew that she could not break free from Li Yunhai's prison, and since she was abroad now, she felt at ease to fall in love with him and go to the street with him.

She smiled sweetly and said: "Yunhai, you received an order of 2 million US dollars today. Do you want to treat me?"

Li Yunhai said: "Okay, what do you want? I'll buy it for you."

Shen Xiulan said: "With your words, I am very satisfied. I don't have anything in particular that I want. Do you still remember those Him dolls we bought last year?"

Li Yunhai said: "I know, I bought it in Berlin, what happened?"

Shen Xiulan said: "My sister liked it so much that she took it all away!"

"Huh? What about our daughter?"

"She also took it away. When I was not at home, she took it to school."

"Okay! After the exhibition is over, we will go to Berlin again and I will buy it for you."

"You said, if we are together, we will really have a daughter?"


"Why are you so sure?"

"Well, I had a dream. I dreamed that we got married and gave birth to a daughter."

"That's fine, I like my daughter very much."

Shen Xiulan nestled in his arms and said, "Yunhai, I also want to give you a child!"

Li Yunhai lowered his head and said with a smile, "Really?"

Shen Xiulan smiled shyly: "Really! But I am afraid. If I am really pregnant, how can I give birth? I don't have a boyfriend. If my parents know that I am pregnant, they will not take me to the hospital. beated?"

Li Yunhai said: "This is easy. If you are really pregnant, I will send you to live somewhere else for a few months, either in Xiangjiang or abroad."

Shen Xiulan said: "Although these places are very good, I am not familiar with the place. How can I live my life?"

Li Yunhai said: "Xiangjiang is great. I have real estate there, and Mr. Guo is also there. I can take care of you. Or go to Huacheng, what do you think?"

Shen Xiulan shook her head and said: "Oh, it still doesn't work. There is no identity between us! It's better not to have a baby."

Li Yunhai didn't force her and took her shopping.

The electronics show in Hannover lasted for ten days. Every day after that, Sihai Group's orders were similar, not particularly bad, but they never met a big boss like Pushkin again.

Donors like Hebra and Pushkin can make a fortune if they meet one every year.

Professor Ni paid attention to the business of Lianxiang Company. Sometimes they placed orders, sometimes they did not. After ten days, they only sold a few thousand motherboards in total, and others ordered more than 2000 assembled computers from them.

It seems that this exhibition is really good. As long as you have something to sell, someone will buy it.

The ten-day exhibition ended soon.

Li Yunhai and the others finally received an order of US$2.6 million.

Without Pushkin's big order, they could only get 6 million US dollars, just a little more than last year.

Therefore, people must have noble people to help them in order to have good luck and make a fortune.

People like Pushkin and Hebrew are undoubtedly Li Yunhai's nobles.

When Li Yunhai and Sihai Group were at rock bottom, they gave them the two largest orders and also brought cash flow to Li Yunhai.

Blue Ocean Computer only sold more than 3 units at this electronics show.

2 of them were purchased by Pushkin alone.

This is far from Li Yunhai's goal set in advance!
Li Yunhai felt a deep sense of frustration.

At the celebration dinner that night, Li Yunhai also seemed lackluster.

Professor Ni noticed that Li Yunhai was in a low mood and said: "A horse can't take ten steps in one leap, and a horse can ride ten steps without letting go. Mr. Li, we have a long way to go! It's only mid-March, and this year has just begun! We still have plenty of time to achieve our goals." Achievements of 100 million computers! Come on, Mr. Li, let me toast you!"

Li Yunhai picked up the cup and said, "Professor Ni, I respect you."

Professor Ni said: "I am a scholar, and scholars all have a bit of arrogance. They always feel that they are the most powerful, I am the best in the world, and others are only allowed to carry shoes and grind ink for me. I also have arrogance, and I rarely obey in my life. No one else, but I admire you very much and I admire you! You started from scratch and were able to create such a big foundation as Sihai Group. After being knocked down by others, you can still stand up and save yourself in a roundabout way. This is very rare!"

David also said: "Mr. Li is indeed a person! I'd like to toast you."

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Let's have a drink together! You have worked hard! I will give each of you a bonus of [-] US dollars, and give you three days off to go out and have fun!"

After drinking, Li Yunhai said to Lin Xiaofeng: "Auntie, you and David stay in Europe to set up a branch. If it can be established before the Canton Fair, you will come back to participate in the Canton Fair and help us sell more goods. If it's too late, forget it. ."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "Let's complete the task as soon as possible!"

Li Yunhai drank a few more glasses of wine, and Shen Xiulan was afraid that he would fall, so she kept supporting him.

After returning to the hotel, Li Yunhai didn't even want to take a shower and just lay on the bed.

"Xiulan! Am I a failure?" Li Yunhai held her hand and murmured to himself, "How arrogant do you think I am? I actually dreamed of selling 20 computers at an electronics show. , and ended up selling more than 3 units! Hahaha!"

"Yunhai, our transaction volume is very good, 2.6 million US dollars!"

"Yes! Thanks to Pushkin for giving us such a big order, otherwise, we would have had to drink from the northwest wind."

"Yunhai, business grows gradually. Don't compare with IBM. They are also getting stronger step by step."

Li Yunhai burped and said, "I want to compete with IBM! I also want to acquire their computer business! Do you think I can do it?"

Shen Xiulan said dumbfounded: "I believe in you, you can definitely do it!"

Li Yunhai asked: "How can we sell computers? Blue Ocean computers are so cheap, why aren't there many people buying them?"

Shen Xiulan said: "IBM computers are so expensive, but more people buy them! I don't know what the problem is, maybe it's because of brand awareness! Where else can we sell computers? We can't go to Africa. Go sell it?"

Li Yunhai suddenly sat up straight, his eyes as wide as silver bells.

Shen Xiulan was startled and said, "Yunhai, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yunhai smiled and said: "Xiulan, you are right! You just mentioned selling computers in Africa. This is indeed a good idea!"

Shen Xiulan chuckled and said, "I'm just kidding, do you take it seriously? Africa is so poor that they can't even eat, so who has the money to buy your computer?"

Li Yunhai said: "There are tens of millions of poor people in our country, but it does not hinder our domestic computer sales!"

Shen Xiulan was startled and said, "That makes sense! There will always be rich people everywhere."

Li Yunhai said: "That's right. There are tens of thousands of computers each, and our domestic wages are so low, but the sales volume is also hundreds of thousands of units a year! There are hundreds of thousands of cars each, and our country's car sales are getting higher year by year. ! Don’t you think so? There is a 20/80 rule, [-]% of people buy [-]% of luxury goods.”

Shen Xiulan said: "We have never been to Africa, how can we open up the market there?"

Li Yunhai said: "Looking for an agent! Africa is too chaotic and too big. There are more than 60 countries, large and small. It will definitely be difficult for us to sell, so we can only find local agents."

Shen Xiulan said: "We don't know the agents in Africa either. You don't want to go there in person, do you?"

Li Yunhai said: "Hey, you're right, I really want to go to Africa myself! Several countries in Africa are very developed, like South Africa, which is developing very fast, and its economy is close to the level of Western developed countries. And A Nigeria that is extremely rich because oil is cheaper than water in their country!”

Shen Xiulan said: "Yunhai, when will you go to Africa?"

Li Yunhai said: "I plan to go right away!"

Shen Xiulan said: "Flying from Germany to Africa? Are you not going back to China?"

"Well, I'm not going back to China! Just don't come with me. If you stay there for a few days, you'll have a tan."

"But who are you taking?"

"I'll take Zhuang Yong, Shitou and the others. In places like Africa, it's useless for women to go there. You need more men."

"Yunhai, Linzhi is still pregnant, so be careful and make sure you get home safely!"

"Don't worry, I'm just doing business, not looking for someone to fight for my life! Nothing will happen."

Shen Xiulan blamed herself very much. She shouldn't have mentioned Africa so much. She knew that there was a lot of chaos there, and murder and arson were commonplace. What if Li Yunhai had something wrong there, how would she deal with it?How to face Lin Zhi and the child in her belly.

"Yunhai, don't worry now. You and Lin Zhi are getting married soon, and your child is about to be born. You can wait until you get married! Otherwise, you can send someone else to open up the market. Isn't Zhao Jinping the vice president of marketing? You Send him! Send him over first to inspect the market!"

Li Yunhai pondered: "Finding an agent is very important. It's better for me to do it myself. If we find an agent well, we can get it done once and for all! We can let him help us make money."

Shen Xiulan said: "Then you also send people over to take the lead. First find a group of rich people who want to be our agents. Then you can go over and negotiate, so that you don't have to stay there too long. Yes or no?"

Li Yunhai caressed her pretty face: "What's wrong? You can't bear to leave me?"

Shen Xiulan was no longer reserved this time and said emotionally: "Yunhai, of course I can't let you go! Promise me that you will wait until you and Lin Zhi get married before you go out."

Li Yunhai gave her a passionate kiss and said, "If I die in Africa and get married to Lin Zhi, wouldn't it be what you wanted?"

Shen Xiulan squeezed his hand hard: "Nonsense! I never thought about it that way! No matter who you are with, I hope you have a good life."

The two hugged each other naturally.

Li Yunhai suddenly became excited: "No more traps!"

Shen Xiulan said: "It's okay, you won't be shot so easily."

Li Yunhai groaned.

Of course he had to use it!
Shen Xiulan was particularly proactive and emotional tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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